ClickZ Academy


Our free webinars are broadcast live and deliver valuable insights on various topics in online marketing. All webinars are made available on demand within a few days of the original broadcast.

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On Demand Webinars

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Managing Online Brand Reputation

Date: Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Time: 5pm HKT / 5am ET

What do you do when a customer lets fly at you on a high profile review site or when an anonymous association launches a surprise attack on your Twitter and Instagram page? When a competitor trashes your products anonymously on a consumer review platform, or when misinformation and disinformation run rife across the web during a major crisis?

Online media has really taken off in the past decade, yet organizations of all shapes and sizes continue to tip toe nervously before irritated customers, aggrieved employees, eagle-eyed activists, skeptical bloggers, and opportunistic trolls. Big names are easily sullied and hard won reputations dismantled in today's volatile, judgmental, and unforgiving court of public opinion.

Attend this webinar and learn about how to tackle the issues on protecting and defending your brand's name and image on the internet.

  • The top strategic, societal, behavioral, operational and other kinds of threats to your reputation posed by online activities
  • How leading multi-national corporations handle serious online attacks on their businesses and reputations
  • How you can prepare for, respond to, and recover from serious incidents and crises using social media
  • The tactics and implementations needed to ensure reputations are kept in online campaigns

Charlie Pownall, Managing Director, CPC & Associates
Thomas Crampton, Global Managing Director, Social@Ogilvy

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Managing Online Brand Reputation

Sponsored by Ogilvy & Mather.


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Credit Where Credit is Due: Attributing Display Campaigns to Offline Conversions

Date: December 2, 2015
Time: 1pm ET/ 10am PT

Digitally-influenced offline sales will exceed $1.6 trillion by 2016, yet mastering multi-channel attribution to connect online behavior to offline behavior is still an ongoing challenge. Display advertising especially is one of the most popular methods in the industry, but without knowing how to effectively track the offline outcomes driven by online channels, many marketers have not been able to capitalize on the growth.

Join us and learn:

  • Methods for reimagining display advertising with accurate attribution models
  • How view-through attribution is redefined with offline actions
  • The latest trends in technology that help measure and track inbound calls
  • How to navigate the scope of the display attribution problem and how it directly affects your strategies

Jewells Chambers, Senior Conference Producer, ClickZ

Adarsh Nair, Senior Director, Product & Engineering, Marchex
James Libor, Marketing Technology Manager, Virgin Holidays
Samantha Sowinski, Associate Media Director, iCrossing

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Credit Where Credit is Due: Attributing Display Campaigns to Offline Conversions

Sponsored by Marchex.


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Big Data: 5 Lessons of Data Integration from Symantec

Date: November 12, 2015
Time: 1pm ET / 10am PT

According to a recent study, 68% of marketers reported that their organization uses 5 or more technology vendors to collect data. That's a lot of data with a lot of potential. However, a lot of companies, both large and small, fail to tie it all together - there is often a lot of useful data being cast aside simply because the company doesn't have the technology to properly organize and extract value from it.

This on-demand webinar looks at how one of the industry leading companies, Symantec, handled their big data integration to generate millions of dollars of untapped revenue.

Join us and learn how to extract the true value of your big data by:

  1. Capturing and passing data across various data vendors
  2. Properly segmenting and targeting your audience
  3. Building customer profiles to enrich user experience
  4. Efficiently implementing and integrating your data
  5. Using advanced optimization techniques

Jewells Chambers, Senior Conference Producer, ClickZ

Michael Bedard, Senior Web Marketing Technologies Manager, Symantec
Vu Hang, Senior Web Producer, Symantec
Karen Wood, Director of Product Marketing, Ensighten

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Big Data: 5 Lessons of Data Integration from Symantec

Sponsored by Ensighten.


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Clicks, Calls and Conversions: The Top 5 Secrets to Mobile PPC Success

Date: October 13, 2015
Time: 1pm ET/ 10am PT

In today's multichannel world, having a clearly defined mobile strategy is crucial to PPC success. With mobile having overtaken desktop search, and 70% of mobile searchers making a call, including calls as part of your PPC strategy is more important than ever. But how do you move beyond the traditional digital mindset, to also start optimizing for offline conversions?

Join this interactive webinar with senior experts from Rise Interactive and Invoca to learn:

  • How to get full attribution for all types of conversions, including digital, mobile and offline
  • Tips for improving mobile conversion quality and driving better ROI
  • Best practices to optimize campaigns and ads for calls

Melanie White, Editor, ClickZ

Ashmita Chatterjee, Associate Director, Rise Interactive
Julia Stead, Director of Demand Generation, Invoca
Rohini Jatkar, Director of Integrated Marketing, Essex Property Trust

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Clicks, Calls and Conversions: The Top 5 Secrets to Mobile PPC Success

Sponsored by Invoca.


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Building a Successful Email Campaign on Meaningful Data

Date: October 1, 2015
Time: 12pm ET/ 9am PT

Living in the Information Age means marketers have access to more consumer and audience data than ever before. We have become skilled at collecting, but have we learned how to interpret? Can we ask our data to offer up more complex conclusions?

Data on its own is not the goal, but the means to draw insights about our networks, and, as Nate Silver said, "As the amount of information increases, the complexity of relationships between this information increases faster."

With email as the cornerstone of your marketing campaign, are you using meaningful data to successfully propel your customer's journey to conversion and purchase?

In this webinar, email marketing experts will cover:

  • Utilize data to improve campaign effectiveness - the complexity factor
  • Learn how to integrate real-time data with other data to make the most effective campaigns - high speed agility
  • Discover how integrating email data can cut costs on other touch points - the business of a customer journey

Moderator: Mike O'Brien, Reporter, ClickZ

Christopher Lester, VP of Sales, Emma
Jamie Jean Schneider, Digital Marketing Specialist, The Smithsonian Associates
Parinda Joshi, Director, Datawarehousing & Analytics, AEG

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Building a Successful Email Campaign on Meaningful Data

Sponsored by Emma.


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The Top 5 Strategies to Harness the Marketing Technology Evolution

Date: September 23, 2015
Time: 12pm ET/ 9am PT

The intersection of marketing and technology is creating a new road for marketers to tackle the digital revolution and all of the data that comes with it. As marketing technologies continue to evolve to meet marketer's needs, there has been significant increase in budget allocation for new technology. With surveys reporting that 50 to 60% of marketing executives expect to spend more on Martech in 2016, it is imperative they are getting the best bang for their buck.

Tune in to this lively discussion to gain insight on:

  • The rise of technology's effect on marketing and the new buyers journey 
  • Tactics to cut through the noise to evaluate the types of technology that fit your needs
  • Tools to harness the different types of technology available
  • How to incorporate different technology for a cross-channel integrated marketing approach
  • The evolution of Martech and trends to look out for in the coming years

Moderator: Jewells Chambers, Senior Conference Producer, ClickZ Live

Linda West, Director of Marketing, Act-On
Shawn Goodin, Director of Marketing Technology, The Clorox Company
Joseph Kurian, Former Head of Marketing Technology & Innovation, Aetna and CEO, 249Labs, Inc

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The Top 5 Strategies to Harness the Marketing Technology Evolution

Sponsored by Act-On.


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Adwords Uncovered: New Tips, Tools & Targeting Techniques

Date: September 16, 2015
Time: 12pm ET/9am PT

From data to display, the rapid-fire updates to the AdWords platform can make it hard to keep up with all of the changes. The added challenge of maintaining a PPC campaign without knowing which tools best fit your needs can be overwhelming and frustrating for any search marketer. Fortunately, there are strategies to help you navigate the new offerings so that you can focus on what's important - driving traffic and increasing ROI.

This interactive panel will help you up your AdWords game by sharing:

  • Tactics for getting the most out of audience targeting features
  • Best methods for optimizing your product feed
  • How to create more personalized and dynamic ads in real-time
  • The power of the Google Display Network to streamline multiple targeting
  • How calls over clicks are transforming the mobile PPC space

Moderator: Mike O'Brien, Reporter, ClickZ

McKay Allen, Director of Content and Communications, Convirza
Jeffrey James, Performance Marketing, Pond5
Jon Kagan, Senior Director of Search and Biddable Media, MARC USA

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Adwords Uncovered:  New Tips, Tools & Targeting Techniques

Sponsored by Convirza.


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The Art of Attribution: Turning Buying Behavior into Revenue

Date: September 9, 2015
Time: 12pm ET/9am PT

With an increasing amount of channels and touchpoints, it's getting harder and harder for marketers to create a valuable attribution model. From digital to offline, paid and earned media, it is essential that marketers are aware of where their marketing campaigns are winning and where they are wasting valuable $.

Join attribution experts from leading brands as they delve into how you can optimize your marketing spend by implementing the most effective multi-channel attribution model. In this webinar you will:

  • Discover what kind of data you should be measuring to extract the most useful insights
  • Explore different attribution models covering multiple customer touchpoints across the funnel
  • Understand the buying behavior of your target audience and how you can capitalize on it
  • Learn how to optimize your marketing spend with real-time attribution insights

Laura Roth, Head of Content, ClickZ Live Global Conference Series, ClickZ

Nick Necsulescu, Senior Manager, Customer Segmentation, TD Bank Group
Joe Ayyoub, General Manager, Attribution, Privacy and Ad Tech Solutions, Ensighten
Mia Vallo, Sr. Director, Marketing Analytics and Optimization, National Geographic Society

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The Art of Attribution: Turning Buying Behavior into Revenue

Sponsored by Ensighten.


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The Power of Mobile Apps to Drive Engagement and ROI

Date: Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Time: 12pm ET/ 9am PT

Apps dominate mobile usage but 70% of new mobile app users abandon apps after about a month. Engaging, retaining and fostering loyalty among app users is the biggest challenge that brands face but those that get it right are able to maximize investments to increase the lifetime value of their product.

Phil West, Digital Strategist, Urban Airship
Chris Horton, Senior Mobile Product Manager,
Emory Serviss, VP and Retail Product Manager, Cadence Bank

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Jewells Chambers, Senior Conference Producer, ClickZ Live & SES

The panel discussion will explore these key topics:

  • Lead them to loyalty - Uncover the power of deep links to create customized mobile experiences
  • One message for the masses - Craft broad messages that feel personal
  • Timing is everything - Learn when and how often to send push notifications for maximum impact
  • The win-back - Discover proven tactics to re-engage users
  • Sky is the limit - Mobile App trends that are revolutionizing engagement
The Power of Mobile Apps to Drive Engagement and ROI

Sponsored by Urban Airship.


