reader report

Pet of the day: Dorothy, the princess

She can be a little high maintenance. But I couldn't imagine life without her.
She can be a little high maintenance. But I couldn't imagine life without her.

Dorothy, my 1-year-old baby girl, is getting fatter every day.

I got her when she was 8 weeks old, and she has been my best friend since day one.

She is very talkative and likes to answer back when I speak to her. 

She is growing quite the belly now; her favourite treats are fish Temptations.

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She has beautiful, big, blue eyes and is very fluffy.

She loves kisses and getting her tummy rubbed. She gets all excited when I get her brush out for a pat.

When I call her she always comes running, no matter where she is. Everywhere I go she follows me; she is my shadow and buddy.

Dorothy sleeps next to me and is always there in the morning, purring away, demanding attention.

She is a princess and she knows it. She can be slightly high maintenance, but I can't imagine my life without her. She is my soulmate and I love her with all my heart.

Pets can be awesome for many reasons and we'd love to hear all about yours.

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