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[–]Stormpaws 10 points11 points  (1 child)

people dont think NTs know we’re autistic or whatever. but studies have PROVEN that they are biased against us from the moment they meet us and we are disproportionately bullied. and people do care

[–]Mindless_Challenge11 [score hidden]  (0 children)

Yes, and some of those studies have also shown that NTs actually become LESS biased/hostile/aversive towards autistic people when they know those people are autistic. All the more reason to inform about and normalize neurodivergencies, instead of pretending they don't exist like the OP wants us to do.

(See https://youtu.be/e7CyKBsFx60?t=2481 for the study I'm talking about)

[–]ilovefignewtons02 101 points102 points  (16 children)

People at work definitely care. All you need to do is skim some posts on this sub to see all the discrimination people on the spectrum face in the working world. Bizarre take

[–]SorriorDraconus 15 points16 points  (3 children)

It’s not conscious as far as I know, we seem to set off the uncanny valley so they see us as a competing subspecies..or at least that is my hypothesis

[–]Xoor [score hidden]  (1 child)

Well, if racism is not conscious does that make it a non-issue?..

[–]SorriorDraconus [score hidden]  (0 children)

Oh I never said it is let an issue merely giving a reason. And tbh racism is taught very few humans are born with that trait imo..But the uncanny valley is engrained in human dna it seems.

The answer to both is likely exposure to the supposed other/perceived threat to show how similar we all really are..And now I am wondering which ones harder to undo the bias that is fully subconscious or the taught one that is semi consciously ingrained.

[–]LadyBangarang [score hidden]  (0 children)

You know, I’ve never thought about it that way. I find the uncanny valley phenomenon intriguing and I think you’re onto something.

ETA: Just googled “autism uncanny valley”. This is definitely a thing.

[–]That-ISA-Slot 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Then imagine being bullied, because people cant put a finger on why they dont like you becausee you are different. And they dont say anything to your face, and you dont even know why, because you do not have a diagnose and you are fully occupied on fiduring out who you really are. And at the same time you are fully aware that people pecieve you as different. A person they can not figure out, and thus you have won a ticket to be put down, by the shere fact that you are the one you are. Even though you do not know who you are.

[–]AccurateEmu2914 14 points15 points  (0 children)

It’s a perspective shift, and an important one to exercise as a thought experiment at the very least. If we fail to try to understand the NT perspective, how can we expect them to try to understand ours?

[–]zomboi [score hidden]  (1 child)

to see all the discrimination people on the spectrum face in the working world.

keep in mind that the internet is a small snapshot of what is in the offline physical world. The NDs that don't get discriminated against at work don't have much opportunity to post/comment about how they are treated fairly by their coworkers/supervisors.

NDs online don't have much opportunities to post/comment about their happy (normal-ish) lives with a good job and good group of family/friends.

What you see on the internet is a small snapshot of a much larger picture.

[–]ilovefignewtons02 [score hidden]  (0 children)

Oh I'm not saying that they're aren't happy NT people who like they're jobs? Just saying the problems that NTs face in the workplace are real and can have real life consequences. Communication skills are inherent to both job performance and also one of the greatest issues NTs have. Didn't mean to give off the impression it's all doom and gloom.

[–]MeanderingDuck [score hidden]  (1 child)

Except that in many if not most of those posts, the people (supposedly) discriminating against the OP don’t even know they are autistic (not that it would inherently be discrimination even if they did). What people are generally reacting to is genuine differences in an autistic person’s demeanor and behavior, compared to most others.

If an autistic person, say, consistently comes across as condescending, people are going to tend to react negatively to that. That’s got nothing to do with discrimination, they would react the same way to a non-autistic people acting like that.

So while certainly for some proportion of those posts there will be genuine discrimination at play, for a lot of them that’s questionable at best. Just because someone feels they are being discriminated, doesn’t mean they actually are.