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Advanced Conversion Strategies for Mobile Search: Secrets to More Clicks, Calls, and Sales

Date: Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Time: 12pm ET/9am PT

Search has gone mobile. Over 50% of searches are on mobile devices, and paid search clicks on mobile will surpass desktop clicks in 2015. Mobile search comes with many unique challenges, and search marketers need new strategies to optimize conversions and revenue from mobile SEM.

Join search marketing and mobile experts from leading brands as they present the latest best practices for converting more mobile SEM clicks, calls, and sales.

Blair Symes, Director of Content Marketing, DialogTech
Diane Pease, Inbound Marketing Manager, Cisco
Eric Werner, Search Marketing Manager, The Home Depot

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Mike O'Brien, Reporter, ClickZ

You'll learn:

  • Advanced tips for driving conversions from mobile paid search, local search, and SEO
  • New strategies for optimizing paid search ads and landing pages for mobile
  • How click-to-call extensions, call-only ads, Google Voice, Apple watches, and other technologies are impacting search
  • Key future trends of mobile search and how your business can be ready for them
Advanced Conversion Strategies for Mobile Search: Secrets to More Clicks, Calls, and Sales

Sponsored by dialogtech.


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5 Key Insights You Need to Know About the Mobile Search Boom

Date: Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Time: 12pm ET/9am PT

Google announced in early May 2015 that mobile search volume has officially surpassed desktop search. With calls being the second most common action prospects take after a mobile search, it is imperative for landing pages to be optimized with click-to-call capabilities.

McKay Allen, Director of Content & Communications, LogMyCalls
Bryson Meunier, SEO Director, Vivid Seats
Rohini Jatkar, Global Advertising, Franklin Templeton

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Emily Alford, Reporter, ClickZ

This panel will provide insight on key questions like:

  • What are the key differentiators that make mobile search the new standard?
  • How are brands taking advantage of the mobile search boom?
  • What strategies are there to utilize mobile queries to generate calls?
  • How to best utilize mobile search analytics and metrics?
  • What is the future of mobile search?
5 Key Insights You Need to Know About the Mobile Search Boom

Sponsored by Convirza.


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Let's Get Personal - Igniting Email Engagement With Personalization

Date: May 6, 2015
Time: 12:00pm ET/9:00am PT

When it comes to making your email program a success, personalization is critical. From welcome to win-back, gathering and segmenting explicit and implicit consumer data is key to engagement and conversions. By honing in on this granular data (e.g. birthdays, gender, and geographic region) you can ensure you are armed with more than enough information to create winning email personalization campaigns.

Chris Frasier, Sr. Director Strategic Services & Client Success, BlueHornet
Katie Seegers, Email Marketing Manager, Select Comfort
Allison Kell, Marketing Manager, Credit Union of New Jersey

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Emily Alford, Reporter, ClickZ

Panel discussion will cover:

  • Starting the relationship off right - growing and retaining your reach by tailoring email subscription preference centers
  • Getting them at "Hello" - the art of a well-crafted welcome message
  • Best practices for sending messages after site/cart abandonment
  • The friendly reminder - tactics for securing repeat purchases based off of product lifecycle/replenishment and customer order history
  • From Clicks to Conversions - metrics for measuring the effectiveness of your email campaign
  • Looking out to the Horizon - the effect of real time segmentation and contextual marketing on the future of email personalization
Let's Get Personal - Igniting Email Engagement With Personalization

Sponsored by Blue Hornet.


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Email List Growth - The Power of Quality Over Quantity

Date: March 24, 2015
Time: 12:00pm ET/9:00am PT

Email list growth = business growth. The numbers back it up. The ROI of email is more than twice that of any other channel, and it converts at a rate 3x higher than social media. But you can't get those results if you don't have the right subscribers receiving your mailings. And, email can't live in a vacuum either - integrating and scaling the experience for your brand is vital to making it all work together.

Christopher Lester, Vice President of Sales, Emma
Anjie Moin, Director, eCommerce Marketing, Office Depot
Shana Kelly, Digital Marketing Manager, Black Lapel

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This webinar will discuss:

  • The challenge of integrating a dynamic email marketing program throughout the customer lifecycle
  • Why increasing customer loyalty goes hand in hand with email ROI
  • The power of gaining visibility and subscribers through email sign up forms
  • Best methods to drive new and existing subscribers down the funnel and increase conversions
  • Strategies for scaling the personal customer experience
Email List Growth - The Power of Quality Over Quantity

Sponsored by Emma.


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AdWords: Secrets From a Former Google Employee

Date: March 3, 2015
Time: 1:00pm ET/10:00am PT

According to the latest data, US companies spend over 60% of their marketing budgets on AdWords campaigns. So here's the big question: just how do you increase your conversion rate in such a competitive space? In this Webinar you'll hear from one of the original AdWords Evangelists, as well as key industry experts on how to manage your campaigns more effectively to increase your engagement rate and drive conversions.

McKay Allen, Director of Content & Communications, Convirza
Frederick Vallaeys, Co-Founder and CEO, Optmyzer
Saleel Sathe, Global Head of Paid Search Product, eBay

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Tune in to:

  • Learn how to use AdWords to grow sales as opposed to just generating brand awareness
  • Discover how your campaign's can attract the right audience and raise customer interest
  • Understand why phone calls might just be the most important 'conversion' you can get
  • Master how to effectively test your campaigns
  • Discuss tactics for managing your AdWords campaigns in 2015
AdWords: Secrets From a Former Google Employee

Sponsored by Convirza.


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Paid Search and Mobile: Developing a Winning Strategy

Date: February 25, 2015
Time: 1:00pm ET/10:00am PT

With consumers spending more and more time on mobile devices, it is imperative that marketers take the opportunity to integrate their paid search and mobile campaigns for better targeting and increased conversions. With a streamlined campaign, you can engage more directly with your consumers and ensure that you are there in the moments that matter, resulting in higher conversions and revenue.

Diane Pease, Inbound Marketing Manager, Cisco
Quinton Bowen, Senior Manager, Paid Search Analyst, Vivint
Lauren Harris, Partner Success Manager, Invoca

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Join this webinar to explore:

  • How to ensure your brand message is consistent through your mobile marketing
  • How to emphasize click to call CTAs to create a better customer experience
  • Key examples of how brands have won in the mobile ad space
  • Next generation mobile ad opportunities
  • Key trends for 2015 in mobile marketing
Paid Search and Mobile: Developing a Winning Strategy

Sponsored by Invoca.


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Cut Through the Big Data Noise to Capture Valuable Analytics

Date: January 29, 2015
Time: 1:00pm ET/10:00am PT

While collecting data is important to building a solid marketing foundation, the companies that know how to shift through the mass of information to find valuable data points end up driving superior marketing results. By combining various tactics, such as multi-channel programs and attribution models, you can create a very effective way of targeting the right audience for your marketing campaign.

Mia Vallo, Sr. Digital Marketing Analytics & Optimization, National Geographic Society
Nick M. Necsulescu, Senior Manager, Customer Segmentation, TD Bank Group
Heidi Bullock, VP Demand Generation, Marketo

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Discussion points include:

  • How to increase the effectiveness of marketing programs across multiple channels (social, website, emails, paid programs)
  • Effective methods for measuring campaign performance with attribution models (single and multi-touch)
  • Best practices for determining the ROI of each marketing program you run
  • What is the future of Big Data? Digging deeper into customer engagement
Cut Through the Big Data Noise to Capture Valuable Analytics

Sponsored by Marketo.


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How to Test your Search Marketing Campaign to Increase ROI

Date: December 9, 2014
Time: 1:00pm ET/10:00am PT

In 2014, it is almost unheard of not to have a search marketing program, but a surprisingly small number of companies actually formalize the testing of their program. With rising CPCs and increasing competition, marketers are working harder than ever to maximize their budget, and without formalized testing they often leave conversions on the table. Attend this webinar and learn how to influence your ROI with search marketing testing to make the most out of your impression share.

Topics to be covered include:

  • Test Plan Development
  • Ad copy Testing
  • Landing Page Testing
  • UX and Marketing Insights
  • Cross Channel Learnings
  • Search Test Budgets

Jon Leicht, Group Account Director, Covario

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Jon LeichtJon works in client and project strategy as a Group Account Director at Covario. With over 16 years in the industry, Jon has covered all aspects of online strategy from paid and organic search to design, development, and user experience. He has worked with major brands such as Sony, Intuit, Procter & Gamble, SolarCity and Chase.

How to Test your Search Marketing Campaign to Increase ROI

Sponsored by Covario.


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Using Social Insights for Effective Storytelling

Date: November 19, 2014
Time: 1:00pm ET/10:00am PT

With so much data at our fingertips, capturing and analyzing large sets of data is seen as crucial to an effective storytelling marketing campaign. However, using the information intelligently to create actionable insights is an ongoing challenge for professionals in the digital marketing industry.

Mel White, Editor, ClickZ Live Global Conference Series

Evan James, Head of North American Marketing, SocialBakers
Chris Pemberton, Digital Brand Manager, Ghirardelli Chocolate Company
Karen O'Brien, Sr. Director, Global Social Media, Western Union

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During this webcast we will look at how key insights from your social initiatives can shape your content marketing strategies to ensure you are telling the right stories that will be relevant, authentic and resonate with your target market.

Join us and explore:

  • Examples of the most effective campaigns for generating engagement and community building
  • The relationship between an effective content marketing strategy and concrete business goals
  • How to segment your analytics effectively to capture the most relevant content that will hook your audience
  • How to determine the posting frequency equilibrium to generate the highest level of interactions

Mel WhiteMelanie White is the Editor of ClickZ, where she has worked since July 2012. White has been with Incisive Media (ClickZ's parent company) since 2009 where she was Deputy Editor/ US Editor for one of the financial risk management titles, International Custody and Fund Administration (later Custody Risk).

In addition, White worked on FX Week where she was a Senior Reporter. She has also worked and contributed to a number of other titles, including The Accountant, International Accounting Bulletin, the New York Post, Independent Magazine (UK), as well as the broadcast title Sunday Live with Adam Boulton at Sky News.

Evan JamesEvan is a marketing content and strategy expert, specializing in content creation, product marketing , customer success and social media marketing. Since starting at Socialbakers in late 2011, Evan has launched multiple Socialbakers industry benchmarks that measure performance in social customer care, content and advertising.

