RTI disclosure log

The disclosure log details Right to Information Act 2009 requests received by Queensland Treasury. Information that is non-personal in nature is made available for general public use. However, certain information may be withheld.

Disclosure logs are available as downloadable PDF documents. If you are unable to read PDF documents, please email rti@treasury.qld.gov.au or phone (07) 3035 1863. We will attempt to meet all reasonable requests for a printed copy of the document, free of charge.

If you would like to receive emails notifying you that the Disclosure Log has been updated, you are welcome to subscribe to the RTI Newsgroup simply by email to rti@treasury.qld.gov.au.

Disclosure logs for previous years are also available.


  1. Where pages are blank as a result of decision-making processes, these pages are not included on the disclosure log.
  2. For disclosure log details Right to Information Act 2009 requests received by Office of Industrial Relations (OIR), for:
    • Workplace Health and Safety Queensland
    • Workers’ Compensation Regulator
    • Electrical Safety Office,

please email OIR.RTI@oir.qld.gov.au or visit the OIR RTI disclosure log webpage.


DateRefOthersInformation requestedDetails
1 March 2018840N/AApplication to the Office of the Hon. Jackie Trad MP, Deputy Premier, Treasurer and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships
All correspondence and documents from the Electrical Trades Union (ETU) with a list of demands or incoming Treasurer’s brief.
Date range: November 2017 to 1 March 2018
Application currently being processed.
1 March 2018839N/AApplication to the Office of the Hon. Jackie Trad MP, Deputy Premier, Treasurer and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships
All documents relevant to the meeting of the Deputy Premier with Jim Soorley on 5 January 2018.
Date range: November 2017 to February 2018
Application currently being processed.


DateRefOthersInformation requestedDetails
26 February 2018837N/ADocuments held with the Office of State Revenue regarding a company in liquidationApplication currently being processed.
26 February 2018836N/ADocuments held with the Office of State Revenue regarding a company in liquidationApplication currently being processed.
26 February 2018835N/ADocuments held with the Office of State Revenue regarding a company in liquidationApplication currently being processed.
20 February 2018838N/ADocuments held with the Office of State Revenue regarding a company in liquidation.Application currently being processed.
20 February 2018834N/ADocuments held with the Office of State Revenue regarding a company in liquidationApplication currently being processed.
07 February 2018830N/AAny emails, correspondence or briefing notes relating to the State Public Sector Superannuation Scheme, also known as Qsuper Fund, the employer fund, the defined benefit fund or DB fund, including but not limited to the forecast surplus of the scheme, the $4 billion repatriation from the scheme and the suspension of employer contributions into the scheme (Date range: 5 May 2017 to 7 Feb 2018).
All emails, letters or correspondence between the the Under Treasurer and the Queensland State Actuary's office regarding the State Public Sector Superannuation Scheme, also described as the Qsuper fund, employer fund, defined benefit fund or DB fund. Date range: 13 June 2016 to 5 May 2017.
Application currently being processed.
05 February 2018828N/AApplication made to the Office of the Deputy Premier, Treasurer and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships
Email correspondence within the former Transport Minister Jackie Trad's office discussing Downer EDI/Downer and its potential involvement in the New Generation Rollingstock (NGR) project.
Date range: 1 September 2017 to 9 November 2017.
Application currently being processed.
05 February 2018827N/AApplication made to the Office of the Deputy Premier, Treasurer and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships
Documents relating to discussions around Andy Byford and the vacant chief executive officer position at Queensland Rail when Jackie Trad was Transport Minister. Documents should include emails to and from the Minister's office mentioning the name Andy Byford and mentions of Andy Byford in the Minister's diary, including a meeting on 10 February 2017 described publicly as a meeting with the 'candidate for CEO QR'. Andy Byford has been named in media reports as having been the top contender for the CEO position before declining it.
Date range: 1 January 2017 to 8 March 2017.
Application currently being processed.
05 February 2018825N/AThe 2012 report which was referenced in the Treasurer's speech in the Motion "Tully Millstream Hydro Electric Project" on 23 August 2017 in Parliament, and recorded in Hansard from page 2376 onwards.Application currently being processed.
01 February 2018824N/AApplication made to the Office of the Deputy Premier, Treasurer and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships
All documents relevant to the Deputy Premier's meeting with Mr Craig Wallace on 14 January 2016, and any follow-up correspondence.
Date range: 14 January 2016 to 1 February 2018.
Application currently being processed.


