
y’all by Juicen97 in Morrowind

[–]cheeseriot2100 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

I understand that gripe with it and Morrowind’s combat and leveling do have tons of problems are a bit a clunky at times. Preferably we’d have a system that is satisfying and is significantly affected by stats at the same time, but if I had to choose I would choose stats.

It does affect roleplaying a decent bit and again would prefer to have both but prefer stats

y’all by Juicen97 in Morrowind

[–]cheeseriot2100 2 points3 points  (0 children)

It’s good because if you spend time building a good character then that will be reflected in the combat. Morrowind’s somewhat-convoluted skill/attribute system is actually interesting to figure out, unlike Skyrim where the more you wack things then the harder you wack things. This is true in Morrowind too, but it requires strategy to level efficiently which just isn’t true in Skyrim

This sub is so much different from r/autism. by [deleted] in aspergers

[–]cheeseriot2100 20 points21 points  (0 children)

r/autism is for people that don't actually have autism and want to jack off about neurodivergant acceptance, r/aspergers people actually talk about having autism

Dad destroys sons setup mid tournament by aurae_tv in Wellthatsucks

[–]cheeseriot2100 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Your first point is exactly what you said, a “bet,” a pointless assumption that does nothing but let you cram your retarded worldview into the video.

Second, destroying a room is better than maybe complete and utter neglect, but this isn’t exactly teaching gratefulness. Unless you define gratefulness as “grateful that my dad doesn’t destroy my room at this exact moment.” And also, isn’t the dad entitled in some way for thinking he has the express right to break shit like a child at any moment?

Third, yea there isn’t much evidence. So why side with the violent destructive person breaking thousands of dollars of property? There is literally NO justification for doing this, violence was completely unnecessary. The dad just has the anger management skills of a crying child throwing a tantrum.

Dad destroys sons setup mid tournament by aurae_tv in Wellthatsucks

[–]cheeseriot2100 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Average human being coping believing that somehow someway bad people just don’t exist “oh my golly jee gosh bad things only happen to bad people, people never do bad things for no reason!” What a fucking naive moron

Dad destroys sons setup mid tournament by aurae_tv in Wellthatsucks

[–]cheeseriot2100 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Do you know that he was ignoring responsibilities? For all you know the son could have worked and paid for all this hardware himself. Having a pile of laundry and having a shitty YouTube channel isn’t a justification for a grown ass man to throw a temper tantrum and destroy a room lmfao

This war that you think exists between us and NTs is all in your head by [deleted] in aspergers

[–]cheeseriot2100 -1 points0 points  (0 children)

I guess I don’t want to be full doomer, I can accept that maybe some progress could be made. But I think that as it is now autistic people gain more from not discussing the issue than they do from advocacy, at least on an individual level. Autism speaks is terrible, but there may be good groups doing good work.

However you’re right, autistic people simply aren’t afforded the same respect in society. My own personal belief is that this is unlikely to ever change and that telling people in the workplace about your autism will only ever invite bullying or condescension.

My solution for my issues is to suppress my autistic symptoms and to never mention my diagnosis beyond my family and this has worked somewhat well. Better to be seen as a bit strange than “that freak with the weird mental disease.”

This war that you think exists between us and NTs is all in your head by [deleted] in aspergers

[–]cheeseriot2100 -4 points-3 points  (0 children)

Yes I understand that. But can we make people think it isn’t a joke? Look at autism discourse and really ask yourself if it’ll make people in the real world think it’s not a joke or something that they have to respect. My point is that the way most people frame autism issues is counter-intuitive to actual social acceptance, which may be impossible due to the nature of autism.

This war that you think exists between us and NTs is all in your head by [deleted] in aspergers

[–]cheeseriot2100 7 points8 points  (0 children)

Yeah… I was bullied in just the same way in primary school and I’d bet most people here were as well. I know the struggle, I have Asperger’s syndrome my man lol

This war that you think exists between us and NTs is all in your head by [deleted] in aspergers

[–]cheeseriot2100 5 points6 points  (0 children)

The difference between a wheelchair bound person and an autistic person is that the wheelchair is visibly obvious to everyone that person encounters, and is definitely real to those people. Autism isn’t visible, and something may be off to them but it’s much more easily dismissed or diminished. A quick look online or talk will reveal most people already think autism is a joke, or the next “ADHD,” in terms of over-diagnosis. Advocacy isn’t going to save us, nobody is on our side and being vocal will only make it worse.

This war that you think exists between us and NTs is all in your head by [deleted] in aspergers

[–]cheeseriot2100 23 points24 points  (0 children)

Do not mention it all if you want to be seen as a somewhat normal human.

This war that you think exists between us and NTs is all in your head by [deleted] in aspergers

[–]cheeseriot2100 8 points9 points  (0 children)

Masking is good, but the difficulties aren’t to be ignored, they should be overcome so that integrating into society is as easy as possible

This war that you think exists between us and NTs is all in your head by [deleted] in aspergers

[–]cheeseriot2100 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Talk about your autism at work but then don’t blame us when they call you a retard in the break room and laugh at you behind your back

This war that you think exists between us and NTs is all in your head by [deleted] in aspergers

[–]cheeseriot2100 -18 points-17 points  (0 children)

NTs won’t like you more the more you call them bad people online. Sorry to say, our symptoms make us destined to be discriminated against or naturally disliked. Crying about it in public forums only serves to make NTs look down on us more, or make it seem like we are touting a diagnosis for special treatment. It’s best to learn to blend in, never mention your diagnosis, and find people that will accept you as you are

This war that you think exists between us and NTs is all in your head by [deleted] in aspergers

[–]cheeseriot2100 41 points42 points  (0 children)

This is correct, but this isn’t the fault of NTs. It’s simply the innate instincts of social interaction. It’s better to find people who accept you or work to change yourself instead of dwelling on the NT vs. ND dichotomy.

Sweet Jesus... 🤦 by h8xwyf in Star_Trek

[–]cheeseriot2100 35 points36 points  (0 children)

He used the “all workers have to lose is their chains” Marx quote

US counties that have an indigenous american population above 10% by BrachialDart in MapPorn

[–]cheeseriot2100 9 points10 points  (0 children)

American killing and relocating of natives still constitutes as a genocide. However, the Colombian epidemic had an undeniably large role is creating this situation as well. Some tribes, such as the Mississippian mound building cultures were alive in 1492 but were wiped by the epidemic before even coming into contact with Europeans.

Somalia has oil by yuritopiaposadism in lostgeneration

[–]cheeseriot2100 -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

If you think these are correlated in any way you are retarded

If only corporation's profit spent in America other than overseas by Pleasant-Force in lostgeneration

[–]cheeseriot2100 0 points1 point  (0 children)

This was going to happen regardless of whatever actions the government or American corporations did, inflation is essentially inevitable and a 0% inflation rate or negative inflation is terrible for economies