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[USA] J20 Solidarity call-out

Received on 27.12.17

Call for an International Day of Solidarity with Inauguration Day Defendants on January 20, 2018

On January 20, 2017, tens of thousands of people greeted President Donald Trump’s inauguration with large protests ranging from creative blockades to militant street actions. Among the demonstrations that day was an “anti-capitalist and anti-fascist bloc” led with banners reading “No Peaceful Transition” and “Make Racists Afraid Again”. In response to the protest, police violently attacked and encircled nearly ~230 people, arresting them for allegedly committing or being in the proximity of property damage.

After a series of indictments and legal maneuvering, around 200 people were ultimately charged with six felonies (5 counts of property destruction and inciting a riot) and two misdemeanors (engaging in a riot and conspiracy to riot) each. This means that each of these people are facing 61 years in prison.

This unprecedented case is important because it is an attempt by the United States government to clamp down on the disruptive protests that spontaneously occurred in response to Trump’s election. The charges are intended to stifle active resistance and to send the message that resistance will not be tolerated at a time when it is needed more than ever. In many ways, the case is an experiment in expanding the repressive powers of the state, with prosecutors seeking to charge everyone as a group for the same handful of broken windows based merely on presence. Moreover, the police and other state actors are trying to redefine basic political organizing — holding meetings, planning protests, and marching as a group — as an act of conspiracy. This is part of an ongoing trend on both the national and international level of escalating repression directed at social movements in so-called “democratic” states. If the United States is successful in prosecuting social movements in this way, it will likely encourage other governments
to do the same.

As the Trump administration brings the world to the brink of disaster on an almost daily basis, it is important to stand with those in the United States who risked their freedom to oppose him from his first day in office. The Inauguration Day protests set the tone for much of resistance that would come and affirmed that the Trump administration and its far right allies would not be unopposed. Subsequently, people around the country used direct action to shut down nearly every international airport in the country in a historic protest that temporarily halted the new government’s anti-immigrant and islamophobic policies. Continuing this struggle into the courtroom, the majority of the defendants are working together to respond politically to these charges and are using this case as a way to build connections between different places and different struggles.

In response, this is a call for an international day of solidarity on January 20, 2018. Solidarity actions from around the world have warmed the hearts of defendants at a time when they are facing intense repression. Moreover, they are part of a political praxis that recognizes we are engaged in a shared struggle that transcends borders.
We ask for solidarity not as an act of charity, but as a gesture towards shared complicity in the effort to resist the Trump administration and the future it seeks to impose. 

Catalan l German l Portuguese l Spanish

2017: New Year’s Revolutions! (video)

Received 31.12.17

A compilation of some of the anarchist & anti-capitalist riots in 2017

Berlin: Rigaer 94. A call to resistance.

The police state unleashes its full range of possibilities: early this Monday, presumably 100 faces of people, who took part in the events of Hamburg, got published. The state campaign yielded completely its disguise of prosecution and started a smear, that should break any kind of resistance. Let’s not be silent towards these incidents, this general attack on the last social and resistant elements remaining. To burn this society of snitches and murderers and fascism at the stake is a still unaccomplished duty.

It is clear to every reasonable human being, that the episode of Hamburg was absolutely necessary. The lies and fake debates of the repression authorities and the system conformant and right wing media did not achieve to rewrite the successful resistance against the G20. In one of the most self-confident democratic regimes of the whole world with a differentiated apparatus of power and the image of invincibility, ten thousands of people dared to upraise, taking great risks and partly serious consequences for their own lives. A composition of protests, resistant and offensive actions transformed the summit of the ruling powers into a disaster. A disaster for the brand of Hamburg, Germany and the most powerful themselves, whose most important meeting now has an unpredictable future.

A disaster is what the summit was also for the police. This institution that has, in the German empire as in fascist Germany and that of democracy never just been the executive but first and foremost the legitimating power of this nation of murderers and losers. We all know how deeply ingrained the ideology of the police-state is in our society.
A society that threw a dead Rosa Luxemburg into the Landwehrkanal, even behind a bookshelf chased Anne Frank and sent her, with millions of other “subhumans” to Death-camps; this society which in the end declares a German-national military(1) as the “resistance”, is fascist. The security-apparatus of the BRD, formed by the same butchers that hunted partisans and antifascists for the german nation all over europe without mercy , is fascist. The wider society and the executive powers reunited in the hunt on communists and brought the machinery against the guerilla groups that fortunately shot the bullet at the german embodied fascist Hans-Martin Schleyer to a till then never seen perfection, just a few years after the “liberation”.

The faces of the resistance were pasted up on wanted-posters on every corner, on every intersection one had to expect to be controlled by heavily armed police, the reintroduction of death-sentence was taken into consideration and put into practice through police work. The discourse in society, directed by the staff of media, politics and police set the course for countless fatal shootings , white torture and special laws against large parts of society. The police state, still in its infancy at the time of the murder of Benno Ohnesorg and under permanent threat of an uprising, has throughout the years developed into a state within the state. With the end of the urban guerilla and the new social movements we are faced with a society unable to bring forth a relevant opposition against this system. Not even when people are cruelly tortured and murdered in the bunkers of police stations like Oury Jalloh from Dessau, who was burnt alive by a fascist pig.

