Happy Mutant Profile

Stefan Jones

Website: http://home.comcast.net/~stefan_jones

Spherical tree-house

August 28, 2007 6:30am

One word:


Chewbacca hands giant light saber to NASA, to carry into space

August 28, 2007 3:57pm

And next week, Sigourney Weaver will present Mr. Bornstein with a bucket of homomorph mouth-slime leftover from the shooting of Aliens IV.

Lincoln’s Tomb to harness geothermal energy

December 13, 2007 10:59am

In other news, Lincoln's own corpse will generate electricity by spinning around in a sarcophagus fitted with generator coils.

Last DC power in NYC to shut down

November 16, 2007 1:38am

In other sad news, the Greater Chelsea Whale Oil company announced that they are suspending deliveries of their "Spermacetti Gold Illumination Fuel" as of December 31.

The last of the five buildings in Manhattan that still used whale oil are switching over to kerosene this month.

The goat cart that Greater Chelsea used to deliver glass carboys of whale oil will be donated to the Museum of the City of New York.

Six-horned goat

August 29, 2007 1:51pm

Seven eyes, Anonymous.

Seven horned goats are a sign of the "eh" of times, when people just don't give a darn.

Hmmm. Google Ads are offering Goat Ringtones and "Watch Goat Videos."

Something familiar about cover of Rick Smolan's book

December 13, 2007 11:24am

Now I need a unicornse chaser.

Scans: '60s Oster Home and Kitchen Gadgets Brochure

August 29, 2007 10:58am

I can't believe that none of the copy uses the infamous term "hard to reach places."

* * *

Sometime in the mid 90s I got my hair cut at a barber shop on the outer fringes of a shopping mall. (I got the impression that it was mostly patronized by mall personnel. It was "in" the mall but only reachable by the outside.)

The barber was a Russian guy. Did a competent, lightning fast haircut, and then broke out a noisy electric massager (most similar to the "rocket engine") and gave me a really good neck-and-shoulder shake up. Totally unsolicited, just part of the service. Felt great. Next time I'm in Hicksville, Long Island I should see if the place is still open.

Space Suits from Sci-Fi Past

August 29, 2007 9:50am

The entire "Atomic Rockets" site is a treasure. Lots of great instructional material; I just hope the copyright cops never give him grief.

The author -- Winchell Chung -- was a high school kid when he did the illustrations for Steve Jackson Games' "OGRE" game.

X-Wing fighter rocket -- build and launch videp

October 15, 2007 11:18am

Philphil beat me to it. That video is hilarious!

Big group projects are a regular feature at high-power meets like LDRS and Plaster Blaster. A group of guys work all year on something giant, like a full-scale Patriot or the X-Wing, and then unveil it and let it rip.

Part of Patriot Act struck down: ISPs must get court approval

September 6, 2007 3:35pm


Here's a nickel, kid:


Go buy yourself some fresh straw men.

Unicorn deer

December 13, 2007 10:36pm

#11: "They're driving out their competitors"

Like the Sparkly Lamb, which has the mixed advantage of being highly visible at night.

Man placed on sex offenders register for sex with bike

October 29, 2007 12:12pm

What I want to know is, what is the age of consent for a bicycle?

Ojimbo art show at Roq La Rue

October 10, 2007 10:00pm

Oh, man, that stuff is great!

Archive sues to recover 5 million missing White House emails

September 6, 2007 1:08pm

I'm I the only one who has this daydream that there's some uber-anal-retentive IT GOP-HQ guy who is sitting on a complete back-up-copy of the White House mail archives?

And the second he turns over the tapes Cheney will have to relocate to Dubai?

Of course, neat shit like that never happens. If it looks like the emails are going to be recovered we'll have a convenient war with Iran or something.

Disneyland's Monsanto plastic House of the Future -- video

December 13, 2007 9:39pm

"It is the business of the future to be dangerous, and it is among the virtues of science that it equips the future for its duties." == A. N. Whitehead

Flickr Places shows chicken around the world

November 9, 2007 2:47pm

Yes, that foot is pinning my Bummer Meter. The fact that it's poking out of viscid brown spew is a nice touch.

Baby with twelve toes and fingers

August 30, 2007 1:51pm

How will we know who our superior mutant overlords are if doctors keep snipping off those extra digits?

All hail Jeshuah!

Tiny new frog discovered

October 4, 2007 9:54am

An interesting contrast would be to put this picture side-by-side with a snap of the world's largest frog sitting on a manhole cover.

Domino PCs tumble -- video

October 4, 2007 4:02am

Tsk, tsk . . . more PC bias by Boing Boing!

Birds "see" magnetic field

October 3, 2007 5:23pm

It's your fault, Not a Doktor.

The magnetic field from your TV set makes your window look like a welcoming, magical bird's nest.

Finnish folk band find a rude airport welcome

October 29, 2007 11:48am

These people are making mountain out of a molehill and were just asking for trouble.

I mean, look at them! Would you let someone dressed as a Weber grill into the country?

Happy Birthday Roy Doty!

September 7, 2007 1:29pm

I loved those PopSci cartoon/columns . . . Pantomime DIY!

Once I got to knew Doty's style I was able to spot his work in other places. I recall one from "Consumer Reports" showing a bunch of toddlers admiring an under-sink cabinet full of deadly chemicals.

Estes Digital Video Rocket

August 31, 2007 6:20am

Chances are H-S is way overcharging. Like Joel says, contact your local hobby shop.

I have, or had depending on how you look at it, one of the older "Oracle" Estes movie cameras. More expensive and larger. 30 second capture time, with a time trigger (press button, run away, launch rocket within 10 seconds). Lousy frame rate. No sound. But pretty remarkable for a consumer tech-item.

For its fourth flight, I put the Oracle camera on a two-stage model. The second stage didn't light. Came in hard. To really rub it in, the batteries popped out, so I lost the crash footage. I think I could put it back together, by splicing in a generic plastic cone over the splintered remains of the old one.

Baby Unicorns in Second Life - via interspecies sex

September 7, 2007 10:35am

Several months from now:

"Ooooy, WILDGIRL213, where did you get that cool baby squid?"

"Uh . . . found it?"

Unicorn Chaser

October 7, 2007 7:03pm

Mark shot a cute little innocent doe-eyed unicorn that was in his house?

I feel like projectile vomiting.

The Week's briefing on the NSA

August 31, 2007 11:13am

#3 Bah! That list won't do it.

Anthrax, Red mercury, Reptoids, 23, Venusian condor men, 23, Area 51, DILUTE! DILUTE! OK! ALL-ONE!, 23, INTJ, Eschaton, Project Aura, MK-Ultra

There. Now that list will get you into a Halliburton relocation camp when they start preemptive detentions after the bunker busters start falling on Iran.

New Ubuntu Linux release is easy, sexy

October 17, 2007 9:58pm

How does it run on older machines? I rescue machines from dumpsters and fix them up. I have a nice Dell PIII-600 MHz / 512 Mb system right heyah that might want to be a Linux box . . . will Ubuntu run well on it?

New Jim Woodring painting

October 17, 2007 4:52pm

I wish JW would put together more FRANK comics. I guess he makes his bucks painting / inking art for prints, but I'm really jonesing for more Unifactor tales.

Toy Octopus Encourages Beach Clean Up

September 12, 2007 12:04pm

That's not a beach clean up facilitator . . . it's an alien sex toy!

"Snoff-QUAN! The plain green-wrapped package has arrived! Assemble the clan and let us have an eight-way!"

Hey TiVo, Ditch the Subscription!

November 8, 2007 6:19am

My MythTV box gets its listings from Schedules Direct, which charges $30 / 6 months. They're trying to reduce that to $30 / year.

Schedules Direct was hastily set up after Zap2IT labs stopped offering free listings due to too much unauthorized commercial reuse.

I think $5/month for listings is an OK deal, given how much nicer it is to find and schedule programs using an interactive grid than a newspaper listing.

Richard "Ultima" Garriott owns a Sputnik

October 3, 2007 7:43pm

Oh. For what it's worth, the sphere-on-a-cylinder thing in front of Garriott is a miniature Vostok. The first manned spaceship.



Richard "Ultima" Garriott owns a Sputnik

October 3, 2007 7:43pm

I met Garriott at a trade show once. I was a lowly booth monkey in a bad suit, demonstrating lousy CD-ROM software* to clueless appliance-store buyers, but he stopped to chat when I recognized the name on his badge.

It's so cool that Garriot, and other game designers and software entrepreneurs who made it big, are into cool stuff like this. Put another way:

Geeks make better millionaires.

* Back when being on a CD-ROM made the software special!

Discovery paves way for gamma-ray annihilation lasers

September 12, 2007 1:39pm

When I was a few weeks old, my parents took me to my grandparents' restaurant in Greenwich Village.

One of the beatnik patrons told them to "Raise him as a death-ray repairman."

So, I guess the whole career in software development was a temporary thing until this turned up.

Destiny, man. You can't avoid it.

Trekker v Furry bowl-off pics

September 30, 2007 6:21pm

You message was posted, Amy.

* * *

So, where does the bowl-off fit in Lore Sjoberg's Geek Event Hierarchy?

NY Times on Capgras Syndrome

September 14, 2007 11:07am

[subliminal_command command = sleep]
I for one welcome our pod-spawned overlords.

De-evolution imminent, claims scientist

October 27, 2007 3:26pm

#33: Cripes, what hell hole are you from Hamish? Even the U.S.A. only elected Bush once.

Floating toxic plastic garbage island twice the size of Texas

October 22, 2007 3:05pm

Atlantis. Mu. Lemuria. And now, Polystyrania!

In the Year 2000: '61 Life Magazine on Future Space

September 2, 2007 8:53am

The bulbous thing on the next page is one of the "nuclear pulse" propulsion types. The spherical part would be filled with thin gas, and a very small atomic bomb would be detonated inside. This would heat the gas, which would shoot out the rear creating thrust.

