
Anyone else think it’s a little suspicious bethesda didn’t add the Cherchez La femme and confirmed bachelor perks in fallout 4 even though New vegas had them? by 22radioactive22 in Fallout

[–]roqueofspades 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I love Fallout 4 but it should have had more queer content period. It's genuinely unrealistic how little acknowledgment there is of queerness when FoNV had 2 canonically gay companions (yes the Fallout 4 companions are technically all bi, no that doesn't count)

Why was the music in Fallout 4 so horny?? by Mr_Phur in Fallout

[–]roqueofspades 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Like.... sexually or you want to fight him? 🤨

Let's hear your favorite Grunt lines by wheresbreakfast in masseffect

[–]roqueofspades 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Even Kaidan doesn't count cause he can't cook for shit

Why was the music in Fallout 4 so horny?? by Mr_Phur in Fallout

[–]roqueofspades 8 points9 points  (0 children)

In addition to all the other answers, Travis plays them because he's a little bit of an incel

Did Stalin achieve the communist ideal? by [deleted] in Socialism_101

[–]roqueofspades 2 points3 points  (0 children)

From my experience, my professors in my journalism classes were more open to other ways of thinking, but political science is essentially just dogma.

Did Stalin achieve the communist ideal? by [deleted] in Socialism_101

[–]roqueofspades 12 points13 points  (0 children)

Speaking as someone taking poli sci classes in college (I am assuming you are in high school?), my advice is to answer the question the way you think the teacher wants it to be answered. There's no use in getting a bad grade just to be right when you're not gonna change the teacher's mind.

Why didn't the institute just teleport Nuke Mines to other factions? by TehGlint in Fallout

[–]roqueofspades 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I believe the institute doesn't have explosives of that level. One of the heads of the institute asks you what they would rather focus production on--if you say synths, she will reply that that makes sense as synths are the Institute's greatest strength.

L*beral guilt pride by AzovSlayer in ShitLiberalsSay

[–]roqueofspades 2 points3 points  (0 children)

This wretch would benefit society most by becoming fertilizer.

Will the dwemer be back? by Chad_Thundermember in teslore

[–]roqueofspades 1 point2 points  (0 children)

No, it's a safe assumption that those are the weapons and armor that they used.

Will the dwemer be back? by Chad_Thundermember in teslore

[–]roqueofspades 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I mean, there are sets of Dwemer weapons and armor in the game. I think that's a safe assumption.

tf is the meaning? by Think-Eye4344 in terriblefacebookmemes

[–]roqueofspades 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I just can't imagine how miserable the lives of the people who post this shit constantly are. Imagine believing everyone is constantly out to stab you in the back

What's an otherwise decent dish in your country that everybody just seemed to agree to do a mediocre or bad job of cooking? by RationalIdiot in Cooking

[–]roqueofspades 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The horrors that many American (not to presume) moms commit against Italian food could fill several volumes

What's an otherwise decent dish in your country that everybody just seemed to agree to do a mediocre or bad job of cooking? by RationalIdiot in Cooking

[–]roqueofspades 18 points19 points  (0 children)

I'm Italian American and I would say meatballs/meatball subs. Soo many ways to have great meatballs, yet I never ever get them in restaurants

Has anyone ever actually managed to sneak out of Vault 114 with Nick? by Logical_Ad_390 in Fallout

[–]roqueofspades 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Nick is a damn flirt and I hate Bethesda for not letting us romance him. "Hard and loud, eh? Well, it gets the job done. Too bad for whoever has to clean the floors."

What kind of research did Jeremy Soule do for the Elder Scrolls OST, if any? by SharkerAC in teslore

[–]roqueofspades 36 points37 points  (0 children)

Jeremy Soule is probably the most talented composer that I know of, yet I'm so happy his career is basically over. If Inon Zur takes over music writing for ES6 I will be more than happy.

What are your biggest hot takes? by TheRealColonelAutumn in GenZedong

[–]roqueofspades 38 points39 points  (0 children)

Sex positivity in mainstream feminism just became another way for men to sexually abuse women, and not all kinks are okay.

Did Nerevar ever do anything bad? by SaintVeloth420 in TrueSTL

[–]roqueofspades 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Paarthurnax never did anything bad. The nords had it comin

TIL: Sherman Sizemore, through medical errors, experienced 16 minutes of an exploratory laparotomy, before he was given an anesthetic. Prior to this, he was only given a paralytic, forcing him to feel every cut the surgeon made in his body. by ResplendentGlory in todayilearned

[–]roqueofspades 9 points10 points  (0 children)

It's rare but not so crazy rare that it never needs to be worried about. I've had it and it fucked me up ever since. Every time these threads come up you see people sharing their experiences.

Lmfao by diddykongisapokemon in GenZedong

[–]roqueofspades 2 points3 points  (0 children)

god i hate them both so much i cant even pick a side