reader report

Pets of the day: Tor and Sarge

It's impossible to resist those adorable faces!
It's impossible to resist those adorable faces!

My partner and I were looking for a puppy and saw a litter advertised on Facebook.

While looking at the puppies my partner fell in love with a pure black Rottweiler cross female, but I fell in love with the runt of the litter - he was gorgeous.

We ended up buying the runt and named him Sarge.

Over the next year Sarge grew huge. He was cuddly, playful and although extremely stubborn, he was still very easy to train.

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Nero, the rescue dog changing lives
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Ten months on and it became apparent that another dog would not only benefit Sarge, but would also help us out as Sarge needs at least three hours a day of uninterrupted play.

Fate sure knew what it was doing as not long after that we saw another canine-related post on Facebook, and this time the dog looked very familiar.

The pup in question was a 10-month-old Rottweiler cross named Tor. I was amazed how much she looked like Sarge.

I messaged the seller and eventually found out that not only did they came from the same litter, but she was the girl my partner originally wanted!

Two months on and we have two energetic dogs.

It's almost like they were always together - they never leave each other's sides. Sarge thinks he is the boss, but Tor doesn't even take any notice of him.

Every time we are growling Tor, Sarge will come and growl her too. And every time we are growling Sarge, Tor will come and try and make us pat her.

Life wouldn't be the same without our two fur babies.

We go on a pack walk with about 50 other owners once a fortnight which helps them with socialisation - Sarge and Tor love all their dog friends.

It's awesome to see the differences between them - while Sarge is boisterous, Tor is super cuddly.

But make no mistake - they both know how to make a mess when we leave the house!

Pets can be awesome for many reasons and we'd love to hear all about yours.

Tell us about their breed, age, personality and quirks, plus what mischief they get into and how they brighten your life. As always, we're looking for submissions of 300 words or more.

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