[–]ilovefignewtons02 [score hidden]  (0 children)

Frankly, it seems like you don't understand what discrimination means. And also what's your point? That sometimes people are wrong about discrimination? OK that's cool but idk how that's relevant here. It exists, that was my point

[–]cdclopper -2 points-1 points  (5 children)

Do you have an example of this discrimination we face on social media?

[–]ilovefignewtons02 3 points4 points  (4 children)

Not sure how social media is relevant to my point, no

[–]cdclopper 1 point2 points  (3 children)

Well you edited you comment.

So nevermind.

[–]ilovefignewtons02 0 points1 point  (2 children)

The example is the sub.... like I said just scroll through the posts. Just saw one this morning about a young women dealing with bullying from co-workers bc she told them about her diagnosis. Like just look around lol you're asking for evidence of sunshine on a clear day

[–]That-ISA-Slot 41 points42 points  (8 children)

You know.... That is bullshit to serve your opinion that black and white.

Ever been out, and people just did not like you, because you are on the spectrum and you dont even know it yet? Yes that happens.

Now figure the same situation, but you are still looked at, as something wierd. A freak. And nobody know why. Nobody know you are on the spectrum. Not even YOU.

And 16 years later you get diagnosed at the age of 38, and you finally know why. And it is not "a war", it is just the majority of people who can not stand your personality, because you are off to a degree that they can not pinpoint. And it all is in the realms of the un-said category. Something people do not talk about and that is just how "normal" people react in their sub contions.

[–]cheeseriot2100 [score hidden]  (2 children)

This is correct, but this isn’t the fault of NTs. It’s simply the innate instincts of social interaction. It’s better to find people who accept you or work to change yourself instead of dwelling on the NT vs. ND dichotomy.

[–]That-ISA-Slot [score hidden]  (1 child)

Back when I was in primaery school. Nobody knew about Aspergers syndrome. It was simply not a thing that excisted. If someone talked about it, they would be called a liar or something. But since I was different, then those that were supposed to be my friends or classmates, did everything to put me down. Because I was just a wee bit different, and they did not know what to do with me socially.

Ever been pressed between a swingdoor with glass windows in it and the wall, having 5 people pressing on it. Just because they could not figure out what exactly made you different, and thus you needed to be bullied. Ever been given the blame for destroying someones toys though you were not the one, because you were the easy target? Ever been named after the hunter in bugs bunny cartoons, because he was a goofball, and they percieved you like that? A strange, stupid goofball, that were not worthy of anyones acceptance and time. Ever been forced to carry 5 school bags plus your own, and being called a mule and "our personal slave"? Ever been taken your food, and all they said was "is it ok if I taste", like it was a question that they actually had to await if the owner of the food (me) were willing to share.....

Yeah.... That shit happens from time to time... Just normal everyday life of a kid in primaery school in the 1980's.

[–]cheeseriot2100 [score hidden]  (0 children)

Yeah… I was bullied in just the same way in primary school and I’d bet most people here were as well. I know the struggle, I have Asperger’s syndrome my man lol

[–]LemonZeppelin27 [score hidden]  (0 children)

Yes but I don’t care if people like me or not. People look at me and just inherently hate me. I find it funny now.

[–]Mindless_Challenge11 64 points65 points  (21 children)

here’s another tip. Just stop talking about it.

No, I don't think I will.

Without continued advocacy and debate, the circumstances of ND people will never improve.

[–]snapshotcal1978 22 points23 points  (0 children)

Aye Aye. Will raise a drink to that.

[–]cdclopper 0 points1 point  (2 children)

Accepting society for what it is, maybe is one part of improvement.

[–]Tytoalba2 [score hidden]  (1 child)

Improving society instead of "accepting" is certainly is tho...

[–]cdclopper [score hidden]  (0 children)

Or maybe a waste of time.

I take the approach that it's easier for me to adapt to society, me being one person, than it is to change the opinions of millions of people who generally don't care. They're only interested when they can virtue signal.

