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Happy Mutant Profile


Music and video clip from Village of the Giants

December 4, 2007 2:58pm

I remember when I was about ten years old, my fantasy was to hang on to Joy Harmon's bikini and ride her boobs.

Actually, it's still my fantasy.

Electric knife and watermelon

December 11, 2007 12:13pm

I'll bet the Thanksgiving turkey can at least feel grateful. Things could have been much worse.

Handsome spherical rock

November 5, 2007 12:07pm

Which canyon?

Sounds from Saturn

November 1, 2007 10:42am

Saturn totally ripped off the Wogglebug.

Georgian riot cops in Mickey Mouse gas-masks

November 8, 2007 4:44am

They totally ripped off Barminski.

Digital Buddhist Jukebox Plays Tibetan Chants

January 14, 2008 8:26am

I have one of the FM3 boxes from a couple years ago. Interesting project. Just a few days ago I got one of the chant boxes with the lighted animated display. After taking it apart to get the motor running, it works fine. Cheap as you might imagine, but pretty unusual all the same. With the volume turned down, and an AC adapter, it might make a small eye catching decoration for the living room.

Raquel Welch: Space-Girl Dance

January 17, 2008 11:29am

Mexico? ISTR she did a sort of variety show around '70 with some dance numbers that were actually filmed in Mexico.

Old people in Finland sure know how to Tisko Tansi

January 22, 2008 1:25pm

Grandma's got some pretty good moves. And she's stacked, too.

Granpa's pantload step is something else, though. An would it have killed him to find some clean tennis shoes?

Mysterious, doughy, unknown blob clogs sewer

January 24, 2008 2:19pm


I took photos, and they are here if you are interested.


Taxonomy of regional pizza styles

January 25, 2008 6:38am


You're absolutely correct. Imo's is proof positive that truly bad pizza not only exists, but is inexplicably loved by the locals.

Pizza chain here in So CA, Shakey's, used to make a Mexican chorizo pizza that was surprisingly good. I've since seen it offered as a topping from some smaller mom and pop shops.

Three hours of MTV from 1983

January 25, 2008 11:16am

I gave up after five minutes. I realized the last time I watched MTV was about 1983, and stopped because they played that same Night Ranger video about three times an hour.

What a bad flashback.

Space Food Sticks

January 29, 2008 8:55pm

At 44 calories, how nutritious could they be? That's kind of like eating a plain rice cake. No wonder Mom didn't like buying them. One could easily eat a dozen and still be hungry.

I concur with the soft Tootsie Roll comparison.

Video of man firing 18 rounds from a pistol in 3 seconds

February 4, 2008 9:36am

Why can't I get any credit for shooting my wad that fast?

Objectivism in Bioshock

February 15, 2008 3:35pm

Yaron Brook seems like a nut case attention seeker. If he hadn't glommed onto Rand, he'd be Fred Phelps or Ward Churchill.

Unusual realistic baby sculptures

March 3, 2008 1:38pm

Just out of curiosity, could anyone find the photo tutorial or article mentioned here "I HAVE DONE A PHOTO TUTORIAL FOR THE ARTICLE ON PAINTING AN ETHNIC BABY!" ?

For doggsakes! No! I'm scared to see what this turns up.

Man killed during illegal soapbox race

March 10, 2008 11:50am

Pity. The video reminded me a Speed Racer cartoon, where massive destruction and even were par for the course in some of the races.

America's new subprime shanty-towns

March 17, 2008 9:07pm

You obviously haven't worked in the real estate industry. The moral responsibility belongs squarely with the homebuyers. You know, those people who stared out the window looking bored while I tried to explain the purchase contract to them. The ones that wanted a 110% loan so that they could buy an RV as part of their home purchase. The ones with the 500 FICO score and a foreclosure.

The chumps who lent these dupes money are just as guilty. And should suffer just as much. They're in the business to asses risk. When the climate changes assuming that even high risk loans could be acceptable, they lose, too. And it's all their fault.

Poor decision making, both by buyers, and by their lenders, are a formula for bad times. Everyone was reckless and the chickens are coming home to roost.

Looks like the rest of us will be paying for this mess in one way or another. In the mean time, the (nonexistent) free market gets the blame.

It's Raining McCain (video)

March 22, 2008 8:19pm

The gal in the middle should have checked the mirror and wiped the drool from her chin.

If you lasted more than 30 seconds, you might say that wasn't drool.

Girl on the right in black,

I'd hit it. I'd hit the Mom on the left, too.

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