Rome, Italy: Explosive Attack Against a Carabinieri Police Station in San Giovanni by Santiago Maldonado Cell FAI-FRI


In times of social peace and compliance there is no better reply than action. A stimulus, a continuity and a jolt to wake up those who sleep.

Acting on one’s own initiative breaks the compliance and inaction and ignites those whose blood boils.

The anarchic praxis of attack must be the basic stimulus of anarchy, otherwise it is a walking dead. Action is necessary to make us alive in the ways we consider opportune, removed from every program, hierarchical and vertical structure. Many revolutionary practices are part of an anarchism in its bowels.

We have decided to take our lives into our own hands by breaking the oppressive peace that surrounds us.

On the night of the 6th to the 7th of December we placed a steel thermos containing 1.6kg of explosives outside the carabinieri barracks in the San Giovanni district in Rome.

Our attentions have turned to the main guardians of the deadly order of capitalism: the police. Without them, the privileges, the arrogance and the wealth accumulated by the owners would be nothing. Because they have always had the function of repressing, jailing, deporting, torturing and killing those who by choice or necessity find themselves outside their law.

The fight against the state is not simple and cannot be reduced to magic formulas. But the objectives are there and you cannot always make theories and talk of convenience. Every individual free by desire and necessity puts theory into action, here and now. There is no delegation in the struggle for freedom.

What would have been in these years if an incendiary minority had not picked up the torch of anarchy? If these comrades had waited for better times? The president of the European Commission whose Christmas was ruined knows something about this. He knows something about the vampire of Equitalia and was mutilated by one of its claws.* The sorcerer of Ansaldo Nuclear must have felt the heat from the torch of anarchy in his legs.**

Today we take the torch of anarchy, tomorrow it will be somebody else. As long as you do not turn it off!

Who wants to watch will continue to watch. Who wants to justify politically not acting will continue not doing so. We are not waiting for any train of hope, we do not wait for better times. Conditions move with the confrontation. The movement is such if it acts, otherwise it stands still. The liberation of the individual from authority and exploitation is carried out by those directly concerned.

Yet those who attack are driven by a contagious urge. This means propaganda of the deed.

Against cops, politicians and their stooges. Against engineers of science and industry. Against all masters, but also against all servants. Against the ranks of honest citizens of the prison society.

We are not interested in wasting time and energy in the critique of reformists…Although we do not consider ourselves an elitist minority, as anarchists we have our actions and our demands. Our propaganda. Every individual and affinity group develops and increases their experiences in fraternal bonding. Without any specialization and without wanting to impose a method. Let everyone find their way through action. The structured hierarchical organization in addition to killing the freedom of individuals is also more vulnerable to the reaction of oppression.

The informal anarchist organization is the instrument that we deem most appropriate at this moment, for this specific action, because it allows us to hold together our irreducible individuality, dialogue with other rebels via the claim of responsibility and finally the propaganda conveyed by the echo of the explosion.

It is not intended to be an absolute and definitive tool.

An action group is created and developed through knowledge, through trust. But other groups and individuals can share, even temporarily, a project, a debate, without knowing each other in person. They communicate directly through action.

Direct destructive action is the logical response to repression. But not solely. Anarchist praxis is also a revival, a proposal that goes beyond solidarity, breaking the spiral of repression-action-repression. Solidarity actions are impotant, but we cannot confine ourselves to the critique, however armed, of some oppressive operation or process.

The imprisoned comrades are part of the fight, they give us a side and give us strength. But it is necessary to act and organize. The advance of technological development, the policies of control and repression do not give much room for evaluation on what to do. Life and repression in the metropolis are being redesigned. Moving and acting can become more and more complicated.

Unlike the ‘clashes’ often announced by a certain antagonism, unpredictability is the best weapon against the society of control. Hit where they do not expect you. Today we struck in the heart of the militarized capital to challenge the delusions of security. Tomorrow, who knows, maybe in the suburbs where you least expect it. We do not make truces, we chose our own times. This has always been the principle of the metropolitan guerrilla. With the difference that the informal cell conspiracy does not know hierarchies or strategic directions. And that’s why it’s even less predictable.

The Italian State is at the forefront of repressive and military policies. By geographical location it is often called upon to do the dirty work to defend the borders of Fortress Europe.

