Happy Mutant Profile

Steve Stair

21 "mega-cities" in danger from rising seas

October 21, 2007 10:16am

To paraphrase Bill Maher, you should believe Al Gore on the global warming issue, because if there's one thing he knows about, it is losing Florida.

Bee Gees were excellent Beatles impersonators

January 17, 2008 12:27pm

The vocals on "Have You Heard the Word" may sound like Lennon, but the lyrics are just awful.

Terry Pratchett's "Making Money" -- economic comedy

September 29, 2007 8:49am

Why worry about removing the referral, Tehmoth? I don't mind if Cory makes a few ducats when I buy a book, especially if it doesn't cost ME anything. :)

Of course, I would have bought this book without the referral, but there are other books that I have bought via amazon that I would have never heard of without Cory's mentioning them here.

Poster of recommended and forbidden words for Chinese store clerks

September 24, 2007 11:48am

The best sign I saw on my recent trip to China and Japan: On a door to an outside smoking area

Radiohead downloads were just a tactic to boost CD sales?

October 19, 2007 7:11pm

160 Kbps is low bitrate? It is better than FM radio, and when you're playing thru computer speakers or an mp3 player's headphones, most people will be unable to hear any difference from a lossless version.

Warren Ellis's CROOKED LITTLE VEIN, comic net-perv novel that would make Goatse blush

July 26, 2007 7:49am

An excerpt:

An old colleague of mine from [Vegas] once told me of his plan to return to Vegas and get rich. He was going to install slot-machine public toilets on the Strip. You'd have to put a coin in the slot and pull the lever to get into the toilet. And if the reels were not your friend? The door would stay locked. He envisioned great long lines of people dying for a piss and throwing handfuls of metal into the machine for the chance of taking a leak before their bladders exploded.

He works in advertising now.

TI-Nspire Graphing Calculator with Swappable Keys

October 25, 2007 5:09am

Why would you want color on a graphing calc? And backlighting is just gonna run down the battery faster.

Geek Mafia: Mile Zero: nerdy caper novel, the sequel

November 12, 2007 7:07am

Thanks for the head's up, Cory. I've been looking forward to his next book since about thirty seconds after I finished the last one.

Poker bots could destroy online poker playing

November 12, 2007 10:35am

I don't play poker, but I would like to point out that writing a bot to play poker isn't cheating, it is only violating a rule of the online poker site. The bot plays the game just a human would, with no more advantage than anyone else (except for never making mistakes).

Warner to sell no-DRM MP3s on Amazon

December 27, 2007 9:36pm

I don't think the labels aren't selling MP3s on iTunes for spite, I think they are doing it where they are allowed to specify the price.

Coin jar calculator

December 31, 2007 3:35pm

I used to sock all my change into a large jar, but for the last few years, I use my credit card everywhere, so the jar isn't getting full as fast as it used to.

Warren Ellis's angry, profane Three Laws of Robotics

January 5, 2008 6:48am

Looks like Cory killed Warren Ellis's server.

Perry Bible Fellowship webcomic book does good!

January 6, 2008 12:13am

I was dismayed as I watched my Amazon order get delayed multiple times before I finally got my copy. I love this comic.

As a Deadhead, "Keep on Truckin" (http://pbfcomics.com/?cid=PBF189-Keep_on_Truckin.jpg) really made me laugh.

Hotwire comics #2

January 8, 2008 10:54am

I used to laugh at people that would avoid an artist because of that artist's religious beliefs, until I noticed a distinct cooling of my taste for Beck when I found out he was a Scientologist. Of course Scientology is less a religion, and more a cult.

Chocolate chip cookie stink makes us buy sweaters

January 12, 2008 2:17am

Amanderson> I'm still wondering why they would hide an unscented candle.

As a experimental control. They have to be sure that it isn't just the presence of a candle in the room that causes the behavior.

Free Jumper comic preview

January 21, 2008 1:25pm

I loved the original book (Jumper), and the sequel (Reflex), and the movie-prequel novel (Jumper: Griffin's Story) wasn't bad either. I'm hoping the movie manages to do justice to the book.

Three hours of MTV from 1983

January 25, 2008 11:16am

Michael Bolton had a video on MTV????

Tussaud's bad wax heads up for auction

January 25, 2008 1:34pm

At least the John Travolta head makes you think they were going for Travolta, the others make me think the creator was on LSD.

Tiny Tim on Ironside

February 7, 2008 12:00pm

Here's one with Tiny Tim NOT singing in falsetto.

UAE's very scary drug laws

February 8, 2008 2:59pm

In college, a Saudi guy who lived next door to me used to drink and whore around, then excuse it by saying that "Mecca is on the other side of the planet, so Allah isn't looking over here".

Telecom immunity video

February 21, 2008 9:19am

The soundtrack to this video is my favorite song by "Brad Sucks", called "Making Me Nervous".

Unusual realistic baby sculptures

March 3, 2008 1:38pm

Do not want

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