Chris PembertonChris Pemberton launched his first marketing website in 1996 and since then he's led strategy and implementation for a variety of digital marketing agencies, B2C and B2B brands, including, most recently, Ghirardelli Chocolate, where he's worked as Digital Brand Manager since 2013. At Ghirardelli Chris runs the digital marketing practice and has been instrumental in building the company's capacity to leverage content and analytics to drive marketing outcomes. Prior to Ghirardelli Chris led digital, social and content marketing for GU Energy Labs in Berkeley, CA where he is still apologizing to the web team for crashing the servers with a flood of traffic from an April Fool's social campaign. In 2002 Chris completed a joint MBA/ Peace Corps program in Kyrgyzstan where he increased social entrepreneur revenue by 145% through new ecommerce and marketing programs.

Using Social Insights for Effective Storytelling

Sponsored by SocialBakers.


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What You Need to Include in Your 2015 Search Marketing Plan

Date: October 23, 2014
Time: 1:00pm ET/10:00am PT

It's that time to start planning for 2015. Over the past year, there have been many search updates that have impacted paid or organic search projects. In this webcast, Covario's SEO and paid media experts, as well as the company's CEO, will discuss search engine trends, updates and what type of search projects you should include in your 2015 plan.

Attend this webcast and learn:

  • Domestic and international search engine trends in organic search and paid media
  • Which 2015 search projects you should make a high priority
  • Insights on the future of search in 2015

If you are starting to map out projects for 2015 and want to get more insight on industry trends and specific projects to include, this is a webinar for you.

Cassandra Gucwa, SEO Strategist, Covario
Chris Gibbons, Director of Paid Media Services, Covario
Nick Smyth, Regional Paid Search Lead, iProspect

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Cassandra GucwaCassandra Gucwa is a SEO Strategist at Covario with B2B and B2C internet marketing experience for Fortune 500 global companies. She has gained strategic and technical knowledge managing successful Search Engine Optimization SEO projects, achieving 1st page results in 30+ countries for highly competitive keywords and search volumes.

Chris GibbonsChris Gibbons is a Director of Paid Media Services. He has worked in search marketing for over eight years for a number of digital marketing agencies across multiple vertical industries. During this time he has led paid media efforts for global brands in Tech, Hospitality, Retail, and CPG with expertise in direct eCommerce, BtoB, and Local. Chris enjoys the ever-changing landscape of online marketing and works hard to keep his clients at the forefront of paid media advertising.

Nick SmythNick Smyth a Regional Paid Search Lead at iProspect. He works across clients and verticals to streamline Paid Search strategies and best practices.

Covario is the world's leading independent search marketing agency. The firm was selected by OMMA as both the 2012 and 2011 Search Agency of the Year. Covario, Inc. is also the parent company of Rio SEO, a leading software provider of enterprise SEO, local search, social media, and content marketing automation tools. Headquartered in San Diego, Covario has more than 250 team members worldwide who are also concentrated in Beijing, Chicago, London, New York, Phoenix, San Francisco, Sao Paulo, Seattle, Singapore, Tokyo, and Toronto. The agency's growing customer base includes world leaders in technology, consumer electronics, retail, ecommerce, financial services, media, entertainment, publishing, and consumer packaged goods. More information is available at

What You Need to Include in Your 2015 Search Marketing Plan

Sponsored by Covario.


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Calls are the New Clicks: How to Beat Competitors on Google and Bing in a Mobile World

Date: September 30, 2014
Time: 1:00pm ET/10:00am PT

As search goes mobile, calls have become the new clicks. Phone calls are the most common conversion path on mobile devices, making it critical for search marketers to generate, analyze, and control them to gain a competitive advantage.

Join search marketing experts from Ifbyphone and Blue Fountain Media as they provide actionable tips for how to drive more calls and revenue from search. Discover ways to:

  • Optimize campaigns and keyword strategies to drive more call conversions
  • Understand the behavioral differences callers exhibit and how to leverage them
  • Utilize web session and call tracking data to measure and improve program results
  • Control how inbound calls get scored and routed to optimize sales
  • Learn about real world companies using these tools and their success stories

Studies show that calls from search convert to revenue 10 times more than clicks. Learn how to generate more quality calls, opportunities, and sales in this webinar.

Steve Griffiths, Vice President of Marketing & Product Strategy, Ifbyphone
Dan Morosi, Senior Marketing Specialist, Blue Fountain Media

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Mel White, Editor, ClickZ Live Global Conference Series

Steve GriffithsSteve Griffiths is responsible for marketing, strategy, and product management at Ifbyphone. He leads a team of content marketers and lead generation experts that utilize call analytics and call management to optimize B2B marketing campaigns.

Dan MorosiDan Morosi is a Senior Marketing Specialist at Blue Fountain Media. He manages the tactical aspects of the Paid Media team while staying up to date with the latest industry developments. He uses paid search and display to promote online and offline growth for clients.

Calls are the New Clicks: How to Beat Competitors on Google and Bing in a Mobile World

Sponsored by Ifbyphone.


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Paid Search 3.0 - Using Call Intelligence to Increase Conversions and Grow Revenue

Date: September 23, 2014
Time: 1:00pm ET

Paid Search is a whole different ball game than it was a couple of years ago. With the ubiquity of smartphones, the omni-channel path to purchase, and Google's ever changing algorithm updates, staying on top of your paid search strategy is hard. Finding ways to improve and beat the competition is even harder.

One proven way to boost paid search results in our mobile world is call intelligence. Yet only a small percentage of marketers leverage call intelligence in their efforts! Be part of that winning % and register for Invoca's webinar: Paid Search 3.0 - Using Call Intelligence to Increase Conversions, Grow Revenue, and Be the Best.

You will learn:

  • The different tools and data available to search marketers for call intelligence
  • Easy tips to drive better quality leads from search
  • How to measure true SEM ROI with the full online to offline picture
  • Real success stories of how brands like QuickenLoans leverage call intelligence to get better paid search ROI

Eric Pearch, Paid Search & Emerging Media, Quicken Loans
Kyle Christensen, VP Marketing, Invoca

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Eric PearchEric Pearch leads the paid search and emerging media team for Quicken Loans, the largest U.S. online retail mortgage lender, and its family of companies. His team manages one of the largest paid search accounts in the nation, focusing on Google AdWords and Bing Ads, as well as supporting landing pages, remarketing and display advertising. Prior to Quicken Loans, Eric worked at a number of advertising agencies where he specialized on digital strategy for many large brands across tech, financial services, retail and automotive.

Kyle ChristensenKyle is a SaaS veteran, having spent over 15 years working in enterprise software. Before Invoca, Kyle was a VP of Marketing at Responsys, a leading cloud platform for cross-channel digital marketing, where he launched the company's mobile product line and drove the growth of the enterprise business up until the company's acquisition by Oracle for $1.5B. Kyle also served in senior strategic product marketing and management roles at Zuora and at where he ran enterprise marketing for and helped launch the Service Cloud line of business. He holds an MBA from the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley and a BS in Engineering from the University of Pennsylvania.

Paid Search 3.0 - Using Call Intelligence to Increase Conversions and Grow Revenue

Sponsored by Invoca.


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How to Plan for Success in Real-time Advertising

Date: August 21, 2014
Time: 1:00pm ET

You've heard that it's possible to drive results and scale with real-time advertising - but how do you build a programmatic plan to achieve the best performance and ROI?

Mel White, Editor, ClickZ Live Global Conference Series

Christina Cubeta, Vice President, Marketing, Quantcast

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In this webinar we will review 5 key questions you should ask prospective display partners when setting up your campaigns.

Register to learn:

  • How to align your display advertising strategy with your business goals
  • Why data is important for real-time advertising, and what to look for in your partners
  • How to ensure that you are reaching your audience through the right channels and platforms

Mel WhiteMelanie White is the Editor of ClickZ, where she has worked since July 2012. White has been with Incisive Media (ClickZ's parent company) since 2009 where she was Deputy Editor/ US Editor for one of the financial risk management titles, International Custody and Fund Administration (later Custody Risk).

In addition, White worked on FX Week where she was a Senior Reporter. She has also worked and contributed to a number of other titles, including The Accountant, International Accounting Bulletin, the New York Post, Independent Magazine (UK), as well as the broadcast title Sunday Live with Adam Boulton at Sky News.

Christina CubetaChristina oversees Quantcast's global marketing strategy and operations, including demand generation, product marketing, PR and communications, recruitment and trade marketing, and corporate branding. Just prior to Quantcast, Christina was Global Director of Marketing and Communications for Omnicom Group's Tribal DDB Worldwide, where she oversaw the company's worldwide communication efforts, spanning over 50 offices in 30 countries, and founded its global marketing and communications network. Under her direction, Tribal DDB successfully rose to market leadership status throughout multiple countries and was the first digital agency named Advertising Age's Global Agency Network of the Year. Christina has been piloting and growing premium, international brands since the start of her career with the luxury fashion brand, Emanuel Ungaro. She holds a B.A. from Muhlenberg College with a double major in Business Administration and Fine Arts, and a minor in Italian studies.

How to Plan for Success in Real-time Advertising

Sponsored by Quantcast.


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How to Adapt to the Changing Landscape of Keyword Searches

Date: Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Time: 1:00pm ET

Over the past year there have been many Google algorithm updates to adapt to changes in users' search behavior and queries. In this webcast, Covario's expert SEO team will analyze example search queries that have been trending down and look at others that are becoming more popular. They will also discuss specific examples of how Covario's Fortune 500 clients have successfully adapted their search strategies to improve results.

Attend this webcast and learn:

  • How to adapt your SEO strategies based on Google updates
  • Trends and examples of specific query types for both B2B and B2C
  • How to apply new search behaviors to your SEO projects
  • How Fortune 500 companies have successfully implemented these strategies, and how you can apply them to your company's website

Cassandra Gucwa, SEO Strategist, Covario
Nikki Lam, SEO Specialist, Covario

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Cassandra GucwaCassandra Gucwa is a SEO Strategist at Covario with B2B and B2C internet marketing experience for Fortune 500 global companies. She has gained strategic and technical knowledge managing successful Search Engine Optimization SEO projects, achieving 1st page results in 30+ countries for highly competitive keywords and search volumes.

Nikki LamNikki Lam is a SEO Specialist at Covario, working across multiple Fortune 500 accounts within the technology industries including ecommerce sites. She assists with managing global SEO projects with seven-figure budgets and multiple team members. She is responsible for contributing to successful online search strategies on a daily basis and educational seminars.

