Category Archives: Italy

Italy: Update on Operation Scripta Manent Repression Against Anarchist Comrades (Eng/Esp)

On 23/8, mail censorship expired for anarchist comrades Alfredo Cospito, Nicola Gai, Danilo Cremonese, Valentina Speziale, Anna Beniamino, Alessandro Mercogliano, Marco Bisesti. Turin prosecutors can’t renew it but the prison can for ‘security reasons’. Some of the letters were unblocked … Continue reading

Posted in Alessandro Mercogliano, Alfredo Cospito, Anarchist Prisoners, Anna Beniamino, Emiliano Danilo Cremonese, Italy, Marco Biseti, Nicola Gai, Operation Scripta Manent, Valentina Spaziale

Italy: Update on the Arrested Anarchist Comrades in Florence (Eng/Esp)

Today 25/8/ the court of review decided over anarchist comrade Salvatore Vespertino, and the result will be known in a few days. In the meantime through his letters Salvatore asks for anarchist publications and tells us that hard cover books … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Florence, Italy, Pierloreto Fallanca, Repression, Salvatore Vespertino, Uncategorized

Italy: Message to the International Anarchist Movement

Florence, April 21, 2016: someone attacked the carabinieri barracks in Rovezzano, the Florentine suburbs, with a molotov. Florence, January 1, 2017 an explosive device placed outside the bookshop “Il Bargello” near Casa Pound explodes in the hands of a policeman … Continue reading

Posted in Direct Action, Fire To The Judiciary, Fire To The Prisons, Illegalism, Italy, Operation Scripta Manent, Propaganda Of The Deed, Repression

Italy: Call for a Week of Solidarity To End The Punitive Isolation of Anarchist Prisoner Davide Delogu July 22-29

Appeal for solidarity against Davide’s punitive isolation On July 18, a hearing was held at the Cagliari Court of Appeal for a complaint made by Davide against the conditions that he is being subjected to at the Augsburg Prison. Via … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Davide Delogu, International Solidarity, Italy, Repression, Torture

Italia: Scripta Manent: Otrxs 7 anarquistas acusadxs ​​de asociación subversiva

[Traducido por Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras desde Traces of Fire] El viernes 2 de junio por la mañana, la DIGOS notificó el cierre de las investigaciones por delitos 270bis (asociación subversiva) y 414 (solicitación criminal) a 7 anarquistas, 4 de … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Black Cross, Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI), International Revolutionary Front (FRI), International Solidarity, Italy, Operation Scripta Manent, Repression, Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras

Italy: Scripta Manent – 7 other anarchists charged for subversive association (02/06/2017)

On Friday morning, June 2nd, the DIGOS [political police] notified the closure of investigations for crimes 270bis (subversive association) and 414 (criminal solicitation) against 7 anarchists, 4 of them are editors of Croce Nera Anarchica [Anarchist Black Cross] and the other … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Black Cross, Explosive Attack, Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI), International Revolutionary Front (FRI), Italy, Operation Scripta Manent, Repression

For A Dangerous June: Call for a Month of Mobilization in Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners in Italy

For a Dangerous June A text that sums up the ideas expressed during the meetings ‘With our heads held high’ State repression is the most important part of the system of dominion and one of its most disgraceful expressions; it … Continue reading

Posted in Alfredo Cospito, Anarchist Prisoners, Anna Beniamino, Direct Action, Emiliano Danilo Cremonese, International Solidarity, Italy, Marco Biseti, Nicola Gai, Nicola Recci, Operation Scripta Manent, Sandrone