
The only Official site for YIFY movies. I hope that this helps everyone. by pink_panther_1 in Piracy

[–]ghani256 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Posting links are not allowed here but I think you can find them on 1337x

The only Official site for YIFY movies. I hope that this helps everyone. by pink_panther_1 in Piracy

[–]ghani256 30 points31 points  (0 children)

Lol the original YIFY has been dead for years now. What you see these days are all clones.

Anyways I find releases by QxR or Tigole better.

Hey, can someone explain why we use "dieser" in this situation? by AndyMartinova in German

[–]ghani256 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Do you understand how the dative case works?

In this example, the preposition in also takes the Dative since its specifying a location. So 'die Schublade' becomes 'in der Schublade' or 'in dieser Schublade'

My recommendation, leave Duolingo and get a good textbook that teaches you all this stuff from the beginning.

Hey, can someone explain why we use "dieser" in this situation? by AndyMartinova in German

[–]ghani256 2 points3 points  (0 children)

The verb is jmdm. gehören.

There is no rule here, there are some verbs that take take the dative object. You will have to memorize them.

Should alcohol be legalized or decriminalised in your opinion? by Galactic_Nuclear_Ape in pakistan

[–]ghani256 0 points1 point  (0 children)

People here will say that Alcohol is a dangerous drug, which I totally agree with, but then turn around and add 3 teaspoons of sugar (aka white poison) to their morning chai and eat barfi after every meal lmao.

Both are bad for health in general, but I would say in the longer run sugar is far more dangerous and causes a lot of diseases. But still everyone is allowed to freely consume it, and it is even marketed towards kids. I think the same should be done for Alcohol; legalize it, set a minimum drinking age and implement DUI laws. Its allowed in many other Muslim countries as well.

ARD GEZ Rundfunk : Can you please help me find the right formula (I want to let them know I have changed WG) by Same-Picture in germany

[–]ghani256 0 points1 point  (0 children)

  • You cannot get the money you already paid back. When your Abmeldung is complete they will ask you to transfer any outstanding amount you have left and that will be the last payment from you to the ARD

  • He moves away, he is out of the picture. Now among you all WG mates, select one person who will make the payment. He will need to do a Wohnung ANmeldung, to register the apartment. Then the letter comes, he recieves a Beitragnummer and makes the payment and you all need to pay to him individually. You all also need to associate your payments with him by using his Beitragnummer.

Student life and expenses in Munich for 861 euro every month. Motivated from recent post of youtuber claiming to spend 60 euros in food monthly. by SubstantialTangelo35 in Munich

[–]ghani256 3 points4 points  (0 children)

The visa that you get from your home country for study purposes also allows you to work. On the visa, its listed under 'Anmerkungen' that 'Tätigkeit gestattet'.

Even after that once you apply for the Residence permit, they give you a Fiktionbescheinigung which has the same conditions as the residence permit so you can also work using that for 120 days per year.

Student life and expenses in Munich for 861 euro every month. Motivated from recent post of youtuber claiming to spend 60 euros in food monthly. by SubstantialTangelo35 in Munich

[–]ghani256 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Without the residence permit you are of course not allowed to work

You can still work even if you have not got the residence permit.

The room is an undergroud room, meaning it is located in the basement (Keller) of the house

That is fine. I am also currently living in a Keller or Souterrain Wohnung. Just make sure to ventilate properly and if you see any signs of mold remove it immediately. Also, it will be naturally cool for you in the summers.

but it is realistically unachievable, or it will take years for you to get it.

There is a trick to this. You have to update your priority list of the dormitories you want. The more undesirable dormitories you choose, the quicker you get the room. Me and my friends all did this and got our rooms after 1 semester.

It is very hard to live on 60 euros every month.

With this I agree. 100-120€ is more realistic. Stick to cooking for yourself. For example, 1kg rice is like 3€, two cans of beans is something under 1.5€. I bought that a lot and for me that lasted me 3-4 mealtimes. Avoid refined sugar products and if you have to eat sugar, stick to fruits.

Going out or fast food is not calculated inside this sum, because it is unaffordable.

