Disappointment in the quarter finals 

Written by Lucy Macgregor   | 08 August 2011

Well yesterday was not really the day we were looking for when we headed out to race France in the quarter finals of the Olympic Test Event.

We are really disappointed to have lost 3-0 in the knock out round especially having had good chances to win the first two races. We have learnt a lot from the racing, Leroy’s team are very good and we knew it would not be easy racing them but we needed to make it hard for them to get the win in the end.

It’s tough when in many areas we are seeing big improvements in our racing however yesterday we just didn’t join the dots up well enough to get it right on the day.Today we have had a day off then tomorrow we race in 5th-8th playoffs along with Holland, Sweden and Australia. Initially we will race Australia while the others race then the winners of those two matches race for 5th and 6th while the losers race for 7th and 8th.

We’ll be hoping to put a few things right from yesterday!