Contrast with "Project Orion," which would detonate little nukes behind a sturdy steel pusher plate. The nuke would be coated in a material which would vaporize and PING! off the plate, transmitting the kinetic energy to the spaceship.

The evolution of Sugar Bear

September 17, 2007 12:39pm

The early Sugar Bear shown above is drawn in a mode similar to the earnest, cutesy style of Soviet kitsch:


RIP, Robert Jordan

September 16, 2007 9:26pm

I'm not a WOT reader. I don't I've read anything by Jordan.

But I'm interested in how the series will be completed. I've read that Jordan left behind notes and outlines. Will a single writer do the job? Chosen by the family or the publisher?

I can imagine megabytes of fanfic coming out of this. Alternate last novels, altered final scenes.

Should be interesting to watch.

Free poster with a dozen famous conservatives

October 3, 2007 1:48pm

#47: Yes, there's some really sloppy scripting going on there.

But, you know, it's hard for Conservative websites to get good help; all the really good web commerce coders were snapped up by Hate America First Ltd. and Dhimicrats for World Islamofascist Domination.

Richard "Ultima" Garriott owns a Sputnik

October 3, 2007 7:43pm

Ultima II included a space flight sequence!

As I recall, Uranus was populated by court jesters.

Star Trek's cheesy creatures

November 20, 2007 11:40am

Why bother with HD-DVDs? Sure, the show was filmed on . . . film, but it was designed for broadcast television:

"Gosh, that set really looks crappy."

"Man, you can really see the seam where they glued on Spock's ears."

Sesame Street DVD reissues intended for adults only

November 20, 2007 2:11pm

One, Two, Three, Four, Five . . .

Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten . . .

Ten tiny turtles on the telephone,

Talking to ten grocery men . . .

(la la la la)

Sesame Street premiered when I was in second grade. Because it was aimed at toddlers, no one in class would admit that they voluntarily watched it, but we all said we did "because mom wanted my little brother to see it." And then we'd start blathering about the great goofy stuff like the guy (Jim Henson!) falling down stairs carrying a load of cakes.

Modern phrenologists "predict" terrorism with biometrics

October 6, 2007 6:17pm

In one of David Brin's early SF novels, personality profiling results in large numbers of people -- "probationary personalities" -- having curtailed rights; a repressive regime based on the practice is overthrown when profiling reveals that the regimes' principles are all untrustworthy nuts.

Boing Boing tv: same old BB, but with talkies.

October 2, 2007 8:14pm

Ooooh, neat!

I hope BB-TV sends a reporter to the Klingons vs. Furries paintball battle. (No, that isn't a real event, but now that you're big media you can MAKE it real!)

Tintin movie! Tintin movie! TINTIN MOVIE!

October 3, 2007 5:14am

#7: OMG, live action Tintin movies from the early '60s?

I remember the '60s vintage cartoons. They were serialized on American TV. But I never knew about the live action movies. Dang!

So, are they going to outfit a dog in a motion capture suit to animate Snowy / Mileu?

De-evolution imminent, claims scientist

October 27, 2007 3:26pm

Evolve into two species? Piker:

"The question that will decide our destiny is not whether we shall expand into space. It is: shall we be one species or a million? A million species will not exhaust the ecological niches that are awaiting the arrival of intelligence.
When we are a million species spreading through the galaxy, the question "Can man play God and still stay sane?" will lose some of its terrors. We shall be playing God, but only as local deities and not as lords of the universe. There is safety in numbers. Some of us will become insane, and rule over empires as crazy as Doctor Moreau's island. Some of us will shit on the morning star. There will be conflicts and tragedies. But in the long run, the sane will adapt and survive better than the insane. Nature's pruning of the unfit will limit the spread of insanity among species in the galaxy, as it does among individuals on earth. Sanity is, in its essence, nothing more than the ability to live in harmony with nature's laws.
The expansion of life over the universe is a beginning, not an end. At the same time as life is extending its habitat quantitatively, it will also be changing and evolving qualitatively into new dimensions of mind and spirit that we cannot imagine. The acquisition of new territory is important, not as an end in itself, but as a means to enable life to experiment with intelligence in a million forms."
-- Freeman Dyson

US officials claim China's military hacked into Pentagon network

September 3, 2007 4:50pm

I really can't picture our military or intelligence services As They Currently Exist being able to nimbly or effectively counter this sort of thing.

They might be able to put up walls, mind you, and wire the entire country with telescreens, but they systematically unequipped to wage 21st century information war, or cybah-war.

The brilliant but (hiatus-enjoying? burned out? got a real jobbing?) Patrick Farley wrote an utterly amazing alternate-history Afghan War called The Spiders. In it, 9/11 happened on 9/12, on President Al Gore's match. He puts the country on a war footing . . . an open-participation cyberwar that has civilians controlling little robot spies. Through their eyes we see Taliban draftees and oppressed Afghan woman being subverted by a savvy information campaign. One spider finds Osama bin Laden complaining about inflamed hemorrhoids to his son.

Dungeons & Dragons 4.0 Makes Remote Pen-and-Paper Play Easier

October 16, 2007 10:10am

Nyahhhh, kids these days, with their dice rolling programs and virtual environments.

Back when I played you had to whittle your own polyhedra dice, draw your own graph paper, and paint miniatures with pigments you made from berries and ground up chalk.

Dough-Nu-Matic Automatic Doughnut Machine

October 31, 2007 12:15pm

Homer Price, where art thou?

Vancouver 2010 Olympic mascots include a Sasquatch

November 29, 2007 3:23pm

"Sumi, an animal guardian spirit, has the hat of the orca whale, the wings of the Thunderbird and the legs of the black bear."

Orca whales have hats?

Obama will support filibuster of any bill granting telecom immunity

October 24, 2007 3:23pm

As others have pointed out, the real goal isn't telecomm immunity, it's the White House buying the silence of witnesses to impeachable offenses.

Stop being afraid, start getting angry.

Al-Qaeda "Intranet" goes dark after US leak

October 9, 2007 5:14pm

"Just what does Bush have to do . . ."

Got really drunk, stumble up to the zoo, and rape a bald eagle in front of a crowd of screaming Snowflake Children?

If it weren't for Cheney's mind-control powers keeping him from going "off-message" Bush would have been consigned to Home for the Extremely Nervous years ago.

Music and video clip from Village of the Giants

December 4, 2007 2:58pm

A teenage Ron Howard plays a science nerd. There's a funny scene where a tentacled monster he creates slithers down a sink drain.

Dwight Shrute bobblehead costume

October 17, 2007 2:03pm

Rob Cockerham should have his own damn TV show.

Or maybe an occasional segment on Boing Boing TV?

Free poster with a dozen famous conservatives

October 3, 2007 1:48pm

[If you've gotta ask, you're never gonna know]
Or maybe the Foundation wants people to send their cereal boxtops to them.
[/If you've gotta ask, you're never gonna know]

Hauntrod Funnycar for your short-range travel needs

October 9, 2007 3:49am

Do you need to insure and register this 'rod?

For sure, you'd need a garage for it. This thing would draw vandals and thieves like crazy.

Naomi Wolf on Colbert Report: 10 steps to fascism

September 21, 2007 3:43pm

'you promise to stop all the "ZOMG! FACIST DICTATOR!!!" stuff?'

Only if the next guy (or gal) isn't a authoritarian twit too. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.

If Bush wants to leave office in January 2008, hey, he should go for it. He doesn't look like he's having much fun, and most of his old Texas buddies already bailed. Pretty soon it'll be him, Cheney, and a bunch of sycophantic staffers way in over their heads.

Questioning Everything About What We Toast Today

December 18, 2007 3:38am

"A cake that's meant to bake for one hour at 200 degrees will not be just as good if you give it 15 minutes at 800."

Yes, but that act would go a long way to smashing the hegemonic paradigm that divides baked goods from charcoal. Vive le revolucion!

Foresty bathroom fixtures, fair tale and Disney styles

November 2, 2007 10:41am

TERESA! #6 looks like a test of a robo-poster. Who creates an account with the name "registered user?"

First high school devoted to homeland security

September 21, 2007 11:00am

HMS High, where the Jocks learn takedown and taser techniques, and the nerds design telescreens and death rays.

Scan of 1961 kids' book: Gordon's Jet Flight

October 8, 2007 3:48pm

Books like this used to make me horribly jealous as a kid. I didn't fly on a jet until I was out of college and able to pay for it myself.

I've been flying a lot lately; visiting family back east, and a business trip.

Somewhere in there, I got to see a kid "Gordon's" age turn green and vomit after the plane had landed and parked, as he was walking towards the exit.

Jetway sickness. Don't let it happen to you!

Educational TV parody: Look Around You

October 1, 2007 3:22pm

The Look Around You parodies manage to be funny even if you've never seen the original program. Uh, programmes.

Computer-Controlled Cannon Kills 9, Wounds 14

October 18, 2007 11:39am

Cannon, hell! That thing is a first-generation Dalek!

Neuroscience and God

October 8, 2007 12:28pm

If you could induce this sensation, you'd have a great brainwashing / indoctrination tool.

(Recall that scene in Real Genius where an annoying character is surreptitiously fitted with radio-receiving tooth fillings, and the Voice of God orders him around...)

Unfortunate funnel cake sign

October 18, 2007 2:00pm

Cripes! The deep fried pile looks even more turd-like if you view the enlargement.

MiniTISSUE Expanding Washcloth Tablet

October 18, 2007 3:19am

You can buy, at almost any Dollar Tree store, compressed towels.

I bought a dozen of them one year as stocking stuffers. I kept one for myself and tried it out. Compressed, they're about the size of two Oreo cookies stacked up. Expanded, they're a little bigger than a washcloth and decorated with kiddie designs.

In addition to compression, there's some glue-like binder involved. You want to give them a good rinse before use.

They cost, um, a dollar.

Around The World By Rocket With Bozo The Clown

October 25, 2007 11:43am


Bozo was once a franchise. There were Bozo the Clown shows all over the country. The Chicago Bozo was (is?) the last survivor.

