
Man who watched the flames video

He was pictured peering silently from his flat as Grenfell Tower burned fiercely above him.

Rising death toll at 17 video

Smoke rises from the building after a huge fire engulfed the 24 story Grenfell Tower in west London.

8 min ago  Death toll from London blaze reaches 17, but searchers have yet to reach the floors where more bodies may lie.

Three prison officers charged

12 min ago  Prison officers charged after violent incident with inmates at maximum security jail.

'She is definitely a fighter' video

8:57 PM  There is no certainty Michaela Melrose will walk again, but she's determined to do so.

Impoverished young most at risk

9:50 PM  Poverty and previous exposure to suicide increase risk of suicide in young people.

'Imagine if they lost from here'

It was 2013. Oracle were 7-1 down when a smirking Spithill gazed at his crystal ball.

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$59 million weapon system rollout gallery

Soldiers at Waiouru Military Camp train with the new MARS-L rifle, which will replace the Steyr rifle throughout the New ...

19 min ago  Soldiers in the Defence Force get their first chance to handle the new MARS-L bought to replace the old Steyr rifle.

Teen followed in Rolleston

A 15-year-old girl was reportedly followed by a suspicious man in Rolleston, near Christchurch.

South Canterbury farmer Stu Westgarth has had 50 of his sheep killed by a rogue dog.

Farmer loses 50 sheep to dogs video

GRAPHIC WARNING: A Pleasant Point farmer says "enough is enough" after losing 50 sheep to dog attacks in three months.


Fire death toll rises

Death toll from London blaze now 17, but searchers yet to clear upper floors where many bodies may lie.


'Dirty bomb' threat to ship

The Port of Charleston was evacuated after the threat of a dirty bomb on a ship.

US terminal evacuated after a threat of a "dirty bomb" on board a container ship.

Horror inside burning tower video

"I don't know how they were breathing ... it was a war zone," says a firefighter who spent hours working inside Grenfell Tower.

Journalist Adam Harvey tweeted this photo with a one word caption - "lucky".

Shot journo tweets pic

With a bullet in his neck, but somehow still alive, journalist Adam Harvey wrote one word - "lucky".


Kiwis underpaid, overqualified

PARIS, FRANCE - NOVEMBER 27:  The mayor of the Brazilian city of Sao Paulo, Fernando Haddad (R), and actress Roberta ...

Overqualified workers and 'mediocre management' blotting NZ's economic success, says OECD.

Sheep milk shake-up underway

It's time Kiwis discovered what the rest of the world knows - sheep can be milked.

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has vowed to find the cause of a huge fire at the 24 story Grenfell Tower in London.

Aluminium cladding in use in NZ

Building industry sources say aluminium cladding, used in the London high-rise fire, is also in use here.


A tale of two TVs

its sticker price of the DSE doesn't equate to a lack of features or compromises to picture quality.

How does a $549 budget LED television compare to the latest tech in a $9000 TV?

Typewriters boom amid 'burnout'

In the age of smartphones, social media and hacking fears, vintage typewriters are attracting fans.

The newest Forza game allows for up to 24 racers to compete online simultaneously on the same server across Xbox and PC.

Forza 7: Hands-on preview

It's the best-looking console racing game ever made, but how does it play? Stuff takes it for a test drive at E3.


Style a tiny space for maximum effect

Apartment decorating doesn't have to be boring, you just need to learn the rules.

Enhance the assets of your small space with these decorating tips.

Young, mortgage-free in 4 years

No windfalls, no hand-outs, but still smashed avocado on toast. How are these Perth 20-somethings already mortgage free?

A chateau in the south of France or a place on Waiheke: which one will be a bigger strain on your bank account?

Quiz: Which property costs more?

A chateau in the south of France or a place on Waiheke - which has the higher price tag?

life & style

What Ivanka & Gwyneth don't get

Both successful women have offered advice on work/life balance - but there's one thing they're both forgetting.

OPINION: Both successful women have offered advice on work/life balance - but there's one thing they're forgetting.

Can stress make you lose teeth?