The only retarding factor in the perfection of the totalitarian police state seems to be the careful proceeding of the head-strategists, as to not raise too much concerns with conservative civil rights activists. Like us, they have less and less means and backing in a civil society that has decided, what the state does can not be wrong; what the press says is right, resistance is senseless.

The times of comfort zone protests have definitely passed. To this regard the German society got to the point again, where it has not been since 80 years. These are the key innovations and challenges for the resistance:

The mere participation on a demonstration can mean longtime prison.
The police can define areas, where their own law are in force.
The police can classify anyone as potential offender (“Gefährder”)(2), to be able to imprison people without a court decision and watch over them completely.

Already before the G20 summit, measures against the people of the resistance have been taken. Persons, who are classified by the police as potential offenders, received bans to not come to Hamburg. Obligations to register with the police have been issued and enforced under threat to be punished by a fine and imprisonment. Furthermore visible observations with the purpose of intimidation and for sure area-wide undercover surveillance have been made.
There is no need for further explanation that during the summit the complete city of Hamburg has been under control by the police, which lead to “adaptation” of civil rights and massive violence by the heavily-armed police troops.
The police activities before and during the summit did not show a new quality. Every major event of the past was accompanied by attacks by the security apparatus on societal conventions. But the mass of attacks and their implicitness with which they were exercised against formerly self-evident forms of protests in Hamburg were remarkable.

What’s been started after the summit is a qualitative leap. There are those claiming the riots were started by the state to smash resistance structures in a final campaign. This line of thought is bullshit as we know we all politically wanted the state disaster in Hamburg. To put an end to these conspiracy theories once and for all we take the political responsibility for everything that happened in Hamburg: from civil protests to the last stone that was thrown at cops. As a part of the rebellious structures we called for a demonstration in solidarity with all those facing repression shortly after the summit, in the future we will also not hide from the responsibility to further the revolt. Those that only see a state conspiracy behind everything are incapacitating the resistance in all its properties and have no legitimization to speak in its name.

It’s clear now, that the state is fighting for its power of definition concerning this event in the same way as it seeks to rule over everything. Over our lives and social structures, the nature and the techniques. In this battle for the capitalist and national idea the state will always use the means of fascism. It’s always the same methods being used again and again to denounce the resistance as criminal, non-political and unsocial(3). Doing so, the German state can rely on its police, its media and its people with their representatives. It’s hard to say, who is the most disgusting one of these creatures. Is it the chief of the special investigation group “Black Block”, who would hunt down anyone and everyone held in front of his fangs? Or is it Brechmittel-Scholz(4), who’s representing the dirty Bourgeoisie of Hamburg with their luxury limousines? Or the newspapermen being the executive
power of the police’s propaganda. Or the collaborators with their smartphone footage handing over thousands of people to the hands of repression because they are cowards that fear to take control over their own lives and would love to march behind every Hitler.

Some of us were laughing about the last wave of raids, which was leaked before. Or about the fact that Fabio, the sympathetic boy, is becoming a problem for the strategy of repression. Nevertheless the police strategy should not be underestimated. An important part of the strategy involves a long term propaganda to gain back the power of definition about the events of Hamburg. Who could believe that several months later, the G20 would still be on the daily agenda thanks to frequent press conferences organized by the police? And who could believe that the professional propaganda with almost endless resources would fail without our contribution?

That’s why we – at this point of extensive manhunt – renew our confession to the struggle against the state, the fascist organizations like the police, the secret services and right-wing structures as well as collaborators and snitches within the population and the press. Fabio and all those, who even in court keep their straight stance, are our role-models to defy fear and send greetings of freedom and solidarity to all those who face the repression, and the world of the G20.

On the occasion of the manhunt and because of the calls for denunciation of 100 people we decided to publish pictures of 54 police officers, who were part of last years eviction of Rigaer94. We would be happy to receive hints of their private addresses. They can be held responsible for the eviction as well as for the violence of the three weeks of occupation.

It’s important now, to put an end to our waiting attitude and empower the mobilization and solidarity of active structures. The demonstration after the wave of raids was a starting point(5). But with the next raids we have to grow in numbers. If we don’t have any other means, we at least have to take to the streets to take responsibility for our friends who are hunted by the state.

Everyone to the streets! Resolute and angry we fight the ruling order and stay strong in the face of repression!

