Wednesday, April 28, 2010
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Promoting the development of liberal, democratic, and market-economic institutions in Africa would create a wealthy society, and wealthy societies are known to be naturally resilient to environmental variability and disasters of all sorts. [Read more]
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Our relationship with Japan is indeed a cornerstone of the liberal international order that has marked the six decades since the end of the Second World War, and for that reason we should look forward to maintaining it for years to come. [Read more]
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The Community Reinvestment Act was a successful piece of legislation; however, the success was incomplete and came with significant costs that have increased over time as the structure of markets has evolved. [Read more]
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The United States should take seven steps to secure sound mortgage finance in the future. [Read more]
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Thinking Outside the Boxes
The real key to financial consumer protection is to provide complete, accurate information about borrowing. [Read more]
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The currency practices of the People's Republic of China pose challenges to the United States; U.S. policy needs in this regard must try to avoid missteps that would have serious and lasting consequences. [Read more]
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Despite recent tension between Washington and Tokyo, the United States should seek to maintain the crucial U.S.-Japan relationship. [Read more]
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Government involvement has worsened the economic crisis, and the role of the Federal Reserve in regulating the financial sector should be reconsidered. [Read more]
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Drug prices have recently become less expensive with the spread of generic versions, but Medicaid support seems to make drugs more expensive. [Read more]
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Congress should not focus only on creating jobs in small businesses; instead, it should emphasize creating jobs at firms of all sizes. [Read more]
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