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Edison electrocuted an elephant 105 years ago today

January 3, 2008 10:24pm

Starwed, you're right - Topsy had been ruled a "danger", having killed one (or was it two?) of her handlers and had already had her death sentence passed - Edison petitioned for the right to do it by electrocution.

However, another fact of the matter was that right before she killed one of the handlers, the man had fed her a lit cigarette, so she was obviously being baited. It was a rotten situation all around.

TV star publishes bank details in anti-privacy editorial, gets ripped off

January 7, 2008 10:26pm

I disagree with 95% of everything that comes out of Clarkson's mouth, but I don't feel the need to come to a blog and spew bile because of it. Oddly enough, I can actually disagree with someone without becoming overwhelmed by screaming hatred.

A lot of folks on the other side of the fence are just as loud and obnoxious as he can be - being a leftie does not automatically make you Not A Jerk.

Filmmakers use DMCA to go after negative review

January 13, 2008 11:55pm

Ditto - BJ Davis has just made sure I won't be spending a cent on that movie.

Might download it one day, though. If I have a few meg left at the end of the month and absolutely nothing to use it on. Maybe.

Unknowing twins married

January 11, 2008 8:21pm

The same thing happened in New Zealand a few years ago, and they'd had children together. They were forced to divorce. I'm not sure what happened after that, but come on, I mean, the kids already existed, the deed was done. What harm could have come of them staying together, had they wanted to?

TV star publishes bank details in anti-privacy editorial, gets ripped off

January 7, 2008 10:26pm

Ceruleanshipper, I don't know how you're going to go there. I've seen both Mr Fry's appearance on Top Gear and Mr Clarkson's numerous appearances on QI, and they seem quite chummy. I'm aware it's only TV, but Clarkson is characteristically vocal about public figures he dislikes. Piers Morgan, for example :-)

McDonald's UK CEO: kids are fat because of video games

January 10, 2008 11:01pm

He's probably right, at least partly. Even if the kids ate McDonald's a lot, if they spent more time outside exercising and less in front of video games, they'd be a lot less heavy.

Movie mogul's answer to downloading: PSAs by Shia LaBeouf

January 14, 2008 2:00pm

We don't download because we want to steal it. We download because we want to see it. I'm stuck down here in Australia, and it is nothing at all for us to be months (and sometimes, years) behind overseas TV and movie releases. We are supposed to sit there like good little consumers and wait our turn. Is it any wonder a great many of us took to downloading so quickly? I don't bother with terrestrial TV anymore, and it is terrestrial TV's own fault.

The TV networks, run as they are by monkeys, have only just realised where their audiences were disappearing to and recently, as in least year, started offering a few shows in a timely manner.

Movies - bit different, but same basic principle: STOP MAKING US WAIT and you might notice a reducton in piracy levels.

Tom Cruise's Scientology video -- and Gawker's legal battle to host it

January 16, 2008 11:34pm

The pseudoscience, drug and psychology bullshit I'll chalk up to garden variety religious fanatacism, but scientologists are the only ones who can help at road accidents? That's just bizarre.

Feds plan digital spying on pigs, llamas, terrorcritters.

January 18, 2008 1:10pm

Australia is only just now getting an outbreak of equine flu that started last August under control - and part of the reason it was so unmanageable was that because records of animal movements were spotty and ill-kept. Cost the racing industry a fuckton of money, and that was just the start of it. So, less with the terrorism, more with the rather sensible disease management stuff?

U2 manager blames silicon valley's "hippy values" for making him less rich

January 29, 2008 5:38pm

Yawn. You're a U2 fan long enough, you learn to ignore both the occasional wank from McG, Bono AND teh Internetz.

Neat house uses water tank to hold up roof, cool interior

February 7, 2008 4:34pm

Palindromic, a rainwater tank in Victoria, Australia is NOT going to ice up. Furthermore, Victoria, as in many parts of Australia, is currently in the grip of a years-long drought and rainwater tanks are a fact of life. It might not be the prettiest thing in the world but it's a good idea and one we Australians have already begun getting used to.

Neat house uses water tank to hold up roof, cool interior

February 7, 2008 4:34pm

Further to what I said in my previous comment - so many buildings are lazily designed, just build a sweatbox and stick a big air conditioner on top of it. If more buildings incorporated design such as this, think amount of coal we wouldn't have to burn just to keep ourselves cool.

Worst food in America: Outback Steakhouse Aussie Cheese Fries with Ranch Dressing

February 11, 2008 11:42am

I love how they've put the words "Aussie" and "fries" together and expected them to make some sort of sense. They're called "chips", ffs.

Teen-repellent ultrasonic device violates kids' rights

February 22, 2008 12:45am

I never did get the whole mallrat thing even when I WAS a teen. Thought they were gormless losers then and gormless losers now. My friends dragged me along once or twice, I got bored, went home and read a book.

Jackass sprays graffiti on glacier

February 26, 2008 10:39am

#17: Bwahahahahaha! You win the internet! :-D

39-year-old man fails in attempt to pass as high school girl

February 26, 2008 1:46pm

You think maybe he's been watching too much Summer Heights High? :-)

Unusual realistic baby sculptures

March 3, 2008 1:38pm

Christ, that's horrible.

Crocodile jumps at annoying man trying to pose for photo

March 5, 2008 2:36pm

#27 - Think about it for a minute. Crocodiles can't jump when they're on land, which is where Irwin was when he had the baby. They can and do use their powerful tails to propel themselves out of the water, which is what this one did here.

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