Thursday, April 29, 2010

AEI is devoting significant attention to education policy, examining such topics as school financing, the No Child Left Behind Act, educational accountability and entrepreneurship, education research, student loans, teacher education and certification, higher education, and urban school reform. This section of the website gathers together AEI research, books, and events focused on education.

New AEI Report Examines Hispanic Graduation Gap

A new AEI report documents the gap in college graduation rates between Hispanic and white students. In Rising to the Challenge: Hispanic College Graduation Rates as a National Priority, AEI's Andrew P. Kelly and Mark Schneider and Education Sector's Kevin Carey show that 59 percent of white students who start college in the United States complete a bachelor's degree in six years, compared to only 51 percent of Hispanic students. The report also finds that there is considerable variation in Hispanic graduation rates among schools that admit similar students, suggesting that while student characteristics have an important influence on college completion, institutional practices and policies also play a role. [Read more]

Download the full report (PDF) | Download the executive summary (PDF) | Download the appendix listing graduation rates for 641 colleges (PDF) | View press release

Stroll to the Top
Even though the Department of Education's Race to the Top program has been endorsed by both liberals and conservatives, it has not been living up to its full potential.
The Attrition Tradition in American Higher Education
A detailed examination of the history of college attrition rates reveals how far we have already come in our higher education aspirations, and provides some understanding of how we might tackle the challenge of now raising graduation rates.
Big Week for the NEA
There were two substantial setbacks to efforts to rethink education spending last week, as Governor Charlie Crist vetoed a reform bill and Secretary Arne Duncan offered support for spending $23 billion new, borrowed dollars on educators.
Foxes Watching the Henhouse
Providing consumers with better information about college costs and quality would help hold postsecondary institutions accountable. Two new voluntary accountability systems miss the mark.
Education Unbound The Promise and Practice of Greenfield Schooling
Frederick M. Hess introduces the concept of "greenfield schooling" and its potential to free-up schools to be more responsive to communities and kids.  
The Politically Correct University Problems, Scope, and Reforms
Robert Maranto, Richard E. Redding, and Frederick M. Hess, along with nineteen other scholars and practitioners, examine how the politically correct imperative to promote "diversity"--of race, ethnicity, and gender, but not of ideas--has diverted higher education from its true purposes.  
The Future of Educational Entrepreneurship Possibilities for School Reform
The Future of Educational Entrepreneurship examines the challenge of creating innovative and productive entrepreneurial activity in American education.  
What can be done to address the phenomenon that had been mostly invisible for a decade--boys falling behind girls in school?
How can we reshape failing aspects of the traditional postsecondary system? What might we learn from emerging entrepreneurial providers?
Is greenfield schooling the breakthrough needed to reform our education system?
Virginia secretary of education Gerard Robinson will lay out his vision for state education reform.