
Umgang mit Patienten im Krankenhaus by StrawberryStrange754 in LegaladviceGerman

[–]fietsvrouw 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Ich denke, es variiert vom Krankenhaus zum Krankenhaus. Ich wurde letztes Jahr zweimal operiert. Bei der erste OP habe ich miterlebt, wie zwei Pfleger einen geistesgestörten Mann durch Schickane absichtlich aufgedreht haben, bis er laut wurde, um ihm dann ein Beruhigungsmittel verpaßte. Mein Zimmer war ser Krankenschwesternstation gegenüber, und ich mußte zuhören, wie sie über Patienten lästerten und sie auslachten. Nachts spielten die Pfleger laute Musik, dass man nicht schlafen konnte. Die Arbeitskultur auf der Station was massiv gestört.

Beim zweiten Mal, war ich in einem anderen Krankenhus und erlebte nichts dergleichen. Alles war professionell und menschlich.

Ich selber bin autistisch, was bedeutet, dass ich sensorische Reize nicht wegfiltrieren kann, in Meltdown gerate, wenn ich zu viele sensorische Reize ausgesetzt werde, und schwierigkeiten habe, verbale Anweisungen zu verstehen. ich habe es sehr hilfreich gefunden, eine kurze Erklärung dieser Schwierigkeiten bei der Aufnahme zu übergeben. Je kürzer und spezifischer, desto besser. Personnal sind ausgelastet, und werden nichts Langes lesen wollen, aber wenn sie im Voraus wissen, dass da eine Behinderung vorliegt, ist es weniger problematisch.

Was my email really that unprofessional or is he overreacting? by [deleted] in socialskills

[–]fietsvrouw 64 points65 points  (0 children)

Former professor here (and therefore former grad student). It is pretty normal for a supervisor, professor or counselor to call out behavior that is more suited to friends than a professional setting. Teaching students how to behave professionally is part of what grad school is about and ideally, when these people care about you, there is meta-direction about your behavior. I have seen grad students stopped in their progression because of behavior, basic writing skills, etc., regardless of mastery of the material.

To be really honest, "Ohhhhkay?" is rude, not just unprofessional. If a student had stood me up and then responded like that, I would definitely say something. You should have been proactive in contacting the counselor and apologized. Going forward, think of your interaction within your studies as being a junior member at a law firm and want to progress in that firm.

This war that you think exists between us and NTs is all in your head by witch_and_famous in aspergers

[–]fietsvrouw 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Give it a rest. Bullying of autistic people is so ubiquitous that Frith proposed it as a diagnostic criteria. 20% of aspies and 10% of auties are employed because of workplace discrimination. 15% of autistics with a college degree are employed. on average, they earn 4600 per year - meaning the discrimination is so severe, that most cannot support themselves.

You think you can erase that from the world by pretending there is no distinction, pretending that autistics are responsible because they see a divide - that is your own personal delusion. We see these posts all the time. This is a safe space for autistic people to vent and express their frustration at the reality they face. If you don't like it, read something else, but stop trying to take a safe space away from autistic people. NTs do not need your protection. Autistic people do.

There's a constant stream of Internet posts saying never hire people with Aspergers. by madrid987 in aspergers

[–]fietsvrouw 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I absolutely love it here. I was a student here when the wall came down. Back then, you had to leave Germany for 2 years after you finished your studies, so I went back to the US and pursued my advanced degrees. I spent 24 years pining for Hamburg before coming back and even after 5 years, there is not a day that goes by when I don't look out the window feel grateful to be here.

I don't know if all have CS degrees. I do know that they are desperate for skilled labor and have made it easier to come here. If you plan to come here, you might look into getting your Masters here - studying here now accelerates the process of staying long-term and you would likely build connections while you do so.

How a Woman Using Her Fetus to Fight a Traffic Ticket Could Affect Abortion Rights | If a fetus is a person for the purposes of an HOV lane ticket, that has terrifying implications. by Archer1407 in politics

[–]fietsvrouw -1 points0 points  (0 children)

No. Natalism is a tactic of fascism. You cannot defeat fascism by behaving like fascists - you can just accelerate the disintegration of democracy.