Covario is the world's leading independent search marketing agency. The firm was selected by OMMA as both the 2012 and 2011 Search Agency of the Year. Covario, Inc. is also the parent company of Rio SEO, a leading software provider of enterprise SEO, local search, social media, and content marketing automation tools. Headquartered in San Diego, Covario has more than 250 team members worldwide who are also concentrated in Beijing, Chicago, London, New York, Phoenix, San Francisco, Sao Paulo, Seattle, Singapore, Tokyo, and Toronto. The agency's growing customer base includes world leaders in technology, consumer electronics, retail, ecommerce, financial services, media, entertainment, publishing, and consumer packaged goods. More information is available at

How to Adapt to the Changing Landscape of Keyword Searches

Sponsored by Covario.


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Harness Predictive Power for Personalized Customer Experiences

Date: March 19, 2014
Time: 1:00pm ET

The age of the empowered consumer has forced a shift in the way sellers and marketers acquire new customers and keep them loyal. The ability to capture information from customer interactions regardless of channel, throughout the buying and customer experience cycle is leading to new ways of addressing target segments and improving customer profitability. Analyzing customer interactions provides a 360-degree customer view, giving Sales, Marketing and Customer Service a powerful tool to identify and deliver on customer needs, predict propensity to respond favorably, increase customer loyalty and improve pipeline performance.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How organizations can incorporate all sources of data to develop a 360-degree view of the customer
  • How to develop and use this comprehensive view to address a buyer's needs with precision and efficiency
  • Predict and drive optimal offers to the right contact at the right buying stage, maximizing customer lifetime value

Catherine Frye, Business Analytics Solutions Marketing Manager for Marketing and Customer Service Agendas, IBM
Thom Craver, Vice President, Development and IT, Internet Marketing Ninjas

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Laura RothModerator:
Laura Roth, Head of Content, Interactive Marketing Division, Incisive Media

Catherine Frye16+ years experience in CRM, Business Intelligence, industry and line of business solution development, go to market and market segment management. Catherine Frye joined IBM with the Cognos acquisition. Focus on engaging and supporting our client marketing and customer service departments' adoption of business analytics solutions to help them improve the acquisition, growth and retention of customers, enable ROI-driven decision-making and insure all their customer touch points are personalized and relevant to transform the customer experience.

Thom CraverThom is a seasoned techincal SEO and digital analytics veteran. His current role as VP of Development and IT at Internet Marketing Ninjas includes the improvement of internal processes, leading the creation and refinement of industry-leading tools across multiple brands. Previously he was a premier independent consultant, held a a senior search position at nationally renown TopRank Online Marketing and led all digital web-related technology's at Rochester Institute of Technology's Saunders College of Business. He also led analytics strategy efforts for the university's mobile initiative. Part of the ClickZ Academy faculty, Thom has also taught for several well-respected colleges and universities. He is a regular speaker at ClickZ Live events and is a veteran of TEDx as well.

Harness Predictive Power for Personalized Customer Experiences

Sponsored by IBM.


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PPC Pause and Reflections for 2013

Date: December 12, 2013
Time: 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

2013 was a major turning point in search advertising. With Google's Enhanced Campaigns and Bing's innovative Smart Search capabilities in Windows 8.1, now is a great time to pause, reflect, and plan for the new year. Join Marta Turek from Mediative as she discusses Bing Ads and Google AdWords features of 2013, and Shane Wagg from Search Tactix discussing 10 Bing things worth pondering.

Shane Wagg, CEO & Founder, Search Tactix Inc.
Marta Turek, Group Manager of Performance Media, Mediative

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Marta TurekMarta is the Group Manager of Performance Media at Mediative, specialising in paid search (PPC) account management. She drives PPC strategy on key accounts with multi-million dollar investments. She also ensures PPC projects across the company are meeting KPIs and exceeding client expectations, in addition to identifying opportunities to grow each client's digital footprint. With a background in marketing and economics, Marta has an intuitive understanding of clients' business goals and is adept at identifying the strategic foundation of the project.

Marta is a regular contributor at the SEMPO Vancouver SEM Meetup, presenting on various SEM topics. She also writes frequently for the Mediative Blog where she shares both strategic insights and observations about the industry. Marta started her career in Australia where, as one of the original employees, she helped build a successful SEM agency. She has over 6 years of experience in the SEM industry.

Shane WaggHaving created his first search optimization strategy in 1996, Shane is a "search marketing pioneer", both search and analytics certified, an award-winning digital copywriter and a marketing veteran with over 25 years experience; 17 search marketing specific. He is also the CEO and founder of Search Tactix Inc., one of Canada's foremost independent search marketing agencies; and Canada's most accredited Bing Ads certified agency.

Since that time and having executed over 1,500 search marketing campaigns from paid search, through organic to display, mobile and analytics, Wagg and his team have created success in English, French and Spanish in locations including the United States, Canada, England, Australia and Italy. Along the way, he has provided search marketing strategy services to some of the country's largest advertising agencies, foremost media agencies and Fortune 100 clients.

In addition to industry conference speaking roles throughout North America since 2002, including Toronto's inaugural Search Engine Strategies conference, the AMA (Canada), corporate and collegiate digital days, he is also an accomplished search certification trainer.

Search Tactix Inc., the agency he founded in 2008, provides strategic marketing services informed by search with accountability to reach, relevance, response and results.

PPC Pause and Reflections for 2013

Sponsored by Bing.


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Well, Hello There: Communicating in Your Customer's Language

Date: December 5, 2013
Time: 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

Have you changed the way you communicate with friends and family? Would you rather get 10 text messages than one phone call? Do you start to panic if your mobile phone is out of your sight for more than a second? Is your email inbox where you go to find the latest deals from your favorite brands rather than photos from your neighbor's ski trip (because those are now on Facebook)? While the answers to these questions are probably "yes," as marketers you may not be going through this thought process as you develop your messaging strategies. Simply thinking about how your customers would prefer to hear from you can go a long way in nurturing these relationships - ultimately driving more revenue while also creating lifelong, loyal fans.

Per Caroe, Director, Agency Sales, Silverpop

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In this webinar, Per Caroe, Director of Agency Sales for Silverpop, will address the most common communication challenges marketers face as they attempt to become more personal and relevant and will present the solutions may Silverpop customers have used to overcome them.

Specifically, Per will discuss the following:

  • Tracking digital cues
  • Progressively profiling
  • Capturing information from multiple channels into a single database
  • Actually using all the information you collect

Per CaroePer Caroe is the Director of Agency Sales at Silverpop. His team is focused on expanding Silverpop's reach into agencies throughout North America and evangelizing that behavioral marketing automation is the key to ensuring an agency's strong position in the multi-channel marketing world. Caroe's team is drawn from a diverse group of small, large and specialty agency and agency suppliers who understand how agencies work and how to make them successful. For the past nine years, Caroe has spent his career in the marketing space, working with a variety of email service providers. Prior to that, he was the Director of Marketing for several firms including the first online streaming company to deliver a full-length film online. Additionally, he served as a VP at an international PR firm and worked for CBS in New York, as well as various early streaming media firms. Caroe works out of San Francisco with his wife and three sons.

Silverpop is the only digital marketing technology provider that unifies marketing automation, email, mobile, and social. Its customers achieve superior Return on Relationship by uniquely engaging each individual based on their behaviors and then automating personalized experiences that increase revenue, improve ROI, and deepen brand loyalty. Silverpop's commitment is to offer a platform that is complete, not complex-so that marketers from any size organization can easily achieve digital marketing success.
Well, Hello There: Communicating in Your Customer's Language

Sponsored by Silverpop.


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A Whole Slew Of Link Building Strategies

Date: December 3, 2013
Time: 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

Link building works! It fuels your SEO and gives rankings. But what are you going to do to get your links? In this webcast, Page One Power CEO and VP of Business Development, Jon Ball will hand over 25 of his favorite (and most effective) link building strategies. This is a no-holds barred, fast-moving webcast that gives you the tools you need to develop a successful link building strategy.

Attend this webcast and leave with all the tools you need to implement an effective and successful link building strategy.

Jon Ball, CEO, Page One Power

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Jonathan BallJon was originally trained as a fine portrait photographer at Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara, California. His business sense and marketing prowess propelled his portrait studio to be the most prestigious, successful studio in the state of Idaho for many years. His desire to learn online marketing led him to research SEO to keep his portrait site on page one. He grew tired of portraiture and in a joint venture with his brother opened Page One Power 2009. In late 2010 they decided to pursue link building exclusively. Page One Power now builds links for discriminating clientele all over the globe.

Page One Power is an SEO firm based in Boise, Idaho. It is headed by two brothers, Jon and Zach Ball. Page One Power focuses on customized, white hat link building. They work with a limited number of highly motivated clients who are focused on getting top search engine rankings.

"We're a small firm. We don't have departments and account managers, so our clients work directly with the leadership of the company. Our clients love working with us because of our approach. Of course we get results, too." Jon Ball, Page One Power.

A Whole Slew Of Link Building Strategies

Sponsored by Page One Power.


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Authoring Your Way to the Semantic Web 3.0

Date: November 14, 2013
Time: 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

Businesses and brands are entering an Era of Search that has become more diverse and complex as we all progress to the Web 3.0. Google must both adapt to and mold this more semantic Web in order to understand the underlying search intent, whenever and wherever it occurs. Attend this webinar, as the experts at Covario discuss with Kelley Blue Book, how you can integrate a more robust Organic strategy leveraging together smarter content, Google+, Authorship, Open Graph, Local, and Mobile optimization.

Michael Martin, Organic and Mobile Search Manager, Covario
Elodie Otto, Organic Search Lead, Kelley Blue Book

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Authoring Your Way to the Semantic Web 3.0

Sponsored by Covario.


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Preparing for the Mobile Majority: How to Win When Mobile Matters Most

Date: October 17, 2013
Time: 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

Join Urban Airship's Chief Marketing Officer Brent Hieggelke to discuss what leading companies are doing now to prepare for the inevitable: when mobile is the primary influence on business.

Brent Hieggelke, Chief Marketing Officer, Urban Airship

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For many businesses, we've passed the tipping point. The majority of customers interact with brands on mobile. The majority of revenue is influenced by mobile.

This consumer-driven trend is accelerating, but marketers aren't keeping up. Many react to the mobile revolution by trying to fit a square peg (the old web) in a round hole. Many allocate only a small fraction of total marketing resources to mobile.

This webinar explores the reasons behind - and solutions for - this disconnect, believing that winning brands are constantly learning and evolving in the new mobile marketplace.

