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56BPM commented on
Posted by
6 points · 1 month ago

Yes. I don't really have an in-person memory on top of my head, but when I was actively trying dating sites, I messaged a woman who I matched with, and really tried to fight my anxieties about messaging, but she kept replying short sentences. (Yeah, nothing much, i dunno, etc.)
Even when I asked her about HERSELF.

I ran out of things to say pretty quickly.

It was like pulling teeth. She didn't even ask me any questions.
I tried to give her the initiative, and she just wouldn't take it.
Why did she swipe right on me if she wasn't gonna put in any effort?

I wasn't even bugging her, either. This was on Bumble, so she messaged first.

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2 points · 1 month ago

Regretably, western society is currently set up in Such a way that girls don’t really need to try, so a lot of them expect you to do all the work. Yeah, yeah, not all women... but definitely a lot. One could be charitable and account for the volume of attention women get on dating apps.. how can they possibly keep up. But there are other less charitable interpretations.

56BPM commented on
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Comment deleted by user3 months ago
1 point · 3 months ago

Speeding routinely has zero victims. Yes in this case, and many other situations there are victims, but speeding is a crime that 99.9% has no victim. indeed there are many motoring, weapon and chemical based laws that require no victim for a crime to be judged.

2 - your point?? I am very aware that people died, thus my support of very harsh sentencing like this in the cases where there is a victim.

You seem to be arguing that speeding should be punished because people. might die.. but someone so careless as to kill someone with a car is careless enough to ignore speeding restrictions (clearly) so what is your actual plan??

The full study report you may have to source yourself (not your personal researcher..) but let me google that shit for you...

Tho I suspect you have used the phrase “make up their own laws” deliberately, when that is not at all what has been suggested.

Comment deleted by user3 months ago
1 point · 3 months ago

Ok, reading comprehension problem here.. I cited that example not to reference speed, but to reference lack of signage, as you will find if you actually read my comment.

But I notice you ignore everything else.

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56BPM commented on
Posted by
-5 points · 4 months ago

Idiot in this case is the person filming. Look at the silver car to the left and the gap in front. Blue car is sick of retard in a truck riding his ass. Has probably brake checked previously, or gestured and has had enough of dangerous tailgating lorry. Finally had enough and made it clear that will not be bullied out of the way. Now.. is it the best course of action. No.

Is lorry driver a scumbag? Absolutely.

Also, person who collided is a moron and was clearly not paying attention at all. So grand total of three idiots is the most likely score.

56BPM commented on
Posted by
19 points · 5 months ago · edited 5 months ago

So there's definitely some selection effect going on here. Not to say your study was unimportant or wrong, but I want to be sure no one feels "their life is over" or "their life can never improve" due to their ASD

It seems pretty reasonable to say that the sort of person who would be on the forums you posted to (or here) are more likely to be the ones who aren't as social, and therefore haven't experienced these social events. So they might not have seen the survey and not responded

And even that the amount of time they spend on the forums is negatively correlated with their social frequency at that time. Even putting aside that a big draw of these forums is to feel socially connected which social neurodiverse individuals would need less, just time wise if they are spending time doing other social things they would be less likely to be on these forums. So the probability of them seeing and therefore responding to the survey was lower

I know the above has been true for me personally - as I got more social connections I spent less time in online communities. Little enough I never saw your survey so didn't respond. I'm sure I'm not the only one

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3 points · 5 months ago

Came here to say almost exactly this! But yours is so well phrased. An admirable effort was put into the study, But this bias needs to be accounted for somehow.

4 points · 5 months ago

I dated a guy for almost a year and we never went on anything that I would classify as “a date”

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2 points · 5 months ago

Perhaps I am assuming here, (please correct me) but it IS acceptable for you to suggest a location/ activity of your choice!? Of course.. if you were asking to go/do things and were unsuccessful for a year.. the guy must have been amazing in some other way.

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56BPM commented on

This madlad created his own fossile
Posted by
1 point · 7 months ago

"Large bones found in North American Mounds" is a well known hoax. This hoax is not talking about 8ft tall people, but is instead used as "evidence" that the giants David fought with a slingshot were biologically giants, and not just tall people.

If you actually looked up "large bones found in North American Mounds", you would know that he wasn't talking about just tall people. But maybe that was too much work for you.

And man after talking to you, I think I really am half as smart as I was before I started talking to you. You keep moving the goalpost so far away from your original point, that it's past the horizon.

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1 point · 6 months ago

Hardly. My original point has been all along that stating “sources required” is lazy and contributes nothing. I was calling you out for being lazy. Any goalpost moving is your imagination. Perhaps you are confusing several threads? Or are simply that incapable. At no point have I supported the North American mounds claims, so again., either you are being dim or responding to a different thread (still dim)

If you are half as smart, then you may now have difficulty with such tasks as walking and chewing for example. Seek help.

2 points · 5 months ago

Dude.. move on with your life eh? I completely stand by my original statements. I stand by the fact... FACT that it is just some information presented, feel free to look into or not. I dgaf what you believe, makes no difference to my life. I know that the original pics are a well known hoax, but I do think that there is more to ancient history than we are told, and in amongst the bullshit are some nuggets of lost knowledge. But like I say.. idgaf what you choose to believe.

It is lazy to post “cite your sources” in any circumstance unless you’ve searched and come up blank. If you think reddit is your personal research army then great. If you wanna sit there grinning hoping someone posts a claim you know you can defeat, then you might wanna look internally as you have ego problems. A more productive move would be to make a simple counter statement, citing your own sources if that’s the kind of conversation you want to have.

Further. Your comprehension needs work. Goalpost is that it’s lazy to post “cite your sources” always was, always will be. You are arguing with a fine strawman that you have built. And perhaps that is indicative of a desire for someone to actually talk (debate I guess) with you.

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56BPM commented on
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1 point · 8 months ago

Maybe not the same thing, but if i’m Speaking to several people (in person) and both talk to me at the same time, my brain just freezes.. I can’t speak even to let them know i’m Stuck.. I can’t focus on either one and it stays that way until at lest one stops. Luckily it’s fairly rare

56BPM commented on
Posted by
1 point · 8 months ago

You know the answer to this already, You have of course googled the flat earth model and know how it is represented.

I propose that flat earth is actually a good thought experiment in the vein of “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it” Where people can use their argument to show flaws in an opponents “actual” knowledge base. Most people have no clue why the earth is round, let alone have the knowledge or skills to prove it.

It is a fun example of the way most people say they KNOW something, when truly they “believe” something.

0 points · 8 months ago

They were at the same level because the gravity pushes you to the centre of the earth, not down. The little bubble of air in the level will always go outside the centre of gravity of the earth, not in an upper direction. Bruh how can you be dumber than a 14 y/o

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2 points · 8 months ago


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56BPM commented on
Posted by
5 points · 8 months ago · edited 8 months ago

I worked with a guy once. Very clever man, engineer of some sort (the designing national infrastructure type). Anyway, he worked months at a time out of country, so I asked if that was very lonely and hard on his wife, to which he said, “not at all, it actually works very well for us”

My point being, there are different folk, with different requirements. If you have particular and specific wants/needs, sure it narrows the pool, but it’s not impossible. With luck and perseverance you could find someone that is independent, but also wants a stable romantic interest.

Also, think of it like finding a pair of shoes.. there are millions to choose from, and most wont be the right one, but if you try on enough you might find a comfy pair. Some people just want a warm body to lie beside, so they will find “compatibility” easily.

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