[–]cheeseriot2100 [score hidden]  (1 child)

NTs won’t like you more the more you call them bad people online. Sorry to say, our symptoms make us destined to be discriminated against or naturally disliked. Crying about it in public forums only serves to make NTs look down on us more, or make it seem like we are touting a diagnosis for special treatment. It’s best to learn to blend in, never mention your diagnosis, and find people that will accept you as you are

[–]hawkeyepitts 26 points27 points  (6 children)

TL;dr Complaining about legitimate frustrations and negative experiences doesn’t mean we’re having a war with NT’s in our heads.

The narrative that everybody on this subreddit has a burning hatred for NT’s is complete bullshit and gaslighting at it’s finest. What are all these blatant anti-NT posts that you’re complaining about?

Every so often you see someone post about the numerous, countless toxic posts against NT’s. And I’m always like, what the hell are they talking about? I’ve been on this sub for over a year and lurked long before that, and the excessive NT hate that people love to condemn is just not there.

The fact is that a lot of us DO have negative experiences with people due to our condition, and people should be able to let off steam about the things that frustrate them with others who can understand. For many people (myself included) this is the only place I feel understood as far as life with autism goes.

[–]AccurateEmu2914 5 points6 points  (3 children)

The NT hate posts are quite seriously rampant, that’s a fact not gaslighting. Your perception/perspective is interesting.

The point is that those negative experiences are indeed due to your diagnosis, just like you said. It is not due to anyone else’s lack of diagnosis, it is the presence of ours causing the root conflict in any autism-negative experience.

[–]exgiexpcv -1 points0 points  (2 children)

The point is that those negative experiences are indeed due to your diagnosis

I disagree. Just because someone isn't on our spectrum, it doesn't mean they don't have some other diagnosis which leads to conflict. I have a boss who reputedly has a criminal record for violent crime, and professionals who work with us have suggested that they present the central traits of a sociopath. They are in no way autistic, but their diagnosis absolutely conflicts with mine, and whereas I am considered by my co-workers to be hardworking, respectful, and honest, they demonstrate none of those behaviours, but they're in charge, and they ruin people's lives as a result. They don't know what they're doing much of the time, but they enjoy breaking things to see what happens. They literally brag about this as if it's a good thing.

It's not me.

[–]gileswithachainsaw 36 points37 points  (1 child)

i agree that the us vs them mentality gets taken too far, but the idea that NTs don’t care if you’re autistic unless you bring it up simply isn’t true. even if they don’t know it’s autism they’re picking up on, they get an “off” vibe from all but the best maskers and instinctively avoid us or assume low competence. ostracizing those who are different is a survival mechanism and i don’t necessarily fault them for it, but it will not get better unless we demystify social phenomena that put autistic people at a disadvantage. pretending it doesn’t happen won’t make it go away.

[–]GalapagousStomper 5 points6 points  (2 children)

Yeah, don’t talk about being an Aspie and rely on the goodwill of NT employers…lol…

[–]witch_and_famous[S] -2 points-1 points  (1 child)

Ask for accommodations and then drop it. It’s called being professional, and if you can’t do it then expect the problems to continue.

[–]cheeseriot2100 [score hidden]  (0 children)

Do not mention it all if you want to be seen as a somewhat normal human.

[–]Indorilionn 15 points16 points  (8 children)

I'm all for not creating a trumped up divide between "us" and "them", because both dumb and unhelpful. But your take is just differently awful. Your post is one big blob of entitlement, repressiveness and passive aggressiveness.

that’s because you’re still living at home.

And what would be the problem with that? Furthermore, no of course not. It's just as much a topic living with flatmates you can trust and partners.

unless your behavior is interfering with the job.

And guess what? Personal issues always interfere with work and professional contexts. When parents die and relationships end and sickness strikes or mental health suffers under our living conditions - that gonna affect things. So does a day where autism makes funktioning difficult. And to demand to just function like a cog, is harmful to all.

Just stop talking about it.

