Bowled over! Matthew McConaughey blows off some steam at LA bowling alley in between promoting his latest movie Gold

Matthew McConaughey's career seems to be one big lucky strike, but in between pumping out hit movies, the Hollywood hunk enjoyed some downtime at an LA bowling alley this week.

Dressed in jeans and a grey T-shirt, the bearded babe participated in a round of bowling with a pal, enjoying some friendly competition.

The 47-year-old has been busy promoting his latest movie, Gold, about an explorer who teams up with a geologist in search of gold in the jungles of Indonesia.

Having a ball: Matthew McConaughey took some time out from promoting his latest movie, Gold, to go bowling with a friend

Putting a spin on it: The actor showed off his athletic prowess during a friendly game of bowling in LA this week

The normally handsome actor drastically changed his appearance for the role, sporting balding hair and piling on the pounds, admitting it was a departure from his emaciated appearance in 2013's Dallas Buyers Club.

'Putting it on was easier and fun - cheeseburgers, beer, whatever I wanted... I was a real yes man. Pizza night could be any night. Cheeseburger and beer for breakfast was a great idea, too. I really relaxed on the rules. I was fat and happy,' he revealed of his 47-pound weight gain on The Graham Norton Show last week. 'Taking it off, I did a 10-day fast just to kick-start my body into saying, "Oh we're going without!"'

The star also appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live! this week, where he spoke about why he never goes by the name 'Matt'.

Keeping his eye on the ball: Matthew enjoyed some much needed downtime on the back of a grueling publicity tour

'I was in kindergarten... My buddy Josh Griffin says, “Hey Matt, you want to go play on the monkey bars?” And I ran out and said, “Yeah!” And halfway to the monkey bars, I feel this hand on my shoulder - whomp, bam! Slammed me to the ground,' he said. 

'I look up, and it’s my mother in my face, and she’s like, “What are you doing?” I said, “I’m going to play the monkey bars with Josh.” She says, “Who is?” I said, “I am.” She said, “What’s your name?” I said, “Matthew.” She says, “Don’t you ever answer to Matt again. I named you Matthew from the Bible.” I was like, “Yes, ma’am!”'

He says the whole experience continues to affect him to this day.

Is that really you? The actor is hardly recognizable in his new movie, after gaining around 47 pounds for the role

Going for gold: Matthew teams up with actor Edgar Ramirez in his new movie, Gold, playing a couple men in search of gold in Indonesia

'So, if anyone calls me Matt today - well, Mom could be there on any corner,' he added. 

Still speaking of his family, Matthew admits he was incredibly nervous about first telling his dad he wanted to become an actor.

'I was headed towards law school... and I remember being very nervous on the night when I called [my dad] my sophomore year of college to tell him I wanted to change my course direction to go to film school. I really thought he was going to be, "Not on my dime. Like hell you will,"' the actor told CNN. 'He paused and I remember him saying, "Is that what you want to do?" and I said, "Yes, sir," and he paused again and he said, "Well, don't half a** it." And that was the end.'   

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