DateRefOthersInformation requestedDetails
25 January 2018823N/AApplication made to the Office of the Deputy Premier, Treasurer and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships
All documents in relation to TerraCom/ Orion Mining/ Blair Athol Coal mine and Madison Pacific Trust.
Date range: 1 February 2016 to 25 January 2018.
Application currently being processed.
23 January 2018822
Name withheld
Name withheldDocuments, specifically ministerial briefing notes and attachments and reports, relating to fraud and official misconduct involving staff. Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media reports/statements/articles and correspondence with media. If there are several briefing notes on the same subject, please only include the most recent, and exclude drafts except when no final report exists.
Date range: 1 January 2017 to 23 January 2018.
Decision made. No documents located.
23 January 2018821N/AThe 30 most recent briefings going backwards from the time of the lodgement of this application (23 January 2018), excluding briefings related to: 1. Administrative duties, ie. approving someone's holiday, catering expense or other internal staffing requirement 2. Invitation or event or awards proceedings that the Minister has been invited to and needs to respond to 3. Documents that have been designed specifically and used in Cabinet or Parliament 4. Overseas travel reports - ie. reports by people who have travelled overseas discussing the trip. I also request that briefing notes be on different subjects, ie. if there is more than one briefing note on the same issue, please only include the most recent. Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media statements/ reports/articles/releases and correspondence with media, and exclude drafts except where there is no final report.Application currently being processed.
22 January 2018819N/AApplication made to the Office of the Deputy Premier, Treasurer and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships
(1) All correspondence between the Treasurer's office and the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility (NAIF) and/ or its representatives and any draft documents prepared but not sent; and (2) all internally generated documents [excluding any media clips, media reports and any duplicate documents] relating to the NAIF.
Date range: 12 December 2017 to 22 January 2018.
Application currently being processed.
22 January 2018818N/AAll documents relating to the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility (NAIF); all correspondence and other materials regarding NAIF received by the Queensland Treasury department; briefing papers, internal memos and emails regarding the NAIF or any Queensland priority projects identified by NAIF. [excluding Media Clips, Media Reports or duplicate documents.]
Date range: 1 January 2017 to 22 January 2018.
Application currently being processed.
15 January 2018816
Name withheld
NoAll documents held with the Office of State Revenue regarding a company in liquidation.Decision made.
Released documents not published as publication is prohibited by a law.
08 January 2018815
Name withheld
Name withheldEmails and/or reports to and from the Treasurer and/or Assistant Minister for Treasury and the Under Treasurer containing a) details of found conflicts of interest b) what the conflicts were and c) what direction was given in such cases.
Date range: 8 January 2017 to 8 January 2018.
Decision made. No documents located.


DateRefOthersInformation requestedDetails
22 December 2017814
Name Withheld
Name Withheld

A list of the properties that fall under an individual, company, trustee or absentee owner that are valued at $10 million or above and eligible for land tax, or form part of a land tax assessment that has a combined value of $10 million or above. This list may include addresses, lot and plan numbers, or locality (suburb, postcode or LGA in order to deidentify the data); or a copy of land tax assessment notices (excluding any personal or company information) that have a taxable value of $10 million and above. Date range: 1 June 2016 to 22 December 2017

Decision Made. Access Refused.

20 December 2017811
Name withheld
Name withheld

Documents detailing the analysis of introducing a new land tax threshold of $10 million.

Date range: 1 June 2016 to 20 December 2017.

Decision made. Access Refused.

19 December 2017810N/A

Analysis and statistics about growth in Public Sector Service employees on current trends and forecasts of how that growth impacts on the budget. No duplicates are necessary and neither is information which has been published for the general public. Date range: 1 July 2016 to 19 December 2017.

Application withdrawn.

15 December 2017809
Name Withheld
Name Withheld

Program evaluations, performance assessments, outcomes financial audits and/or any assessment or audit of the effectiveness of the Works for Queensland program.

Date range: 1 March 2017 to 15 December 2017.

Decision Made. No Documents Located.

15 December 2017808
L Walsh
The Courier Mail

Documents detailing communications/complaints/suggestions from insurers about possible reforms to the CTP scheme as a result of the Review of Queensland’s Compulsory Third Party Insurance Scheme December 2016.

Date range: 1 December 2016 to 1 December 2017.

Decision made. Relevant documents released.

15 December 2017807Name Withheld

Consideration and advice in relation to the decision to allow the Townsville Regional Council and Rockhampton Regional Council borrow from Queensland Treasury Corporation to finance an airport to be used in connection with the Adani Carmichael Mine project.

Date range: 1 March 2017 to 15 December 2017.

Decision Made. Access Refused.

15 December 2017806
Name withheld
Name withheld

Any economic modelling, including the potential impacts on jobs and investment, on the following revenue measures: Increasing the Foreign Acquirer Duty; Increasing Motor Vehicle Duty on cars with a dutiable value of more than $100,000; Increasing Land Tax on holdings above $10 million; Point of Consumption Wagering tax.

Date range: 1 January 2017 to 15 December 2017.

Decision made. Access Refused.

12 December 2017805
Name withheld
Name withheld

Documents pertaining to the breakdown of transfer duty, landholder duty and corporate trustee duty revenue for the financial year 2016/2017, specifically detailing the amount raised, and if available the number of transactions from the Additional Foreign Acquirer Duty that commenced on 1 October 2016. Date range: 1 June 2016 to 12 December 2017

Decision made. Access Refused.

4 December 2017803
Name Withheld
NoDocuments held with the Office of State Revenue regarding a company in liquidation.Decision Made. Released documents not published as publication is prohibited by law.
5 December 2017802
Name withheld
NoDocuments held with the Office of State Revenue regarding a company in liquidation.Decision made. Released documents not published as publication is prohibited by law.


DateRefOthersInformation requestedDetails
20 November 2017800
Name withheld

All executive briefings/meeting minutes and emails to or from the Director-General/Under Treasurer (so please limit searches for emails to just the office of the Director-General/office of the Under Treasurer) which refer to the following: "not for media", "not to media", or "not for publication". Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media statements/reports/articles and correspondence with media. If emails are captured, please limit to the final thread of the conversation.