(1) Stauffenberg was a high ranking general who tried to kill Hitler. He was member of the aristocracy, who basically criticized Hitler for a bad strategy
(2) “Gefährder” is a term created by the german police and widely used in public debate to stigmatize and criminalize muslim people. The use against leftists and anarchists is quite likely to be more widely adopted.
(3) originally “asozial”, something between antisocial and unsocial
(4) Brechmittel-Scholz: Major of Hamburg, who is renowned for ordering the use of poison (Brechmittel) by the police that would make people vomit in order to find out if they swallowed drugs
(5) On December 5th police cracked down on several homes of people that were identified as participants of a block that was attacked by the police in the Rondenbarg street during the attempt to block the summit. As a reaction there were demonstrations in major cities all over germany.

In Portuguese, Italian


Athens: Banner in solidarity with Lisa, imprisoned in Cologne, Germany

Received 21/12/2017:

Banner dropped in Polytechnic University in solidarity with Lisa, accused of bank robbery in Germany.

Today, 21st of December, taking part on the International call for solidarity with the comrade Lisa accused of bank robbery in Aachen, Germany, we decided to hang a banner in the Polytechnic University, in Exarcheia, Athens.

The last 7th of June, she was sentenced to 7 years and 6 months in prison by the judge and the prosecutor of Aachen. Now she’s waiting for the appeal maid by her lawyers. If the court accept it, it means that she would eventually have a second trial.

The fact that our comrade is in prison makes us even more angry, but we know that all this revenge by the state is making us stronger everyday reaffirming our ideas.

We will keep on fighting, to remember all our comrades in prison. We have clear in mind who are our enemies. This is our decision, to fight against the states, police, judges, prosecutors and all those who are part of the system that is making people life miserable. We won’t stop, this is about our life, this is about our struggle!

Here is a small sign of solidarity with the comrade, but it’s also a claim to keep going with the struggle inside prison as in the streets. We’ll never let any comrade alone in the hands of the state.

Until all are free, strength, fire, love and fight!
We want her free, we want her in the streets!

For anarchy!

To write to Lisa:
Lisa, nº 2893/16/7
Justizvollzuganstanlt (JVA) Köln
Rochusstrasse 350
50827 Köln (Germany)

Finland: Fire & Flames for Patriotism

On the 6th of December 2017, to celebrate the 100th birthday of the Finnish state, we made a bonfire out of stolen flags. We thought that they were more useful on fire than on the streets, encouraging a sense of patriotism.
Let us not allow the machinery of borders and repression to distract us from recognising our real enemies.

Let us fight against global inequalities!

in German

21st of December: Day of Solidarity with imprisoned comrade in Cologne

received 12/9/17


21st of December we call to let the imagination flow and
to express solidarity in its multiple forms. Once again we will show
that our imprisoned comrades are not alone but present and on the
streets with us.

They want to raise even higher walls, not only of concrete and iron, but
also of loneliness and isolation. And these walls we want to break down,
with love, affection, rage and solidarity for our comrade Lisa.

You can sand pictures and audivisuals to

Having received a sentence does not imply that the imprisoned person is “only” at the mercy of the prison system. The policial and judicial machine of the State continues to investigate, observe, analyse, and decide over the fate of the imprisoned. Especially when the prisoner has not fallen to her knees asking for mercy in front of the court, has not humiliated herself by some kind of gesture seen by the enemy as “reconciliation”, the ways in which the justice system can demonstrate that they are not through with her yet are numerous. The refusal to cooperate with the police is considered proof of guilt and can be used to maintain the investigation open for an indefinite period of time. The silence and dignity in the face of the executioners and their accusations is considered concealment of the crime, and can generate new investigations.

Furthermore, being socialised as a woman and not reproducing the assigned roles, in this case for example having a rebellious attitude or a non-submissive position towards the institution, generates multiple sentences which go beyond a conviction at a juridical level, since there is also the intervention of moral and social condemnations, inherent to the patriarchal framework, which ist framing prisoner to the circumstances of the imprisonment.

To continue expressing your political convictions and ideas from within the walls and not denying who you are is considered a lack of repentance and an argument for why a prison sentence does not suffice.

And when the legal arsenal is exhausted in a “reasonable” sentence, that is, sufficiently heavy to accommodate the accusation, but the ethic of the imprisoned person stays intact, the justice system does not hesitate to attack the relations with the outside world, the family ties, sentimental bonds and friendships. Besides the concrete, the iron bars, the artificial lights and security cameras which not only cut off life but also suffocate it, they add mountains of paper which need to be traversed in order to obtain simple human contact with the people close to you. Requests, permissions, authorisations, postponements, which put
the will to not feel defeated to the test.

On the 7th of June Lisa, our anarchist comrade, was sentenced by the court of Aachen (Germany) to seven and a half years in prison for robbing a bank. At this moment we are awaiting the outcome of an appeal written by the lawyers which, if accepted, will involve a revision of the sentence and imply that the case will be brought to court again.

Therefore our comrade is still held in preventive arrest in the prison of Cologne. Due to an illness which lasted various months, her mother died in the beginning of November. During this time, the prosecutor as well as the judge, alleging “flight risk”, have denied her the possibility to visit her mother in hospital and also the permission to be present at her funeral.