A savvy marketer named Larry Harmon (who did not create Bozo, merely turned him into a big business) was responsible. Under his management there were Bozo toys, a Bozo TV cartoon, and at least one Bozo needlepoint kit. (The finished, framed result hung in the Stony Brook SF library for many years.)

There was a Bozo on a NYC station when I was a kid. In 1969 we went on a trip to Little Rock, AK. They had their own Bozo, on a different set. Man, that freaked the hell out of me!

Deluxe masks from 1977 Johnson Smith catalog

October 11, 2007 1:49pm

I have an actual late-40s Johnson-Smith catalog stashed somewhere. My brother plucked it from a trash heap. It has many of the items from the reprinted 1928 J-S catalog, plus many that I recall from an early-70s catalog.

Now I'm keen on digging it up and looking up what it offers in the way of masks.

Internet Cookies/Internet... Thing

October 18, 2007 1:00pm

I like the Gabe and Max thing. Creating something that LOOKS cheap and bad but is actually funny takes a lot of work.

Paul Allen Telescope Array / Mark and the Boing Box

October 11, 2007 12:08am

Good episode. Things are slowly getting slicker and more confident.

I'm glad to see that Mark has his geek specs back on! I'm due to get a new pair of trifocals . . . do I go for the black hornrims?

What #18 sez: createsimplicity.com is really annoying. I clicked through and was very disappointed. I feel like Ralphie on "The Christmas Story:" "It's a lousy commercial!"

How to stop restaurant tip fraud

November 15, 2007 9:09am

This happened to me at a Mexican restaurant in Ontario. (The LA suburb, not the city in Canada.)

They only added a couple of dollars, and it was a business lunch I turned into accounting, but it was sure an eye-opener.

Unicorn eats bowl of glitter

November 29, 2007 1:25pm

#6: That's mundane, human-made glitter. Unicorn-chow grade glitter is made of happy dreams and the giggles of little girls, processed in a solution of lye, sodium benzoate, and brominated Dichromium FunStuff(tm).

#8: To repeat my comment at the site: Unicorns who eat glitter crap sparkles. Rainbow sparkles.

If you gather them quickly and treat them with glycerin, the sparkles will stay bright and colorful for months.

Many ice cream shops sprinkle these rainbow sparkles on their ice cream cones.

You don't want to know where brown ice cream sprinkles come from.

Free poster with a dozen famous conservatives

October 3, 2007 1:48pm

The mottled gray background represents the ash heap of history that the legacies of these arrogant bozos will be archived in.

Can anyone make sense of the name "Young America's Foundation?"

Is that a misspelling of "Young Americans' Foundation?"

Or was the group founded by and for a guy named Young America?

Mark Dery on Taco Bell

September 6, 2007 9:40am

I'm surprised no one has mentioned Taco Bell's magic ingredient; an exotic chemical which causes amnesia:

"Ugh! This stuff is horrible! You could make a better burrito out of cat food and Wonder Bread. I've learned my lesson and I'm never going to go to Taco Bell ever again."

Three months later:

"Hey, a Taco Bell! I haven't had Mexican food in a while."

* * *

The closest Taco Bell is also a "Long John Silvers," which sells deep-fried vaguely-seafood crap. It also has the secret amnesia ingredient. I'm thinking of getting a Momento-style tattoo which reads "Taco Bell and Long John Silvers serves crappy food."

Sierra Club on Hummers vs. hybrids

December 12, 2007 1:22pm

DCULBERSON beat me to it.

We're dealing with folks with an Orwellian mind-malady akin to "doublethink."

Think tanks and corporate shill journalists cook up a factoid or finding; the puditocracy distributes it; the scared stupids who don't want to deal with a changing world snap it up and cling to it.

Like: "Solar panels never generate enough electricity to make up their manufacturing cost." Um, maybe, if you're talking about first-generation solar panels. They're getting sturdier and more efficient all the time.

Another: "People who buy hybrids will never make up the fuel savings; therefore they're doing it for romantic, emotional reasons."

You know, there might be a grain of truth in that, but:

a) it's a temporary thing; hybrids will get cheaper (economies of scale, economies of learning) and gas will get more expensive, and

b) it's a case of the pot calling the kettle black. How many people really, honestly need an SUV or giant stretch pickup? A lot of people commute, alone, in the damn things. They bought them for emotional reasons.

I'd love to see a thriving SUV rental industry. Going on wilderness vacation? Sure, you might very well need an SUV. Rent one, and let someone else worry about hosing off the mud when the long weekend is over.

Looking back on 2007, part 1

November 26, 2007 5:46pm

The spinning cars video should be turned into a public service announcement. Voiceover: "Do you really think you could do better?"

Mole Men imagined by Ape Lad / Mole Crunk

November 19, 2007 12:00am

Basenjis hate rain and yodel.

Moles eat Drake's Yodels and don't care about rain.

The evolution of Sugar Bear

September 17, 2007 12:39pm

#2: "He was also a significant character on the old Linus the Lionhearted cartoon series"

AAHHHHH! I haven't thought of that show for (google google) . . . well, it looks like forty years or so. The only memory I had of it is the closing sequence, when a raccoon character swept up.

And whaddayaknow, Sugar Bear is there in the opening sequence on YouTube.

"which had nothing to do with cereal"

Actually, EVERYTHING to do with cereal. "Linus the Lionhearted"'s characters were all cereal mascots. Apparently the FCC asked ABC to pull the show because it was essentially an advertisement.

Unicorn chaser

September 7, 2007 12:09pm

BB is presumably offering up this nice, wholesome, fairy-tale unicorn to help us forget the squicky avatar-impregnating cyberspace unicorn of the previous post.

John K's Mighty Mouse cartoons (video)

September 14, 2007 11:22am

"Mad? I'll show you mad!" -- Petey Pate

CNN's Glenn Beck: "people who hate America" losing homes in So CA wildfires

October 23, 2007 9:43am

In case you're not quite close enough to Qualcomm Stadium to personally drop off a carload of Sharpies, Depends, and Sunscreen, the Red Cross has established a link to benefit those affected by the fire:


Oliver Sacks on music and amnesia

September 18, 2007 2:13pm

Oliver Sacks will give a lecture about this subject in Portland, OR on October 18th:


Sacks is an interesting speaker. A bit of a introvert uncomfortable with public experiences; he doesn't do signing or after-talk shoulder rubbing.

Perpetually punching peasant machine

October 23, 2007 2:10pm

I'm trying to remember which episode of the Little Rascals. I have it narrowed down to:

Little Rascals make a fire engine; end up going to a real fire.

Little Rascals make a race car; compete with dorky rich kid.

Both involve a slapped-together vehicle. I suspect it's the latter adventure, which features a wild down-hill race.

Trekker v Furry bowl-off pics

September 30, 2007 6:21pm

To judge from the photos, furries have two orientations: Pantsed and pantless.

Billboard Inserts Audio Voices into Your Head

December 13, 2007 12:26pm

Fnarf, that's entirely uncalled for.

A 12" screwdriver would work just fine.

Pretenders to the "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter!" throne

November 19, 2007 12:09pm

I shop at Fred Meyer, and am greatly disappointed that I never "discovered" Butter It's Not myself.

Self-cooling soda bottles from Coke

September 20, 2007 2:21am

There is, or was, a long-running investment scam centered around a claim that someone had invented a self-chilling soda can.

A friend in college was ready to invest. He handed around a photocopied sheet that described the invention: A gas-filled cylinder is hidden in a soda can; open the top and the cylinder is pierced, slowly releasing the gas and cooling the soda.

It describes how many retail outlets could offer cool soda without the expense of refrigeration.

It noted that the cylinder displaced 1 oz of soda in a typical 12 oz can.

Maybe it was a real invention with real possibilities at one point, but I suspect it mutated into a scam somewhere along the way.

Photos from Los Angeles County Fair

September 20, 2007 1:45pm

#4: "Accepts" is less blatant than "requires," I guess.

I'm trying to picture what a one-ticket ride is like:

* A flight of stairs to a slide with a smelly bum you have to squeeze past.

* Two attendants stuff you into a burlap sack and roll you down a hill.

* A ball pit, only instead of balls it's full of puppies. Hey, maybe that would be two tickets! At least if all the puppies are alive.

Fake sunroof for car

September 10, 2007 11:42am

The "Car Guys" had a laugh about this one last weekend.

They suggested it would be a good thing to slap on a car you were trading in.

How about decals that make your real headlights look like fake NASCAR headlights?

Top 60 Japanese buzzwords of 2007

November 19, 2007 10:43am

The Onion once ran a story in which Mayor Guliani proudly announces the distribution of "Infant Only Dumpsters." The picture shows the bins have a decal of a mother teddy bear tossing a baby teddy into the trash.

Using the internet to ruin someone's life

October 12, 2007 2:33pm

I vaguely recall reading about a similar story, this one involving a loony who was offering up (non-existent) children for adoption.

#1: Maybe some exposure is just what "Jaana" needs to push her into getting some actual help, rather than starting the cycle again with a fresh victim.

The Best of Make

November 7, 2007 2:38pm

"The Best of . . ." would make a nice Christmas gift.

But when is the next actual MAKE coming out? It's been ages!

Obscure retro-futuristic art

November 24, 2007 2:55pm

The "Mars Snooper," here, was turned into a model rocket, here.

Around The World By Rocket With Bozo The Clown

October 25, 2007 11:43am

I recently digitized a couple of RUSSIAN kids' albums. I found them at a thrift store.

One looked like it might be a version of Pinnochio. The other showed a boy (with a surprisingly contemporary haircut) looking at a sort of chubby elf with a propeller on his butt. They had two and three 33 1/3 rpm records apiece, respectively.

They're probably Soviet era -- there's a CCCP on each box -- but I couldn't find a date.

I should scan in the covers so I can have someone translate the titles for me!

Tim Burton to direct Alice in Wonderland

December 10, 2007 11:21pm

I find myself totally uninspired by this news.