In this webinar, we'll cover:

  • Why mobile must be the No. 1 focus for your organization
  • Why apps are the most valuable owned media channel
  • How location and personalization influence your mobile strategies
  • Best practices from global brands making a huge impact with mobile
  • Advanced use cases that no one is taking advantage of - yet.

Brent HieggelkeBrent Hieggelke is the CMO of Urban Airship, which enables the world's top brands to earn and maintain a presence on their customers' mobile devices through mobile relationship management solutions. Previously, he spent a decade helping brands optimize digital marketing initiatives in executive marketing posts at WebTrends, TouchClarity and Omniture. Most recently, Brent started and ran Second Porch, the first Facebook-integrated social vacation rental site sold to HomeAway, Inc. in May 2011. Early in his career, Brent co-founded New City, a media company in Chicago. Brent has been awarded multiple marketing awards, and is a frequent speaker at both marketing and digital conferences.

Preparing for the Mobile Majority: How to Win When Mobile Matters Most

Sponsored by Urban Airship.


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5 Ways Digital Marketing Agencies Use Call Tracking to Grow Their Business

Date: October 15, 2013
Time: 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

How many phone calls does your SEO, PPC, and digital marketing efforts produce? This webinar will explain how marketers are closing the loop on their marketing metrics and using call tracking tools to make more money.

Carlton van Putten, VP of Marketing, LogMyCalls

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This webinar will explain:

  • How digital marketing agencies implement call tracking to prove ROI and get more clients
  • Integrating call tracking with GA, CRMs and other SaaS platforms
  • How agencies reduce attrition with call tracking
  • Using call tracking to optimize Adwords
  • How agencies are incorporating call tracking as a value add and increasing revenue.

Carlton van PuttenCarlton's first management position was as a product manager with Apple before moving into an executive role as VP of Marketing for FOCUS Enhancements, Inc. He later joined Stream International, where as VP of Marketing he applied his product development expertise to help the company grow from $168 million to $320 million in 36 months.

5 Ways Digital Marketing Agencies Use Call Tracking to Grow Their Business

Sponsored by LogMyCalls.


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Link Building FAQ's

Date: October 8, 2013
Time: 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

As a major link building firm we get lots of questions from people working with every conceivable web niche. We've seen and heard it all. In our travels we have detected a pattern in the questions that we get. This webinar will address these questions as well as a 20 minute Q and A.

Jonathan Ball, VP of Business Development, Page One Power

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Some of the questions we'll tackle:

  • What percentage of anchor text should I be going for in a Post-Penguin world?
  • Does authorship matter with link building?
  • How many links should I expect to get with link building?
  • What are the best ways to write an email to get a link?
  • What are the most effective ways to get links?

and many others

Jonathan BallJon was originally trained as a fine portrait photographer at Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara, California. His business sense and marketing prowess propelled his portrait studio to be the most prestigious, successful studio in the state of Idaho for many years. His desire to learn online marketing led him to research SEO to keep his portrait site on page one. He grew tired of portraiture and in a joint venture with his brother opened Page One Power 2009. In late 2010 they decided to pursue link building exclusively. Page One Power now builds links for discriminating clientele all over the globe.

Page One Power is an SEO firm based in Boise, Idaho. It is headed by two brothers, Jon and Zach Ball. Page One Power focuses on customized, white hat link building. They work with a limited number of highly motivated clients who are focused on getting top search engine rankings.

"We're a small firm. We don't have departments and account managers, so our clients work directly with the leadership of the company. Our clients love working with us because of our approach. Of course we get results, too." Jon Ball, Page One Power.

Link Building FAQ's

Sponsored by Page One Power.


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Link Building 102

Date: September 05, 2013
Time: 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

This webinar is a follow up to the wildly popular link building 101 webinar. Link building 101 discussed what link building is and why it matters. Link building 102 will discuss the foundational principles of how to do white hat, sustainable link building and how to begin and execute your first link building campaign. If you enjoyed link building 101 then link building 102 is a must watch.

Jonathan Ball, VP of Business Development, Page One Power

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Jonathan BallJon was originally trained as a fine portrait photographer at Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara, California. His business sense and marketing prowess propelled his portrait studio to be the most prestigious, successful studio in the state of Idaho for many years. His desire to learn online marketing led him to research SEO to keep his portrait site on page one. He grew tired of portraiture and in a joint venture with his brother opened Page One Power 2009. In late 2010 they decided to pursue link building exclusively. Page One Power now builds links for discriminating clientele all over the globe.

Page One Power is an SEO firm based in Boise, Idaho. It is headed by two brothers, Jon and Zach Ball. Page One Power focuses on customized, white hat link building. They work with a limited number of highly motivated clients who are focused on getting top search engine rankings.

"We're a small firm. We don't have departments and account managers, so our clients work directly with the leadership of the company. Our clients love working with us because of our approach. Of course we get results, too." Jon Ball, Page One Power.

Link Building 102

Sponsored by Page One Power.


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The Missing Link - Role of Link Analysis and Content Marketing in Tomorrow's SEO

Date: August 22, 2013
Time: 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

As search engines continue to penalize poor link building techniques what is a marketer to do when it comes to proper link analysis and how can they avoid becoming a casualty of the war against link spam?

Pete Dudchenko, VP of Product Management, Rio SEO
Dixon Jones, Marketing Director, Majestic SEO

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Join Dixon Jones, of Majestic SEO and Pete Dudchenko of Rio SEO as they explore the changing linking landscape over the past year and what role link analysis will continue to have as SEO evolves and search engines update their algorithms.

Pete DudchenkoPete Dudchenko is the VP, Product Management of Rio SEO. Pete originally joined Rio SEO's parent company, Covario, seven years ago at the inception of the company. He has been involved in the entire software development lifecycle. Currently, Pete manages the roadmap and strategic direction for Rio SEO's lineup of software modules and automation tools. He has more than twelve years of software development experience, and has spent the last six years in online marketing and advertising.

Dixon JonesDixon Jones became the Marketing Director of the world's largest link analysis engine, Majestic SEO, in 2009, transforming the SE industry by providing link intelligence on a scale not previously open to the industry. Bringing the technology to the search marketing industry has resulted in two best SEO Technology awards and a user base of thousands from WordTracker to Microsoft. The data provides users with detailed link data from anchor text to crawl date.

He has worked at the forefront of search marketing since 1999, since he set up the UK based search marketing consultancy, Receptional. During that time, Dixon has been a consistent presenter on the search conference circuit all over the world and has helped clients in all sectors - including national papers and international search engines themselves to understand their own search strategy. His consulting clients come from a wide variety of difficult sectors, from travel to gambling.

The Missing Link - Role of Link Analysis and Content Marketing in Tomorrow's SEO

Sponsored by Rio SEO.


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Link Building 101

Date: August 15, 2013
Time: 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

Link Building is a vital part of rankings in SEO yet very few people actually understand why. This webinar is designed to help you, the beginner in SEO, gain a firm grasp on what link building is, what terms you should know and how to do it correctly.

Jonathan Ball, VP of Business Development, Page One Power

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Attendees will learn:

  • What link building is and how it helps with search engine rankings
  • The need to know industry terms
  • A deeper understanding of how search engines rank websites
  • A basic understanding of the fundamentals of link building

Jonathan BallJon was originally trained as a fine portrait photographer at Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara, California. His business sense and marketing prowess propelled his portrait studio to be the most prestigious, successful studio in the state of Idaho for many years. His desire to learn online marketing led him to research SEO to keep his portrait site on page one. He grew tired of portraiture and in a joint venture with his brother opened Page One Power 2009. In late 2010 they decided to pursue link building exclusively. Page One Power now builds links for discriminating clientele all over the globe.

Page One Power is an SEO firm based in Boise, Idaho. It is headed by two brothers, Jon and Zach Ball. Page One Power focuses on customized, white hat link building. They work with a limited number of highly motivated clients who are focused on getting top search engine rankings.

"We're a small firm. We don't have departments and account managers, so our clients work directly with the leadership of the company. Our clients love working with us because of our approach. Of course we get results, too." Jon Ball, Page One Power.

Link Building 101

Sponsored by Page One Power.


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Google Plus Your Organic Strategy or Google Negative Your Rankings and Traffic!

Date: June 20, 2013
Time: 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

During this webinar, SEO experts and thought leaders from Covario will present some findings and thoughts on the changing intersection of Search that is powered by both Google+ and Organic Search Results. Speakers will discuss the importance of Google+, its importance and effect on Google search engine results.

Steve Beatty, SEO Director, Covario
Ryan Fortin, Sr. SEO Strategist, Covario

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Attendees will learn:

  • Benefits of Google + for Organic Search
  • Data Trends for Google Organic Traffic (Term Not Provided)
  • Recipes for Success in Data Testing

Covario is the world's leading independent search marketing agency. The firm was selected by OMMA as both the 2012 and 2011 Search Agency of the Year. Covario, Inc. is also the parent company of Rio SEO, a leading software provider of enterprise SEO, local search, social media, and content marketing automation tools. Headquartered in San Diego, Covario has more than 250 team members worldwide who are also concentrated in Beijing, Chicago, London, New York, Phoenix, San Francisco, Sao Paulo, Seattle, Singapore, Tokyo, and Toronto. The agency's growing customer base includes world leaders in technology, consumer electronics, retail, ecommerce, financial services, media, entertainment, publishing, and consumer packaged goods. More information is available at

Google Plus Your Organic Strategy or Google Negative Your Rankings and Traffic!

Sponsored by Covario.


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Sweet Leads are Made of This: Integrating Social Media with Marketing Automation

Date: June 18, 2013
Time: 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

For many of us it's time to move past social media 101 and on to the next level. When we talk about integrating social with Marketing Automation, we're not just talking about developing and launching social campaigns - we're talking about how to make all your campaigns social. By integrating social media with marketing automation you can deploy a variety of social applications to all the places where you're already touching prospects - from your website and landing pages to your Facebook pages and emails. Integrating social applications into marketing automation also allows tracking, giving you the ability to build a powerful Social CRM database that includes social profiles of individuals, their sharing behavior, and the impact to your bottom line. You can use these insights to strengthen all your lead scoring and nurturing activities.

Jason Miller, Social Media Strategist, Marketo

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Join us for this ground-breaking webinar and discover how to create an automated social engagement strategy that will allow you to:

  • Develop relationships with very early-stage prospects before they even enter your database
  • Build and maintain relationships with known prospects as they educate themselves
  • Support the sales cycle once the buyer engages in a formal buying process with a sales rep
  • Deepen and expand relationships with existing customers and nurturing prospective leads
  • Integrating social applications into your marketing automation strategy

Jason MillerJason Miller is the social media manager at Marketo. He leads Marketo's social media strategy focusing on optimizing social for lead generation and driving revenue. He is a regular contributor to leading marketing blogs such as Social Media Examiner, Social Media Today, and Marketing Profs.

