Summer to Autumn 

Written by Dylan Fletcher  | 10 October 2011

So since our last blog entry we have loaded Bearly Legal into the container for Perth, she has been sat waiting for action since the Europeans while we have been sailing the Black Bear.

The container loading was all easy apart from our metal box, which took a little bit of thinking and brute force to get into the container. Its about 3x1.5x1.2m so not a small box by any means. Eventually after trying to get it to fit a few different ways we unbolted the axle with the wheels on and it just about squeezed in. A bit of a relief, as we would of had no where to put all our rubbish in Perth. 

We spent a the 4 days before loading the container in Weymouth getting all our kit prepped ready for the Worlds so we have nothing to do when we arrive other than go sailing.  Hopefully all the hard work will pay off, but we had a very long list and everything seemed to always take longer than expected.

Last week was a bit of a change, it went from that amazing heatwave to full autumn in a matter of hours! Started off on monday in boardies/shirts off, ended in jeans, hoodie and a coat! Anyway we got on with the sailing and at least the autumn breeze arrived in full. We spent the week working on our boat handling which pushed us to the limit and over it quite a few times. All in all it was a great camp but we are well and truly broken this weekend!

Looking forward to our next camp which starts on Thursday, got a few days to get organised, rested and in the gym. Big thanks once again to all our supporters and sponsors.
