Thursday, April 29, 2010
Social and Cultural Studies

AEI's research is informed by the understanding that freedom and prosperity depend on healthy social institutions. This section of the website gathers together AEI research, books, and events focused on social and cultural studies.

In the Spotlight

"Choice, in and of itself, doesn't fix any of [education's] problems, but it lets motivated people solve them outside of traditional K-12 systems, which hobble organizational focus and instructional coherence with their "little-bit-of-everything" mission, industrial-era contracts and staffing arrangements, ill-defined aims, balky governance structures, contested disciplinary arrangements, and the rest."

--Frederick M. Hess in an article on National Review Online, March 25, 2010

Stroll to the Top
Even though the Department of Education's Race to the Top program has been endorsed by both liberals and conservatives, it has not been living up to its full potential.
Hot Britannia
It would be ironic if the television debates, which began by imposing an expectation--almost an obligation--of courtesy on the combatants, were to end in more bitterness between the parties.
Arizona's Ugly but Necessary Immigration Law
Arizona's new immigration law is as ugly as many other government policies, but is equally as necessary.
"South Park" and the Informal Fatwa
The recent threats against the creators of "South Park" demonstrate some of the damage that can be done to free society by Muslim fringe groups.
American Politics, Then & Now and Other Essays
James Q. Wilson is one of America’s preeminent public policy scholars. For decades, he has analyzed the changing political and cultural landscape with clarity and honesty, bringing his wisdom to bear on all facets of American government and society.  
The Battle How the Fight between Free Enterprise and Big Government Will Shape America's Future
Free enterprise embodies the values that define us as a nation: individual liberty, equal opportunity, entrepreneurship, and self-reliance. But the recent economic crisis has distorted these values.  
Ayaan Hirsi Ali tells the stirring story of her search for a new life as she tries to reconcile her Islamic past with her passionate adherence to democracy and Western values.  
At this event, Melanie Phillips will discuss her new book, "The World Turned Upside Down: The Global Battle over God, Truth, and Power"(Encounter...
What can be done to address the phenomenon that had been mostly invisible for a decade--boys falling behind girls in school?
At this event, Anthony Bradley, associate professor of theology and ethics at the King’s College, will discuss the concept of social justice.
Is greenfield schooling the breakthrough needed to reform our education system?