Category Archives: Refugees

Kolkata, India: International Anarchist Solidarity Action with Villawood Hunger Strikers

Received on 25.01.18:  On 24 January, 2017, we, a group of anarchists from 3 different continents, undertook an action in support of the hunger striking prisoners in Villawood Detention Centre, so-called Sydney, Australia. The solidarity action, which was undertaken in … Continue reading

Posted in Antifa, Antifascism, Australia, Bengal, Fuck Border Force, India, International Solidarity, Kolkata, Refugee Solidarity Movement, Refugee Struggle, Refugees, so-called 'Australia', Villawood

Sydney, Australia: Hunger Striking Detainees at Villawood on Lockdown & Denied Visits by Border Force

18.01.18: Around 160 detainees at Villawood in Sydney are continuing their hunger strike – now in its fourth day. (Thursday, 18 Jan), over the draconian restrictions to visiting. In an attempt to break the hunger strike, Border Force has locked down … Continue reading

Posted in Australia, Free The Refugees, Fuck Border Force, Hunger Strike, Refugee Action Coalition Sydney, Refugee Struggle, Refugees, so-called 'Australia', Sydney, Villawood

Australia: Over 200 Detainees in Immigration Detention Commence Hunger Strike in Protest Against New Visit Restrictions

16.01.18: Over two hundred detainees at two detention centres, Villawood in Sydney and Maribyrnong in Melbourne, have declared a hunger strike in protest at visiting restrictions recently announced by Border Force. The detainees have been on hunger strike for more than … Continue reading

Posted in Australia, Fuck Border Force, Hunger Strike, Maribyrnong Immigration Detention Centre (MIDC), Melbourne, Refugee Struggle, Refugees, Sydney, Villawood

The Netherlands: New Year’s Eve Solidarity Action at the Rotterdam / The Hague Airport Deportation Centre

On New Year’s Eve around 20 people held a solidarity action at the Rotterdam/The Hague airport deportation centre. While almost the entire country was celebrating the new year, hundreds of people are awaiting deportation just because they don’t have the … Continue reading

Posted in Banners, Direct Action, Free The Refugees, Refugee Solidarity Movement, Refugee Struggle, Refugees, Rotterdam, Stop Deportations, The Hague, The Netherlands

Sydney, Australia: Stencil Actions at Liberal & Labor MP Electoral Offices in Solidarity with Refugees on Manus

Received on 01.12.17: In the early hours of the 29th of November the electoral offices of Malcolm Turnbull, Tony Abbott and Anthony Albanese were decorated with stencils that said: Evacuate Manus. Your Inaction Is Blood On Your Hands. Refugees Welcome. … Continue reading

Posted in Australia, Direct Action, Free The Refugees, Graffiti, Manus Island, Papua New Guinea (PNG), Refugee Solidarity Movement, Refugee Struggle, Refugees, Stencils, Sydney

Sydney, Austrália: Pixação na sede do Departamento de Imigração em Solidariedade com xs Refugiadxs de Manus

Recebido em 08.11.17: Pixação em solidariedade com xs refugiadxs em Manus na sede do Departamento de Imigração e Proteção de Fronteiras em Sydney, na chamada Austrália. Na pixação se lê: ‘FREE THE REFUGEES’ (LIBERTEM XS REFUGIADXS), ‘161 WSC’ (Ação Anti … Continue reading

Posted in #SanctionAustralia, Anti Fascist Action Sydney, Antifa, Antifascism, Australia, Direct Action, Free The Refugees, Graffiti, Manus Island, Refugee Solidarity Movement, Refugee Struggle, Refugees, so-called 'Australia', Sydney

Sydney, Australia: Graffiti at the Department of Immigration HQ in Solidarity with Manus Refugees

Received on 08.11.17: Graffiti in solidarity with the refugee men on Manus painted on the headquarters of the Department of Immigration and Border Protection in Sydney, so-called Australia. Graffiti reads: ‘FREE THE REFUGEES’ , ‘161 WSC’ (Anti Fascist Action, Western … Continue reading

Posted in #SanctionAustralia, Australia, Direct Action, Free The Refugees, Graffiti, Manus Island, Refugee Solidarity Movement, Refugee Struggle, Refugees, so-called 'Australia', Sydney