The enemy does not only use juridical argumentation, but employs many more insidious mechanisms. Like in so many other cases, when the thirst for revenge of the justice system is not satisfied with a simple – however large it may be – prison sentence, the enemy continues to be hawk-eyed, searching for every supposed weakness of the prisoner in order to submit her. It is clear that this is a purely vengeful means, an answer to the comrade’s firm and non-collaborationist attitude. An additional punishment, invented to aggravate the already tough sentence of confinement; yet another attempt to make her bow down, this time aiming at her private life and personal circumstances. A logic, nothing new, of judicial blackmail with the aim of undermining her coherence and political convictions.

With hate for the enemy.
We do not forget. We do not forgive.

Some anarchist comrades

Athens, Greece: Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis continue hunger strike in Koridallos prisons

On December 5th 2017, Revolutionary Struggle members Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis were forcibly removed from Koridallos prisons (both were subjected to headlocks, holds, etc.) and were involuntarily admitted to the General State Hospital of Nikaia. The prison prosecutor pressed physicians to force-feed the two hunger strikers. The hospital doctors refused to treat the prisoners against their will, and solely reported that Nikos Maziotis has lost 14.6% of his initial body weight, while Pola Roupa has lost 12.8% of her initial body weight.

On December 6th (on the 26th day of their hunger strike), Roupa and Maziotis were finally discharged from the hospital and returned to Koridallos prisons, determined to continue their hunger strike until their demands are met (among other things, they request extended visits with their six-year-old child).

Maziotis was informed that he would be placed in a disciplinary segregation unit, until damages at B isolation section in the basement of Koridallos women’s prison are repaired. This means that the comrade is being punished for having completely destroyed the solitary confinement wing where he has been held for over 5 months, and is now facing appalling conditions, even worse than the previous ones.

Finland: 100 Years are Enough!

Compilation video of anarchist & antifascist street activity in Finland between 2013 and 2017.

The 6th of December 2017 marked the 100 year anniversary of the Finnish state.

For the abolition of all states.

For anarchy.

Athens, Greece: Involuntary hospitalization of Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa

Revolutionary Struggle members Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa are on hunger strike since November 11th 2017.

The two imprisoned comrades are fighting against isolation measures; against specific provisions of the new correctional code aimed at repressing them as high-security prisoners; against the proposed detention of high-security prisoners in police stations; against the intended reinstatement of the type C prison regime. They also demand an immediate end of the solitary confinement imposed on Nikos Maziotis (since July, the comrade is kept isolated from other prisoners by a decision of the justice ministry); an extension of visiting hours based on the frequency of visits a prisoner has; appropriate visitation rooms for incarcerated parents to meet with their children.

They made it clear from the outset that they only receive water. They have repeatedly asked to be granted unhindered phone communication with their six-year-old son before being transferred from Koridallos prisons to any hospital.

On December 2nd, Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa were transferred to a hospital outside the prisons due to the deterioration of their health condition. However, the next day both comrades asked to be sent back to the prisons because eventually they were not permitted unhindered phone communication with their child.

On December 4th, Nikos Maziotis burned and destroyed the B isolation section in the basement of Koridallos women’s prison, where he has been held in solitary confinement for 5 months. He was then moved to the prison infirmary because of the fumes, and was threatened with further isolation – this time in a disciplinary unit of Koridallos prisons.

In the early hours of December 5th, hunger strikers Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa were forcibly transferred outside Koridallos prisons. The prison prosecutor ordered their involuntary hospitalization. They are currently being kept at the General State Hospital of Nikaia, both threatened with force-feeding. As of yet, the hospital doctors have not succumbed to the prosecutor’s order.

Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa continue their hunger strike. They have stated they will not accept serum, and will act against involuntary treatment and force-feeding (torture) in every possible way.

(all related posts in Greek)

Athens: Banner in memory of Santiago Maldonado at Themistokleous 58 squat

Santiago Maldonado lives in the revolt

Four months after the disappearance of our anarchist comrade Santiago Maldonado, and his murder at the hands of the Argentinean State, we extend a greeting to our comrades in South America and make a call to keep alive the flame of the revolt on this Black December.

From Exarchia to South America, the anarchist solidarity is stronger than any border.

in Spanish | Portuguese

Italy: Anarchist prisoner Davide Delogu still on hunger strike [update]

From Davide’s weekly phone call with his relatives, we learn that:

Davide will continue the long-term hunger strike, started on November 4th 2017, until his total solitary confinement, by article 14bis, is revoked.

Our comrade calls on everyone for direct solidarity.

He strengths his closeness to comrades in AS2 [high-security prison sections].

He has repeatedly stressed the need for a revolutionary solidarity.

He is in high spirits, but he has already lost 13 kilos [28 lb].

CNA [Croce Nera Anarchica]

italian l portuguese

Update: On November 29th, anarchist prisoner Davide Delogu suspended his hunger strike.