Not because Burton is involved. Because I think Alice is getting to be a total yawn. The century-before-last's idea of whimsy and cheeky satire.

I'd love to see Burton take on an adaption of a graphic novel. Something NEW gardamnit.

The Man-from-Mars Radio Hat (1949)

December 11, 2007 10:55am

And it comes in EIGHT COLORS!

Sputnik in a biscuit tin challenge

October 22, 2007 11:20am

Bah! What we really need is a contest to design a rocket capable of reaching orbit that fits in a biscuit tin.

New term for creationists: “cdesign proponentsists”

November 9, 2007 1:07pm

Lest anyone think that "Intelligent Design" has anything to do with the pursuit of knowledge:

Go look up a document called "The Wedge Strategy." It's the Discovery Institutes's game plan for pushing intelligent design.

Not because it is a better theory, but because it fits their political goals of re-secularizing society.

Maker Faire tour with Mark Frauenfelder

November 1, 2007 1:12am

Also, syntha-critters like Pleo make me feel a little sad, because I know that in a few years they'll be lying in a bin in the Goodwill Thrift Center, looking pathetic and abandoned.

Maker Faire tour with Mark Frauenfelder

November 1, 2007 1:12am

I wished there'd been a dozen items like the last one, rather than the Pleo demo. He's a product from a big company, ingenious but not a DIY sort of thing.

Floating toxic plastic garbage island twice the size of Texas

October 22, 2007 3:05pm

RE the notion of blasting the stuff into the Sun:

It would take a huge fleet of rockets and an incredible amount of propellant to do that.

It would take far less energy to gather it up and turn it into inert blocks. Or recycle it into something useful.

Cardboard rocket-ship playhouse

November 18, 2007 6:37am

This could be the ascent pod of a laser launch system, or a maglev catapult. No onboard propulsion necessary!

You could simulate the catapult by placing the loaded capsule on the hood of a pickup, driving really fast on a road leading up to the lip of a cavern, and then braking at the last second.

Coin art: parody quarters, united American continental currency

December 2, 2007 9:42pm

The idea of a North American Union is really scary because I'd hate not to have a Canada to flee to in case of a fundamentalist / neo-conservative putsch.

Funny gift boxes from The Onion

October 26, 2007 5:16pm

Be sure to check out the older series of bauxes; I love the "Salt of the Month Club."

Even more fun than putting a crappy gift in one of these would be putting in something really cool and appropriate, and including an envelope with the gift receipt inside "in case you have one already." Then when the giftee brings the unopened item to the store for an exchange they'll get to try to explain why they're returning a USB Toaster with a receipt for an iPod. And hopefully figure out what's going on before things get nasty.

Strange squid with human-like "teeth"

October 26, 2007 8:33am

It's a prairie squid!

Walt Disney historical documents

December 17, 2007 11:39am

Huh. Lots of receipts for deliveries of liquid nitrogen. What are they for?


Poster for putting the FSM back in Chrifsmas

December 10, 2007 9:02am

By his strands and balls you shall know him.


American Furry: Life, Liberty, and the Fursuit of Happiness.

November 2, 2007 1:55am

#14 B88 appears to be channeling Lore Sjoberg's Geek Hierarchy:

The Geek Hierarchy

Some of my college friends were "anthropomorphic art fans" -- proto-furries I guess. When I ran into them in later years they took pains to note that fur suiters were a different crowd. So maybe there's a hierarchy thing going on there too.

Some dinosaurs dug underground tunnels

November 2, 2007 1:08pm

Oh, Jeeze.

This story is going to give "SciFi" enough fodder for a whole trilogy of shabby TV Movies.

RAPTOR VII: The Burrowing

FEMA workers play role of reporters

October 26, 2007 2:03pm

When the $%#@ did we become the $%#@ing Soviet Union?

Instead of earnest attempts to be straight-up and do things right for a change, we get this stage-managed ass-covering spin.

The Ron Paul campaign should be paying Bush and company to keep it up; they're a perfect example of corrupt, dishonest, and incompetent government.

(No, I'm not a Ron Paul groupie.)

Kozik's Stalin bust

December 16, 2007 1:01pm

Yes he was, Moon. But Ironic Appropriation is the ultimate up yours. It's like slapping a Kick Me sign on the back of Darth Vader's cape.

Poster for putting the FSM back in Chrifsmas

December 10, 2007 9:02am

The family gathers around the gleaming Chrifsmas Pot, and the youngest waves the Colander. In the corner, a favorite uncle is dressed as a pirate, guarding against the cold of winter.

Father hooks a strand from the pot, and bites. "Al dente, al dente!" he cries, "He is Ready!"

Wireless Tasers Fired from Shotguns

December 10, 2007 12:16pm

Well, about time! Between this and the Raytheon Pain Ray we'll finally be able to put those hippies and peaceniks and treehuggers and, well, everyone we don't like into their place.

Poster for putting the FSM back in Chrifsmas

December 10, 2007 9:02am

Chrisfmas colors:

Marinara red and Alfredo beige

Chrisfmas decorations:

Silly string, painted styrofoam balls, illuminated light strings.

Chrisfmas dessert:

Red licorice whips, jawbreakers.

ProPublica -- new investigative journalism org.

October 26, 2007 5:21pm

#3: Duh? FOX.

Future Shock on the streets of Manhattan

December 14, 2007 10:36pm

"The Medium is the Massage" is a hoot. An illustrated pop-culture version of McLuhan's dense prose works.

Inside is a picture of an egg with a logo printed on it, a technology that was apparently a predecessor of inkjet technologies.

There's a trippy record album roughly based on the book. Well worth looking for.

CNN's Glenn Beck: "people who hate America" losing homes in So CA wildfires

October 23, 2007 9:43am

I'm having a tough time imagining what an "intelligent dialog" about an act of incredibly crass, ignorant, partisan lipflappery would be like.

I'm also having trouble imagining Beck's comments as something we merely "think" is mean.

CIA coverup, take action

December 10, 2007 9:32am

The CIA agent who led one of those taped sessions is going to be interviewed on ABC. He said himself that he considers waterboarding torture.

He thought at the time that it was justified, but he's not so sure now. But he considers the technique torture.

Waterboarding is torture. Period. End of story.

Wired founder starts chocolate company

December 10, 2007 2:58pm

Major brain fart / sign of vision problem:

When I saw the post's subject, I read it as:

Wired founder starts chocolate economy

And I figured that the little brown packet was going to be the unit of currency.

I think I need a vacation. Or maybe the prescription on these new trifocals is for shit.

Decapitated doll head pencil sharpener

October 30, 2007 12:15pm

Make one, Mark!

You could probably score the head at Goodwill.

It would be hard to get the shavings to come out of the mouth, but having them drip out of the neck would be almost as creepy.

Southern CA wildfires: good Lord they are huge.

October 22, 2007 6:55pm

LA Times gallery of photos from the front.

There's some really dramatic stuff in there.

Costco's funeral department

December 6, 2007 3:04pm

Too bad you have to buy the coffins in an Economy Family Pack.

Clever non-lethal mousetraps

October 23, 2007 5:39pm

I once found, in a small kettle on a shelf in the family cabin^H^H^H^H^Hshack, a sad little mouse skeleton. It struck me that the shape was much like that of a medieval oubliette; mice fall in and can't get out.

Human USB Hack / Very Simple Motor

November 30, 2007 12:00am

I didn't like the sparkly special effects laid over the running motor. It obscured things.

Killing a Pleo robotic dinosaur -- video

December 5, 2007 1:58pm

#28: I'm surprised how bored that cat was with Pleo.

I'm pretty sure that my dog would gleefully chomp, shake, and disembowel Pleo. That's the fate of any animal-shaped toy she can get her jaws on. And almost the fate of a cat she got her jaws on. Canines have such different rules...

IMF head: Dollar could collapse

October 24, 2007 8:22am

You know what really bites?

"Conservatives" and blowhard populist pundits will blame it on high taxes, Clinton, "welfare moms" and mexicans, and they'll get away with it. They'll convince everyone that Social Security has to be done away with, and that worrying about the environment is a effete liberal fad.

The bastards responsible for all this will sail through it while bitching about their account in the Caymans only earning 2%.

Killing a Pleo robotic dinosaur -- video

December 5, 2007 1:58pm

Once in a while, I drop by the "Goodwill Thrift Outlet" in Hillsboro, OR. It's a warehouse-like setting where stuff that didn't sell in Goodwill's thrift stores is dumped in bins and sold by the pound.

Occasionally, a cyber-pet turns up in the bin. Creepily lifelike animals (cats and dogs, mostly) with slightly unkempt fake-fur coats, lying stiff among the old phonograph records, broken Christmas ornaments, and orphaned jigsaw-puzzle pieces.

The introduction of faux-sapient pets like Pleo are going to make discoveries like that even sadder and creepier.

Killing a Pleo robotic dinosaur -- video

December 5, 2007 1:58pm

#9: James Lileks once described an encounter between his dog and a Aibo-knockoff robo-dog.

Live dog was very afraid of the robo-dog, but eventually sniffed it under its coiled faux-metallic tail. And looked _spooked_. Lileks suggested a human might get the same feeling from shaking someone's hand and discovering that their flesh is room temperature.

StormWorm botnet lashes out at security researchers

October 24, 2007 12:35pm




John Hodgman's Mole Men / Cavalcade of Hobos

November 16, 2007 12:00am

#1: "How does John keep a straight face when telling these stories?"

Facial paralysis. It's a long story, involving a Tesla coil and the unnamed 701st Hobo.

Australian DRM from 1923 - dumb radio idea that refuses to die

December 4, 2007 10:43pm

I don't know if I'd call this DRM as a really stupid business model.

Communist era store windows

December 4, 2007 11:45am

Take a look at the pudgy boy character in this photo. He has a propeller on his back; I believe that's a stack of toys on the shelf above his hand.

I mention this because I have a Soviet-era phonograph album with this character on the cover! I digitized the records (there were three of them) but haven't taken a picture of the cover yet.