The latest agreements between Minister Minniti* with the bloody Libyan colonels are recent evidence. Reaching the number of slaves necessary, ‘let’s take advantage of them at home’ as well as remaining popular is still a good bargain.

Last night we brought the war to Minister Minniti’s house. The ones in uniform who are directly responsible, the ones who obey by keeping silent and silencing those who don’t. They have received a small taste of what they deserve.

With this action we launch an international campaign against the representatives, structures and means of repression. Anybody can contribute to this campaign using whatever tools they consider to be the most appropriate.

Santiago Maldonado Cell
Informal Anarchist Federation – International Revolutonary Front

We dedicate this action to the Argentine anarchist kidnapped and murdered by the Benetton hit men. May the day come when the oppressors will finally disappear from the face of the earth.

(via Croce Nera Anarchica, translated by Insurrection News)


*refers to a letter-bomb sent in 2003 by an FAI-FRI cell to the home of European Commission president Romano Prodi. Prodi opened the parcel in his home, but the subsequent explosion did not result in any serious injuries.

**refers to the 2012 attack against Ansaldo Nuclear chief executive Roberto Adinolfi by Olga Cell FAI-FRI in which Andinolfi was knee-capped.

***Marco Minniti, Italian Minister of the Interior.


Posted in Direct Action, Explosive Attack, Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI), International Revolutionary Front (FRI), Italy, Rome, Santiago Maldonado, Santiago Maldonado Cell FAI-FRI

Santiago, Chile – Palavras de Juan e Nataly antes do final do julgamento no chamado “Caso Bombas 2”


Uma  nova abordagem axs indivíduxs em conflito permanente com o poder e axs compas solidárixs em qualquer lugar do globo.

A mais de 3 anos da nossa prisão e mais de 8 meses em julgamento oral pelo denominado “caso bombas 2”

O tempo passado na prisão enfatiza em cada momento o significado da vida que escolhemos de forma consciente desde que sentimos a necessidade de enfrentar esta realidade de extermínio e devastação com suas relações de poder e submissão, para viver de verdade, nos aproximamos inevitavelmente para algum fim…

Estamos presxs há mais de 3 anos por assumir nosso posicionamento contra o sistema de dominação, sem nenhum remorso por isso. Como não podíamos negar a nós mesmxs, ainda menos o que significa esta luta contra o poder, na qual muitxs compas foram tiradxs de nós, sendo para nós uma necessidade de mantê-lxs presentes dos pensamentos aos atos, para continuar sendo cúmplices, destruindo as fronteiras do tempo e espaço.

Há mais de oito meses, foi realizado um julgamento contra nós, do qual claramente não nos sentimos parte, já que sabemos há muito tempo que somos xs únicxs donxs de nossas existências, não importa onde estivéssemos. Vindo diariamente para este lugar significa sentir ainda mais o confinamento físico, sendo algemadxs, em pequenas jaulas e ataques diariamente. Apesar disso, ficamos todo esse tempo tão perto  quanto não pudéssemos estar em mais de dois anos de prisão.

Lhes contamos que nos encontramos perto do dinal do julgamento, a 01 ou 02 semanas aproximadamente. Esperamos seu fim de uma vez por todas, já que o período deste processo foi devido ao espírito do promotor para apresentar sua “prova” até o cansaço… (7 meses foi sua exposição), sabemos que este caso é bastante fantasioso na realidade.

Do visto e ouvido aqui somos finalmente acusadxs:

(1) Ataque explosivo em 08/09/2014 no subcentro da escola militar (acusam Juan). Ataque que deu aviso à polícia (número 133), de acordo  com elxs com apenas 3 minutos antes da detonação. Informação da qual não duvidamos que exista manipulação, porque, após o aviso, nenhum procedimento policial foi adotado, nem mesmo este aviso foi informado. Feito com as consequências de feridxs já conhecidas.

(2) Ataque explosivo em 13/07/2014 na estação terminal de metrô Los Dominicos, atribuindo o artefato mais de 10 minutos depois de ser encontrado por um empregado do metrô sobre um assento do metrô. (acusam Natal e Juan)Estas duas ações foram reivindicadas pelxs compas da Conspiração das Células de Fogo.