Buir, Germany: Urgent Call from HAMBACH FOREST

received 11 / 25 / 2017

– Last news: Deforesting work in Hambach Forest temporarily stopped!-

The courtcase which gave the Forest of Hambach a little more time to prepeare for cutting season is lost. RWE started today with clearing bushes to prepear for total cutting. The preparations for an massiv police action are obviously. They announced that they want to evict the whole occupation. We expect them latest on Monday for evictions. They are already in the forest protecting machinery.

But to make it possible that Hambach Forest stays we need you and your friends/comr@des!

At best come around.

At best bring with you:

  • sleepingbad, matress
  • your friends
  • an idea of what you wanna do (the Infrastructre of RWE is too huge as
    they could protect all)
  • waterproof boots, camouflage-cloths
  • camera (for recording police violence)
  • working gloves
  • toothbrush
  • 1st aid stuff
  • rainstuff
  • a small tent (not necassary but if you have)
  • no drugs
  • no passport (if you need it for travelling, bury it somewhere in the

What you can do from outside:

  • spread the news
  • do what ever you like to show solidarity
  • distract police forces (they will need cops from all germany to evict us)
  • attack the veins of capitalism & its fossil fuel industry
  • dont get caught
  • dont forget them in the cages

See you on the barricades

in German / Portuguese / French

Greece: Imprisoned Comrades Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis, Revolutionary Struggle Members, Begin New Hunger Strike

We’ll meet in the streets of rage (A)

November 11, 2017


Almost 10 years after the outbreak of the crisis with the collapse of the financial system, bank bankruptcy, and seven years after the commencement of the era of the memorandum and the monitoring of the country by the troika (IMF, EC, ECB), the social base in this country has suffered the strongest blow since the Second World War.

Greek puppet governments have definitively delegated substantial economic and political governance to EU supranational organizations and indirectly to the capital markets and are imposing new measures of social euthanasia for large sections of the population in this country, they are now insignificant for their added value to capitalist wealth. That’s why it does not matter if they disappear. This condition of condemnation is also a prerequisite for the survival of the system itself, for the preservation of the political regime, for the perpetuation of capitalism.

The government’s propaganda to overcome the crisis and return the Greek economy to a recovery path is a common European lie to showcase the supposed success of the programs and memoranda, to allow the EU to be removed from the obligation to continue to financially support the Greek regime and to let the capital markets take the lead from the EU in the recycling of Greek debt and speculation through it. A debt that regime agents already admit that if not drastically reduced in the immediate future will force the Greek state to declare bankruptcy. Not least that the exit to the markets of the Greek state will further exacerbate the already exaggerated Greek debt, which now exceeds 180% of GDP.

The message, however, that the world’s powerful have taken from these years with the rescue policies of the system by the central banks and governments that have put the whole weight of the crisis that the rich created on the backs of the peoples: whatever they do they have their pack animals, the social base, to bear the crisis and produce profits. And the usual practice of enrichment through the swelling of global debt and its financialization continues until the next collapse. But the people have already suffered a huge blow. The social base in the country counts millions of poor, marginalized and desperate. It counts thousands of deaths from hunger, illness and suicide.

The SYRIZA-ANEL government’s minister [of Tourism] Kountoura argued that it is a government success that people do not eat from the rubbish. People still do eat from the trash, but they no longer show them on television. This is why it is a universal political priority to support the “success story” of the memorandum by all parties and the media.

The theft of any surplus wealth left to the social base continues with unabated tension by the government with wage and pensions cuts, the abolition of public insurance, the taxation of the most economically weak, all while poverty is rising, on the orders of the EU the banks will throw thousands of borrowers onto the streets, and there is no chance to persuade the government to get out of the crisis.

The only success of the government is social passivity and the defeat of struggles. Because the basic precondition for imposing these criminal policies in the country that threw thousands of people to the margins, which killed thousands, was and is political normality and the absence of a strong social reaction. Because the smaller the resistance of society, the more ruthless the system becomes.

The social reactions to the memorandums somehow came to a standstill as the regime was determined to impose the memorandums at all political expense. But the reason these memoranda were imposed was the absence of an expanded and powerful revolutionary movement that could be an obstacle to the social euthanasia policies. Upon the defeat of the resistance SYRIZA stepped in to climb to power. The SYRIZA-ANEL government has also been the last sparks of reaction to the system and policies to overcome the crisis.

Today, the social base is rotten, while the economic and political lords of the country have secured their wealth in tax havens and in foreign banks. The Paradise Papers come to recall what everyone knows: That the economically powerful and their political aides are not touched by any crisis and it does not concern them that any measures are imposed. In a “legal and moral” (sic) way they will continue to enrich themselves while millions of people die of hunger and poverty.