Communist era store windows

December 4, 2007 11:45am

Nice gallery, Daniel! I wonder how easy it was to actually get those products.

There's a fascinating film, "Goodbye Lenin," about the final days of Communism in East Germany and the months following as people gleefully adopt Western products and styles.

In it, a loyal busy-body schoolmarm witnesses her teenage son at a protest rally. The shock leads to a heart attack, which puts her into a coma. By the time she wakes, the GDR is gone and her kids have renovated their apartment, getting rid of the dowdy old furniture, enjoying new foods, and outfitting the grandkid in Pampers.

Mom's doctor warns that the slightest shock could kill the bed-bound woman, so the kids recreate the GDR in their apartment, desperately hunting for old communist-era products and faking bland, baloney-filled news broadcasts with a camcorder and a cardboard set.

BBtv in the news: Boston Globe, NY Mag

November 12, 2007 5:20pm

Isn't totally ruling out studio shots limiting?

Maybe you can get some cool Googie diner to host segments where you sit down with people. Or build weird stuff. Building a robot on a diner table would rock.

Dream of the Rarebit Fiend -- beautiful new book

November 6, 2007 10:56am

I don't see any mention of the Rarebit Fiend film short.

It features a guy being chased through the streets by a giant animated lobster. Very freaky.

And, by gosh, there were SEVERAL Rarebit Fiend films made:


According to imdb, McCay was involved with all of them.

US intelligence honcho channels Orwell, redefines privacy

November 11, 2007 9:27pm

"He noted that government employees face up to five years in prison and $100,000 in fines if convicted of misusing private information."

Uh, right. The key weasel word here is "misuse."

Creeps like Ministry of Information Director Kerr will see to it that legal uses will include anything they see fit to do.

#1: Oh, come on! These guys not only know about 1984, probably have wet dreams of being the rat wranglers for Room 101.

David Byrne considers IKEA as a video game

November 11, 2007 9:16pm

You may say to yourself "This is not my KONSUL!"

You may ask yourself "My God, where is my allen key?"

A Herbie comic for you to enjoy

December 7, 2007 1:27pm

Cripes, that was seriously strange!

Foresty bathroom fixtures, fair tale and Disney styles

November 2, 2007 10:41am

I bet these are a royal pain to keep clean.

Also, that Cruella DeVilla bidet is just totally in bad taste. What were they thinking?

Maker Faire tour with Mark Frauenfelder

November 1, 2007 1:12am

That's good to hear. Bruce Sterling posted a list of ribbon winners and they sounded very interesting.

How the UK government deals with a broken light bulb

December 19, 2007 12:17pm

Offices have used florescent tubes for decades, and have time-tested procedure for dealing with old and burned out units:

Remove tube from fixture.

Carry to dumpster.

Drop tube in dumpster.

I'm surprised that the concern trolls that have come of the woodwork to freak over CFLs haven't mentioned that.

Saddam's mega-yacht for sale - complete with secret passage!

December 19, 2007 11:05am

#7: Of course, there still could be currently secret passeges in there. Maybe connecting the bathroom and the shuffleboard deck.

Hey . . . MINI SUBMARINE POD! Maybe there's a secret silo with an escape rocket?

How the UK government deals with a broken light bulb

December 19, 2007 12:17pm

#37: Scoff if you wish, but those who follow NHS advice can at least claim they aren't full of sh*t.

David Silverman's holiday cards

December 18, 2007 10:39pm

Wow, no comments?

Anyway, nice episode! I like the day in the life of Santa.

Japan's chief cabinet secretary says alien spacecraft are real

December 19, 2007 3:00pm

Somewhere along the line, every advanced civilization invents the Holodeck, and that's the end of them.

No, seriously!

Old Soviet Christmas cards

December 20, 2007 10:54am

Zolf beat me to it.

Some attributes of western Christmas were repurposed for the New Years celebration.

The Santa-like fellow is "Grandfather Frost."

Many years ago, the Boys' Club in my town showed a bunch of Christmas cartoons. One of them was a Russian (well, Soviet!) film. It was about a boy who wanted to visit, or get gifts to, his father, who was stationed in an Antarctic base. Grandfather Frost showed up in a plane or rocket made of stardust.

Old Soviet Christmas cards

December 20, 2007 10:54am

My absolute favorite was inspired by, or inspired, the one Mark chose to illustrate the post:


I showed some friends this a few weeks back. One noted that the young cosmonaut's expression as he looked at the rabbit was looking awfully strange. "What's Russian for 'hassenpfeffer?'"

Another person turns blue from colloidal silver

December 20, 2007 10:39am

#9 "It's very depressing."

So . . . you're feeling blue too?


Another person turns blue from colloidal silver

December 20, 2007 10:39am

I think Mellowknees nailed it.

Silver as a antibiotic is a sort of chemotherapy. It worked . . . but then, so did the mercury cure for syphilis. (To use an extreme example.)

Some folks appear to be using it as a sort of vitamin, thinking it will boost their immune systems. (This was the reasoning of the Libertarian pol; he was worried about the collapse of medical care after Y2K and thought he'd make himself immune through silver treatments.)

Fake breasts from the $1 store

December 20, 2007 1:52pm

I like that the person shown wearing them is a young dork wearing a tie on his head.

For extra fun, buy four boxes and outfit yourself as a many-breasted cat person.

Woman ticketed after goats caught mating

December 20, 2007 9:10pm

" . . . it is illegal for any two animals to have sex in public , . . "

So a three-way would have been OK?

Confusing sandwich coupon

December 21, 2007 11:35am

While you've been figuring this out, we've inserted a nanite meme-insertion complex into your brains. Earth will soon be ours.

Rub My... Uh, I'm Not, Uh... You Know

December 21, 2007 9:13am

Someone should port that to the Wii.

I mean, think about it.

Santarchy part 2: Eggnog Boogaloo

December 21, 2007 6:30am

Why was one Santa's face blurred out?

I'm figuring:

a) That Santa was shy and didn't give permission.

b) His or her face had some kind of obscene design on it.

Shoe amoire

December 23, 2007 1:21pm

For cripes sake. $49,000 will buy a college education.

The same site offers a pirate ship playhouse for $52,000.

How does that saying go? This stuff is for people with more money than sense.

Carousel of Progress's climax

January 1, 2008 3:38am

It's been an awful long time (when was Worldcon in Orlando?) but I remember enjoying TCOP ironically.

I recall that the final set had a crummy Olivetti PC on it.

IBM PC from 1981 hacked to play full-motion video

January 1, 2008 3:21am

#8: Without googling: That's the code you enter in DEBUG to start the low-level format program on a Western Digital hard drive controller card.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who remembers.

* * *

I'm going to guess that the video mode used is the present but never advertised 160 x 100 pixel, 16 color mode of the CGA card. I don't think BASIC supported it, so you had to use machine language tricks. There were a few games that took advantage of it.

Thermochromic toilet seat

January 2, 2008 11:21am

If you put aluminum-foil stencils on your butt and thighs before sitting down on one of these, you could leave messages for the next customer!

Thermochromic toilet seat

January 2, 2008 11:21am

Hmmm. In addition to letter stencils, you could make little phage diagrams.

Gov't Handing Out Coupons for Digital TV Convertor Box

January 3, 2008 11:17am

I've (finally) started seeing PSAs explaining the digital turnover. Not bad, but they still have their jobs cut out for them.

I still have one analog set left. I plan on hooking it up to an antenna and watching the last broadcasts go off the air.

Suburban family discovers hidden room filled with toxic mold and a taunting note

January 6, 2008 7:12am

One thing is for sure:

This situation is going to turn up on an episode of CSI.

#27: A hidden room with a seated dummy wearing a hockey mask and a chainsaw in its lap would be even better.

Perry Bible Fellowship webcomic book does good!

January 6, 2008 12:13am

This is next year's Christmas gift for my friends.

#8: Heh-heh, does the book have the strip about the little girl and the bunny watching clouds?

Skyscraper airport of tomorrow, 1939

January 6, 2008 2:00am

#7: Genetically engineered lemur people, who service the vast network of pneumatic tubes that link each desk in the airport skyscraper with the city's dry goods stores, banks, and tele-vision theaters.

Hardware hacker reviews the One Laptop Per Child XO laptop

January 6, 2008 10:12pm

Another thanks to Simon @ 6.

Why do people assume that everyone in the developing world is listlessly sitting by the side of the road with an empty bowl on their lap and flies walking on their faces?

You could make a good argument that a solar- rechargeable LED light could provide more economic benefits to more people, by allowing folks to do work and study after sunset, but if a charity was set up to distribute those, I'd donate to that too.

Me, I bought TWO XO laptops via the Give One/Get One program. To judge from the reaction of people at work to my sample, the manufacturer could sell dozens to my cow-orkers alone.

Our universe as virtual reality

January 7, 2008 1:54pm

Oblig fiction reference: Olaf Stapledon's Star Maker, 1938, in which our universe turns out to be the Nth in an (almost) infinite series of steadily more perfect works of art.

RIP: "Vampira," Maila Nurmi.

January 12, 2008 8:58pm

So Vampira was inspired by the Chas Addams character who was later named "Morticia Addams!"

Unicorn Chaser

January 11, 2008 7:58pm

You could poke an eye out with that thing!

Ape Lad: Hobo Life

January 10, 2008 10:42pm

A hobo tried to light me on fire once.

Well, he might have just been a bum.

HOWTO make an animatronic lion mask with superpowers

January 8, 2008 2:41pm

What J.Black said. Any fetish-tang is way overwhelmed by the techno-artisan aspects.

BBtv Vlog: David Meets Artist Liz McGrath.

January 8, 2008 7:00pm

Great stuff! And there's a bonus appearance by Mark lurking in a doorway at 00:45.

OK, BBTV has now had all of the regulars except Cory in the anchor seat. Why ya camera shy D-man?

New Bush coins

January 10, 2008 11:02am

Is there an emoticon symbolizing a joke whizzing over someone's head?