Date range: 1 July 2017 to 20 November 2017.

Decision made. No documents located.

15 November 2017798

1. The "Information Memorandum" referred to in section 2.2 of the Abbot Point X50 Coal Terminal, Request for Expressions of Interest, October 2010 (the REI); and 2. The "proposed Transaction Documents" referred to in section 2.3 of the REI. Seeking access to the Information Memorandum and proposed Transactions Documents identified above only. No other types of documents are requested. Date range: 1 October 2010 to 30 June 2011.

Application currently being processed.


DateRefOthersInformation requestedDetails
27 October 2017794N/A

Documents, including emails, relating to two project proposals being considered by the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility: 1. the North Galillee Basin Project; and 2. the Central Queensland Integrated Rail Project. Documents, and emails, for both projects to: only include the email threads which contain the last forwarded/replied email thread; exclude cabinet information, executive council information and information subject to legal professional privilege.

Date range: 7 December 2016 to 23 October 2017.

Application currently being processed.

16 October 2017791
Name withheld
NoDocuments held with the Office of State Revenue regarding a company in liquidation.

Decision made.  Released documents not published as publication is prevented by law.

10 October 2017790
Name witheld
N/AApplicant seeking access to information regarding any claims lodged with the Motor Accident Insurance Commission in the 1990’s regarding a particular individual.Decision made. No documents located.


DateRefOthersInformation requestedDetails
29 September 2017789
Name withheld

Documents held with the Office of State Revenue regarding a company in liquidation.

Decision made. Released documents not published as publication is prevented by law.
28 September 2017788
Name withheld

Documents, preferably a system generated document, which indicates that stamp duty or the usual transfer duties were paid regarding a particular property (details of property and property owners withheld from disclosure) and documents, preferably a system generated document, which indicates who now pays the council rates for that property.

Date range: 1 March 2017 to 28 September 2017.

Decision made. No documents located.
21 September 2017787
A Sandy
Seven Network

Application for the Office of the Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment

Internal correspondence, such as emails, held by the Treasurer relating to State Revenue Commissioner Ms Elizabeth Goli either actually involving Ms Goli, or his Chief of Staff or media advisors. Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media releases/articles/statements/releases/reports and correspondence with the media. If emails are captured, please limit to the last thread of the email. Date range: 1 January 2017 to 21 September 2017.

Decision made. Relevant documents released.
18 September 2017786
C Leng
NoApplication made to the Office of the Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment

All documents/information in the possession of the Agency and those that the Agency are entitled to access on the origin, basis and operation of the “Absentee surcharge”. This includes policy documents, released Cabinet documents and documents in metadata or digital form that cannot be forwarded by emails. Where reliance is sought on any delegated legislation or policy, I seek the documents. I seek all the documents on the target of A$20 million and how the formula of the additional surcharge achieves this target or far exceeds it. Date range: from inception of Absentee surcharge policy to current time.

All documents/information in any form relating to the inception of the “Absentee surcharge”, the formula for calculating the represented first year additional revenue intake of A$20 million, the basis and related documents on the “Absentee surcharge”. Date range: from inception of “Absentee surcharge” policy to current time.
Decision made. Relevant documents released.
18 September 2017785
M Singh

All documents/information in the possession of the Agency and those that the Agency are entitled to access on the origin, basis and operation of the “Absentee surcharge”. This includes policy documents, released Cabinet documents and documents in metadata or digital form that cannot be forwarded by emails. Where reliance is sought on any delegated legislation or policy, I seek the documents. I seek all the documents on the target of A$20 million and how the formula of the additional surcharge achieves this target or far exceeds it. Date range: from inception of “Absentee surcharge” policy to current time.

Decision made. Relevant documents released.
18 September 2017784
J Allen
NoApplication made to the Office of the Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment

All documents relating to applicant’s Qsuper account, income protection claim, management of applicant’s income protection claim, internal and external advice relating to the management of applicant’s income protection claim, investigation and management of the complaints arising from the management of applicant’s income protection claim, management of, and response to, applicant’s complaint regarding Qsuper to the Treasurer's Office sent on 24 May 2017 (duplicates not required, including duplicates of documents released on 21 August 2017). Date range: 1 January 2016 to 18 September 2017.
Decision made. Relevant documents released are not published as they contain the applicant’s personal information.
18 September 2017783
J Allen
NoApplication made under both the Right to Information Act 2009 and Information Privacy Act 2009

All documents relating to applicant’s Qsuper account, income protection claim, management of applicant’s income protection claim, internal and external advice relating to the management of applicant’s income protection claim, investigation and management of the complaints arising from the management of applicant’s income protection claim, management of, and response to, applicant’s complaint regarding Qsuper to the Treasurer's Office sent on 24 May 2017 (duplicates not required, including duplicates of documents released on 21 August 2017). Date range: 1 January 2016 to 18 September 2017.
Decision made. Relevant documents released are not published as they contain the applicant’s personal information.
05 September 2017782
Name withheld

Documents relating to decisions taken by the Queensland Government regarding proposed renewable energy projects in the State; and documents relating to the Queensland Government’s consideration of any impact that the relevant renewable energy projects would have on the State’s forecast GST distribution revenue. Type of documents being sought: briefing notes, memoranda or supporting materials that have b been provided to Ministers or senior government officials relating to the projects and the Government’s decisions in relation to the projects. Date range: the last 15 years.