Nowadays, the social base is rotten because this rotten system is killing to survive, because it kills social solidarity and cohesion and pushes it into crime. The war of all against all is the beginning of capitalism and the economic freedom of the rich to do whatever they want with the support of governments. It is the beginning of the absolute competition that has dominated the planet.

Their own creations – the crimes among the social bases – are nowadays the politicians’ number one issue. “Order and security” is the common slogan of the political elites to deal drastically with these phenomena which the regime itself gave birth to. One of the most popular aspects of propaganda is crime among the social bases today. It is the phenomenon that the regime itself generates and nourishes.

And, on the other hand, the great criminals, the real terrorists and the bandits that make up the economic and political power, remain immune. More »

Greenville, USA: The ALF prisoner anarchist comrade Walter Bond on hunger strike

received on 11/22/2017

Walter Bond – the Animal Liberation Front political prisoner – has started a hunger strike to protest mistreatment in prison

The comrade is in the SHU (solitary confinement) and is only permitted use the phone for 15 minutes per month. Walter has been on hunger strike for 6 days in prison.

Statement from Walter Bond recorded by the North American Animal Liberation Press Office on 11/15/17 :

“Since my arrival in Greenville two-and-a-half years ago, my communications with the world have been made incredibly difficult and at times impossible. I have been repeatedly denied books, magazines, letters and pictures. It’s standard operating procedure that my mail – be it my email or snail mail — is habitually days, weeks and even months late. It is not at all uncommon for my mail, both incoming and outgoing, to simply never arrive.

I’ve been…I’ve even been denied copies of my own book, “Always Looking Forward,” which I wrote in prison and is approved for me to have.

It has also become impossible for me to adhere to my Vegan diet, because none of the so-called “meat options” offered at Greenville, Illinois are even close to Vegan. Because of this, I have been forced at great cost to my friends, family and supporters to pay outrageously for foods from the commissary that continue to be an inadequate version….

I have tried now for over a year to obtain a transfer from FCI Greenville, Illinois closer to New York City where I intend to live upon my release, but I have been denied this as well through petty and irrelevant disciplinary reports.

Despite all of this, I have maintained years of patience, quietly awaiting my freedom. But, my cooperation has got me nothing.
So in the tradition of A.L.F. activists before me, such as Barry Horne, I am going on hunger strike. I will not eat anything and will starve until these issues are remedied.

I’m asking everybody in the Animal Rights and Anarchist communities to stand with me with your protests and actions of solidarity.

You can reach the institution concerning my health and well-being at (618) 664-6200.”

in German

Santiago, Chile: [Poster] Solidarity Concentration for the Freedom of Nataly, Enrique and Juan – November 22

Solidarity Concentration

              for the Freedom of Nataly, Enrique and Juan                      

Wednesday, November 22, from 10:00

in the courts of Rondizzoni,


Cagliari, Italy: Anarchist Paolo arrested for robbery

Tuesday, October 31, our comrade Paolo has been arrested along with two partners, immediately after the post office robbery in a suburb of Cagliari (Sardinia). Once they left the post office, they tried to get away, but the infamy of a bystander has provided very precise information to cops, who therefore were able to organize an encirclement and to intercept them as they were driving away.

They have offered no resistance. Clothes and weapons used in the robbery have been found in the car.

All our closeness and solidarity to them. We do not know why they have made this choice, e we do not care about. We know whoever organize to deprive State and bosses of what they need, do the right thing, always.

But, we are disgusted by those people who for a “sense of civic duty” (expression used by the chief police of Cagliari) snitch on those who organize and act to have what they need, taking from what by nature is the worst exploiter in the world, the State.

On the side of those who do not bow their heads.

Paolo is at Uta, he is fine [in the cell with one of the two accomplices with whom he was arrested]. He asks for stamps to be sent. There is nothing about hearing dates or anything else, does not seem to have problems getting the correspondence.

To write:

Casa circondariale Ettore Scalas,
2° strada ovest Z.I. Macchiareddu, 09010 Uta – Italia

in portuguese l spanish

Czech Republic: Network of Revolutionary Cells (SRB) – ‘Call to Fight: Sabotage the Activities of Those Bastards!’

received on 11/20/17

We see that the repressive campaign on the anarchist movement does not cease. Examples are enough: The operation Fénix case in the Czech Republic, the case of the Warsaw Three, charges of bank robbery in Aachen, courts with rebels against the G20 summit in Hamburg and other cases.

Cops, judges, prosecutors, mass-media. They are haunted, imprisoned, robbed, manipulated. This is a challenge to all Revolutionary cells and other groups and individuals. Sabotage the activities of those bastards. Turn them into terrain, technology and structures. Organize resistance. Support the fugitives and their loved ones.

What destroys us will stop by fighting.

The goal is clear = Freedom, justice, anarcho-communism.

