Category Archives: Operation Erebo

Brazil: Banner & Statement in Solidarity with Anarchists in Porto Alegre Facing Repression from Operation Érebo

A few words in solidarity with anarchists persecuted by the “Erebo” operation in Porto Alegre (RS), from somewhere in the territory controlled by the Brazilian state and global capitalism. Almost four months ago, a police operation led by the deputy Jardim raided … Continue reading

Posted in Analysis, Banners, Biblioteca Kaos, Brazil, Guilherme Irish, Operation Erebo, Porto Alegre, Repression, Samuel Eggers

Brazil: Call for a Month of Anarchic Offensive Against Operation Erebo

ANTI-AUTHORITARIAN AGITATION FOR THE ANARCHIC OFFENSIVE AGAINST OPERATION EREBO Insubmissive solidarity to all persecuted anarchists in the southern region of the territory dominated by the Brazilian state. We call for extensive action to months of February and March in response … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Movement, Brazil, Fuck The Police, International Solidarity, Operation Erebo, Porto Alegre, Repression

Czech Republic: Solidarity with the Anarchist Comrades Facing Persecution from ‘Operation Erebo’ in Brazil

More than a month ago, we informed you about the launch of the repressive ‘Operation Erebo’ in the Porto Alegre region of Brazil. We did not wait long to show solidarity. We hung banners, spread information, organized discussion on this … Continue reading

Posted in Banners, Brazil, Czech Republic, International Solidarity, Operation Erebo, Porto Alegre, Repression

Uruguay: Solidarity with the Anarchists Persecuted by Operation Erebo in Brazil (Esp/Port/Eng)

Solidaridad con lxs perseguidxs por la operación Erebo en Brasil. Desde el 24 de octubre en la ciudad de Porto Alegre, RS. Se viene llevando adelante una nueva operación represiva y de amedrentamiento sobre el movimiento antiautoritario y anarquista en … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Movement, Brazil, International Solidarity, Operation Erebo, Porto Alegre, Repression, Turba Negra, Uruguay

Brazil: Latest Update on Operation Erebo Repression Against Anarchists in Porto Alegre (Port/Esp/Eng)

Brasil – Últimas atualizações sobre a Operação Érebo em Porto Alegre Sobre a Operação Érebo em Porto Alegre. Em primeiro lugar, não há compas detidxs. Esclarecemos isso já as informações de ontem alertaram todxs, mas agora confirmaram que não há … Continue reading

Posted in ACAB, Anarchist Movement, Brazil, Fuck The Police, International Solidarity, Operation Erebo, Porto Alegre, Repression, Turba Negra

Brazil: New Operation Erebo Repression Against Anarchists in Porto Alegre

Received on 05.12.17: ALERT! Operation Erebo just raided more places in downtown Porto Alegre looking to arrest anarchists. According to the Federal Police intelligence department, the cops are holding a comrade – their identity is still unknown. Please share and … Continue reading

Posted in ACAB, Anarchist Prisoners, Brazil, Fuck The Police, Operation Erebo, Porto Alegre, Repression

Brazil: Operation Erebo – The Hunt Against Anarchists in Porto Alegre Continues

Received on 02.12.17: Today, November 30, 2017, Operation Erebo attacked anarchists once again. They invaded some houses, stealing things and destroying everything in their path. At this stage we don’t know whether any other homes were invaded. Communication is precarious … Continue reading

Posted in ACAB, Anarchist Movement, Brazil, Fuck The Police, Operation Erebo, Porto Alegre, Repression