Decision made. No documents located.


DateRefOthersInformation requestedDetails
30 August 2017781
Name withheld
Seven Network

Documents relating to the Office of State Revenue (OSR) Commissioner’s salary and bonuses. Specifically documents showing the entirety of what the OSR Commissioner earned each year for the past two years. Exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media releases/statements/reports and correspondence with the media.

Date range: 30 August 2015 to 30 August 2017

Decision made. Relevant documents released.
30 August 2017780
Name withheld
Seven Network

Internal correspondence between the Office of State Revenue Commissioner and the Office of State Revenue Deputy Commissioner relating to SPER. Exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media releases/statements/reports and correspondence with the media.

Date range: 1 January 2017 to 30 August 2017.

Decision made. Relevant documents released.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
30 August 2017779
Name withheld
Seven Network

Documents relating to the Office of State Revenue’s (OSR) Commissioner’s travel, hospitality and entertainment expenses. Specifically: 1. All receipts, or where a receipt cannot be found, all invoices; 2. All credit card statements, relating to the OSR’s Commissioner’s travel, hospitality and entertainment expenses incurred. Exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media releases/statements/reports and correspondence with the media.

Date range: 1 January 2015 to 30 August 2017.

Decision made. Relevant documents released.
30 August 2017778
Name withheld
Seven Network

Ministerial and executive briefing notes and attachments related to SPER. However, if there are several briefings on the same topic, please limit to the most recent. Exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media releases/statements/reports and correspondence with the media.

Date range: 1 January 2017 to 30 August 2017

Decision made. Relevant documents released.
23 August 2017777
Name withheld

Documents held with the Office of State Revenue regarding a company in liquidation.

Decision made. Released documents not published as publication is prevented by law.

17 August 2017776
Name withheld
NoDocuments held with the Office of State Revenue regarding a company in liquidation.

Decision made. Released documents not published as publication is prevented by law.

07 August 2017775N/A

Applicant asking three questions in regard to the Adani Mine:

(1) How long will royalties be deferred?

(2) What interest rate will Adani pay on deferred royalties?

(3) How many direct and indirect jobs are expected to be created by this mine?

Application withdrawn
21 August 2017774
Name withheld
N/AInternal memorandums, briefing notes or supporting documents relating to analysis of the impact of any government decision on the State’s forecast GST distribution revenue; and on-shore gas development and the impact on the Queensland Government’s forecast GST distribution revenue.

Date range: 2002-2017
Decision made. No documents located.
04 August 2017773
Name withheld
Energy Resource InsightsAll briefing notes sent to the Treasurer related to Adani. Only the final draft is required. Personal information is not required.

Date range: 1 April 2017 to 4 August 2017.

Decision made. Relevant documents released.

02 August 2017771
Name withheld
NoDocuments held with the Office of State Revenue regarding a company in liquidation.Decision made. Released documents not published as publication is prevented by law.


DateRefOthersInformation requestedDetails
31 July 2017770
Name withheld

Documents held with the Office of State Revenue regarding a company in liquidation.

Decision made. Released documents not published as publication is prevented by law.

26 July 2017772
Mr Jarrod Bleijie, Member for Kawana

Decision made. No documents located.

25 July 2017769
Hall Payne Lawyers
Electrical Trades Union Queensland

Any document evidencing the engagement of Crosby Textor Group, by Bluegrass and/or Bluegrass Consulting, to perform work in relation to the Queensland Government’s “Strong Choices” campaign, including but not limited to:

  1. correspondence (including emails) from the Office of the Treasurer to any employee or agent of Bluegrass and/or Bluegrass Consulting;

  2. correspondence (including emails) from the Office of the Treasurer to any employee or agent of the Crosby Textor Group including but not limited to Andrew Hirst, Crosby Textor Australasia, C/T/F Partners and Canberra Liaison;

  3. correspondence (including emails) from any employee or agent of Queensland Treasury to any employee or agent of Bluegrass or Bluegrass Consulting;

  4. correspondence (including emails) from any employee or agent of Queensland Treasury to any employee or agent of the Crosby Textor Group including but not limited to Andrew Hirst, Crosby Textor Australasia, C/T/F Partners and Canberra Liaison; and

  5. correspondence (including emails) from any employee or agent of Bluegrass and/or Bluegrass Consulting to any agent or employee of Crosby Textor Group including but not limited to Andrew Hirst, Crosby Textor Australasia, C/T/F Partners and Canberra Liaison. Date range: 26 March 2012 to 14 February 2015.

Decision made. Refused to deal with application

19 July 2017768
Name Withheld
Seven Network

Documents, including ministerial/departmental briefing notes and attachments, reports, invoices/receipts, audits, and financial statements relating to room rental at 1 William Street, particularly in relation to meetings and media conferences. Please exclude duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media releases/reports/articles and correspondence with media. Timeframe: Since 21 October 2016.

Decision made. No documents located.