Nostalgia Break: Wing Commander Blueprint Scans

January 10, 2008 10:39am

Wow. You were lucky. We had to pretend we had a refrigerator box when I was a kid.

And that was so we could pretend we were in the cockpit of the Space Angel, so we could only move our lips.

New Bush coins

January 10, 2008 11:02am

#10: Hey, I like it!

J.J. Abrams TED talk: "Mystery in a Box" (video)

January 10, 2008 9:35am

MAKE Magazine should have mystery box contest. The boxes would do something -- whine, vibrate, move -- until opened.

ATAX Survival Tool

January 10, 2008 11:43am

What are its anti-zombie properties?

Exoskeleton for farmers

January 15, 2008 3:02pm

Urban gardeners are always fighting bugs, Takuan.

But now she can hurl them into the Gowanus Canal.

Bruce Sterling's Kiosk: geniunely 21st century science fiction

January 15, 2008 11:16pm

Good story.

I'm still not clear on why the European crowd bought Boris' kiosk . . . market research?

Photo of "The Monster" pizza

January 16, 2008 12:05pm

Is there a crust under there? Any cheese?

Maybe this should be referred to as a flattened gyro rather than a pizza.

RIP Wham-O co-founder Richard Knerr

January 17, 2008 10:48am

A fitting tribute would be to hunt up old Wham-O TV commercials on YouTube and such.

Also, throw a Frisbee up on your roof.

RIP Wham-O co-founder Richard Knerr

January 17, 2008 10:48am

"The" superball may be discontinued, but close replicas can be had in any dollar store.

RIP Wham-O co-founder Richard Knerr

January 17, 2008 10:48am

I was just looking at the Wham-O site. "The Original Superball" is available.

Who came up with the notion that it was banned?

RIP Wham-O co-founder Richard Knerr

January 17, 2008 10:48am

Cripes, that Wheelie Bar looks insanely dangerous.

* * *

The Wham-O site has a lot more than the Hacky Sack, Hulu Hoop, and Frisbee. Besides the Superball and Super Slide, there is all sorts of sports-related stuff.

Nothing really strange and geeky, though. It's kind of a jock toys outfit now. I doubt they'll every come up with an insanely popular fad toy again.

* * *

I think I remember the Wham-O slingshot. A sturdy Y-shaped wooden handle with slots to thread a really thick rubber band through.

RIP Wham-O co-founder Richard Knerr

January 17, 2008 10:48am

Ah, yes, here it is:

Wham-O Slingshot

Life After People, new documentary

January 18, 2008 10:44am

Both #4 and #17 creep me out, but #17 creeps me out far more.

Model rockets that look like Sesame Street's Bert - video

January 18, 2008 12:37pm

Bert has been known to hang around with Osama Bin Laden.

Life After People, new documentary

January 18, 2008 10:44am

According to his blog, SF author David Brin has some screen time during the series.

One of his novels (actually, a trilogy) is set on a colony world that was deliberately abandoned and its cities left to rot; the illegal current inhabitants have to live in a way that won't leave traces for future legal colonists to discover.

Unusual list of sex-related terms

January 18, 2008 1:28pm

#8: Some Islamic nations require nanny goats to wear underwear, to cover up their naughty bits.

Makes you wonder if this is a) just some clerical authority taking things to a silly extreme, or b) a reaction on an actual problem.

Brooklyn Bridge to get a waterfall

January 19, 2008 4:11am

#8: "Fuck art"

Yes, you can find plenty of that in Manhattan, but why ask for it here?

BBtv Vlog: Joel Johnson - Blipfest / Candy Expo

January 21, 2008 5:01pm

Joel is a great host, but I think both of those topics / visits deserve their a longer post of their own, with more introductory material.

Having just red Candy Freak, I wish I knew more up front about Candy Expo, for example!

Boing Boing turns eight!

January 21, 2008 11:34pm

Only eight years?

When was the early pre-blog BB started?

Cloverfield's visual gaffe -- stuff movie sf usually gets wrong

January 23, 2008 10:07pm

As I recall, the same 'card' provided an alphanumeric code reference for the area.

I think the standard of visual design and world building in SF film and TV is getting slowly better. Not consistently, but on average. There's an awful lot of geeks out there, and they're having an effect on what makes it on the big and little screen.

I remember, as a barely-teenager, being really offended by a detail in the movie version of Logan's Run. Logan, bored, tunes in the holographic girlfriend channel, and eventually chooses a chick who . . . walks out of the TV set. It's a teleporter, evidently.


They have teleportation technology, but all they use it for is arranging one night stands?

Sloppy, sloppy!

Nowadays, you sometimes get neat, consistent stuff thrown into a film that's on-screen for mere seconds, but it helps set the mood. Like the cereal box in Minority Report that has animated characters running all over it.

Michael Swanwick's one-of-a-kind stories-in-bottles

January 23, 2008 10:19pm

That rocks!

William Gibson's poem "Agrippa" was originally printed as a limited-edition book that self-destructed as it was read.

I forget the details, but as I recall there was a printed version that smudged up and became unreadable, and a floppy disk version that scrolled the text past once and then scrambled itself. Of course, that version was swiftly hacked and the poem is now floating about the web.

Swanwick's bottle stories, despite being lower tech, seem much less hackable.

Clever grocery-store coupon strategy

January 23, 2008 10:03pm

Manufacturer's coupons, which come in slick booklets bundled with (in my area) Sunday newspaper, are usually good for a month or two.

Coupons from specific grocery stores do indeed have a one week life.

Another "secret:" The two types of coupons are compatible. If you match up a store coupon and a manufacturer coupon, you can get some great deals. Especially if the store offers "coupon doubling."

Last fall, I took advantage of several great sales on cereal and a clutch of coupons. I ended up with three dozen boxes of cereal; average price, perhaps $1.50 a box. The shelf life of the stuff is a year or more, so why not? I'm down to a dozen boxes, and starting to collect coupons again.

Mysterious, doughy, unknown blob clogs sewer

January 24, 2008 2:19pm

Tekeli-li! Tekeli-li!

CoolMiniOrNot: HotOrNot site for sculpted, painted miniatures

January 24, 2008 7:35am

For a short time, mid/late 90s, I was painting stuff that looked good on a gaming table. Nowhere near show quality, but the characters had eyes and there was some shading and such. I'd steal unpainted plastic minis from classmate's monitors and desks and return them painted.

A few years later I thought I'd finish painting a a bunch of Star Guard minis, just so I'd have complete units to sell when I finally grew up and decided to shed all my geek stuff. And I couldn't even manage to meet my average efforts. My eyes and coordination had gone south.

Now I hear that most gamers don't paint at all anymore. They buy pre-decorated collector packs.

It's nice to see that some people still do their own.

Mark F. T-Shirt

January 24, 2008 3:02pm

Mark, is there any way to learn about Lollipopland without signing up (?) for this iGoogle thing?

What's the deal with that, anyway? Will the header show pictures from the series?

Orwell's ill-tempered rant on bookselling

January 25, 2008 1:11am

Another thumbs up for "Down and Out in London and Paris."

"Burma Days" is a total bummer, but a good antidote for revisionist trogs who think life in the Subcontinent under British rule was just peachy.

Armchair made from rucked-up felt

January 25, 2008 12:17pm

Getting dropped keys and coins out of that thing would be a total nightmare.

Robot helps lost shoppers

January 25, 2008 10:28am

I bet it talks in an annoying, high pitched, juvenile anime-character voice.

Smugglers clone FedEx and Border Patrol vans

January 25, 2008 12:14pm

Now trucks and vans will have to be built with a shiny anti-counterfeiting strip. And corporate logos will have to be changed every couple of years.

Smugglers clone FedEx and Border Patrol vans

January 25, 2008 12:14pm

Or maybe law enforcement personnel can get some kind of special symbol, like a magical lens or something.

Smugglers clone FedEx and Border Patrol vans

January 25, 2008 12:14pm

#10: In addition to getting guys over the border, there's the business of delivering them to various destinations once they're in country.

I just read a newspaper story about this side of the smuggling business. A broken license plate lamp led to a traffic stop, and the arrest of a bunch of illegal immigrants and a couple of "coyotes." The van had a delivery list . . . where each guy was heading.

Ryan Heshka art show at Secret Headquarters

January 27, 2008 4:12pm

Great poster!

Cat with five legs

January 28, 2008 9:37am

Interestingly, many of the people calling about Babygirl aren't interested in adopting her, but in getting her extra limbs.

Mmmmm, cat legs.

Old ad suggests caffeine triggers child abuse

January 28, 2008 9:01am

Somewhere on Lilek's site are a series of cartoon-style adverts for a coffee substitute. Each strip shows an invisible, jet-pack-wearing demon tempting people into drinking too much coffee, turning them into short-tempered bastards.

After they switch to Postum (or whatever) and patch up their personal lives he flies off with a "curses, foiled again!" type exit line.

MythBusters tackles "plane on a conveyor belt problem"

January 28, 2008 11:13am

#28: Phlogiston.

MythBusters tackles "plane on a conveyor belt problem"

January 28, 2008 11:13am

Choose carefully; all proponents of the theory that loses will be condemned to scamper along that runway conveyor belt forever, BWAH-Hah-hah! FLY fools, Fly!

Space Food Sticks

January 29, 2008 8:55pm

I was a little space nut (and, uh) and loved this sort of space tie-in stuff. My family used Tang on camping trips, but my mom thought (probably correctly) that Space Food Sticks were pricey junk.

However, I do recall a cousin and I polishing off a box of the butterscotch (?) variety during a car trip.

Bob's comparison to a slightly less chewy Tootsie Roll is pretty dead on from what I can remember.

1961 monster toy commercial Great Garloo

January 30, 2008 7:28pm

Tolchocker beat me to it. $17.95 was pretty damn steep back then. Was this guy the equivalent of a Pleo . . . unaffordable unless daddy had deep pockets?

