Thursday, April 29, 2010
Health Care Policy

This section of the website gathers together AEI research, books, and events focused on health care policy, including health coverage and private insurance.

Feature: A Better Prescription

After a year of political wrangling and two thousand-page bills that promise more than they can deliver, it is time for a more prudent approach to health care reform. Americans made it clear that they will not tolerate a top-down health reform that further centralizes power and decision making in Washington. They distrust the promises of lower cost and more secure coverage, and they fear losing what they have now. A new approach to reform is needed, one that levels with the American people about what is possible and what is necessary. AEI scholars Joseph Antos and Thomas P. Miller outline what should be done to reform the U.S. health system in their AEI Special Report, "A Better Prescription," available here.

California Provides Health Care Preview
The WellPoint insurance predicament in California provides a preview of what is to come as the Obama health care plan rolls out.
Right to Die Might Kill Health Care Reform
The Supreme Court has previously held that individuals have a fundamental right to make personal health care choices without government interference, which may support a challenge to the constitutionality of ObamaCare.
Are Republicans Losing Their Nerve on Repeal?
Republicans are backing off from their pledge to repeal ObamaCare, but they must first promise to undo the damage before they can promise to move forward with something better.
Obamacare Will Be at Center of High Court Hearing
The constitutionality of the president’s health care plan may be an important part of the hearing for the next Supreme Court nominee, and Republicans could gain by asking politically damaging questions in a high-visibility forum.
U.S. Markets for Vaccines Characteristics, Case Studies, and Controversies
This volume offers a balanced and comprehensive snapshot of the changing landscape for vaccine markets.  
Uncle Sam, M.D. AEI Scholars on Health Care and Pharmaceutical Reform
This collection of essays provides an indication of the range and depth of AEI’s work in health care reform and pharmaceutical policy.  
Innovation and Technology Adoption in Health Care Markets
Anupam B. Jena and Tomas J. Philipson argue that further use of cost-effectiveness analysis to curb health care spending may do more harm than good.  
At this event, Mark V. Pauly will discuss his new book, Reform without Side Effects.
Please note this event has been canceled.
Immediately following President Obama's State of the Union address, AEI will host an economic conference call.