No. Normalize talking about it and get rid of people who do not want to deal with your ASD. Because it's a part of you, for anyone who's a friend of yours or otherwise a part of your life, it's gonna be a part of that relationship - and it is not going away.

Srsly what a trainwreck of a post.

[–]AcceptableAnswer7 55 points56 points  (28 children)

Just stop talking about it.

Yeah this is where you lost me. I agree that there's not some big us vs them like a lot of ND pretend there is, but you're just advocating ND people to mask and ignore their difficulties.

Maybe your autism doesn't cause you issues on a day to day basis and you're able to just ignore it and live as normal. Not everyone here is so lucky.

[–]cheeseriot2100 [score hidden]  (0 children)

Masking is good, but the difficulties aren’t to be ignored, they should be overcome so that integrating into society is as easy as possible

[–]LeLand_Land 10 points11 points  (0 children)

"Just stop talking about it"


We are facing a lot of societal and cultural issues that cause depression and a lower standard of living for the average ND. This is because we exist as an invisible group, and can easily be ignored. If anything we need to be loud and boisterous so that ourselves, and hopefully those ND's after us, don't need to mask as often, can accept ourselves for who we are, and most importantly, have society understand us in some capacity.

TLDR: Talk about ND stuff more.

[–]Sample_Interesting 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Yeah, I mean, it's mostly just my social anxiety telling me people give a crap when they clearly don't, unless it's obvious I'm acting "off".

[–]BucketSentry 3 points4 points  (0 children)

I agree not every NT is against you, but its heavily based on people's experiences. Some people on here have been treated awfully by people, so i can understand why they're more anxious about NTs (genuinely my heart goes out to you guys who've had these awful experiences sincerely hoping you're all doing better or working towards getting there.)

[–]Dusty1000287 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Mask as well as you can and play your quirks off as you being unique. It's hard I know but it gets easier.

[–]roqueofspades 18 points19 points  (5 children)

Convinced OP is a troll or just deeply entrenched in self-hatred and wants to force it on the rest of us especially considering their replies

[–]witch_and_famous[S] -4 points-3 points  (4 children)

I don’t care what you’re convinced of, you’re wrong. Different perspectives exist and I’m not the kind of person with AS that wants my issue to be everyone’s problem.

[–]joonuts 8 points9 points  (3 children)

I'm not saying you don't have a point, but it sounds like you experience the privilege of being able to mask successfully. Not everyone can bootstrap their way out of their social and other problems, and I think you may be experiencing survivorship bias. That said, yes, I'm sure there are many NDs who create social problems by talking about their problems which weren't actually an issue for other people.

[–]witch_and_famous[S] [score hidden]  (2 children)

It’s because I’m in my 40s. Every time I see a pity-me post I know it’s someone in teens to 20s who haven’t put in the legwork yet to help themselves. And I’m right more than 90% of the time. Most of these people’s problems isn’t having AS, it’s being young and inexperienced.

[–]joonuts [score hidden]  (1 child)

I dunno, this kind of feels like victim blaming. Someone is having a hard time with being bullied and you're blaming them for not learning to mask better, as if they should expect to be bullied.

[–]witch_and_famous[S] [score hidden]  (0 children)

Of course, everything is bullying because everyone is thinking about you.

Fuck’s sake, no one even mentioned bullying. Try harder sad boy.

[–]istarian 18 points19 points  (10 children)

Ranting about what other people are talking about really doesn’t contribute much.

[–]56BPM 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Massive strawman going on here. Nobody is suggesting that NT are obsessing over aspies.

People have valid complaints, and you are a troll for ignoring them and making this absurd post.