How a Woman Using Her Fetus to Fight a Traffic Ticket Could Affect Abortion Rights | If a fetus is a person for the purposes of an HOV lane ticket, that has terrifying implications. by Archer1407 in politics

[–]fietsvrouw 2 points3 points  (0 children)

And the involvement of private, Christian adoption agencies in the government foster system - like Bethany - who have already adopted out children seized at the border.

How a Woman Using Her Fetus to Fight a Traffic Ticket Could Affect Abortion Rights | If a fetus is a person for the purposes of an HOV lane ticket, that has terrifying implications. by Archer1407 in politics

[–]fietsvrouw 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Right, but that is unto itself a solution to part of their demographic problem. The children seized at the border and taken from their parents with no paper trail were being adopted out by private, Christian adoption agencies - ergo they are being placed in ideologically "pure" families and home-schooled. In a generation, they will have people of color running on the ticket as rabid MAGA supporters.

They can whip up their base with the promise to do these things. Actually doing them is going to have horrifying consequences - they expect to get more back than it will cost.

How a Woman Using Her Fetus to Fight a Traffic Ticket Could Affect Abortion Rights | If a fetus is a person for the purposes of an HOV lane ticket, that has terrifying implications. by Archer1407 in politics

[–]fietsvrouw 148 points149 points  (0 children)

The GOP has a demographic problem and there are only 3 ways to fix it so that they have single party rule while putting us through sham elections: gerrymandering and cheating, natalism (what this rubbish is) and eliminating people who vote the other way. There is nothing in the news cycle not keeping me up at night at this point.

28 miles / day, general cycling questions by Coachcurt55 in cycling

[–]fietsvrouw 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I commute 25 miles a day, 6 days a week at present. Be prepared to lower the intensity of your ride and take that 7th day completely off. You will not have a lot of real recovery time, but I found that dialing down the intensity, especially later in the week, worked just fine.

I needed to consistently use chamois butter on my commute because I started having saddle sore issues. Not horrible, but the lack of days off does create some issues. Also, my experience with it is that I get home absolutely knackered in the second half of the week. Too tired to do anything - you may find you need more sleep.

There's a constant stream of Internet posts saying never hire people with Aspergers. by madrid987 in aspergers

[–]fietsvrouw 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I work in Germany and I disclose at job interviews because I don't pass as neurotypical and I am registered as severely disabled. I frame it as - these are my strengths, and these are the accommodations I need.

I am sure it pared down the offers I received, however the jobs I have landed were better because it was clear up front that I needed accommodation. In Germany, if you have a degree of disability of 50 or greater, many companies look favorably on hiring because they pay a penalty if they do not have enough severely disabled employees.

My experience with it has been that my supervisors have gone online and done a little reading on their own, my job coach has come to my work and spoken with my supervisors. This is vastly better than experiences in the past where I have tried to pass and have not disclosed. People pass judgment, whether you disclose or not, and it is generally better for them to understand why you are different rather than just spreading rumors that they think you are "on drugs" or something else.

Ahhh yes, "white privilege", the classic for the fans of finding things to be offended by. by SaurikSI in ThatsInsane

[–]fietsvrouw 0 points1 point  (0 children)

He needed a group indistinguishably or almost indistinguishably distributed throughout the populace so that denunciation by neighbors became something to fear. It stopped people from organizing to resist and drove many into the party to preemptively demonstrate that any accusations were meritless.

Plus, it provided a populace to be rounded up to use as disposable slave labor - the real purpose of the camps.

Anyone dicking around with "Ann Frank had white privilege" is a Russian bot or troll hoping to fan the flames of the cultural divide, or a disgruntled white person hoping to demonstrate that white privilege does not exist. Best left ignored in either case.

I sold mushrooms to fellow middle schoolers years back by FinancialMix8240 in confession

[–]fietsvrouw 79 points80 points  (0 children)

There are now people out there who think they need to take a massive amount of magic mushrooms to get high - you may achieve that yet.