I know that things like chemistry sets and model railroads sets could be pretty pricey back in the day, but they had educational and hobby value.

Hen lays green eggs (no ham)

January 31, 2008 10:50am

A co-worker keeps a dozen or so laying hens. He claims that their egg shell color matches the color of their exposed skin (on legs).

He brings in the extras. Usually they go to paying customers who want fresh organic eggs. I've gotten a few dozen that were still around after a few days. As others have noted, they come in a variety of colors.

Organlegging nurse sold diseased corpsemeat for dental implants, knees and disks

January 31, 2008 1:13pm

This story has been the basis of a "Law and Order" episode. DUHM-DUHM!

You know, you couldn't come up with a better name for an corpse-raiding bio-fraudster than Mastromarino if you tried.

Organlegging nurse sold diseased corpsemeat for dental implants, knees and disks

January 31, 2008 1:13pm

#8: No, sorry. The unicorn died and . . . well, you don't want to know what they did with her horn.

Let's just say Dick Cheney's new dentures sure are golden and shiny.

Hen lays green eggs (no ham)

January 31, 2008 10:50am

#13: Maybe something to do with missing nutrients, or a miserable life in a sunless box?

Or maybe factory hens are bred to produce consistent product?

Antique anti-masturbation device

January 31, 2008 9:24am

#19, #21: "It's alright to prick your finger, but never finger your prick!" -- George Carlin

Which book should Neil Gaiman put online for free?

February 9, 2008 10:15pm

Another thumbs up for Coraline. It's short, really well written, and can be enjoyed by young and old.

I was indifferent to Neverwhere. Well written, neat premise, but . . . I dunno, not my cup of baroque tea. I like American Gods quite a bit more, but still not a knock-out for me.

Scan of 1950 menstruation primer

February 1, 2008 12:27pm

How far back to you have to go before you get primers that tell girls to wait things out in a hut in the woods? ("Bring plenty to read, catch up on your sampler, and don't bake any cakes.")

Scan of 1950 menstruation primer

February 1, 2008 12:27pm

I can imagine the late-nights terrors of a kid given this book . . . waiting in dread for that fateful day when her eyes would turn into eerie spirals.

#2: I love sonipitt's description of the exercise.

Fine news

February 3, 2008 5:02am

I will pass on the advice given to my parents by a beatnik patron of my grandparents' restaurant, on seeing me when I was a few weeks old:

Raise her to be a death-ray repairwoman!


The International Association of Turtles

February 7, 2008 1:30pm

I recall that there's a copy of the card on display in the Smithsonian Air & Space museum, with some other astronaut memorabilia.

Rat kings

February 7, 2008 2:20pm

I'd love to see a cutsey stuff-toy-rat version of this featured in CRAFT.

Unicorn chaser

February 7, 2008 2:30pm

#6: No wonder they're hard to find these days!

Neat house uses water tank to hold up roof, cool interior

February 7, 2008 4:34pm

New homes in the SWestern US should all be being built with cisterns.

But that one is fug-ugly. It looks like the ceiling has a horrible tumor.

Wired Issue 1 Admired

February 8, 2008 8:44am

I was manning a booth at the CES where WIRED had its second premiere (they were at an Apple conference the week before). We asked for and got a "dump" to give out copies of issue 1.1.

It was pretty darn mind blowing at the time. I grabbed about a dozen copies. I left some in the airplane magazine rack on the way home, some I mailed to friends.

I still have maybe a half-dozen copies, some still sealed in plastic.

1960s kid game commercial: Pie Face

February 8, 2008 3:03pm

Very late 60s' or even early 70s'.

My cousins had this game, although I never actually played it or saw it in operation. It came with a clear plastic face mask. It wasn't clear to me what use that was; wasn't the pie-ing supposed to be a surprise?

1960s kid game commercial: Pie Face

February 8, 2008 3:03pm

Ah, ok, reviewing the video cleared that up. You got behind the mask when your turn came up.

I think I remember another commercial, one where a whole family played and there wasn't an elaborate cardboard frame for the mask.

Worst food in America: Outback Steakhouse Aussie Cheese Fries with Ranch Dressing

February 11, 2008 11:42am

While I can believe this starch and fat pile is the least healthy, it's not the "worst" food. There are unhealthy foods that are also disgusting.

I remember, after maybe 24 years, a microwaveable hamburger -- the "Big 'Un" -- that I bought at 7-11. Loathsome, with bad quality chili and bad quality cheese and an unhappy gristly meat patty. I finished it only because I was desperately hungry poor college student.

And a "crispy" "spicy" "seafood" "wrap" that I bought at Long John Silver's. The "crispy" part came from 1" long rice crispy like bodies. The spicy part, a runny, caustic yellow-pink fluid. I managed to eat half of it, then threw the remainder out the car window. (I-79 on the way down to Pittsburgh.) I belatedly apologize for littering, and beg forgiveness from the Most High for the agonizing death the consumption of this wretched choad might have caused any unsuspecting wild critters that thought they'd lucked out when they found it.

Interview: Bjarne P. Tveskov, Classic LEGO Space Designer

February 11, 2008 3:23am

Steve Jackson, of Steve Jackson Games, has for years been running war games with Lego pirate ships at conventions.

He recently announced:
"... I'll be spending a full day running a new Lego game that's not Pirates. It's SPACE Pirates, based on the Triplanetary movement system. Except the ships will be Lego!"

We Lost. The Telcos Won.

February 12, 2008 12:04pm

Comfort yourself in how safe we'll all be from . . . uh . . . how ahhh . . . hmmm.

You know, even if we can't sue or try the bastards, we should make the CEOs of these firms admit everything they've done to a national audience. And publish their home addresses so we can keep an eye on them and make sure they're safe.

Casulo: Complete Furniture in a Crate

February 12, 2008 7:11am

Next thing it needs: A kitchen in a crate. Assume a sink, fridge, and range/oven.

Documentary about women who collect fake babies

February 12, 2008 9:02pm

The slick coupon booklets that come in the Sunday newspaper have, toward the rear where the rates are lower, advertisements for realistic doll babies. I always wondered who bought those things. Now I know.

(The supplements also have adverts for collector plates for various icky little dog breeds, and unbelievably tacky Thomas Kinkade religious kitsch.)

This reminds me a little of animal hording, but far less destructive to one's physical health and the cleanliness of one's home. And, of course, there's not animal suffering involved.

Another success in Homeland Security's War on Babies

February 15, 2008 4:02pm

I dunno. If the tot's name was on a no fly list, I'm sure if it was for a reason. :-(

Objectivism in Bioshock

February 15, 2008 3:35pm

Bob the Angry Flower triumphs over the Pirates and Looters.

Remixable German documentary about me and Internet freedom

February 24, 2008 1:42am

Wait, wasn't there going to be free ice-cream?

Home movie of an automat

February 24, 2008 1:27am

If you google around a bit, you can find on-line recipes for some of the dishes that Horn & Hardart put in automats. Also, a book full of automat trivia and more recipes.

My mom took my to an automat when I was a little kid. I don't remember what we bought, but it was for the novelty value, not because we were getting lunch. I do recall the sad little ceramic bowls of baked beans, and a coffee spigot shaped like a dragon.

The dispensers took actual coins at the time. A few years later, the NYC automats were reduced to tourist novelties and the machines took pricey tokens.

XO laptop -- a green miracle of energy efficiency: Video

February 24, 2008 11:19pm

I visited my parents in Florida last week. I booked a frequent flyer program flight with a stopover and lots of waiting.

So, I brought my XO laptop ("One Laptop Per Child") with me, to check email and use as an ebook reader. I loaded it up with classic books from Project Gutenberg, and looked up how to turn off the WiFi so I could use it on the plane as well.

It was great. The screen, with the back lighting on, was brilliant and crisp. With the back lighting turned off, the text was perfectly clear and readable under the light of the planes' reading lamps. I read E.E. Doc Smith's Triplanetary and most of Baum's The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus with it in that mode.

The no-brainer network searcher found and connected the Orlando, Las Vegas, and Portland airports' free WiFi. I was able to check my AOL and Comcast email accounts. (The browser had trouble with my work email.) The keyboard is a bit too small for touch typing, but I knocked off three or four email messages as well.

And . . . folks . . . the thing attracts geeks like a cute baby in a stroller attracts cheek-pinching old ladies. I was approached by at least six people, on the plane and in the terminals, who were utterly entranced by the thing. I demonstrated it, let them fondle it, and explained the OLPC project. (One couple not only liked the computer, but photographed my home-made case.)

They all wanted one.

I'm considering stenciling LAPTOP.ORG on the case, so I can tell people where to find out more about the project and the XO.

Jasmina Tešanović: The Day After / Kosovo

February 22, 2008 1:23pm

There's a post on Bruce's blog with a longish video of Bruce and Jasmina examining an XO laptop and the OLPC project.

She thinks it would have been great to have during the siege and bombings several years back (sturdy and portable and power-frugal), and the educational equivalent of having a personal spaceship for poor kids. Bruce loves it as a gadget but had great doubts about its political acceptability.

Smoking ban workaround in bars: Hold "theater nights"

February 25, 2008 12:45pm

Penn & Teller are not journalists; they're entertainers, and their show caters to an audience looking for a brand of entertaining truthiness that disses regulation of any sort.

You can find "experts" who can authoritatively support any position you pay them to.

Futuristic public toilet in London

February 25, 2008 11:58pm

I recall using one of these in either NYC or San Francisco. I don't recall any problems, but these units seem to generate controversy where ever they're installed or proposed because of the vandalism and misuse problem.

The real solution:

Old-style public restrooms, updated to be handicapped accessible and easier to clean, with an attendant to handle security and cleaning. You could put a community policing booth between the womens' and gents' wings. Yeah, it would cost money, but your city would be cleaner and more attractive to pedestrians.

Or why not bow to the inevitable and let companies introduce coin-operated privacy booths? No sanitary plumbing, just a dimly lit, self-cleaning place where junkies can shoot up and johns can get serviced. Then the pressure would be taken off of public toilets.