[–]Kyoshi20 7 points8 points  (1 child)

I strongly disagree with the OP. I was repeatedly bullied SPECIFICALLY for having Autism/Aspergers in not only back in HS and before, but in 2 jobs, and implicitly in another for my disability causing me to not work "fast enough". There is a literal mountain of evidence online and from first hand accounts of others with Autism that there is a heavy amount of discrimination towards us. When there is a conspiracy whether implicit or explicit that aims to strip us of our pride, dignity, economic self sufficiency, and very sense of existence via dubious "cures" and other fascist eugenic like programs facilitated often under the guise of helping us this is very much a war on Aspergers/Autism. I consider myself proud of who I am and I will not stay quiet and "keep to myself" about who I am just to "fit in" with a backwards morally inferior NT society that places superficial capitalistic BS over true love and respect.

For too long we have had to bear the burden of guilt and shame for merely being who we are and existing. Merely asking for what NTs take for granted on a much more common basis than us. People with Autism have the highest unemployment to my knowledge of ANY minority group and it is not because we are useless, it is because we live in an economic system that is eugenic by function and is controlled by you guessed it mostly NTs or virtually all NTs.

[–]AlarmingSolution3662 9 points10 points  (0 children)

You got the "nobody cares" part right. You're also assuming everyone who are at odds with them, aren't successful, and you're wrong.

[–]exgiexpcv 8 points9 points  (1 child)

They don't discuss it in terms of NT and ND, it's simply "You're different. You're weird. You don't fit in."

This is Gaslighting 101.

[–]SorriorDraconus 5 points6 points  (2 children)

Thing is I don’t think they CONSCIOUSLY care that much. On the other hand I DO think we trigger the uncanny valley effect and they often see us as a competing subspecies at least subconsciously.

That is very different from hate or war and I do agree especially since my love and parents are non neurodiverse that the hate and us vs them is not cool.

[–]witch_and_famous[S] -4 points-3 points  (1 child)

Aspie’s really act like we’re a different species. Sorry guys, you’re human no matter how much you wish otherwise.

Why wallow in your sadness when you can revel in the fact that we were an essential evolutionary benefit to humankind?

[–]SorriorDraconus 3 points4 points  (0 children)

A) I said subspecies which is a very different ballgame

B) I said they seem to detect us as such not that we are

And C) I never said anything about wallowing in sadness and overall agreed with you that this us vs them shit has got to go.

[–]FukudaSan007 [score hidden]  (1 child)

I don't think NT exists

[–]twofacetoo [score hidden]  (0 children)

Fucking 110% this with a cherry on top and a kiss goodnight

[–]Evinceo 5 points6 points  (2 children)

While not a perfect take, I do think that we're in a phase of paranoia about NTs in this sub and I think pushback against it is ok.

I'll post my usual take: you really don't know if the people making your life difficult are NTs at all, and a lot of the problems I see pointing to NTs are really issues you'd have with people of any nature. Look deeper at what creates and maintains the systems that cause you problems, don't let "NT" be the end of the examination.

[–]Jojo_my_Flojo [score hidden]  (1 child)

Additionally, within that paranoia against "NT," it seems that they often only consider people with ASD as ND.

They will often describe situations, behaviors or issues that seem to lump people with ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, etc into the NT group. I only have ADHD, but the more extreme posts will often leave me thinking, "I thought this was something we were working on together, but I guess you hate me too?"

[–]Evinceo [score hidden]  (0 children)

And, really, it's lumping people with ASD in too, because you realistically have no idea who's got ASD.

[–]lordofthemanor87 6 points7 points  (26 children)

Exactly, nobody gives a shit about us as 'aspies.' Your personality traits might lead to bullying in high school if you let them, but it isn't because you're on the spectrum specifically, it is because you're just different. People have been doing that for as long as we've been a species, it isn't targeted towards you because you're not NT, it's just human nature to ostracize those who are different. It's just regular human nature to target those outside of the norm. Those who are ugly, gay, tall, short, fat, skinny, all get the same treatment.

Once you grow up and live in your own house surrounded by only people you want to be surrounded by, you'll understand that zero people give a shit that you're ND. There is no war, OP is correct.

[–]butinthewhat 2 points3 points  (0 children)

This is not true. I’m a grown up with my own house and I’ve built a life that accommodates me, but I’m still affected by being ND. I don’t think there’s a war, but there is a lack of understanding out there which negatively affects me.