(3) Atentado explosivo em 11/08/2014, artefato colocado embaixo de um carro particular de um policial, este no estacionamento ao lado da 1ª delegacia do centro de Santiago. (acusam Nataly e Enrique de “facilitar” o artefato a Juan, que acusam de colocador).Em princípio, Juan também foi acusado de colocar um artefato explosivo na 39ª delegacia do Bosque. No mesmo 11/08/2014 em um horário em que só diferia por volta de 10 minutos da explosão na 1ª delegacia, lugares separados por uma distância exageradamente maior no tempo… situação que insultava a lógica e só era possível na imaginação do promotor, então essa acusação foi finalmente retirada, no entanto ele usou este fato como um tipo de prova durante todo o julgamento.

Ambas ações foram reivindicadas pela Conspiração Internacional Pela Vingança.

(4) Nataly e Juan são acusadxs de porte de pólvora negra.O Ministério Público, e não só elxs, tentam nos condenar e condenar esses feitos sob a lei antiterrorista e a vala que são suas prisões pedindo prisão perpétua a Juan, 20 anos e 1 dia para Nataly e 10 anos e 1 dia para Enrique.

Este processo só busca por sua natureza repressiva, policial, midiática, judicial e prisão, ser um golpe e mais uma demonstração de força contra xs indivíduxs que negam seu poder.

Este é um “processo” que, desde nossa prisão em 18/09/2014, contou com mais de 2000 policiais para nos prender, em meio de uma festa midiática. Policiais de diversas instituições como GOPE, LABOCAR, DIPOLCAR, PDI, entre outras, muitas das quais participaram neste julgamento como testemunhas e/ou peritos, com relatórios lugares dos eventos (pela GOPE), coleta de evidências (pela LABOCAR e DIPOLCAR) e inteligência da Carabineros responsável por este caso.

Com as perícias como o DNA, tentam nos vincular a esses fatos, DNA de mesclas complexas, no limite de detecção e outras complicações técnicas que não entregam nem tem nenhuma certeza científica, é mais, apenas a interpretação parcial, tendenciosa e até a manipulação da evidência pela LABOCAR, como vimos nesse julgamento. Além de buscar subjetivamente justificar através do nosso posicionamento, uma relação com os fatos. Fatos sobre os quais argumentamos não ser autores, mas que para o Ministério Público é um elemento extremamente importante devido à imprecisão de sua acusação.

Hoje, temos a necessidade de não ceder frente aos golpes de nossxs inimigxs e responder a cada compa solidárix e ação que esteve conosco neste confinamento, de diferentes lugares do globo, Argentina, Brasil, Grécia, para mencionar alguns. Suas distintas formas de coordenação e propagação do conflito são fundamentais para aquelxs que vivem na prisão, e hoje queremos abraçá-lxs novamente.

Ainda temos claro que nada do que elxs pretendam determinar, será suficiente para acabar com nossos desejos de liberdade. A liberdade dxs compas presxs, e a própria necessidade de sua destruição são parte de nossos planejamentos e objetivos, pde modo de tocar e colidir com estes muros não podem reforçar  esta necessidade…

Hoje queremos saudar

Fraternalmente a Byron Robledo, compa atropelado por um motorista miserável da transantiago em defesa da propriedade dxs ricxs. Romper a passividade e solidarizar com Byron!!!

Um abraço à distância com o companheiro Konstantinos Yagtzoglou, sequestrado em Atenas, acusado de atentar contra o primeiro ministro e empregado do FMI Loukas Papadimos.

Solidariedade insurrecta com xs companheirxs da CCF, e um abraço cúmplice a Freddy Fuentevilla, Marcelo Villarroel e Juan Aliste, sempre atentos e dispostos a solidarizar.

Recebemos com alegria a liberdade de Hans Niemeyer e Javier Pino.

Da mesma forma, a saída da prisão dxs 8 comuneros mapuches na denominada operação huracán e o os comuneros absolvidos pelo caso Luchsinger Mckay.

Dos muros da prisão de San Miguel Nataly Casanova e desde o CDP Santiago Sur (ExPenitenciaria) Juan Flores.