Marketo uniquely provides an easy-to-use, powerful and complete marketing software platform that propels fast-growing small companies and global enterprises alike. Marketo® marketing automation and sales effectiveness software streamlines marketing processes, delivers more campaigns, generates more win-ready leads, and improves sales performance. With proven technology, comprehensive services and expert guidance, Marketo helps thousands of companies around the world turn marketing from a cost center into a revenue driver.

Known for providing breakthrough innovation and fueling growth, in both 2011 and 2012 Marketo received the CRM Market Leaders Awards Winner for Marketing Solutions by CRM Magazine. customers also honored the company with the AppExchange Customer Choice Awards for 2012 in the marketing category.

Sweet Leads are Made of This: Integrating Social Media with Marketing Automation

Sponsored by Marketo.


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Know your Ambiguous Customer: Effective Multi-Channel Tracking

Date: June 5, 2013
Time: 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

In this webinar, attendees will learn why a move from the "batch and blast" email approach enables better conversations with your customers. Companies have a wealth of data within their own walls that enable a better understanding of customer segments, and communicating to those customers with timely, relevant and personal communication will develop a strong, loyal customer base. Register and attend this webinar to learn how to:

Matt Bailey, President, Site Logic Marketing

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  • Leverage segmented communications to create stronger customer relationships
  • Use triggered communication to build customer conversation
  • Identify customer segments and potential profitability

Registrants will also receive a copy of the white paper, "From Abandon to Conversion: Why Shoppers Abandon Carts and What Merchants Can Do About It."

Matt BaileyMatt Bailey is the president and founder of SiteLogic, a website marketing consultancy, and has been training businesses about website marketing since 1997. He speaks at over 30 international conferences, seminars, and training sessions each year. Seminar attendees consistently rave about his conversational, entertaining speaking style and his ability to explain high-level search marketing concepts in a way that even non-techies understand. Bailey is the primary trainer and developer for the Direct Marketing Association's search engine optimization certification program, and the trainer for its two-day website marketing seminar.

Bronto Software provides solutions for retailers and other commerce-focused companies to drive revenue through targeted email and cross-channel marketing. The company serves over 1000 organizations worldwide, including Party City, Armani Exchange, Timex, Samsonite and Trek Bikes. Bronto is a five-time finalist and two-time winner of the Stevie Award for Best Customer Service and was named a CODiE Award Finalist for Best Marketing Solution in 2011 and 2012. Bronto is headquartered in Durham, NC with an office in London, UK. For more information, visit

Know your Ambiguous Customer: Effective Multi-Channel Tracking

Sponsored by Bronto.


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Reach More Customers - Expanding your campaigns and optimizing for Canada

Date: May 22, 2013
Time: 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

If you're looking to expand your geographic online marketing and reach more customers, this free webinar is for you! Ezra Silverton, founder and president of Canada's award winning web design and marketing solutions firm 9th sphere will share what you need to know to successfully expand your online reach. He'll share why you should start in Canada and the market nuances you need to understand to be successful.

Ezra Silverton, President 9th sphere

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At the end of this one-hour session you'll know:

  • Top cultural and localization best practices
  • How to structure your website so you don't lose core U.S. traffic
  • Country and regional nuances between Bing and Google and how to optimize your Canada campaigns for each

Ezra SilvertonEzra Silverton became involved with the World Wide Web in the early 1990s. In 1997, he founded the website services company, 9th sphere, now an award-winning and leading full service firm. Ezra has been interviewed by major television and radio networks, written many articles in well-known publications, as well as presented at industry leading conferences on the topics of website architecture, SEO and other Internet marketing and website best practices. His primary role is that of Website Architect in which he strategically plans website architecture and oversees overall quality assurance. Most of 9th sphere's clients are based in Canada and the US and range from sophisticated ecommerce, business-to-business and service-based organizations. Ezra also writes related articles on 9th sphere's blog at Follow him on Twitter @ezrasilverton

Search advertising with Bing helps you efficiently reach your next best customer - within your budget and with the support you need to get started, optimized, and measure your results.

Reach More Customers - Expanding your campaigns and optimizing for Canada

Sponsored by Bing.


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What Bing Ads is Doing to Increase ROI of Your Time and Your Campaigns

Date: May 16, 2013
Time: 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

Bing Ads acknowledges many customers have to find additional time and budget to run campaigns on the Yahoo! Bing Network. We appreciate the investment and will take this opportunity to review objectives we are working on to increase ROI of your time spent and your budget spending in Bing Ads.

Ping Jen, Product Manager, Microsoft Advertising and Publisher Solutions

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  • Simplifying the onboarding process
  • Enabling advertisers to set up and optimize campaigns with ease
  • Providing timely campaigns performance feedback

Ping JenPing Jen is a Product Manager on the Microsoft Advertiser and Publisher Solutions Team. He has a passion for driving improvements into adCenter that help advertisers optimize their campaigns that increase relevancy and competitiveness in the marketplace.

Prior to joining Microsoft in 2009, Ping worked as a Business Manager at Mayfield Clinic at Cincinnati, OH. Ping holds a MBA degree from the University of Notre Dame and he is a Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD).

What Bing Ads is Doing to Increase ROI of Your Time and Your Campaigns

Sponsored by Bing.


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One Ring to Rule Them All: How Vendors are Delivering Convergence Analytics

Date: May 14, 2013
Time: 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

Marketers are looking for Convergence Analytics solutions that help them see and interact with all their data in one place: the digital equivalent of "one ring to rule them all". New tools in the market today combine data from web, mobile, social, demographics, seasonality, campaign, cost center and sales center sources; and allow the marketer to visualize them in dynamic dashboards to for real-time analytics and predictive forecasting.

Pelin Thorogood, CEO, Anametrix

Andrew Edwards, Co-founder, Efectyv Marketing

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You'll learn:

  • Why Convergence Analytics is radically changing the digital marketing universe
  • How Convergence Analytics applications collect, analyze and visualize data from multiple channels
  • How tools like Anametrix enable marketers to discover new new insights

Pelin ThorogoodPelin Thorogood is a new media marketing and analytics expert, recognized for her leadership in both venture-backed startups and public companies. Her career as a high-tech innovator includes leading the go-to-market strategy as CMO of WebSideStory (acquired by Omniture/Adobe), extending Peregrine Systems' enterprise software business (acquired by HP) into web-based applications, and, in the mid 90s, launching one of the very first mobile B2B applications. Since the WebSideStory acquisition, Pelin has been involved with several cloud-based technology leaders and new media companies either as advisor or board member, including InsideView, InboundWriter, Limelight Networks, Technology Leaders, and Online Marketing Institute. In both 2011 and 2012, she was named one of the "20 Women to Watch" in sales lead management. Pelin holds a BS in Operations Research, Masters in Engineering, and MBA degrees, all from Cornell University, where she also serves as Executive-in-Residence for the Johnson Graduate School of Management.

Andrew EdwardsAndrew Edwards has been a pioneer in the digital space since the 1980s. He coined the phrase "Convergence Analytics" in 2012. In March of 2013 he launched the industry's first Convergence Analytics Report at the SES Conference in New York. In the 1980s, Andrew introduced desktop publishing to the Yellow Pages, and in the 1990s he helped create "interactive television" with AT&T;, taught advanced computer graphics at New York's Pratt Institute; and founded Renaissance Multimedia where he launched web sites for SoBe Beverage and Canon Digital Video. In 1998 he was awarded Deloitte and Touche's National Fast 500 Award. Today he is one of the most senior thought-leaders in the digital analytics space and a regular columnist for ClickZ (Incisive Media). Edwards is a founder and former board member of the Digital Analytics Association (DAA), as well as a managing partner at Technology Leaders where he has provided digital analytics expertise to numerous F500 companies.

Anametrix transforms marketing by collecting, analyzing and making sense of multi-channel data in real-time. Anametrix delivers 360-degree visibility into customer data to uncover new trends and hidden correlations, explore new relationships, and deliver a bigger and more predictable impact on revenue.

One Ring to Rule Them All: How Vendors are Delivering Convergence Analytics

Sponsored by Anametrix.


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Engagement Marketing: Creating Conversations That Cut Through the Noise

Date: May 9, 2013
Time: 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

Your prospects have their marketing shields up. How do you, as a marketer, cut through the noise and engage potential customers? The answer is though engagement marketing, which fosters direct relationships with prospects and customers through "dialogue." In order for a dialogue to occur, however, marketers must not only "speak" to individuals, but they must also be able to effectively "listen." Much like a conversation, this two-way communication is not easily ignored, and is typically more effective at building direct relationships with your prospects and customers alike.

Mike Berger, Director of Product Marketing, Marketo

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Join us for an eye-opening webinar on this increasingly relevant marketing topic, and learn how to use these techniques for more effective, engaging marketing. We'll explore:

  • What engagement marketing is
  • How dialogues are created
  • The importance of taking the dialogue across channels
  • The unique benefits of engagement marketing
  • Examples of engagement marketing at work

Marketo uniquely provides an easy-to-use, powerful and complete marketing software platform that propels fast-growing small companies and global enterprises alike. Marketo® marketing automation and sales effectiveness software streamlines marketing processes, delivers more campaigns, generates more win-ready leads, and improves sales performance. With proven technology, comprehensive services and expert guidance, Marketo helps thousands of companies around the world turn marketing from a cost center into a revenue driver.

Known for providing breakthrough innovation and fueling growth, in both 2011 and 2012 Marketo received the CRM Market Leaders Awards Winner for Marketing Solutions by CRM Magazine. customers also honored the company with the AppExchange Customer Choice Awards for 2012 in the marketing category.

Engagement Marketing: Creating Conversations That Cut Through the Noise

Sponsored by Marketo.


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Behind the Backlinks - Why They Rank

Date: April 18, 2013
Time: 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

The Page One Power research department picked a random keyword and did extensive research into the backlinks for the top three results.

Our team initially used popular research tools, and then they transited to human reviewers for the project. The analysis took over 120 hours to complete. Our researchers looked into the quality of their links, including relevance, Domain Authority and other key factors that indicate why the top three search results hold their current positions.

Jonathan Ball, VP of Business Development, Page One Power

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Join Jon Ball as he walks you through the data and key takeaways from this important research.