[–]pifon_ 6 points7 points  (18 children)

Idc WHY they ostracize me. I just know that they do and thats enough

[–]maikelele20 5 points6 points  (8 children)

If you don't care about the why you will never be able to grow as a person or create relationships with people who are different from you.

[–]pifon_ 1 point2 points  (6 children)

I'll be going to a new workplace this month and I already know they will end up hating me eventually no matter how much I mask.

[–]witch_and_famous[S] -1 points0 points  (5 children)

This is called a self fulfilling prophesy.

[–]pifon_ -4 points-3 points  (4 children)

ok nt

[–]AccurateEmu2914 1 point2 points  (3 children)

No, that’s actually a nearly perfect example of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Ignoring data points contrary to your own just because you don’t agree with them is called cherry picking.

[–]pifon_ -1 points0 points  (2 children)

Ok then Mr. NT why are 85% of aspies underemployed or unemployed?

Why can't they hold down jobs beyond a few months? Nts must be very fair towards aspies in this fake positive world you have created in your head huh.

[–]AccurateEmu2914 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Also I’m about as Aspergers as it gets, and therefore a very strong sense of logic.

[–]AccurateEmu2914 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This one falls under another logical fallacy, oversimplification. But the cause of NDs not holding down jobs is not the inflexibility of NTs, but in fact right back to inflexibility of the ND. Masking has social utility. If you are unwilling to do it at all, you probably aren’t going to succeed in the 99% world.

[–]Short-Tie-6050 [score hidden]  (0 children)

It seems as though your blaming him and his behavior for the reason he is being ostracized.why should he try to form relationship with those who are abusive toward him

[–]lordofthemanor87 1 point2 points  (8 children)

The WHY is important. Once you understand human nature you'll know why they target you and why you're ostracized. Then you can try and mitigate it if you so choose. It also sounds like you're 'accepting' that you'll be ostracized. That only happens if you let it. Be confident and assertive. Don't let anyone walk over you, and size up anyone who tries. Just because we are 'different' doesn't mean you get to just let others turn you into a pushover. If you show weakness, you are inviting them to do it. Don't give them a reason. Stand up for yourself.

[–]pifon_ 4 points5 points  (7 children)

Then you can try and mitigate it if you so choose

Haha by doing what? Faking expressions? They can tell when I do that. Create correct body language out of nowhere? Add more white matter to my cerebellum to better my non verbal social functioning?

[–]AccurateEmu2914 1 point2 points  (0 children)

You can also selectively adapt to your own known weaknesses. I have a known low threshold for incompetence, so I’ve looked for work that is as independent as possible. I don’t do teamwork well, so I’m an independent contractor that works from home. I haven’t seen a coworker in months, and only then because my mom is a patient of the doctor I work for, so I go in intentionally to say hello occasionally. One hour of socialization per 3-6 months, ideal aspie. I can absolutely mask that long without it becoming overwhelming and exhausting.

Find and utilize your strengths while compensating for your own weaknesses.

[–]lordofthemanor87 2 points3 points  (5 children)

No, stand up to those who say anything negative about you. You're worried about being ostracized before it's even happened yet. That screams confidence issues to me. Work on 'not giving a fuck.' You can mask some obvious things if you want, but you can also just embrace being ND. Trust me, if you own it, assuming you're not a dick or pretentious or anything, they will accept you as you are. Sure, you they might think you're a bit 'weird' but better to be weird, respected and likeable, than weird and a pushover loner that everyone turns their back to. I know many ND people who are the life of the office. Again, there is no war on ND as the post suggests.

[–]pifon_ 1 point2 points  (4 children)

Nope doesnt work like that. I mind my own business then make some social mistake and they take it as an opportunity to turn everyone against me.

[–]exgiexpcv 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Making mistakes in inevitable and unavoidable. Learning not to care can be a gift. I don't agree with everything that's being said in this thread, but your life can be a happier one if you develop the ability to care less, and to a degree, this means caring less if people like you or not.

