'Nobody believes they're twins!': Adorable girls with different skin colors are born to a black father and a white mother in Illinois

  • Kalani and Jarani Dean were born to Whitney Meyer and her boyfriend Thomas
  • Jarani inherited her father's complexion while Kalani took after Meyer
  • 1 in 500 chance interracial couples will have children with different skin colors

When Whitney Meyer tells strangers that her infant daughters are twins, they never believe her.

That's because Kalani and Jarani Dean were born with different skin colors, making them biracial twins. 

Meyer, 25, is Caucasian and her boyfriend Thomas Dean is African-American. Jarani took after her dad, while Kalani inherited her mother's lighter complexion. 

Kalani (left) and Jarani Dean (right) are biracial twins who were born in Quincy, Illinois 

The adorable girls defied 1 in 500 odds when they were born with different skin colors 

The mother said she was immediately surprised when she saw her daughters, born in April 2016, for the first time. 

'I asked the doctor why Kalani's skin was so white!' Meyer told US Weekly

'I couldn't figure out why she looked so different her sister.' 

Kalani and Jarani are fraternal twins, meaning that they developed from two different eggs that were each fertilized by a separate sperm cell.  

There is a 1 in 500 chance that interracial couples expecting twins will have children with different skin colors, according to the BBC.  

The adorable girls are now turning heads in their hometown of Quincy, Illinois. 

Whitney Meyer, 25, is Caucasian and her boyfriend Thomas Dean is African-American. Also pictured in this sweet family portrait is Meyer's seven-year-old son 

The mother said she was immediately surprised when she saw her daughters, born in April 2016

Meyer said that although she dresses her girls in identical outfits, strangers never believe they're twins when she takes them out in public 

Jarani is identical to her late brother Pravyn (pictured) who died in a drowning accident less than two years ago

'No one believes they're twins,' Meyer said. 

'When we go out in public, people will start looking at them because I dress them identical and I can tell they're confused.' 

The birth of the twins is bittersweet for the couple who lost their two-year-old son, Pravyn, in a drowning accident two years ago. 

Jarani - the darker skinned twin - looks identical to her late brother. 

Jarani is identical to her late brother Pravyn, pictured right a memorial to Pravyn, pictured left the twins with their other brother

'They are my miracle babies,' Meyer said of her twins. 'J looks exactly like her brother did.' 

'When I look at pictures of J, I see Pravyn.' 

They pair also have an 7-year-old older brother. 

But when it comes to her twins, Meyer said the girls' personalities couldn't be more different. 

'Kalani is our loud child,' Meyer said. 'She is crawling everywhere and going nonstop.' 

'J doesn't like to move. She just wants to be held, and she loves to eat.'  

Kalani and Jarani are fraternal twins, meaning that they developed from two different eggs that were fertilized by their own sperm cell

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