This sub has a very unrealistic view on knowing German. by ghani256 in germany

[–]fietsvrouw 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I cringe when I see the advice that you do NOT need to speak German or recommending Germany as a "cheap" alternative education. Honestly, it is really chauvinistic to go to a country and not invest time and energy in speaking the language as fluently as you can muster, especially if you are availing yourself of an education paid for largely by its tax payers.

excuse you? by Omnicide103 in aspiememes

[–]fietsvrouw 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I hate them. I would much rather stand there and let someone ring me up than have to find a harassed worker and explain what error message I am getting and what I did...

I'm feeling discouraged because I might have taken a therapist's email personally by CuriousRelish in MMFB

[–]fietsvrouw 13 points14 points  (0 children)

Therapists are generally not rating on a scale of treatable / not treatable. They specialize - not being trained or experienced in a specific type of therapy does not mean the person inquiring is too much - it just means they feel that you would be better served with someone with a different specialization.

I have run into this a lot because I have post traumatic stress disorder and am autistic, and in both cases, many therapists will not take me on because trauma requires a very specific set of methods and experience, and most therapists are not informed about autism. It is always better that they be professional and honest about their limitations rather than waste your time and money, and possibly harm you.

Also ich kaufe ja nur noch Regional by NqxQ_ow in de

[–]fietsvrouw 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Der regionale Planet - nicht Venus oder sonstwas.

Joe Biden accidentally reads the part on the teleprompter that says "End of quote." "Repeat the line." by costlynotification89 in ThatsInsane

[–]fietsvrouw -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Plus, reading a text out loud is different than speaking extemporaneously and different parts of the brain are involved. He is processing the words at the same time he is speaking them.

When I was having to give presentations at big conferences on complex topics, I had to put a lot of visual cues in the text so I could keep my place. At my doctoral prospectus, I got so lost that I had to abandon my notes and start over speaking off the cuff. To deliver a speech from a teleprompter and NOT read direction (which should not be there), he would need to read the line silently, process it, then say it, and then the ageist crowd would claim he was too old to read.

Question about a spider who was living in my kitchen by fietsvrouw in spiderbro

[–]fietsvrouw[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I know people on this subreddit would have great advice, but I did not imagine I would get such good news. I will keep an eye out for her and now I will know in future if I see it again. Thank you!

The US is in a rapid collapse into fascism and I don’t know what to do, where to go, or how to cope. by _RetroDigital_ in self

[–]fietsvrouw 1 point2 points  (0 children)

As a lesbian, I understand the fear.

Your plan sounds like a good start - things will vary State by State, at least initially. Oregon, California and Washington are also good choices. Laying the ground work to get out of the country would not be a bad move, however. I moved to Germany 5 years ago because I felt the writing was already on the wall - it is tough to start with but worth it to not live in fear and... to actually have equal rights for the first time in my life.

There are multiple options but you may need to do some work to get all the pieces in place. Start learning the language you may need, do some freelance work tutoring or teaching English (there are volunteer positions), writing - something that will give you a unique advantage based on your native language. Research where you would want to go, what you would need to do to make the jump. There are lots of people in Reddit who can help you. Getting things in order to go will probably already start to reduce your anxiety because it is proactive.

EDIT: I should also add - monitor how much news you take in so you do not get overwhelmed, but also don't let yourself slip into complacency. Your take on this is accurate, but you are ahead of the game in that you are aware and putting the pieces together, and you are already planning action. Connect in person with others in your area and if you have not done so, take a look at Timothy Snyder's 20 Lessons from the 20th Century. He is a Poli Sci professor at Yale I believe, who is an expert on fascism. the book is an inexpensive, short primer on what to do.

Question about a spider who was living in my kitchen by fietsvrouw in spiderbro

[–]fietsvrouw[S] 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Omg - that could explain it because it was extremely curled up AND it was beige and not black. Thank you - you just lifted a worry. I suspect she is still in the kitchen then.

Question about a spider who was living in my kitchen by fietsvrouw in spiderbro

[–]fietsvrouw[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

They were straight out pointing behind her - I wondered if she might have been getting weaker and needed more support for her heavier back end.