Weymouth Time 

Written by Paul Goodison  | 10 May 2011

After the disappointment of Hyeres [the forth leg in the ISAF World Sailing Series] with things not quite falling in to place and maybe trying to force it to happen, it's been nice to have a week at home to reflect and recover from the last few months.

It's been good to put in some quality gym training, having more time to recover not sailing helps to push things forward and with the cycling racing starting on Thursday night I have been out training with the boys which is always fun.

Weymouth is starting to fill up with foreign sailors again, as I drove to the store last week to collect my boat about 8 or 9 foreign trailers where heading the other way. Training starts again tomorrow, getting back in to a routine training from home is going be great especially as there will be several foreign teams to train with keeping it fresh each week. I was a little disappointed by the decision of ISAF last week on the classes for the 2016 Olympic games. I think the the woman’s skiff has been long over due but dropping the keel boat (star) I think is a poor decision with so much talent in the class. I do feel that the boats are in need of an update, the skiffs are great to watch but why can't more of the classes be? With the multihulls back in it will be interesting to see what boat is selected and if they go down the wing mast path? But for me I really feel that a foiling class should be in there, they are fast and good to watch…..

Anyway, off to WPNSA [Weymouth Portland National Sailing Academy]  for a photo / video shoot for Volvo along with Ben and Nick, quite excited about a heli shoot as never been involved in one before….. Paul