Network of Revolutionary Cells (SRB)

in portuguese

A call to action to support Anarchist Priosoner Samantha Faulder

in German

Santiago, Chile: Santiago Maldonado Present [video]

Graffiti mural for anarchist comrade Santiago Maldonado

Chilean prisons: Concerning the juridical situation of our comrade Marcelo Villaroel

Concerning the juridical situation of our comrade Marcelo Villaroel…or how the revenge of the State is perpetuated in silence

Last September, at the 4th Military Prosecutor’s Office in Santiago, the refusal of the petition to prescribe the sentences made by our comrade Marcelo, several months ago was notified.

Immediately, Marcelo appealed to this refusal, leaving the resolution of the appeal in the hands of the Martial Court, where it was reaffirmed in the first days of October.

These condemnations correspond to some causes originated by actions framed in his old militancy at the “Mapu-lautaro”, organization in which our comrade was an active fighter since a very young age and of which, while imprisoned, in 1995, he was expelled because of “anarchist deviations”.

Marcelo served his sentence without interruption for 11 years, two months and fifteen days from October 13, 1992 until December 28, 2003, remaining only his night prison until March 2005, when he granted the so-called “probation”, which obliges him to sign a document every week until completing 20 years of penitentiary control.

Marcelo is indicted as a participant in the assault on Bank Segurity in the early days of November 2007, as well as other comrades – expropriation in which a cop died and caused an unprecedented state response. Marcelo decides to assume clandestinity, and in February 2008, in his absence, he has his “probation” revoked.

In March 2008, he is detained in Argentina and in September 2014, he is sentenced to 14 years for 2 bank robberies.

In that same period, as penalties related to old causes emanated from the always sinister “Military Justice” were revised, the condemnation remained as it follows:

– Illicit terrorist association: 10 years and 1 day.

– Damage to a cop car with serious injuries to carabineers: 3 years + 541 days.

– Co-author murder qualified as terrorist: 15 years and 1 day.

– Theft with intimidation, Law 18.314: 10 years and 1 day.

– Explosive attack against the embassy of spain: 8 years.

In total, these old convictions compute 46 years, establishing its end on February, 2056.

There are a number of irregularities in this math, and although the legal issue is not our focus it never was, we believe that it becomes urgent and necessary to face this situation that at all lights represents a clear revenge against a comrade who holds high subversive autonomous and libertarian convictions, a comrade who has never abandoned the direct confrontation for total liberation, nor has it ever renounced its combatant history — leaving it as a commodity for books or prizes of borrowed stories, where hundreds of renegades hides while roaming around different pseudo radical spaces.

Our call is to get rid of the verbiage and the false gestures of solidarity to face this and each of the revenge that come from the State (as a constant policy against all those who do not deny their ties and convictions).

It’s time to act, to realize that no comrade in prison is alone.



People near Marcelo

Santiago-Valparaíso (Chile)

October, 2017

in spanish l portuguese

“Armidale”, “Australia” : Shopping Center Intervention in Solidarity with Refugees on Manus Island

November 13th: People in So-Called Armidale, NSW, staged interventions in the town’s commercial hubs during peak afternoon shopping hours, using a megaphone to project statements and extracts of articles from Iranian refugee, Behrouz Boochani, who has been detained on Manus Island since 2014.

While hundreds of men are facing starvation, thirst and threats of violence on Manus Island, the interventions disrupted the everyday monotony and insulation of our daily routines. These actions aimed to amplify the voices of refugees that are silenced, distorted and disregarded in our society.

In solidarity with refugees in their fight for total freedom.

In German

Italy: Updates on operation “Scripta Manent”

The trial will begin on November 16th in high security court in Turin prison.

The anarchist comrades Alfredo Cospito, Anna Beniamino, Danilo Cremonese, Nicola Gai will not be allowed to attend the trial in the courtroom, they will be subjected to a video-conference inside the High Surveillance 2 sections, where they are held.

The anarchist comrades Marco Bisesti, Valentina Speziale, Alessandro Mercogliano will be allowed to attend the trial in the courtroom, but they refuse to take part in the trial in solidarity with comrades subjected to video-conference.

CNA [Croce Nera Anarchica]
portuguese l spanish l german

[Czech Republic] Text by persecuted anarchist comrade of Anti-Fenix, Lukáš Borl

Received the 13th of November 2017

All power to the imagination?

When extensive strikes and workers’ and students’ riots took place in France at 1968, one of the slogans back then was “All power to the imagination”. Czech police and courts now have their own interpetation. They assert their authority through fostering their own imagination.

When police wanted the arrest warrant on me, their claimed reasons for that were speculative statements and bunch of random bullshit. Obviously, it was enough for getting the warrant. It is even scary, how powerful their imagination can be.

It was written in certain documents: „Lukáš B. doesn’t have any permanent residence in Czech republic. Based on current investigation it was found out, that in time of October 2015 till December 2015 he was moving on the territory of Slovakian republic in Žilina town surroundings. Then, at April/May he was moving in Slovenia in Ljubljana city surroundings.

