Day 4 in Palma 

Written by Libby Greenhalgh   | 01 April 2010

Sat here in Palma in the now famous white van with my partners in crime, disco disco Simon Briscoe (Performance Analyst) and Lindsey Bell (Communications Manager) we are slowly coming to the end of another long day here at the Princess Sofia Regatta.

Sailors pushed their variety of boats off the shore at 1000 this morning and now at 1800 all the fleets but the 49ers have returned to the shore after a variety of conditions. For me I am pleased with how the weather has panned out today as it followed my forecast or there abouts and even allowed me a small bit of down time to grab an ice cream, probably the biggest two scoops of ice cream I have ever had! A bargain too, 1.80 euros........... I shall be back for more and thank you Briscoe for buying it!  

For others who have been sat on the water for 2 hours or raced in conditions with 50 degree shifts it has probably not been so great and for some, RS:X, it has been a sit ashore all day only to be cancelled as some stable wind finally re-established. So results at the beginning of the day remain the same at the end for the windsurfers, while other fleets experienced a snake and ladder effect ahead of the medal race tomorrow.  

At the end of racing this small little weather girl will becoming a white van driver and heading to Hyeres – beep if you see me!!!

Libby G x