That said, I still care if I'm regarded as a jerk, but I care more about the opinions of people I value and care for than I do the opinions of arseholes.

[–]lordofthemanor87 1 point2 points  (2 children)

So don't let them? It isn't high school anymore. What kind of job is this? That sort of shit doesn't happen in any of the offices I've worked for. The idiots who cause drama are the ones people hate, not the people who just keep to themselves. Sure, if you're not social, you might not get invited to pub after work, but you wouldn't see someone target someone where I work just for 'minding their own business.' Worst case, they are labelled a loner and left alone. In what career field do you work with people immature enough to "turn everyone against me" for basically no reason?

[–]pifon_ 1 point2 points  (1 child)

Marketing. Its filled with those high school jock kind of people.

[–]lordofthemanor87 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Tell them to grow up then. If they are going to act like high school kids, treat them as such and tell them to fuck off if they give you trouble. Those types of people 'prey' on people who come off as weak, so I'm not sure what you're doing to give them that impression if you're just keeping to yourself. Being stoic and quiet can come off as quite confident. Masking is a necessity for us in one way or another, so maybe try and figure out what you're doing to have them target you. It's not the 'being quiet' part or due to one social mistake. Clearly something in your 'veneer' is leading people to treat you that way. This should never be the case in a better society, and it's not excusable, but human nature is as such, and there must be something that 'triggers' their behaviour.

[–]maikelele20 0 points1 point  (4 children)

It's an unfortunate side effect of people spending too much time on social media and not having a strong foundation in reality. We need to go out into the world and engage with people! If you're not finding the right people you're looking in the wrong places.

[–]2bierlaengenabstand 0 points1 point  (3 children)

Correlation vs Causation "side effect of people spending too much time on social media"

What you are doing is called victim blaming and that's a problem.

[–]maikelele20 0 points1 point  (2 children)

Personally I've spent too much energy on blaming others for my problems. It wasn't until I decided to do something about it that my situation improved. You have to stand up for yourself.

[–]2bierlaengenabstand 0 points1 point  (1 child)

I can do this, therefore I see it as my obligation for everyone like me, everyone who is trapped, everyone that is traumatized, everyone that is scared, everyone no matter why they aren’t able to stand up for themselves, to help them out the same way I would wish that someone would for me, my family, kids, friends, everyone. Not because I benefit from it but because it is the right thing to do. Blaming people and telling them that they just need to stand up for themselves, just because you can navigate easier than them is fucked up. I usually don‘t agree with labeling something ableist but this for sure is ableist.

[–]maikelele20 [score hidden]  (0 children)

You do you. I'm just sharing my experience and what helped me.

[–]JesseVanW -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

Had to scroll down awfully far to find some common sense today, but it was worth the journey.

[–]Reasonable_Use6280 0 points1 point  (4 children)

Sovvy but I evolve trough conflicts and I like how my life is going thanks to this.

I'll keep my state of mind.

But props for trying

[–]AccurateEmu2914 2 points3 points  (1 child)

I find this viewpoint refreshing. I’ve fallen into the NT distain pattern myself recently. Upon reflection though, you’re right, it’s fundamentally the responsibility of the 1% to modify their behavior, not the 99%.

I started out from that stance and got lost somewhere along the way. I have done years of ABA with my son to make sure he doesn’t have the same social/interpersonal handicaps that I do. What I would give to go back in time and give ABA training, even just a few coping skills, to myself as a child! Knowledge is power, and we can round off our own rough edges if we want to.

[–]Jojo_my_Flojo [score hidden]  (0 children)

What's ABA training?

[–]Yogurt-Night 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The real war is between me and myself

[–]peakedattwentytwo [score hidden]  (0 children)

That has never been my experience, and I'm pushing 60. I'm utterly harmless and interfere with none of my coworkers' attempts to do their jobs, yet somehow my oddities are a topic of interest for these people. This could be because as a young person, I would not accept direction or guidance, even from folks who were paid to provide it, and so failed to study anything that would have afforded me an opportunity to work at an interesting job among other weirdos.

