Category Archives: USA

USA: ‘Become Ungovernable’ – Video Compilation of 2017 Anarchist Street Activity in Solidarity with the J20 Defendants

Received on 25.01.18: A video compilation of anarchist street activity in 2017 throughout so-called america. In solidarity with the J20 defendants.  

Posted in #DisruptJ20, #J20, ACAB, Antifa, Antifascism, Banners, Fuck The Police, Fuck Trump, Graffiti, Riots, Street Art, Street Clashes, USA, Videos

USA: Fundraiser for former Anarchist Political Prisoner Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin

Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin is a former member of the Black Panther Party and wrote the seminal text “Anarchism and the Black Revolution” while incarcerated as a political prisoner. His writings, which first circulated in the 1990s, continue to inspire many anarchists … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchism and the Black Revolution, Anarchist Movement, Antifascism, Fundraiser, USA

USA: Coordinated Banner Action Against State Terrorism by Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM)

Received on 05.01.18:  RAM Coordinated Banners Against State Terrorism When the video of the cold-blooded execution of Daniel Shaver by a barbaric cop, Philip Brailsford, was released to the public, we all saw yet another case of abuse of the … Continue reading

Posted in ACAB, Andy Lopez, Antifascism, Banners, California, Connecticut, Daniel Shaver, Direct Action, Dwayne Jeune, Fuck The Police, Inland Empire, Jayson Negron, New York, Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM), USA, Zoe Dowdell

USA: Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM) Chapter Formed in Chicago

Received on 04.12.18: Announcing: Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement – Chicago We are proudly announcing the establishment of the Chicago RAM chapter. Following RAM’s principles, vision and aims, we assert our commitment to fight against the white supremacist patriarchal state and its … Continue reading

Posted in Announcements, Antifascism, Chicago, Fire To The Prisons, No Borders, Prison Abolitionists, RAM Chicago, Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM), Rojava Revolution, USA

USA: Call for an International Day of Solidarity with J20 Defendants on Jan 20

Call for an International Day of Solidarity with Inauguration Day Defendants on January 20, 2018 On January 20, 2017, tens of thousands of people greeted President Donald Trump’s inauguration with large protests ranging from creative blockades to militant street actions. … Continue reading

Posted in #DisruptJ20, #J20, Fuck Trump, International Solidarity, Repression, USA

Philadelphia, USA: Bank ATMs Sabotaged for Black December

Received on 23.12.17: In celebration of Black December some anarchists in Philly decided to take a leisurely winter stroll downtown and put a stall in the commerce-shit-capitalism of nearly every ATM in the financial heart of the city. We took … Continue reading

Posted in Alexis Grigoropoulos, Black December, Combative Memory, Direct Action, Philadelphia, Sabotage, Scout Schultz, USA

Florida, USA: ‘Tampa’s Dark Ages’ – Urgent Appeal from the Sex Worker Solidarity Network

Received on 20.12.17: The “Bathhouse Ordinance” it’s called: flying under the radar of dedicated activists and sex workers alike, the City of Tampa has revived a homophobic law in hopes of targeting “sex traffickers.” But it isn’t difficult to see … Continue reading

Posted in Bathhouse Ordinance, Florida, Refugee Struggle, Repression, Sex Workers, Tampa, Transgender Struggle, USA, Women's Struggle, Workers Struggle