13 July 2017767
Name withheld
Seven Network

Documents since 1 January 2016 containing the following information relating to SPER:

  1. The number of SPER debtors;

  2. The amount owed by SPER debtors;

  3. A breakdown of the types of fines and how much owing for each type of fine;

  4. Actions and/or proposals of actions taken to retrieve the money;

  5. What, if any, increase in the penalty has occurred and if so, what was it;

  6. The amount written off as a bad debt and reasons why; and

  7. The top 10 serial debtors – including how many times they have had fines registered by SPER, the nature of the fines, how much they owe and their postcode.

Decision made. Relevant document released.

14 July 2017766
Name withheld
The Australia Institute

  1. The final document containing any calculation or the results of such a calculation, of the value of the royalty deferment deal that the Queensland government has offered to Adani for its Carmichael coal mine, including where expressed in terms of a Net Present Value or otherwise, and including but not limited to where expressed as the cost to the Queensland government of the concession or the value to Adani of the deal compared to commercially available terms for the same financial service. If more than one calculation was created, please include the final version of each. Excluding duplicates, staff personal contact details, cabinet information and information subjection to legal professional profession (exempt information under schedule 3 of the RTI Act 2009).Date range: 14 May 2017 to 14 July 2017;

  2. All documents outlining the Queensland government process for application and assessment for a royalty deferment under the new framework; and

  3. All documents outlining the Queensland government process for due diligence and decision making on proposals for financial assistance via the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility. Excluding duplicates, staff personal contact details, cabinet information and information subjection to legal professional profession (exempt information under schedule 3 of the RTI Act 2009).

Date range: 1 January 2017 to 14 July 2017.

Decision made. Documents released.

11 July 2017765
Name Withheld
Credit Suisse

Data on the 3% transfer charge of additional foreign acquirer duty (AFAD); the number and value of AFAD payments that the Queensland Office of State Revenue has received; breakdown of foreign property buyers’ nationalities (for example, a list of all AFAD payments received with a description of the AFAD payers’ nationalities). Data format to be provided in a monthly breakdown of AFAD payment numbers, AFAD value, and for each payment, the payer’s nationality. No other personal information of the AFAD payer is required.
Date range: 1 October 2016 to 30 June 2017.

Decision made.  No documents located.

10 July 2017763N/A

Application made to the Office of the Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment

  1. Documents regarding the ‘The Master Facility Agreement’ for the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility, referred to by the Queensland Treasurer on 29 May 2017 (http://statements.qld.gov.au/Statement/2017/5/29/northern-australia-infrastructure-facility);

  2. Documents that relate to Adani Australia and the Northern Australian Infrastructure Facility (NAIF);

  3. Documents that relate to Aurizon and the Northern Australian Infrastructure Facility (NAIF); and

  4. Documents that relate to due diligence of Adani Australia by Queensland Treasury

Date range: 1 November 2016 to 10 July 2017.

Application Withdrawn.

10 July 2017762N/A

  1. Documents regarding the ‘The Master Facility Agreement’ for the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility, referred to by the Queensland Treasurer on 29 May 2017 (http://statements.qld.gov.au/Statement/2017/5/29/northern-australia-infrastructure-facility);

  2. Documents that relate to Adani Australia and the Northern Australian Infrastructure Facility (NAIF);

  3. Documents that relate to Aurizon and the Northern Australian Infrastructure Facility (NAIF); and

  4. Documents that relate to due diligence of Adani Australia by Queensland Treasury

Date range: 1 November 2016 to 10 July 2017.

Application Withdrawn.


Date Ref Others Information requested Details
26 June 2017 761 N/A Documents held with the Office of State Revenue concerning a company in liquidation. Application withdrawn
26 June 2017 760 N/A Documents held with the Office of State Revenue concerning a company in liquidation. Application withdrawn
26 June 2017 759 N/A Documents held with the Office of State Revenue concerning a company in liquidation. Application withdrawn
22 June 2017 758

Name withheld

ABC “All documents concerning:

(a) Queensland First Home Owners’ Grants contribution and/or impact on higher property prices; (b) the success or otherwise of Queensland First Home Owners’ Grants in assisting first home owners to purchase properties;

(c) information which shows there is no and/or relatively small assistance provided by the Queensland First Home Owners’ Grants because it contributes to higher property prices.

Excluding duplicates, copies of documents that have already been publicly released, media releases, media articles and media statements.

Date range: 22 December 2015 to 22 June 2017.

Decision made – relevant documents released.
15 June 2017 756
Name Withheld
The Courier Mail Copies of the report by Richard Douglas QC into claims farming in Queensland.

Date range: 1 January 2016 to 15 June 2017.

Decision made. Relevant document released.
8 June 2017 755

Name withheld

ABC All documents, including correspondence, sent between Treasury and the Office of the Minister for Employment in relation to an evaluation of the “Back to Work” regional jobs program and the drafting of a media statement released on 24 May 2017 – http://statements.qld.gov.au/Statement/2017/5/24/back-to-work-program-supporting-4000-jobs-in-regional-queensland

Date range: 1 May 2017 to 24 May 2017

Decision made. No documents located.
6 June 2017 754

Name withheld

Seven Network
  1. Actuarial documentation in relation to Queensland’s CTP scheme, specifically for the cost of third party injuries with/without a pillion for motorcyclists, but excluding duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media releases/reports/articles and correspondence with media.Date range: 1 January 2016 to 6 June 2017.
  2. Other documentation (such as briefing notes) in relation to Queensland’s CTP scheme, specifically for the cost of third party injuries with/without a pillion for motorcyclists, but excluding duplicates, documents that have already been publicly released, media releases/reports/articles and correspondence with media.Date range: 1 January 2015 to 6 June 2017.
Decision made. Relevant documents released.