Key takeaways:

  • The actual number of links required to rank highly for a lucrative keyword
  • The amount of spam compared to the actual links found in these backlink portfolios
  • How the factor of relevance plays an important role in the rankings

Jonathan BallJon was originally trained as a fine portrait photographer at Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara, California. His business sense and marketing prowess propelled his portrait studio to be the most prestigious, successful studio in the state of Idaho for many years. His desire to learn online marketing led him to research SEO to keep his portrait site on page one. He grew tired of portraiture and in a joint venture with his brother opened Page One Power 2009. In late 2010 they decided to pursue link building exclusively. Page One Power now builds links for discriminating clientele all over the globe.

Page One Power is an SEO firm based in Boise, Idaho. It is headed by two brothers, Jon and Zach Ball. Page One Power focuses on customized, white hat link building. They work with a limited number of highly motivated clients who are focused on getting top search engine rankings.

"We're a small firm. We don't have departments and account managers, so our clients work directly with the leadership of the company. Our clients love working with us because of our approach. Of course we get results, too." Jon Ball, Page One Power.

Behind the Backlinks - Why They Rank

Sponsored by Page One Power.


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Buyer 2.0: Account-Based Marketing and the Modern B2B Buyer

Date: April 16, 2013
Time: 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

Recent research from Google has indicated that buyers are generally at least 60% through the sales process before identifying themselves to a seller. How do you best identify, engage, and influence the buyer you cannot see? Which website visitors are most likely to become customers? The self-guided tactics of "Buyer 2.0" have many B2B marketing and sales organizations on their heels - but the reality is that the evolved buying cycle should be welcomed as an opportunity to retire the resource-intensive, hit-or-miss sales and marketing models of old and replace them with the proactive, precision-guided engagement efforts which the new B2B buyer is looking for today.

Laura Roth, Senior Conference Manager, SES Conference & Expo

Carlos Hidalgo, President and Principal, ANNUITAS
Jason Stewart, Director of Marketing, Demandbase

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Join us in the webinar as we discuss:

  • The definition of Buyer 2.0 and what it means to the B2Bs trying to adapt to it
  • Understanding the roles of the buyers, influencers and decision makers at the accounts you sell to
  • Strategies to understand account-level engagement with your brand and your content
  • How to retarget and remarket to the companies that matter

Carlos Hidalgo, President and Principal, ANNUITAS
Carlos is a known thought leader in B2B marketing for his keen insights on the development and implementation of lead management process, and is also a recognized expert in marketing automation. Most recently, Carlos was named a 2011 Who's Who in BtoB Marketing. Additionally, Carlos has been recognized three years in a row (2009 �¢ï¿½ï¿½ 2011) by SLMA's 50 Most Influential People in Sales Lead Management. Prior to The Annuitas Group, Carlos was responsible for global SMB marketing at BMC Software and held similar roles at other various B2B companies including McAfee and Staffware, as well as Bertram, McKee & Associates, an independent marketing firm, where he was instrumental in delivering strategic marketing, lead management, generation and database development programs for Microsoft, IBM, HP and Avnet. Carlos received his bachelor's degree in business communications from Cedarville University in Ohio.

Jason Stewart, Director of Marketing, Demandbase
Jason Stewart leads content marketing efforts at Demandbase, but has been involved in B2B demand generation for more than 13 years at both private and public companies. Jason was recently named one of marketing automaton's key influencers in Marketo's definitive guide to Marketing Automation, and was one of the inaugural nominees for the Content Marketing Institute's Orange Awards for content marketing excellence. Jason founded and leads the San Francisco User Group.

Laura Roth, Senior Conference Manager, SES Conference & Expo
Laura RothLaura Roth heads up content for the SES Conference and Expo series in North America and Europe, and is responsible for programming the SES agendas and speaker acquisition. She is also a content advisor to the SES team in Asia for events in that region. Laura is a resident blogger for SES and regularly moderates ClickZ webinars and sessions at SES conferences. Before joining SES, Laura worked for three years in Incisive Media's London office, programming content for conferences, exhibitions, and seminars across various portfolios including information, publishing, HR, and legal events. She has also managed social media marketing campaigns for several event brands, and currently works closely with the marketing team on the SES Social Media strategy.

Demandbase is the first targeting and personalization platform for B2B, transforming the effectiveness of marketing programs and marketing's ability to impact revenue. While personalization tools have long existed for B2C, until now, none were geared specifically to enable B2B marketers to make online interactions more effective, delivering the right message at the right time. Without the use of cookies, Demandbase's patented identification technology bridges the gap between known and anonymous web visitors by identifying and segmenting the companies visiting a website, and providing detailed, targetable business attributes in real-time. The Demandbase platform includes Company-Targeted Advertising, Website and Conversion Optimization modules, and Sales intelligence tools that integrate with other sales and marketing technologies to deliver unique intelligence about web visitors, and better attract, convert and retain the right customers. Enterprise leaders and high-growth companies alike use Demandbase to drive better marketing performance. For more information, visit

Buyer 2.0: Account-Based Marketing and the Modern B2B Buyer

Sponsored by Demandbase.


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How to Optimize Your Social Channels for Lead Gen

Date: April 11, 2013
Time: 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

Social media is vital for branding and generating buzz, but are your social channels generating leads? In this session, you'll discover proven tactics and strategies for turning your social presence into a lead generating machine. Jason Miller from Marketo will show you why inbound alone is not enough, how to successfully apply the "4-1-1 Rule" of social engagement, how to utilize visual content across your social channels, why social signals matter and the power of advocacy for lead generation.

Jason Miller, Social Media Strategist, Marketo

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Marketo uniquely provides an easy-to-use, powerful and complete marketing software platform that propels fast-growing small companies and global enterprises alike. Marketo® marketing automation and sales effectiveness software streamlines marketing processes, delivers more campaigns, generates more win-ready leads, and improves sales performance. With proven technology, comprehensive services and expert guidance, Marketo helps thousands of companies around the world turn marketing from a cost center into a revenue driver.

Known for providing breakthrough innovation and fueling growth, in both 2011 and 2012 Marketo received the CRM Market Leaders Awards Winner for Marketing Solutions by CRM Magazine. customers also honored the company with the AppExchange Customer Choice Awards for 2012 in the marketing category.

How to Optimize Your Social Channels for Lead Gen

Sponsored by Marketo.


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Efficient and Effective: Automating Efforts Target, Acquire and Convert the Right Prospects

Date: April 4, 2013
Time: 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

Today, each and every customer and prospective customer wants to be marketed to as an individual - not simply part of an audience segment. How in the world can marketers stay ahead of the game when it feels like the rules are always changing? To effectively deliver this highly personal experience that today's more savvy and self-educated buyer demands, marketers must become more automated. The good news is, it will increase your efficiency while also driving results and revenue.

Dave Faupel, VP of Marketing Communications, Silverpop

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In this webinar, Dave Faupel, vice president of marketing communications with Silverpop will give real life examples of how marketers can rise to the challenge - continually tweaking their programs in order to increase revenue and prove ROI. Key topics covered will include lead generation and conversion tactics, best practices for leveraging automation, and tips for demonstrating ROI.

Dave FaupelDave Faupel, vice president of marketing at Silverpop, has more than 20 years of experience in marketing, public relations and corporate communications. He is responsible for all aspects of marketing communications at Silverpop, including corporate communications, lead generation and customer marketing. His team is comprised of hands on experts of Silverpop Engage, using the digital marketing technology to develop campaigns and communicate with prospects and customers. Before joining Silverpop, Dave spent several years working in healthcare marketing and also has experience working with large PR and marketing agencies.

Silverpop is the only digital marketing technology provider that unifies marketing automation, email, mobile, and social. Its customers achieve superior Return on Relationship by uniquely engaging each individual based on their behaviors and then automating personalized experiences that increase revenue, improve ROI, and deepen brand loyalty. Silverpop's commitment is to offer a platform that is complete, not complex-so that marketers from any size organization can easily achieve digital marketing success.

Efficient and Effective: Automating Efforts Target, Acquire and Convert the Right Prospects

Sponsored by Silverpop.


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Women's Fashion Retailer Grows Online Traffic by 250% with Rio SEO Local

Date: March 14, 2013
Time: 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

Learn how Women's Fashion Retailer Charming Charlie increased Online Traffic by 250% with Rio SEO Local and saved money at the same time!

With over 300 retail stores, and more on the way, Charming Charlie's, is an award-winning fashion accessories retailer. Known for a one-of-a-kind source of style they've been helping women find their fabulous fashion accessories since 2004.

Anna Lee, Conference Producer, SES Conference & Expo

Rand Schulman, Independent Consultant, Digital Marketing Executive
Bill Connard, VP Local Search Solutions, Rio SEO
Kim LaFleur, VP eCommerce, Charming Charlie

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  • In this webinar, hosted by well known industry executive, Rand Schulman, you will hear how Charming Charlie's was able to create local landing pages for each store location in record time, and with great search results!
  • Bill Connard, VP of Local Search and platform architect, will describe how Rio's Automated Local Search works to drive foot traffic to multi-location businesses
  • Also, you will learn from industry star, Kim LaFleur VP eCommerce, Charming Charlie's, how she was able to see dramatic and measureable results in a short time frame with her current recourses.

Rand SchulmanRand helped create an industry - inventing brand name online marketing, new media and web analytics products from benchmark companies such as; Keylime Software, WebSideStory, WebTrends, Unica, and In 2005 he was named one of the Top 100 BtoB marketing executives by BtoB Magazine and is a founder and past Board Member of the Web Analytics Association and the Direct Marketing Educational Foundation. He has helped lead two companies through successful IPO as CMO as well a three private company exits. Rand is regularly tapped to advise a number of Investment Banks, Private Equity and VC firms about sector shifts and opportunities in new media, marketing and Analytics and is Executive-in-Residence for New Marketing and Media at University of the Pacific and a partner in Evectyv Marketing.

Bill ConnardBill Connard, VP of Local Search @ Rio SEO: Previously, he was the founder and CEO of Top Local Search, Inc., of San Diego, which was acquired by Rio SEO in May 2012. Bill is a serial entrepreneur and successful business executive with expertise in database management, search engine optimization and web site programming. He has many years of experience building and developing multi-location distribution channels and partnerships.

Kim LaFleurKim LaFleur, VP of eCommerce @ Charming Charlie: A proven executive manager with a strong technical background; deep expertise in product management, marketing, and merchandising; and general account and relationship management skills; all within the consumer and B2B software and internet industry. Held executive management positions at established Fortune 500 & publicly traded companies as well as start-up environments.