After Demi Moore announced that stress made her lose her two front teeth, we consulted the experts.

Making your own tacos can be healthier than going out and buying takeaways, but it can also be more expensive.

New cost of eating healthy

Home-made tacos or fish 'n'chips: With rising produce prices, do you go healthy or cheap?

well & good

Living plastic free is impossible video

Sarah Catherall and Laurie Foon eye up their supermarket shop.

OPINION: I tried a week of plastic free with the family, and we had to cut corners.

Right way to blow your nose?

One nostril or two? Hard blow or gentle? Some ways are more effective and less risky than others.

If you want a personal trainer, check up their personalities and prices before you join a gym.

Have you picked the right gym?

When trying to chose a gym, there are a myriad of options in every NZ city and they all come at different price points.

food & wine

Fancy fast food is fooling nobody

McDonald's New Zealand launched a gourmet burger service in 2015.

OPINION: Chain burger restaurants used to be dirty and simple. Now they're trying to be posh.

Pear and cardamom tarts

These little tarts are lovely devoured warm with a syrupy sauce infused with a sprig of rosemary.

Does freezing food kill bugs?

How to deal with vege price rise

nz farmer

$1 million kiwifruit orchard sale

A buyer has paid a record setting price for a kiwifruit orchard.

People have been taking bets on when it would happen - an orchard's been sold for over $1m a hectare.

Mackenzie review approved

A fresh approach will be taken to make sure this outstanding NZ landscape is protected.

No move to cut NZ cows video

Grimly unvarnished farm job ad


What Next? Well, we don't know

John Campbell and Nigel Latta on the TVNZ set of What Next?

10:01 PM  After five nights of glib chatter, we can be certain of one thing: the future remains uncertain.

Bach 'misconduct' accusation

It's he said v she said as accusations of sexual contact and character assassination fly on US reality show.

Grammy-winning megastar Adele has turned up to lend her support to those affected by London's Grenfell Tower fire.

Adele comforts fire mourners

Grammy-winning megastar seen at London vigil, offering help to those impacted by devastating fire.


Pandora: Worth the hype? video

Floating mountains grace the sky while exotic plants fill the colorful landscape inside Pandora - The World of Avatar.

Yes, yes and yes. Let yourself go. Don't try to figure it out, don't take a selfie. Just fly at Disney's new attraction.

The most beautiful train ride

Yes it is Switzerland and no, none of the views are photoshopped.

Of those surveyed, 52 per cent want families with kids nowhere near them on a plane.

What's worse: kids or BO?

So which is a nightmare for you to be sitting next to on a plane - toddlers or the person who smells?


Top 10 auto attractions at Fieldays video

Want to see number one of Holden NZ's 51-allocation of Commodore Magnum utes? It's right here.

NZ's top agri-show is also now NZ's top motor show. Here are our top-10 picks from Fieldays.

Tomcar: Small but tough video

Business is on the up for the made to order off-road vehicle maker.

McLaren says the 570S is "a convertible without compromise".

McLaren's new 570S Spider video

There's a new convertible option for McLaren's baby supercar.

stuff nation

Not my England stuff nation

I pined for home, my beloved England.

My parents dragged me kicking and screaming to NZ. Last year, I found myself truly glad to be living in NZ.

Don't write the Lions off yet stuff nation

Preparation is key, and right now the Lions are getting it in bucketloads. The ABs? Not so much.


Destined to be together

Tor and Sarge were part of the same litter, but it took a stroke of luck to bring them back together.


Crotty back for first Lions test?

Ryan Crotty, pictured being tackled by Waisake Naholo, injured his ribs against the Highlanders, but could be back in ...

SBW and ALB start in midfield against Samoa on Friday but Ryan Crotty could be back for first Lions test.

Smith ready for leading role video

The new All Blacks skipper says he's taken lessons from all the captains he has played under.

Sir Peter Blake with NZL-60, the boat for the 2000 America's Cup defence.

America's Cup: NZ's history

The 35th America's Cup match is the seventh to involve a Kiwi boat as the defender or the challenger.