Date Ref Others Information requested Details
31 May 2017 753
Energy Resource Insights
No The “development policy that will deliver the best deal for Queenslanders and opens up the state for more jobs, investment and more royalties” referenced in the joint media release from The Honourable Annastacia Palaszczuk, The Honourable Jackie Trad and The Honourable Curtis Pitt dated 27 May 2017 entitled “Queensland jobs, investment and royalties boost from new resource policy”.
Date range: 1 May 2017 to 31 May 2017.
Decision made – relevant documents released.
Part A (PDF, 666KB)
Part B (PDF, 217KB)
Part E (PDF, 95KB)
31 May 2017 752
Energy Resource Insights
No The royalty agreement reached with Adani referenced in the media release from Premier Palaszczuk dated 31 May 2017.
Date range: 1 May 2017 to 31 May 2017.
Decision made – relevant documents released
29 May 2017 751 N/A Seeking all correspondence between the Queensland Government and the Federal Government with respect to the Harper Review into competition that relates to Transport as well as the Taxi industry. Please also include all correspondence between all relevant Queensland Government departments (inter-departmental correspondence) concerning the Harper Review and the Taxi industry.
Date range: January 2013 to May 2017.
Application withdrawn.
26 May 2017 750
Name Withheld
Get Up Ltd A copy of the written offer of a royalties deferral plan referenced in The Australian article “Labor offered Adani royalty deal in March” dated 24 may 2017 and authored by Michael McKenna. Decision made – access refused to relevant documents
15 May 2017 749
Name withheld
N/A Application made to the Office of the Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment

All documents and correspondence of any kind held by the Office of the Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment (Treasurer’s Office) which discuss or refer to royalties to be paid by Adani for coal extracted and sold from the proposed Carmichael coal mine, or by any company from the first mine to be built or to extract coal from the Galilee Basin, including where the discussions relate to a decided or proposed rate of royalty that may be different from the standard coal royalty rates, including:

·       discussion about what the rate may be set at;

·       any possible ‘ramp up’, ‘holiday’, ‘cashflow offset’ or ‘royalty assistance’ or other royalty deal to provide ‘first mover advantage’;

·       the process for deciding on rates and transitional arrangements;

·       any rate as decided or the existence of such a decision; and

·       any estimated total royalty amounts.
Date range: 1 July 2016 to 15 May 2017.

Decision made. Refused to deal with application
5 May 2017 748
Name Withheld
Office of the Leader of the Opposition Application made to the Office of the Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment

Any emails, correspondence or briefing notes relating to the State Public Sector Superannuation Scheme, also known as the QSuper fund, the employer fund, the defined benefit fund or DB fund, including but not limited to the forecast surplus of the scheme, the $4 billion repatriation from the scheme and the suspension of employer contributions into the scheme.

Date range: 1 January 2017 to 5 May 2017.

Decision made – partial access – relevant documents released.
Part A (PDF 3MB).
Part B (MP4 3MB).
5 May 2017 747
Name Withheld
Office of the Leader of the Opposition All emails, letters or correspondence between the Under Treasurer and the Queensland State Actuary’s office regarding the State Public Sector Superannuation Scheme, also described as the QSuper fund, employer fund, defined benefit fund or DB fund.Date range: 13 June 2016 to 5 May 2017. Decision made – partial access – relevant documents released.
5 May 2017 746
Julien Vincent
Market Forces Copies of correspondence (including emails and their attachments, letters, notes from meetings or their agendas) between any representative of the Queensland Treasury and any person representing the Queensland Investment Corporation (QIC) between 1 January 2016 and the date on which this request is received, pertaining to the prospect of QIC investment in projects that would mine, transport or export coal from the Galilee Basin region of Queensland. Applicant is not seeking the personal contact information of any person, nor the identity of any person be revealed except for the relevant member of Treasury in each communication. Decision made – partial access – relevant documents released.
5 May 2017 745
Name withheld
The Australia Institute Documents concerning royalties to be paid by Adani for coal extracted and sold from the proposed Carmichael coal mine, or by any company from the first mine to be built or to extract coal from the Galilee Basin, including:
·       discussion about what the rate may be set at;
·       any possible ‘ramp up’, ‘holiday’, ‘cashflow offset’ or ‘royalty assistance’ or other royalty deal to provide ‘first mover advantage’;
·       the process for deciding on rates and transitional arrangements;
·       any rate as decided or the existence of such a decision; and
·       any estimated total royalty amounts.
Date range: 1 July 2016 to 8 May 2017.
Refused to deal – effect on agency’s resources.


