Thursday, April 29, 2010
Retirement and Social Security Issues

AEI's program on retirement and Social Security evaluates issues presented by the aging of the U.S. population, pension protection and the economics of retirement, the adequacy of household savings, the financial problems of the Social Security system, and major Social Security reform proposals. This section of the website gathers together AEI research, books, and events focused on Social Security and pensions.

Public Pension Deficits

AEI's Andrew G. Biggs, the former principal deputy commissioner of the Social Security Administration, has been writing about shortfalls in public pension accounts. In a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, he writes that shortfalls are underestimated, with actual underfunding of more than $3 trillion. In another article, he examines the books in New Jersey and finds that taxpayers are in for a shock when the pension bill comes due. A new AEI working paper by Biggs presents an alternate approach to market valuation of public pension liabilities.

Lifetime Income Options
Alex J. Pollock makes several considerations and suggestions on how to properly use annuities in retirement finance.
Why Immigration Can't Save Social Security
The logic of saving Social Security through immigration, which makes sense at first glance, falls apart when you inspect the details.
The Market Value of Public-Sector Pension Deficits
Current state pension accounting practices are inaccurate and outmoded; a more accurate accounting demonstrates that state pension funds are underfunded by more than six times the amount the plans report.
Reduce Benefits for Higher Earners
Social Security's mission remains constant but its structure must change with the times.
Global Population Aging and Its Economic Consequences
This book explains how the risks of global aging can be contained with a combination of foresight and prudent public policy.  
In Our Hands A Plan to Replace the Welfare State
This book reveals the ineffectiveness of government redistribution plans and offers a radical new approach to social policy.  
Income Redistribution from Social Security
The authors assess the importance of knowing as much as possible about how the current Social Security system redistributes money in practice and to whom.  
This event will discuss life-cycle funds and their role the management of retirement funds.
At this AEI conference, AEI resident scholar Andrew G. Biggs will discuss research on Social Security's incentives to delay retirement, while Estelle James, a pension consultant and former World Bank economist, will present findings on how Chile's 1980 pension reform affected labor force participation by seniors.
At this event, AEI resident scholar Andrew Biggs will address members of the Savings and Retirement Forum about the present system and propose reforms that could create a more transparent and effective retirement program.