(via Turba Negra)


Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Bombs Case 2, Byron Robledo Villalobos, C.D.P. Santiago 1 Prison, Chile, Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (CCF), Enrique Guzmán, Freddy Fuentevilla, Hans Niemeyer, International Solidarity, Javier Pino, Juan Flores, Konstantinos Yigtzoglou, Marcelo Villarroel, Nataly Casanova, San Miguel Prison, Santiago, Turba Negra

USA: North Bay Area Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM) Chapter Formed

north bay pict words

Received on 07.12.17:

Announcing: North Bay Area RAM Chapter

Responding to the call out for revolutionary anarchist action, underground railroads, and the destruction of the amerikkkan plantation, we are proud to announce the formation of a North Bay Area RAM Chapter.

Now more than ever, it is urgent to destroy the prison industrial complex, burn down the borders, and fight this patriarchal white supremacist system.

We intend to work along with our communities, radical and otherwise, to build infrastructure sustained without the state, to engage in self-defense and mutual aid, as well as enhance these cities and facilitate co-creative and transformative spaces.


About RAM

The Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement is a political movement dedicated to freeing people from bondage and building resistance in the United States. We situate our political movement in the context of the abolitionist struggle against slavery and continue in the tradition, from Nat Turner to the Black Liberation Movement. We believe the Civil War was never resolved and the system of slavery transitioned into the prison industrial complex. Our struggle today must begin from this starting point. Lastly, as revolutionary anarchists, the abolitionist struggle must be extended to the state and capitalism, the perpetrators of oppression. The revolutionary movement in the US today is at a cross roads, as fascist movements are expanding, and the state becomes increasingly authoritarian. The Rojava Revolution, in northern Syria, provides us with a model for revolution today with its foundation in communal and council based political organization and militant defense.

Posted in Antifascism, Fire To The Prisons, North Bay Area RAM, Prison Abolitionists, Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM), USA

Santiago, Chile: Palabras de Juan y Nataly ante el pronto fin del juicio en el llamado “Caso Bombas 2”


Un nuevo acercamiento a los individuos en conflicto permanente con el poder y a los compas solidarios en cualquier lugar del globo.

A más de 3 años de nuestro encarcelamiento y más de 8 meses en juicio oral por el denominado “caso bombas 2”

El tiempo transcurrido en prisión remarca a cada momento el significado de la vida que elegimos de forma consciente desde que sentimos la necesidad de enfrentar esta realidad de exterminio y devastación con sus relaciones de poder y sometimiento, para así vivir realmente, nos acercamos de forma ineludible a algún fin…

Nos encontramos desde hace más de 3 años encarcelados por asumir nuestro posicionamiento contra el sistema de dominación, sin ningún remordimiento por eso.Ya que no podríamos negarnos a nosotros mismxs, menos aún lo que significa esta lucha contra el poder, en la cual muchos compas nos han sido arrebatadxs, siendo para nosotrxs una necesidad mantenerles presentes desde los pensamientos a los actos, para así continuar siendo cómplices, destruyendo las fronteras del tiempo y espacio.

Hace más de ocho meses se realiza un juicio en nuestra contra,del cual claramente no nos sentimos parte ya que desde hace mucho tiempo nos sabemos lxsunicxsdueñxs de nuestras existencias, sea cual sea el lugar en que nos encontremos. El concurrir diariamente a este lugar significa sentir aún más el encierro físico, al estar esposadxs, en jaulas pequeñas y allanamientos a diario. Pese a esto  hemos podido estar todo este tiempo cerca como no lo pudimos estar en más de dos años de prisión.

Les contamos que nos encontramos cerca del fin de este juicio a 1 o 2 semanas aprox. Esperamos su término ya de una vez, ya que lo extenso de este proceso sólo se debió al ánimo del fiscal por presentar su “prueba” hasta el cansancio… (7 meses fue su exposición), sabemos que este caso es bastante fantasioso en relación a lo Real.

De lo visto y oído aquí se nos acusa finalmente:

1- Ataque explosivo el día 08/09/2014 en el subcentro escuela militar (se acusa a Juan). Ataque del cual se dio aviso a la policía (numero 133), según ellxs con sólo 3 minutos de antelación a la detonación. Información de la cual no dudamos exista manipulación, esto debido a que tras el aviso no se adoptó ningún procedimiento policial, ni siquiera se informó de este aviso. Hecho con las consecuencias de heridos ya sabidas.