Date Ref Others Information requested Details
21 April 2017 744
Name withheld
No Documents held with the Office of State Revenue regarding a company in liquidation. Decision made. Released documents not published as publication is prevented by law.
18 April 2017 743 Seven Network Documents relating to compensation claims involving students.
Date range: 1 January 2015 to 18 April 2017.
Decision made. Relevant documents released.
Part A (PDF 95 K).
Part B (PDF 95 K).
19 April 2017 742
Name withheld
No Form 24 – Property Information Transfer regarding a particular property (details of property not published) transferred around August/September 2009. Decision made. Released documents not published as publication is prevented by law.
18 April 2017 741
Name withheld
Office of the leader of the Opposition Application made to the Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment
All emails, including attachments, sent or received by any member of the Treasurer’s staff and/or the Treasurer to or from the email accounts <curtispitt@gmail.com> and/or <curtispitt2012@gmail.com>.
Date range: 16 February 2015 to 18 April 2017.
Decision made. No documents located.
18 April 2017 740
Name withheld
No Documents held with the Office of State Revenue regarding a company in liquidation. Decision made. Released documents not published as publication is prevented by law.
12 April 2017 739
Name withheld
No Documents held with the Office of State Revenue regarding a company in liquidation. Decision made.  Released documents not published as publication is prevented by law.
12 April 2017 738
Name withheld
No Documents held with the Office of State Revenue regarding a company in liquidation. Decision made. No documents located.
12 April 2017 737
Name withheld
No Documents held with the Office of State Revenue regarding a company in liquidation. Decision made. No documents located.
7 April 2017 736
Name withheld
Office of the Leader of the Opposition Application made to the Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment
All text messages between the Treasurer and Stirling Hinchliffe MP, sent and received from work mobile telephones.
Date range: 1 September 2016 to 8 February 2017.
Decision made. No documents located.
7 April 2017 735
Name withheld
Office of the Leader of the Opposition List of briefing notes (title and date which the final approving officer signs) sent to the Office of the Treasurer.
Date range: 1 June 2016 to 6 April 2017.
Decision made. Access refused to documents.


Date Ref Others Information requested Details
28 March 2017 734
Name withheld
ABC Documents produced in the last 12 months containing information about the impact of any interest rates rises and/or possible interest rates rise on the residential property sector, including on the ability for home buyers to repay mortgages and/or the effect and/or possible effect on property values. Decision made. No documents located.
27 March 2017 732
Proclaim Management Solutions Pty Ltd
Vicinity Centres (Toombul Shopping Centre) Documents (particularly medical records, scans and reports) relating to a CTP (compulsory third party) claim made by an individual arising from a motor vehicle accident on 6 September 2011. Individual has since lodged a Notice of Claim with the applicant’s client relating to an incident at the client’s premises. Decision made. No documents located.
27 March 2017 731
Name withheld
The Courier Mail Application is for documents relating to the Back to Work regional employment package, specifically:

  • Documents showing successful grant recipients and the number of positions funded. Specifically, documents showing the business/company name and the number of job positions approved for Back to Work grant funding. Applicant does not require supporting documents or correspondence. If a spreadsheet of grant recipients exist applicant seeks access to such spreadsheet.
  • Copies of documents relating to a particular company concerning the Back to Work program. Date range: 1 November 2016 to 27 March 2017.
Decision made. Access Refused.
21 March 2017 730
Hall Payne Lawyers
Electrical Trades Union Queensland Copy of any correspondence, emails, internal memos, instant messaging systems (or equivalent), letters, and file notes between Mr Tim Nicholls and/or any employee, contractor, sub-contractor, temporary employee or agency worker employed in the Queensland Treasury and any employee, worker, contractor, sub-contractor, temporary employee or agency worker engaged and/or employed by Crosby Textor Group, inblucing but not limited to Mr Andrw Hirst, Crosby Textor Australasia, C/T/F Partners and Canberra Liaison.
Time period: 26 March 2012 to 14 February 2015.
Decision made. Access refused.
20 March 2017 729
Name withheld
The Australian Correspondence between the Treasurer and Queensland Investment Corporation (QIC) and the Under Treasurer, including any reports or briefings fo the Treasurer, regarding the sale of portfolio assets by QIC to finance the $4 billion repatriation from the defined benefit fund’s surplus (as detailed by QIC’s Damien Frawley at an Estimates committee hearing (since 19 July 2016). Decision made. Access refused.
20 March 2017 728
S Parnell
The Australian Application made to the Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment
All briefings, reports and correspondence between the Treasurer’s Office and Treasury, the Under Treasurer and State Actuary, since 14 June 2016 regarding the surplus/balance of the public sector defined benefit fund.
Decision made. Relevant documents released.
15 March 2017 727
Name withheld
No Documents held with the Office of State Revenue regarding a company in liquidation. Decision made. Released documents not published as publication is prevented by law.
14 March 2017 726
Name withheld
The Australian Any advice to government or unpublished analysis on unemployment and or employment growth in Queensland’s regions. Date range: January 2016 to March 2017 Decision made. Relevant documents released.
Part 1 (PDF 5,120 K), Part 2 (PDF 4,800 K), Part 3 (PDF 3,375 K).
9 March 2017 725
Name withheld
No Decision made. Released documents not published as publication is prevented by an Act. Decision made. Released documents not published as publication is prevented by an Act.
9 March 2017 724
Name withheld
No Documents held with the Office of State Revenue regarding a company in liquidation. Decision made. Released documents not published as publication is prevented by an Act.
9 March 2017 723
Name withheld
No Documents held with the Office of State Revenue regarding a company in liquidation. Decision made. Released documents not published as publication is prevented by an Act.
9 March 2017 722
Name withheld
No Documents held with the Office of State Revenue regarding a company in liquidation. Decision made. Released documents not published as publication is prevented by an Act.
8 March 2017 721
Name withheld
Office of the Leader of the Opposition Application made to the Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment

Any emails or correspondence into and from the Minister’s Office relating to the proposed merger of Equip Super and Energy Super, including but not limited to any contact with members of the board about the merger proposal, contact with other Ministerial offices relating to this topic, or contact with Peter Simpson fo the Electricial Trades Union relating to the merger.