I have extreme auditory processing challenges, though, so with my industrial earmuffs and white noise apps, I'm rarely aware of them laughing at me any longer. Weirdly, I did really well on an online test of one's ability to determine mood based on a slice of brows and eyes, which confirms that I'm not as poor at reading people as some might think.

[–]skyehobbit [score hidden]  (0 children)

Is there a "war"? No. And I've never seen it described that way. It is an "us vs them"? Yes, at times but not often a specific us vs. a specific them. More like, us vs their way of thinking, us vs their expectations, us vs their ignorance. A culture war.

I am 38, ASD, with plenty of comorbids. I do less masking now than I have ever done. I spent years as a stay at home mom with my kids and that undid a lot of the programming I'd been taught to "fit in."

It's great. I don't force myself into uncomfortable situations, I don't play at being an NT when I'm out with friends, in my last job I barely masked at all. At this point in my life, you get me. Just me.

I changed a lot of minds on what ASD is, and constantly answered questions. But I got lucky with this group of people. My job prior to that did not go as well.

Your post talks about how we all learn to mask to fit ib - but the point we are making is that we don't want to mask. We want to be accepted for who we are. That's the "war" we're talking about. It doesn't have to be something NTs do consciously, esp if they've been introduced to the concept of ND as individuals and not symptoms and they keeping treating NDs as their ND.

And where that is possible is highly subjective.

[–]fietsvrouw [score hidden]  (0 children)

Give it a rest. Bullying of autistic people is so ubiquitous that Frith proposed it as a diagnostic criteria. 20% of aspies and 10% of auties are employed because of workplace discrimination. 15% of autistics with a college degree are employed. on average, they earn 4600 per year - meaning the discrimination is so severe, that most cannot support themselves.

You think you can erase that from the world by pretending there is no distinction, pretending that autistics are responsible because they see a divide - that is your own personal delusion. We see these posts all the time. This is a safe space for autistic people to vent and express their frustration at the reality they face. If you don't like it, read something else, but stop trying to take a safe space away from autistic people. NTs do not need your protection. Autistic people do.

[–]houseontherock [score hidden]  (0 children)

Im leaving this sub, peak cringe

[–]frostatypical [score hidden]  (0 children)

But, but but... if its not Us versus THEM what else can I do? This tribal mindset works for me! This is how I get my specialness and you cant take that away!

[–]ARL2D2 -1 points0 points  (7 children)

This sub is turning into r/autism

[–]56BPM [score hidden]  (6 children)

Almost as if there is some kind of mysterious overlap between autism and aspergers.

[–]ARL2D2 [score hidden]  (5 children)

No as in it is a toxic cannibalistic hole of diverse opinions met with negative responses

[–]56BPM [score hidden]  (4 children)

So this sub is turning into half of reddit?

Look. These things are expected. One - this is the internet. Two - this is reddit. Three.. aspergers folks are prone to difficulties, and are smart enough to formulate a Hypothesis as to why.

But the OP post is as negative as it gets. “Silence plebs for I do not like your opinion”

At least with hateful rants we can get to the bottom of the problem and help.

[–]ARL2D2 [score hidden]  (3 children)

Yes but that's like saying, "I'm not surprised there's a war the world's a horrible place" there are large portions of reddit that aren't cess pits like imagine how many cute animal subreddits there are and compared to previously I think its in a decline

[–]56BPM [score hidden]  (2 children)

Ok, cool. I like it here. I like the lively debate. I like helping people through their problems in any way I can.

I dont like silencing or curtailing of speech. And because reddit is a communication platform, I think all speech is to be encouraged.

If folks don’t like it, they should definitely avoid it. That’s not to say GTFO, but I can’t understand why people complain about these things. Don’t like it? don’t participate! Seems easy and clear to me.