2- Ataque explosivo el día 13/07/2014 en la estación terminal de metro los dominicos, destinando el artefacto más de 10 minutos después de ser encontrado por un empleado de metro sobre un asiento del tren subterráneo. (Se acusa a Natal y Juan)

Estas dos acciones fueron reivindicadas por lxs compas de la conspiracion de las células del fuego.

3- Atentado explosivo el día 11/08/2014, artefacto puesto bajo el auto particular de un policía, esto en el estacionamiento contiguo a la 1ra comisaría de stgo central. (Se acusa a Nataly y Enrique de “facilitar” el artefacto a Juan a quien se acusa de colocador).

En principio también se acusó a Juan de la colocación de un artefacto explosivo en la 39 comisaría del Bosque. El mismo 11/08/2014 en un horario en que sólo difería por 10 minutos aproximadamente de la explosión en la 1ra comisaría lugares separados por una distancia exageradamente mayor en tiempo… situación que insultaba a la lógica y sólo era posible en la imaginación del fiscal, por lo que se retiró finalmente esta acusación, no obstante utilizó este hecho como un tipo de prueba durante todo el juicio.

Ambas acciones fueron revindicadas por conspiración internacional  por la venganza

4- se acusa a Nataly y Juan de posición de pólvora negra.

La Fiscalía y no sólo ellxs pretenden condenarnos y condenar estos hechos bajo la ley antiterrorista y al sepulcro que son sus cárceles solicitando presidio perpetuo a Juan, 20 años y 1 día a Nataly y 10 años y 1 día a Enrique.

Este proceso sólo busca por su naturaleza represiva,  policial, mediática, judicial y de prisión, ser un golpe y una demostración más de fuerza contra lxs individuos negadores de su poder.

Este es un ” proceso” que desde nuestro encarcelamiento el día 18/09/2014 contó con más de 2000 policías para detenernos, en medio de un festín mediático. Policías de diversas instituciones tales como GOPE, LABOCAR, DIPOLCAR, PDI, entre otrxs, muchas de las cuales participaron en este juicio en calidad de testigos y/o peritos, con informes de sitios del suceso (por GOPE), levantamiento de evidencias (por LABOCAR y DIPOLCAR) e inteligencia de Carabineros a cargo de este caso.

Con pericias tales como el ADN pretenden vincularnos a estos hechos, ADN de mezclas complejas, al límite de detección y otras complicaciones técnicas que no entregan ni tienen ninguna certeza científica, es más, sólo la interpretación tendenciosa, sesgada y hasta la manipulación de la prueba por parte de lxs policías de LABOCAR, como pudimos apreciar en este juicio. Además de forma subjetiva buscan justificar a través de nuestro posicionamiento, una relación con los hechos. Hechos de los cuales hemos sostenido no ser autores, pero el cual para la Fiscalía es un elemento extremadamente importante debido a lo vago de su acusación.

Hoy tenemos la necesidad de no ceder frente a los golpes de nuestrxsenemigxs y responder a cada compa  solidario y de acción que ha estado con nosotrxs en este encierro, desde diversos lugares del globo Argentina, Brasil, Grecia, por mencionar algunos. Sus distintas formas de apañe y propagación del conflicto son fundamentales para quienes vivimos la prisión, y hoy queremos abrazarles una vez más.

Aún tenemos claro que nada de lo que ellxs pretendan determinar, será suficiente para acabar con nuestros deseos de libertad. La libertad de los compas presxs, y la necesidad misma de su destrucción son parte de nuestros planteamientos y objetivos, por lo que el palpar, y chocar con estos muros no pueden sino reforzar esta necesidad…

Hoy queremos saludar

Fraternamente a Byron Robledo, compa atropello por un miserable chófer de transantiago en defensa de la propiedad de lxs ricos. ¡¡¡a romper la pasividad y solidarizar con Byron!!!

Un abrazo a la distancia al compañero Konstantino Yagtzoglou, secuestrado en Atenas, acusado de atentar contra el primer ministro y empleado del FMI Loucas Papadimos.

Solidaridad insurrectos con los compañeros de CCF, y un abrazo cómplice a Freddy Fuentevilla, Marcelo Villarroel y Juan Aliste, siempre atentos y dispuestos a solidarizar.

Recibimos con alegría la libertad de Hans Niemeyer y Javier Pino.

Así mismo la salida de prisión lxs 8 comuneros mapuches en la denominada operación Huracán y los comuneros absueltos por el caso Luchsinger Mckay.