Fancy fast food is fooling nobody

McDonald's New Zealand launched a gourmet burger service in 2015.

OPINION: Chain burger restaurants used to be dirty and simple. Now they're trying to be posh.

Gov't 'completely broken'?

Complacency is something Kiwi politicians can ill-afford to ignore, in the wake of the UK and French elections. And the ...

OPINION: Politicians the world over have been dealt brutal lessons. And the same may happen here.

NZ is failing its children stuff nation video

Julia Alatina (18 months) at the boarding house where she lives with her family.

OPINION: We must do better. And the report card doesn't lie: we're almost bottom of the class.

New stadium a no-brainer

"The costs of major investments like a new stadium are high, but so too is the cost of not having a large, all-weather ...

OPINION: A covered stadium for Christchurch is an essential investment for the city's future and must be built.

good reads

Stan Walker finds the fire inside video

All grown up: Stan Walker.

Stan Walker has become a new, passionate man - getting back to his roots and ditching manufactured music.

A turnaround gone wrong

Deportee Michael Heron's fresh start in Christchurch ended in court, with another jail term ahead.

Convicted murderer Michael Heron apologises to his Christchurch helper after his fresh start in NZ unravels.

Fireflies of the Smoky Mountains

Great Smoky Mountains National Park, in Tennessee and North Carolina, is home to 19 species of fireflies, including 13 ...

They don't come out for long, but when they do these fireflies light up the US Smoky Mountains.

Let's ban goodie bags

13062017. 123rf
happy kids celebrating birthday holiday

4; adorable; baby; balloons; beautiful; birthday; box; boy; ...

OPINION: Kids' birthday parties are about celebrating friendship, not loot.

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Sunday, February 12: Uh-oh

Dilbert, The Little Things and more.


Traffic lights off, no-one home video

No-one could be seen managing the traffic in the absence of operational signals and a roundabout.

The lights were out for hours, and nobody was home to manage confused motorists at busy major intersection.

Trev and Shirl evade capture

Searchers are trying to get to Shirl, right, through her transmitting lover Trev, left.

What do you do when you're a couple in love but scientists want to tear you apart?

Tangled pigeon gets rescued

The pigeon, similar to this one, is now flying free thanks to Mangere firefighters.

Firefighters rescue a tangled pigeon after it had been hanging upside down in a tree branch.

Man builds his own plane from scratch

The airplane was inspired by a Japanese World War II design.

After years of saving, watching videos and collecting materials, the Cambodian man took off ... sort of.


Twins separated in rare surgery video

The twins before their separation at the Philadelphia hospital.

For the first time, conjoined twins Abby and Erin Delaney can sleep in separate beds.

I'm pregnant, not fat

close up portrait of a pregnant stomach sitting on a couch

OPINION: No generation of women in history has been as aware about what goes into our mouths while we are pregnant.

Why I hate playgrounds

Playgrounds are the prime place in modern society where parents feel justified in depositing their poorly behaved ...

OPINION: Playgrounds are the prime place in modern society where parents feel justified in depositing their poorly behaved children.

Sleep style raises stillbirth risk video

University of Auckland researchers are urging pregnant women to sleep on their sides rather than their backs - ...

Stillbirth risk 4 times higher if women sleep on their backs during last 3 months of pregnancy, NZ study finds.

kiwi traveller

Larger than life memories

Shadrack Simi, left, Chris Martin and Brady Peeti in a scene from Larger Than Life.

Are you ready for a trip to the 1970s and 80s?

Holiday photos make you miserable

You think your Facebook posts encourage your friends to cheer you on? Or do they make them seethe with jealousy?  


Ok, we get it. You're having a blast in Costa del Braggadocio. No need to go on about it.

Monks' food and amazing coffee in Japan

Don't just come to Japan for the scenery.

There are culinary adventures aplenty in Japan's current and former capital.   

Returning to NZ after 5 years

Ebba and her new van, Rosie.

Swedish ski instructor Ebba Beattie loved her short time in New Zealand so much that she's back for more.

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