From that place he moved most probably to Holland, accompanied by (person’s name). Then, it was found out, that at the beginning of summer (June 2016) Lukáš Borl took part in secret meeting of militant animal right defenders Animal liberation front (ALF), which took place at France, in Marseille sity surroundings, under name RAT ATTACK. From the uncovered communication it is clear, that že Lukáš B. plans to travel alongside the coast of Italy, France to the border of Belgium and Netherlands, where he is supposed to have a job – photographing for magazine about migration. Special sings of searched person: brown hair, beard, 8-10 dreadlocks on the head, 15-20 cm long.“

What kind of investigation could lead to writing such a nonsense? In all this construction there is only one true statement – at that time I truly didn’t have a permanent residence in Czech republic. What kind of communication police have “uncovered”, if they deduce absolutely false statements? Apparently, all the investigation and “uncovered” communication took place only in police officers’ heads. Just casual excogitation, as we can call it. Of course, police will think of a better name for what they do, simply because to admit that their authority leans on excogitation and investigation inability, is not tactical at all.

Lukáš Borl

Notes of Contra Info:
On the 28th of April 2015 he was one of the many anarchists who were arrested in the police Operation Fenix. He was released after two days of arrest but other three anarchists stayed in custody since that (after a year there is still one commrade waiting for the court in custody prison).

In the next months Lukáš was under surveillance of the secret police. Under pressure of worries he could also end up in prison for his anarchistic attitude and activities, he decided to go underground. Now the place of his stay is unknown. But he still publishes texts in which he underlines his will to stay part of the anarchistic movement and its activities.

September 4th, 2016, Lukáš Borl was arrested by the police in Most and then taken to the remand prison in Litoměřice. They accuse Lukáš for the foundation, supporting and promoting a movement aimed at suppressing human rights and freedoms.

The comrade was released on bail on 13. 4. 2017. That means that he will wait for the court outside of the prison walls.

in Portuguese

[Mexican prisons] Letter from comrade Fernando Bárcenas

To all rebel comrades

I write to all those who build their paths of autonomy, to remember that within these walls we try to apart our vital time from the machinery generating moments of lucidity in a suffocating world… This is how, in those years, there were proposals of resistance, isolated struggles in forgotten areas, lost cry of rebellion in obscurity, collective moments of informal organization in the daily life of the open regime, that is to say, in the [prison] population in general, where, almost three years ago, came up the idea of creating a different space where prisoners could shout that we are enough from all this annihilation.

We know that the prison system is designed to subject our bodies and our minds to the structure of commerce and that is why we are not going to ask them to change, we know that money is the language of the powerful and that is why we do not have any requests, now we want self organize our lives on these walls because we know that what their social rehabilitation programs seek is to create submissive, repentant, and guilty human beings and this is why therefore they accept slave labor in the hands of prison officials.

Thus, the idea of founding an alternative library in the auditorium of the Northern Reclusory came up. But for this project of autonomy to grow and to allow its operation, we need your support and solidarity, because within prison we are more effectively repressed and therefore, this is a call to all those who know we are at war, we need you, only with you can we reach the strength to face the rotten logic of the system…

Do not leave us alone in building another space for autonomy, our struggle is no less important, we are also slaves, children of war, we are poor, called criminals and therefore we are marginalized, but together with you, we will prove that we are capable to live the freedom here and now, even being behind stone walls…

That is why we ask for support to maintain this project, the autonomous library in the North Reclusory.

With love and strength for all.

Fernando Bárcenas



Translated by tormentasdefogo

in Spanish l Portuguese

Greece: Text from Tasos Theofilou about his release from the court

The depth and intensity of my gratitude for the people who with whatever means supported me all these years far exceeds my ability to express it. At the same time, my discharge from all categories is much more important than a personal vindication. It is a victory for the world of the struggle against repression. A victory of the underdogs against the deep police state. A victory of the movement and alternative media against the dominant mainstream media. A victory of counter-information against the regime’s propaganda. A victory of the movement against the depravity of authority.

The decision of any court that had to confront such a voluminous file, but missing any kind of proof, such as the first degree court and also the second degree one, could not be anything other than political. But in contrast to the 1st degree, the majority of the members of the 2nd degree Felony Court of Appeal had the honesty to remain consistent in their declarations of – still classist – criminal justice and not succumb to the pressure of the lobby of the “anti-terrorist” crusade, but listen to the solidarity movement, ultimately acquitting me of all the charges.

So this decision is at the same time a first threshold on the machinations of the anti-terrorism unit and their industry of persecutions that have as their spearheads the anti-terrorism law 187A and the pseudo-scientific element of DNA.

The field of criminal justice can and must be one more field of struggle, as the individual court decisions that materialize also define – always within the limits that their class position imposes – social and political correlations. This particular struggle has future points of reference. From Irianna’s release application to the court on July 17th to the trial of Skouries case following in September, and any protester trial up to every terror-court.

Tasos Theofilou


Translated by A.F.F.N

via 325.nostate l portuguese