Canadian father, 79, who raped two of his daughters for decades and impregnated one of them THREE TIMES says he was born out of incest and that his mother is also his sister

  • Jacques Lesage was convicted of raping two of his daughters over 32 years
  • The 79-year-old fathered three children with his daughter Lucie, 53
  • He told a court in Quebec on Tuesday that he too had been the product of incest
  • The father-of-eight claimed his mother was also his sister and that his own father sexually abused him
  • He is facing up to 22 years behind bars for assaulting two of his adult daughters
  • Lesage was found not guilty of raping another one of his daughters 

Jacques Lesage was convicted of sexually abusing his daughters in Quebec over a period of 32 years

A Canadian father convicted of raping two of his daughters for decades and impregnated one of them three times has revealed he too was the product of incest. 

Jacques Lesage was convicted of sexually abusing his daughters Lucie, 53, and Nathalie, 49, in Quebec over a period of 32 years.

The sisters asked to be named publicly during court proceedings to ensure their father was brought to justice. 

Their other sister, Chantal Knippenberg, also says she was abused by their father but he was found not guilty of assaulting her. He faces two other charges relating to the sexual abuse of an unnamed minor. 

On Tuesday, 79-year-old Lesage told a court that he was born out of incest himself and that his mother was also his sister. He said his wife was also abused by her carers and that the pair married when she was 13 to rescue her from them.

Lesage, a father-of-eight, said he was sexually assaulted by his father and later by carers at a Catholic orphanage, CBC reports.

He fathered three children with his own daughter Lucie, the eldest of which is severely disabled and requires round-the-clock care. She had their first child when she was just 13.

Prosecutors earlier told how he plied the girls with spiked orange juice before raping them in the family's home, car and in motel rooms. He picked them up from school at lunchtimes just to have sex with them before sending them back for afternoon classes, they said. 

Lucie, 53, (left) and Nathalie, 49, (right) came forward in 2014 to report the abuse they had suffered 

During the trial, Lucie Lesage told how her father impregnated her three times. She now has a child with severe disabilities 

Pleading for a lenient sentence on Friday, he told the court that he had had his genitals removed to stop the spread of cancer, suggesting he was no longer a threat. 

He admitted raping Lucie after DNA tests proved her three children were his but said he thought she was not his biological daughter at the time of the abuse, claiming to have thought his wife was having an affair with another man who was her real father.

The man, who prosecutors described as 'manipulating' during the trial, denies ever laying a finger on his other two accusing daughters. 

Their other sister, Chantal Knippenberg, also says she was abused by their father but he was found not guilty of assaulting her

During the trial, Lucie Lesage told jurors that her father would 'go to hell' and how his abuse had left her unable to have romantic relationships.

Nathalie, her younger sister, said tearfully: 'All I've known is sexual abuse.' 

She revealed that she kept the abuse a secret for years because she thought her father's friends at the police department wouldn't believe her. At the age of 16, she moved out to live with an older sibling after threatening to shoot her father if he ever touched her again.

Both of the sisters say they suffer from post traumatic stress disorder as a result of their father's abuse and are depressed.

Lucie Lesage told police about the allegations in 2014. She told them how she'd been abused by him over 32 years and that the assaults began when she was just eight. 

Knippenberg said she had lived in fear of her father her entire life and that he ruined her childhood. She said she loved him but what he had done was 'wrong.' 

Lesage's lawyer says he should be sentenced to just seven years imprisonment after already serving two years behind bars awaiting trial. 

Prosecutors are asking that he be sentenced to 22 years. Lesage is due to be sentenced on Friday. 

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