Silverlit V-Beat Air Drums


Silverlit, a manufacturer perhaps best known for its tiny R/C helicopters, has released the "V-Beat Air Drums" to accompany its Air Guitar. Motion sensors in the sticks let you make noises without actually hitting anything, which might be a good idea depending on how well they are calibrated.

Oh, who I am fooling? Just watch the video, try not to vomit from the kerrraaazeeee zooming camera, and enjoy the soulless simulacrum of the Pops Musax. There's apparently some sort of foot pedal involved, too, although unless it can be attached to a shoe so one could walk down the street playing drums at the pace of your stride...Hey! That sounds rad, actually! Just the thing to lure out a cadre of flamboyantly coiffed breakdancers for an impromptu dance hustle.

You know, the longer I go without putting my hands on these Air Drums, the better they get. They're £30. Let me know if you get a chance to play with them.

Catalog Page [ via Coolest Gadget]


Take a look at this

Oh My God, I'm drowning in terrible midi music!

Take a look at this
#2 posted by kfreud , March 5, 2008 9:12 AM

they already made these in the 80s... they were called hit stix.

Take a look at this

"And the amp-li-fier too!" Oh man, I forgot all about those!

Take a look at this

I expected the video to be bad... but not this bad

Take a look at this

Wow thats terrible. I did vomit. Partially from the camera work, but also the music and the ripped off concept. This is so dumb, I can't say any more about it.

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