Thursday, April 29, 2010
Political and Public Opinion Studies

AEI's research is informed by the understanding that freedom and prosperity depend on healthy political institutions. This section of the website gathers together AEI research, books, and events focused on political and public opinion studies.

In the Spotlight

"Americans aren't optimistic about light at the end of the tunnel, telling pollsters that, despite economists' assertions, the recession won't be over any time soon. But most are coping and making changes that could pay dividends in the future."

--Karlyn Bowman in an article on, March 29, 2010


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in Political and Public Opinion Studies

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AEI Political Report, April 2010
This issue of Political Report covers confidence in business, Wall Street, executive compensation, financial reform, the deficit, potential Supreme Court nominees, health care, immigration, and more.
Hot Britannia
It would be ironic if the television debates, which began by imposing an expectation--almost an obligation--of courtesy on the combatants, were to end in more bitterness between the parties.
After Policy Stumbles, Obama Turns to Politics
With an eye to the next election, President Barack Obama seems to be focused on legislative priorities chosen for politics rather than policy.
How to Expand the Center? Look Down Under
Mandatory voting could be a valuable reform for the American political system, which is increasingly divided along partisan lines, and move it toward a middle ground.
American Politics, Then & Now and Other Essays
James Q. Wilson is one of America’s preeminent public policy scholars. For decades, he has analyzed the changing political and cultural landscape with clarity and honesty, bringing his wisdom to bear on all facets of American government and society.  
The Battle How the Fight between Free Enterprise and Big Government Will Shape America's Future
Free enterprise embodies the values that define us as a nation: individual liberty, equal opportunity, entrepreneurship, and self-reliance. But the recent economic crisis has distorted these values.  
How Barack Obama Is Endangering Our National Sovereignty
American sovereignty is today more challenged than ever before, not from enemies that threaten us militarily but from "friends" who urge that we share or reduce our sovereignty for larger global objectives.  
This event will be the fourth installment of AEI's series, Politics Watch.
This event will discuss the current state of U.S. counterterrorism policy and what can be done to address emerging threats to our security.