Category Archives: Anarchist Movement

Brazil: Call for a Month of Anarchic Offensive Against Operation Erebo

ANTI-AUTHORITARIAN AGITATION FOR THE ANARCHIC OFFENSIVE AGAINST OPERATION EREBO Insubmissive solidarity to all persecuted anarchists in the southern region of the territory dominated by the Brazilian state. We call for extensive action to months of February and March in response … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Movement, Brazil, Fuck The Police, International Solidarity, Operation Erebo, Porto Alegre, Repression

USA: Fundraiser for former Anarchist Political Prisoner Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin

Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin is a former member of the Black Panther Party and wrote the seminal text “Anarchism and the Black Revolution” while incarcerated as a political prisoner. His writings, which first circulated in the 1990s, continue to inspire many anarchists … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchism and the Black Revolution, Anarchist Movement, Antifascism, Fundraiser, USA

Solidarity with the Anarchists in Afrin / Solidarité avec les Anarchistes de Afrin / Solidariteit met de Anarchisten van Afrin

Received on 25.01.18: Solidarity with the Anarchists in Afrin – Solidarité avec les Anarchistes de Afrin – Solidariteit met de Anarchisten van Afrin  Anarchists of Afrin, Rojava need financial support for food. This fund is not used for military equipment! !!!! … Continue reading

Posted in Afrin, Anarchist Movement, Fundraiser, International Solidarity, Kurdish Struggle, Mutual Aid, Rojava, Syria, War

Rojava: Urgent Message from an Anarchist Comrade in Afrin

Received on 23.01.18: The Erdoganist army and its barbarian allies (namely the Turkish backed Free Syrian Army /TFSA & the so-called Syrian National Army /SNA) invaded 4 outer villages and 4 defensive points in the Afrin region. They are moving … Continue reading

Posted in Afrin, Anarchist Movement, Anti-War, Erdogan Terrorist, Fuck Erdogan, International Solidarity, Kurdish Struggle, PKK, Rojava, Rojava Revolution, SDF, Syria, Turkey, War, YPG, YPJ

Belarus: Review of Anarchist Activity in 2017

The past year was quite eventful in the political life of Belarus, the most important event being the Spring protest of the Belarusians against the current government and its anti-social policies. And although the protest was brutally dispersed and the … Continue reading

Posted in 2017 in review, Anarchist Movement, Anarchist Prisoners, Belarus, Brest, Dmitry Polienko, Fuck Lukashenko, Fuck The Social Parasite Law, Kirill Alekseev, Minsk, Videos

Finland: 100 Years Are Enough! (Video)

Received on 09.12.17: Compilation video of anarchist and antifascist street activity in Finland between 2013 and 2017. The 6th of December marked the 100 year anniversary of the Finnish State. For the abolition of all states. For anarchy.

Posted in ACAB, Anarchist Movement, Anti-Nationalism, Antifa, Antifascism, Finland, Graffiti, Street Art, Street Clashes, Videos

Uruguay: Solidarity with the Anarchists Persecuted by Operation Erebo in Brazil (Esp/Port/Eng)

Solidaridad con lxs perseguidxs por la operación Erebo en Brasil. Desde el 24 de octubre en la ciudad de Porto Alegre, RS. Se viene llevando adelante una nueva operación represiva y de amedrentamiento sobre el movimiento antiautoritario y anarquista en … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Movement, Brazil, International Solidarity, Operation Erebo, Porto Alegre, Repression, Turba Negra, Uruguay