Training in Cadiz 

Written by Chris Draper  | 18 January 2011

Well happy new year to everyone from us. So far 2011 is treating us very nicely

So far 2011 is treating us very nicely. We are having a really good training camp. It has generally been quite light ( about 5-7 knts ) nearly all of the time apart from one day when we had 15 knts and could stretch our legs, but it has been 20 degrees every day, sorry everyone in the UK.

This has been meaning we are getting plenty of hours on the water. Generally our days follow the trend of an early launch in the morning land breeze at 930 for a session structured around our's and Dylan and Alain's work ons, then in for lunch back at the ranch followed by an afternoon session boatspeeding then racing with all the other teams.

This is then followed by a gym session at our classically Spanish weights orientated gym and then dinner, de-brief, phone amazing wives and then bed. Pretty relentlessly tiring but the main thing is that we are learning tonnes.

It's not all deadly serious though as you can imagine and there is plenty of banter between all the guys.There is a great bunch of foreign boats out here, all of the Danes, the French and Italians as well as a handful of Germans, Finnish and a few others.

The racing has been really good as well as the training in the mornings with just ourselves and Dylan and Al.We have been changing our tactical roles a little in the boat which is helping to get the most out of our team. Consequently occasionally we have made a few silly mistakes in the big races but generally we have been racing very nicely.

We have two more days left at this camp, the forecast is looking good for a good bit more wind which is great. We are excited about straightening our legs on the wire !

Thanks everyone for your ongoing support, all the best Chris and Peter