The trick with fastfood is you never buy it for the listed price. McDonalds, BK etc have apps. Download them, and use the coupons. You can get fast food for very cheap in this way.

Overall I agree with you. Student life is all about living on a budget. You must plan and save carefully but hopefully things will get better when you have a full-time job.

This Youtuber claims 1150 euros is enough to live in Munich, stating he personally spends 60/month on food. How is this remotely possible? by VidimusWolf in Munich

[–]ghani256 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Expect for the food budget, most of it is right. I will do a breakdown of how much I spent when I was a student.

I had a working student position and got around 1100€ per month after taxes.

My expenditures were like this

  • Rent: 320€/month, living in a 3 person WG in a Studentenwerk Dorm room.

  • Food: 100-120€/month, mostly cooking by myself and eating frozen stuff from the supermarket. I never went to high end restaurants, when I was out always ate a 5€ Döner or went to fast food restaurants such as Burger King, McDonalds etc.

  • Phone: 6€/month, the cheapest prepaid package from O2.

  • Transport: Around 33€ per month, I bought the Semester ticket which was valid for 6 Months for 200€ so 200/6 = ~33€

  • Health insurance: The standard rate of 110€ monthly.

  • Semester fees: They come out to be 120€/semester or 20€/month.

  • GEZ: I lived in a 3 person WG so I paid 6€/month for the Rundfunkbeitrag.

I think that is most of the things, you guys can let me know if I missed anything. If you add all that up it comes to around 615€. So after all this I had 485€ in savings. Usually with this money I bought clothes after 3-4 Months, got a haircut, travelled a little etc.

If someone has any questions I would be happy to answer them.

Best place to go for a glass of wine? by BetteDavisPies in Munich

[–]ghani256 0 points1 point  (0 children)

What difference does it make? Just grab any bottle that you find, you just want to get drunk in the end anyways.

Integrationskurs equivalent by ghani256 in germany

[–]ghani256[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Thanks. Since I am also in Munich, so just wanted to ask if these two certificates are enough to apply for the Niederlassungserlaubnis?

Integrationskurs equivalent by ghani256 in germany

[–]ghani256[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Right now I just want to apply for the Niederlassungserlaubnis next year so I am preparing for that.

I even wrote an E-mail to the Ausländerbehörde and they said that only B1 certificate is enough and you don't need the LiD test. But I am still doing it just to be on the safe side.

Integrationskurs equivalent by ghani256 in germany

[–]ghani256[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Hi thanks for your reply. Can you tell me what resource you used to prepare for the Leben in Deutschland test? Also at what place can I attempt the test? I am having a hard time finding appointments.

ARD GEZ Rundfunk : Can you please help me find the right formula (I want to let them know I have changed WG) by Same-Picture in germany

[–]ghani256 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I will explain what I did in my case. I also moved from an old WG where I was paying to a new WG where someone else was already paying.

The right option in this case would be 'Wohnung Abmelden'. I selected that, provided the new Beitragsnummer of the payer and my old address. They also required some proof that I moved so I simply uploaded a copy of my Meldbescheinigung and submitted the form online.

A few weeks later I recieved a letter by post and they said that they have updated my information and there was just one outstanding payment from my old WG which I had to pay. So I paid that and after that it was done.

B2 preparation by dtonhunt1 in German

[–]ghani256 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Hey I am also planning to take B2 exam somewhere in June or July. Hit me up and we can discuss a few things.

Anki Decks by MrSpatial3 in German

[–]ghani256 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Where is this available?

Umadum - Riesenrad by LowAcanthocephala387 in Munich

[–]ghani256 3 points4 points  (0 children)

The virgin Hofbräu drinker vs The Chad Augustiner Genießer.

Seems legit.... by viableYT in Piracy

[–]ghani256 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Is DDL like MEGA safe to use in Germany?

Erdogan calls on EU to seriously consider Turkey’s application into the union just like Ukraine’s: “When are you going to accept us? When someone attacks us?” by ThereIsNoStoppingMe in worldnews

[–]ghani256 5 points6 points  (0 children)

In German it is 'die Ukraine', it come with the article. A lot of non-native English speakers may say it as the Ukraine.

English is not the only language in the world.