Date range: 1 September 2016 to 6 March 2017.

Decision made. No documents located.
7 March 2017 720
Name withheld
ABC Documents, namely correspondence between Queensland Treasury and/or the Treasurer’s Office and North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation (NQBP) relating to the selection and/or appointment of Brad Fish to the position of Chair of NQBP, including correspondence outlining any concerns or issues raised in relation to Mr Fish’s directorship of Abbot Point Operations Pty Ltd.

Date range: March 2015 to June 2016.

Decision made. Relevant documents released (PDF 3,225 K).
6 March 2017 719
Name withheld
The Australian All correspondence between Treasury officials and the Treasurer, or Treasurer’s office, regarding the prospect of renting the lower floors of 1 William Street to commercial tenants, as well as all briefs for the Treasurer regarding consultation about commercial tenants, and any expert reports commissioned by the Palaszczuk government about the likelihood of finding commercial tenants for 1 William Street. Decision made. Access refused.
2 March 2017 718
Name withheld
Credit Suisse Applicant is seeking access to data on the 3% transfer charge of additional foreign acquirer duty (AFAD) from 1 October 2016. Specifically seeking to know the number and value of additional foreign acquirer duty (AFAD) payments that the Queensland State Revenue Office has received since 1 October 2016. Applicant is also interested in knowing if a breakdown for past months can be made available. Applicant is also seeking to know the breakdown of foreign property buyers’ nationalities – both on aggregate and on monthly basis – for example, from 21 June 2016 to now, xx% of buyers are Chinese, xx% are Indian, and on monthly basis, in July xx% are Chinese, in August xx% are Chinese.

Date range: October 2016 – now

Decision made. Access refused.


DateRefOthersInformation requestedDetails
13 February 2017717
Name withheld
The Courier Mail
Any briefing notes, reports or advice for the Treasurer related to CTP (compulsory third party insurance). Any minutes from meetings with insurance companies, likely on the following days, and briefing notes, reports or advice related to the meetings: 29 August 2015 Meeting with Allianz; 6 September 2016 Meeting with Suncorp; 12 November 2015 Meeting with Suncorp; 29 August 2015 Meeting with Suncorp; and 12 May 2015 Meeting with Suncorp.

Date range: 16 February 2015 to 31 January 2017.
Decision made. Relevant documents released.
Part 1 (PDF 4,975 K), Part 2 (PDF 915 K), Part 3 (PDF 6,050 K), Part 4 (PDF 1,895 K).
9 February 2017716
Name withheld
The Courier Mail
Application made to the Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment

All documents relating to: emails between representatives/employees of the RTBU & AFULE and the Treasurer’s Office; emails and other documents, including ministerial diary entries and minutes, of the meeting between Mr Pitt and the RTBU & AFULE members on 15 September 2016; documents relating to any contact or discussions between the Treasurer’s Office and Queensland Rail (either the QR board or management/CEO) relating to the 2016 Train Crew Enterprise Agreement; and any Ministerial directions issued to QR relating to the 2016 Train Crew Enterprise Agreement.

Date range: 1 May 2016 to 31 December 2016.
All ministerial briefings on rental appraisals for, and third party commercial tenancy enquiries regarding 1 William Street, along with all correspondence between the Treasurer and JLL regarding the prospect of commercial tenancies in the building.
Decision made. Relevant documents released (PDF 3,510 K).


DateRefOthersInformation requestedDetails
19 January 2017713NoDocuments held with the Office of State Revenue regarding a company in liquidation.Decision made. Released documents not published as publication is prohibited by an Act.
20 January 2017712The AustralianApplication made to the Office of the Treasurer and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships and Minister for Sport

All ministerial briefings on rental appraisals for, and third party commercial tenancy enquiries regarding 1 William Street, along with all correspondence between the Treasurer and JLL regarding the prospect of commercial tenancies in the building.
Decision made. No documents located.
5 January 2017710Office of the Leader of the OppositionApplication made to the Treasurer and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships and Minister for Sport.

Any emails to or from Daniel Cheverton, Head of External Affairs at QIC and the Treasurer’s Chief of Staff or Senior Policy Officer.
Date range: 1 July 2016 to 5 January 2017
Decision made. Partial access to relevant documents (PDF 845 K).
4 January 2017709
Details withheld
Office of the Leader of the OppositionAny emails or briefing notes received by the Under Treasurer about Project Pineapple.
Date range: 1 July 2016 to 4 January 2017
Decision made. No documents located.
3 January 2017708Clayton UtzAccess in the form of an Excel Spreadsheet of particular documents that were previously released to the applicant in PDF form.Decision made. Full access to relevant documents. Publication of released documents on Disclosure Log is prohibited by an Act.
Last updated: 9 March 2018