Category Archives: Refugee Solidarity Movement

Kolkata, India: International Anarchist Solidarity Action with Villawood Hunger Strikers

Received on 25.01.18:  On 24 January, 2017, we, a group of anarchists from 3 different continents, undertook an action in support of the hunger striking prisoners in Villawood Detention Centre, so-called Sydney, Australia. The solidarity action, which was undertaken in … Continue reading

Posted in Antifa, Antifascism, Australia, Bengal, Fuck Border Force, India, International Solidarity, Kolkata, Refugee Solidarity Movement, Refugee Struggle, Refugees, so-called 'Australia', Villawood

The Netherlands: New Year’s Eve Solidarity Action at the Rotterdam / The Hague Airport Deportation Centre

On New Year’s Eve around 20 people held a solidarity action at the Rotterdam/The Hague airport deportation centre. While almost the entire country was celebrating the new year, hundreds of people are awaiting deportation just because they don’t have the … Continue reading

Posted in Banners, Direct Action, Free The Refugees, Refugee Solidarity Movement, Refugee Struggle, Refugees, Rotterdam, Stop Deportations, The Hague, The Netherlands

Sydney, Australia: Stencil Actions at Liberal & Labor MP Electoral Offices in Solidarity with Refugees on Manus

Received on 01.12.17: In the early hours of the 29th of November the electoral offices of Malcolm Turnbull, Tony Abbott and Anthony Albanese were decorated with stencils that said: Evacuate Manus. Your Inaction Is Blood On Your Hands. Refugees Welcome. … Continue reading

Posted in Australia, Direct Action, Free The Refugees, Graffiti, Manus Island, Papua New Guinea (PNG), Refugee Solidarity Movement, Refugee Struggle, Refugees, Stencils, Sydney

Naarm / Melbourne, so-called Australia: Serco Compound Attacked in Solidarity with Refugees in Detention

Received on 20.11.17: 19.11.17: Tonight, a group of people in Naarm / Melbourne, responding to the call out for 8 Days of Solidarity for Refugees, undertook an action targeting Serco. Serco is a multinational corporation which is directly responsible for … Continue reading

Posted in 8 Days of Solidarity for Refugees, Australia, Deaths in Detention Vengeance and Accountability Crew, Direct Action, Free The Refugees, Graffiti, Melbourne, Naarm, Refugee Solidarity Movement, Sabotage, so-called 'Australia'

NSW, Australia: Shopping Centre Intervention in Solidarity with Refugees on Manus Island

Received on 15.11.17: November 13th: People in So-Called Armidale, NSW, staged interventions in the town’s commercial hubs during peak afternoon shopping hours, using a megaphone to project statements and extracts of articles from Iranian refugee, Behrouz Boochani, who has been … Continue reading

Posted in #SanctionAustralia, Australia, Behrouz Boochani, Direct Action, Free The Refugees, Manus Island, NSW, Refugee Solidarity Movement, so-called 'Australia'

Melbourne, Austrália: Relatos sobre o Dia de Ação para xs Refugiadxs na Ilha de Manus

08.11.17: RISE: Refugee Survivors and ex-Detainees pediram um Dia de Ação, em 07 de novembro, em solidariedade com xs mais de 600 refugiadxs que atualmente são presxs dentro do antigo centro de detenção do governo australiano na Ilha Manus, em … Continue reading

Posted in #SanctionAustralia, Australia, Banners, Direct Action, Free The Refugees, Fuck The Melbourne Cup, Manus Island, Melbourne, Narrm, Refugee Solidarity Movement, Refugee Struggle, RISE : Refugee Survivors and Ex-detainees, so-called 'Australia', WACA (Whistleblowers Activists & Citizens Alliance)

Sydney, Austrália: Pixação na sede do Departamento de Imigração em Solidariedade com xs Refugiadxs de Manus

Recebido em 08.11.17: Pixação em solidariedade com xs refugiadxs em Manus na sede do Departamento de Imigração e Proteção de Fronteiras em Sydney, na chamada Austrália. Na pixação se lê: ‘FREE THE REFUGEES’ (LIBERTEM XS REFUGIADXS), ‘161 WSC’ (Ação Anti … Continue reading

Posted in #SanctionAustralia, Anti Fascist Action Sydney, Antifa, Antifascism, Australia, Direct Action, Free The Refugees, Graffiti, Manus Island, Refugee Solidarity Movement, Refugee Struggle, Refugees, so-called 'Australia', Sydney