Uniformed volunteers patrol Tokyo streets to intimidate people hanging out

February 26, 2008 1:59pm

"They bring German Shepards (also in uniform) on their patrols with them."

Consequences of reading through bOING bOING story summaries too quickly:

I mentally conflated the previous story with this one, and for a moment imagined those German shepherds in a girl's school uniform. (Would that make the dogs more or less intimidating?)

Three trillion dollars - Nobel winning economist tabulates true cost of Iraq war

February 27, 2008 8:22pm

Yeah, but because the value of the dollar is plummeting, that $3,000,000,000,000 isn't anywhere near as high a figure as it seems!

More Abu Ghraib torture photos

February 27, 2008 8:53pm

Hah, hah, our troops sure love their high-spirited fraternity-style hi-jinks! I bet the prisoners had fun too!

[/heartsick snark]

Online movement for autistics' rights

February 26, 2008 11:07pm

From Salon, a few years back:

Planet Autism

Blogging from TED 2008

February 27, 2008 9:25pm

Mark, I wasn't able to view your Flikr set until I signed in. Also, I was told that these pictures of thrift stores and restaurants fell outside my filter limits! :-)

You might want to check the permissions / settings so more folks can enjoy them.

Man creates online shrine for favorite cookie fortune

February 27, 2008 8:54pm

. . . in bed!

Awesome rant against Diet Pepsi

February 28, 2008 12:33pm

#17: "I've also found extra money in my pocket at the end of the week, so that's a bonus."

Dude. I put that there.

Now that you've kicked the soda habit and lost that weight, I'd like it back so I can help someone else.

NBC opposing LA bike-path to prevent script-lobbing?

February 28, 2008 3:09pm

Maybe the studio should put a slot in the fence labeled UNSOLICITED SCRIPT DEPOSIT.

The slot would very obviously feed into a heavy-duty paper shredder.

The shredded paper would then be laid out on the bottom of a large cage, labeled UNSOLICITED SCRIPT EXAMINATION DEPARTMENT, which is full of piglets.

TED 2008: designer Yves Behar

February 29, 2008 8:58am

The XO comes with a single (folded) instruction sheet, much of which shows how to open the unit.

Shrine to bragging, deadly Internet "mall ninja"

February 28, 2008 11:35pm

I hope John Rogers reads this, and writes a script about mall ninjas.

Roy's Doty's Leap Year card -- Carpe Diem!

February 28, 2008 9:08pm

One of my college friends is having his ninth birthday today. His wife is putting on a Star Wars themed kiddie-party, with an R2-D2 cake and a Death Star pinata.

In a few years, his son will have had more birthdays than he . . .

Brooklyn Superhero Supply

March 1, 2008 2:29pm

Just two photos? Is there a link missing? (Well, there's a link to the map-it thingie, but no Flickr group or what-not.)

Unusual realistic baby sculptures

March 3, 2008 1:38pm

There is no God.

The Fast and the Furriest

March 3, 2008 1:36pm

It's been years since I've been to an SF convention, but I recall that centaurish creatures were a subset of furry art. Maybe inspired by those John Varley novels set on Saturn's artificial moon?

I never understood the attraction / fascination.

As for the car, shouldn't they find a way to take advantage of those two extra feet? Selectively breaking right and left wheels for added control, maybe?

The Fast and the Furriest

March 3, 2008 1:36pm

Oh, I remember fuxes. Because each author was free to fill in the details, the stories in the collection had all sorts of slightly different variants on them and the other aliens.

Little known fact:

Frederick Pohl wrote a whole novel (JEM) set on a slightly-changed version of Medea.

S.P.A.M. Theater, Vol. I

March 3, 2008 12:00am

Wow, great stuff! Especially part II.

Dungeons & Dragons Creator Gary Gygax Passes Away; Interview

March 4, 2008 9:58am

Ahhh, fuck. I knew he had health problems, but god damn.

Geeking out over velcro-like fasteners in infant wares

March 4, 2008 11:58am

Rob Cockerham should have his own TV show. Or guest spots on BBTV

Dungeons & Dragons Creator Gary Gygax Passes Away; Interview

March 4, 2008 9:58am

Back in Jr. High School (~1978), I carefully wrapped my D&D; books (the original three-brown-book set) with paper covers, so I wouldn't have to explain what the hell they were if someone saw me reading them.

The notion of a game you played with pencils and paper and in your imagination was so totally out there that I knew no one would understand. (Being interested in reading was bad enough.)

Now, not only is D&D; a household word, but a significant portion of the population has played RPGs, if only the computerized kind.

Gygax & Arneson's creation has truly battled its way into popular culture.

Great Moments in Gygax: Random Harlot Encounter Table

March 5, 2008 4:20am

What's the saving throw vs. venereal maladies?

Steve Lodefink guestblogging Dinosaurs and Robots

March 5, 2008 2:34pm

Another blog?

Uh . . . Mark? How many of you are there? Does cloning hurt?

ETech: BoingBonic Convergence

March 6, 2008 8:46pm

#11: No, hip geeksters!

Hey, Donkey, Koford has a casting call out for a sequel to his latest documentary. Why don't you go for it?

Herbal Viagra contains dangerous chemicals

March 6, 2008 10:50am

#21 "Who would actually buy fake viagra from a spam email?"

People with wood in their heads instead of their pants?

BB group portrait reader-remixed as Wizard of Oz poster

March 7, 2008 2:12pm

As an early Boing Boing contributor, I claim Chief Winkie Guard (the one who says "You . . . you killed her!" and "Hooray for Dorothy!" and "OH-EEEH-Oh, Oh-EEEEEH-Oh!").

Lego arms-dealer

March 7, 2008 1:09pm

A friend just pointed me to:

Forbidden LEGO: Build the Models Your Parents Warned You Against!

by Ulrik Pilegaard

"It just may be impossible to exhaust the creative potential of LEGO bricks. With an active imagination as your guide, there are endless possibilities-provided you follow the LEGO Company's official (and sensible) rules. This means no cutting or tampering with bricks, creating models that shoot unapproved projectiles, or using non-standard parts with any LEGO product. After all, those little precision-molded ABS bricks can be dangerous in the wrong hands! Well, toss those rules out the window.

Forbidden Lego introduces you to the type of free-style building that LEGO's master builders do for fun in the back room. Using LEGO bricks in combination with common household materials (from rubber bands and glue to plastic spoons and ping-pong balls) along with some very unorthodox building techniques, you'll learn to create working models that LEGO would never endorse. Try your hand at a toy gun that shoots LEGO plates, a candy catapult, a high voltage LEGO vehicle, a continuous-fire ping-pong ball launcher, and other useless but incredibly fun inventions.

Once you get into the spirit, you'll want to try inventing your own rule-breaking models. Forbidden Lego's authors, share tips and tricks that will inspire you and help you turn your visions into reality. Nothing's against the rules in this book!"

Steampunk animal skull sculptures

March 8, 2008 7:53am

American Science & Surplus used to sell a replica coyote skull for under $20. (Other places still sell them, for a lot more.)

I had one on my desk for a few years. I never thought of "hacking" or decorating it.

Teller survives zombie uprising with conjuring and sniper rifle

March 8, 2008 7:34am

#10: Yes, there's a link on the linked-to site which says just that.

Great little video. Very dry but funny.

Teller did several pieces for National Public Radio years ago.

Flowchart: How D&D; is a gateway drug to every flavor of nerdiness

March 9, 2008 9:14am


If Vin Diesel gets in there, so should Stephen Colbert and Patton Oswalt.

Have you seen the Geek Hierarchy?


Father Ted fest pictures

March 10, 2008 11:12am

I saw a "Father Ted" in which a really, really low-rent carnival visits the village. Pretty funny.

"even when I haven't been drinking milk"

Cool . . . if you can outfit your nostrils with a nipple you can take a turn at nursing duty!

Flowchart: How D&D; is a gateway drug to every flavor of nerdiness

March 9, 2008 9:14am

The Areas of My Expertise rocks. And he does the 826 storefront stuff too? Neat.

"Satan's Ice Cream Truck" prowls Los Angeles

March 10, 2008 11:47am

Oye . . . I'd expect that noise from, I dunno, a suspiciously ill-maintained Soviet-era thrill ride found in a carnival touring rural Estonia.

One with chipped paint and scary characters to sit on.

Possessed: a documentary about hoarders

March 10, 2008 1:41pm

My solution to Too Many Books is Powell's. They give me money. Or store credit.

For a while, I was carefully picking up and evaluating all of the PCs discarded in my apartment complex. People throw away a lot of working computers. Alas, most are so old that even the local computer recycle / reuse program will only scrap them. Now I only pick out the truly useful machines. (And sometimes they are amazing finds, like the box I turned into a MythTV system.)

Great Moments in Gygax: Random Harlot Encounter Table

March 5, 2008 4:20am

#8: A wench is a serving woman; she has a job other than providing sexual services. For a tart, that's her career.

Vatican comes up with a new list of Seven Sins

March 10, 2008 3:17pm

The 21st century is going to require frequent New Sin updates.

Remember that BB story about "people" in Second Life having virtual sex with unicorns in order to give birth to virtual pet unicorns? That's gotta be a sin to these guys. (Maybe not as bad a sin as actual sex with a unicorn, which won't be happening without some serious advances in genetic engineering.)

Teen pranksters switch off San Francisco's electric buses

March 11, 2008 12:13pm

#3: You forgot boot camps for the offenders.

New-old stock of Bell Labs's cardboard teaching computer, the CARDIAC

March 11, 2008 2:42pm

[crotchety old geezer voice]
Fah! Back in my day we trained on CLAYTABLETIAC.
[/crotchety old geezer voice]

Unusual home invasion in Ohio (Update: fake? real!)

March 12, 2008 3:46pm

Yeah, I hate when that happens.

Woman sat on toilet for two years

March 12, 2008 2:18pm

So . . . how long before this gets adapted for CSI, ER, or Law & Order?

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