Desde los muros de la prisión de San Miguel Nataly Casanova y desde el CDP stgoSur (ExPenitenciaria) Juan Flores.

(via Publicacion Refractario)

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Bombs Case 2, Byron Robledo Villalobos, C.D.P. Santiago 1 Prison, Chile, Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (CCF), Enrique Guzmán, Freddy Fuentevilla, Hans Niemeyer, International Solidarity, Javier Pino, Juan Aliste, Juan Flores, Konstantinos Yigtzoglou, Mapuche Struggle, Marcelo Villarroel, MPPs (Mapuche Political Prisoners), Nataly Casanova, Operation Hurricane, San Miguel Prison, Santiago

USA: Announcing The Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement – NYC Community Bail Fund

Received on 06.12.17:

RAM NYC is proud to announce the launch of our Community Bail Fund and the first successful release of a person from the New York City jail system. 

Unable to afford bail and facing minor charges, Max* was about to be sent to Rikers to await trial, before our intervention spared him the horrors of the Island. Now he is back at home, and because he still faces charges, we continue to work with his family to connect them to additional resources.

Without being convicted of any crime, people are forced to remain behind bars because they cannot afford exorbitant bail. In actuality, these high bail amounts function as ransom against being held in brutal and violent conditions, and makes it almost impossible for families to mount a legal defense for their loved ones. 

RAM NYC, in tandem with the larger Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement, is now laying the groundwork for what was outlined in Burn Down the American Plantation. We are creating revolutionary infrastructure that is immediately and ethically aiding people who are held in captivity by the white supremacist state. Revolutionaries desire to materially change peoples’ lives for the better and within RAM NYC we are now taking our first steps in that process.

We understand that the political system is written with fundamental anti-black politics. The politics of abolition, then, must be underwritten by a willingness and desire to reach into the plantation system; to liberate those in captivity; to spread revolutionary ideas, to offer a concrete political and social alternative, and to raise the mantle of black liberation to the forefront of our movement.

The RAM NYC Community Bail Fund intends to release one person per month from Rikers Island or central bookings in NYC. We primarily focus on bail amounts under $3,000. When court proceedings are complete, bail money is returned to the RAM NYC fund and we can continue to bail out other people.

We realize any amount of time inside the prison walls is destructive, and potentially deadly, and every bit of support is meaningful. Through this project we will further the abolitionist cause for freedom.

To support this project:

*His name has been changed to respect his privacy



FB: RevAbolitionistNYC

Twitter: @RevAbolitionNYC



Posted in Community Bail Fund, Fire To The Prisons, Fundraiser, Mutual Aid, New York City, Prison Abolitionists, Prisoner Solidarity, Prisoner Solidarity Movement, RAM NYC, Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM), USA, Videos

Brazil: Latest Update on Operation Erebo Repression Against Anarchists in Porto Alegre (Port/Esp/Eng)


Brasil – Últimas atualizações sobre a Operação Érebo em Porto Alegre

Sobre a Operação Érebo em Porto Alegre.

Em primeiro lugar, não há compas detidxs. Esclarecemos isso já as informações de ontem alertaram todxs, mas agora confirmaram que não há nenhumx companheirx detidx.

Aproveitamos esta comunicação para informar que os registros e apreensões continuam em Porto Alegre e em sua área metropolitana. O fato de que esses registros não sejam midiatizados como foi o primeiro nos deixou parcialmente desinformadxs. Existem compas que têm  maior acesso a informações que facilitam solidariamente com as notícias, o que ajuda muito. Mesmo com isso, é importante, e isso é como a autocrítica, não seguir o ritmo imediatista das redes sociais, que às vezes provocam uma onda de alarme. Especialmente nos momentos onde há compas que ainda têm que enfrentar incursões e onde ainda não sabemos a magnitude do contragolpe do Estado.

Também queremos insistir que esta incursão tem suas próprias particularidades mas, como anarquistas, não precisamos ter (e esperamos não ter) compas detidxs para seguir manifestando nosso abraço solidário.

Do Sul
Algumxs anarquistas


Brasil – Últimas actualizaciones sobre la Operación Érebo en Porto Alegre

Sobre la Operación Érebo en Porto Alegre.

Antes de nada, no existen compas detenidxs. Esclarecemos esto ya que la información de ayer nos alertó a todxs pero ahora confirmaron que no existe ningunx compañerx detenidx.

Aprovechamos esta comunicación para informar de que los registros y aprehensiones continúan en Porto Alegre y en su área metropolitana. El hecho de que estos registros no sean mediatizados como fue el primero nos deja parcialmente desinformadxs. Hay compas que tienen mayor acceso a la información que facilitan solidariamente las noticias lo cual ayuda mucho. Aun con eso es importante, y esto va como autocrítica, no seguir el ritmo inmediatista de las redes sociales, que a veces provocan una oleada de alarma. Sobre todo en momentos donde hay compas que aun tienen que enfrentarse con allanamientos y donde aun no sabemos la magnitud del contragolpe estatal.

También queremos insistir en que esta razzia tiene sus propias particularidades pero, en tanto que anarquistas que somos, no necesitamos tener (y esperamos no tener) compas detenidxs para seguir manifestando nuestro abrazo solidario.

Desde el Sur
Algunes anarquistas


Brazil – Latest updates on Operation Erebo in Porto Alegre

About Operation Erebo in Porto Alegre.

First of all, there are no comrades detained. We clarified this already when yesterday’s information alerted everyone, but we now have definite confirmation that no comrades were arrested.

We are using this message to inform everybody that the raids and seizures continue in Porto Alegre and in its metropolitan area. The fact that these raids are not publicized as the previous ones were has meant we have not been as well informed this time. There are comrades who have better access to information which makes it easier for them to share the news, which helps a lot. Even so, it is important, and this is some self-criticism, not to get caught up in the instantaneous tempo of social media, as this can sometimes cause a wave of panic. Especially in times where there are compas who haven’t yet faced raids / repressions and when we still don’t know the magnitude of the State’s counterattack.

We also want to point out that this latest raid has its own peculiarities, but, as anarchists, we do not have to have (and hopefully will not have) arrested / detained comrades to continue to manifest our expressions of solidarity.

From the south
Some anarchists

(via Turba Negra)

Posted in ACAB, Anarchist Movement, Brazil, Fuck The Police, International Solidarity, Operation Erebo, Porto Alegre, Repression, Turba Negra

Athens, Greece: Involuntary Hospitalization of Revolutionary Struggle Prisoners Pola Roupa & Nikos Maziotis


Revolutionary Struggle members Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa are on hunger strike since November 11th 2017.

The two imprisoned comrades are fighting against isolation measures; against specific provisions of the new correctional code aimed at repressing them as high-security prisoners; against the proposed detention of high-security prisoners in police stations; against the intended reinstatement of the type C prison regime. They also demand an immediate end of the solitary confinement imposed on Nikos Maziotis (since July, the comrade is kept isolated from other prisoners by a decision of the justice ministry); an extension of visiting hours based on the frequency of visits a prisoner has; appropriate visitation rooms for incarcerated parents to meet with their children.

They made it clear from the outset that they only receive water. They have repeatedly asked to be granted unhindered phone communication with their six-year-old son before being transferred from Korydallos prisons to any hospital.

On December 2nd, Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa were transferred to a hospital outside the prisons due to the deterioration of their health condition. However, the next day both comrades asked to be sent back to the prisons because eventually they were not permitted unhindered phone communication with their child.

On December 4th, Nikos Maziotis burned and destroyed the B isolation section in the basement of Korydallos women’s prison, where he has been held in solitary confinement for 5 months. He was then moved to the prison infirmary because of the fumes, and was threatened with further isolation – this time in a disciplinary unit of Korydallos prisons.

In the early hours of December 5th, hunger strikers Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa were forcibly transferred outside Korydallos prisons. The prison prosecutor ordered their involuntary hospitalization. They are currently being kept at the General State Hospital of Nikaia, both threatened with force-feeding. As of yet, the hospital doctors have not succumbed to the prosecutor’s order.

Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa continue their hunger strike. They have stated they will not accept serum, and will act against involuntary treatment and force-feeding (torture) in every possible way.

(via Contra Info)

Posted in Hunger Strike, Korydallos Prison, Korydallos Women's Prison, Nikos Maziotis, Pola Roupa, Political Prisoners, Prison Struggle, Revolutionary Prisoners, Revolutionary Struggle, Type C Prisons