Rio SEO's award winning, patented automation software appeals to in-house marketers and digital agencies with SEO Automation, Local Search, and Social Media ROI Reporting Solutions.

Women's Fashion Retailer Grows Online Traffic by 250% with Rio SEO Local

Sponsored by Rio SEO.


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The Ten Step Guide to Creating Your Multi-Channel Marketing Strategy

Date: March 12, 2013
Time: 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

With so many choices, channels and constraints how do you prioritize your budgets and resources to maximize the impact of your interactive marketing?

Thom Craver, Technical SEO and Analytics Consultant

Robin Neifield, CEO, NetPlus Marketing

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This webinar will cover how to:

  • Get buy in from key stakeholders
  • Construct concurrent or consecutive programs so they support and enhance each other
  • Prioritize efforts across channels based on what really matters
  • Separate test budgets from working budgets
  • Develop and execute actionable dashboards
  • Deciding which channels make sense for the audience and content
  • Robin NeifieldRobin is the CEO and cofounder of NetPlus Marketing Inc., a top 50 interactive agency established in 1996 to focus exclusively on online marketing and advertising best practices. Robin brings innovative strategy and a depth and breadth of marketing experience to the agency's practice and management. As one of the industry's pioneers, she is a driving force behind NetPlus Marketing's ongoing success with a diverse and discerning client base that considers online results critical to their business success.

    Robin is a frequent speaker at national industry events, including ClickZ,, OMMA, Ad:Tech, SES, Online Marketing Summit, and Thunder Lizard conferences and is a sought-after resource for industry and business publications for her insight and advice on such topics as digital strategy, social media marketing, and behavioral targeting.

    Bronto Software provides solutions for retailers and other commerce-focused companies to drive revenue through targeted email and cross-channel marketing. The company serves over 1000 organizations worldwide, including Party City, Armani Exchange, Timex, Samsonite and Trek Bikes. Bronto is a five-time finalist and two-time winner of the Stevie Award for Best Customer Service and was named a CODiE Award Finalist for Best Marketing Solution in 2011 and 2012. Bronto is headquartered in Durham, NC with an office in London, UK. For more information, visit

The Ten Step Guide to Creating Your Multi-Channel Marketing Strategy

Sponsored by Bronto.


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What's New in Link Building for 2013

Date: February 27, 2013
Time: 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

In the last 12 months link building has evolved more than it did for the previous 5 years thanks to Google and the other search engines updating their rules.

However, what hasn't changed is the goal of a successful link building campaign; great links that make a difference in search engine rankings.

Jonathan Ball, VP of Business Development, Page One Power

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Jon Ball from Page One Power has helped website owners from every imaginable niche develop a steady flow of great inbound links to increase their organic search rankings. He will share some techniques he has used for successful link building as well as some insight into what to expect in 2013.

Join Digital Marketing Depot and Page One Power for a webcast on Link Building 101 and learn:

  • What is compulsory for quality link building
  • What has changed in the last 12 months
  • Key Elements for Link Building in 2013

Jon Ball, from Page One Power, will begin with a short presentation covering various link building techniques, then get into the nitty-gritty of page rankings and the "how-to's" of safe, effective link building. Then we will offer and extended LIVE Q&A.; So don't miss your opportunity to ask your link building question LIVE.

Jonathan BallJonathan Ball is the VP of business development at Page One Power. Page One Power is a SEO link building firm that specializes in developing high quality links that generate traffic and rankings for their clients. He is an expert at research and implementation of highly effective link building strategies for clients all over the world.

Page One Power is a SEO firm located in Boise Idaho. It is headed by two brothers, Jon and Zach Ball. Page One Power focuses on customized, white hat SEO. They work with a limited number of highly motivated clients who are focused on getting top search engine rankings.

"We're a small firm. We don't have departments and account managers so our clients work directly with the leadership of the company. Because of this our clients love working with us. Of course we get results too." Jon Ball, Page One Power.

What's New in Link Building for 2013

Sponsored by Page One Power.


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Harnessing Actionable Data to Improve Your Marketing

Date: January 29, 2013
Time: 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

Measurement, analysis and ROI are three of the hottest topics in digital marketing today and all three of these topics center around translating data into actionable information. Digital marketing provides brands with an unprecedented opportunity to discover information about their consumers, competitors and marketing activities. But the data and information is only half of the equation. The second half is what you do with it and how information is translated into action.

Laura Roth, Conference Program & Training Manager, SES Conference & Expo

Krista Neher, CEO, Boot Camp Digital

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Join us for this session where we'll discuss how leading brands are using data to better understand their consumers, competitors and the effectiveness of their marketing. "Big Data" isn't just a tech-term - learn what "Big Data" really means and how it can be harnessed to advance your marketing.

AdRadar enables marketers and advertisers to optimize their campaigns and deliver bottom line growth through actionable, competitive business intelligence and analysis. Providing near real-time insights on over 1.48 million brands across more than 7,587 on and offline outlets, easily uncover strategic opportunities, threats, and more.

Harnessing Actionable Data to Improve Your Marketing

Sponsored by AdRadar.


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Pardon the Disruption: Human Insights into How Tech Disrupts Marketing

Date: January 23, 2013
Time: 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

An influx of new technologies has changed marketing forever. But in the process of changing our business, we've forgotten about the very thing that makes our business possible—the customer. How did this happen? And more importantly, how do we fix the problem?

Please join us for Idea Shift: Human Insights into How Tech Disrupts Marketing, a discussion of our recent research into the dynamics among people, technology and marketing.

Christian Kugel, VP, Consumer Analytics & Research, AOL

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Christian Kugel oversees the market research and sales research teams at AOL. He is responsible for infusing the voice of the consumer throughout the organization and developing new advertising ROI solutions. By managing all primary quantitative and qualitative research at AOL, Christian's team delivers salient consumer and marketplace insights to the sales, product and content organizations.

Prior to AOL, Kugel was SVP, Strategy & Innovation at VivaKi, where he worked with senior leadership to navigate new data and research challenges posed by emerging media.

He transitioned to VivaKi from one of its agencies, Denuo, where he was a member of the management team. He created Socialight, Denuo's proprietary research and consulting tool that measures the degree and influence of conversations and recommendations among groups of consumers. Deployed internationally, Socialight was used to uncover insights on over 100 brands.

Before joining Denuo, Kugel was an Account Group Director at Millward Brown, where he managed multi-national research initiatives for blue chip technology clients. Prior to joining Millward Brown, Kugel was Director of Digital Insights & Analytics at Starcom. During his tenure with Starcom, he established and grew the Insights & Analytics function and led the development of proprietary agency tools.

Christian is a regular speaker at international marketing events, and was named an 'Agency Innovator' by Internationalist Magazine. His work with Socialight resulted in him winning the 'Most Innovative Research' award by the Word of Mouth Marketing Association, and he was nominated for the prestigious ESOMAR John & Mary Goodyear Award for best international research.

AOL is a brand company, committed to continuously innovating, growing, and investing in brands and experiences that inform, entertain, and connect the world. The home of a world-class collection of premium brands, AOL creates original content that engages audiences on a local and global scale. We help marketers connect with these audiences through effective and engaging digital advertising solutions.

Pardon the Disruption: Human Insights into How Tech Disrupts Marketing

Sponsored by AOL Inc.


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How to Build Links, Get Rankings and Stay Out of Trouble!

Date: December 19, 2012
Time: 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

Link Building done correctly will drive up rankings and traffic. But how do you do white hat link building that actually works?

Join Jon Ball and learn:

  • Effective link building strategies
  • Reasonable and effective keyword and URL strategies in link building
  • What types of links are most likely to help your rankings
  • How to pursue a consistent linking strategy that will survive and last over time

Jonathan Ball, VP of Business Development, Page One Power

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Jon Ball, from Page One Power, will begin with a short presentation covering various link building techniques, then get into the nitty-gritty of page rankings and the "how-to's" of safe, effective link building. Then we will offer and extended LIVE Q&A.; So don't miss your opportunity to ask your link building question LIVE.

Jonathan BallJonathan Ball is the VP of business development at Page One Power. Page One Power is a SEO link building firm that specializes in developing high quality links that generate traffic and rankings for their clients. He is an expert at research and implementation of highly effective link building strategies for clients all over the world

Page One Power is a SEO firm located in Boise Idaho. It is headed by two brothers, Jon and Zach Ball. Page One Power focuses on customized, white hat SEO. They work with a limited number of highly motivated clients who are focused on getting top search engine rankings.

"We're a small firm. We don't have departments and account managers so our clients work directly with the leadership of the company. Because of this our clients love working with us. Of course we get results too." Jon Ball, Page One Power.

How to Build Links, Get Rankings and Stay Out of Trouble!

Sponsored by Page One Power.


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Get Smart - She's More than a Mom: Reaching Moms with meaningful content

Date: December 11, 2012
Time: 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

Moms are consuming and sharing content online at exciting rates. Did you know that Moms are online every day and spend nearly 1.5 hours each day with content?* And, did you know at AOL, over 73% of our Moms are sharing online content every month?** Knowing what busy lives Moms lead, this is a considerable amount of time for them to spend with digital content. So, what content are Moms sharing and consuming online?
*Source: comscore, Q3 2012 (W18+ with Kids in HH)
**Source: AOL Internal Data, August 2011

Mike Grehan, Group Publishing Director, Interactive, SES, Search Engine Watch, ClickZ

Lisa Mathison, Marketing Strategy Director, Audiences & Content, AOL Inc.
Vicki Draper, Senior Manager, Consumer Analytics & Research Group, AOL Inc.

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We know not all Moms are created equal and neither are their content needs. Join AOL's Lisa Mathison and Vicki Draper as they take you through AOL's latest research on moms, completed in partnership with Bovitz Research Group. Learn about the 7 distinct archetypes of Moms and the content that they seek online. Understand how brands can deliver content that is more meaningful to the moms they want to reach.

Mike GrehanMike Grehan is the Group Publishing Director at Incisive Media, for Interactive, SES, Search Engine Watch and ClickZ. Previously, he worked as a search marketing consultant with a number of international agencies, handling global clients such as SAP and Motorola. Recognized as a leading search marketing expert, Grehan came online in 1995 and is the author of numerous books and white papers on the subject. He is chair of the SES advisory board and in March 2012 was elected as President of SEMPO.

Lisa MathisonAs Marketing Strategy Director of Audiences and Content at AOL, Inc. Lisa Mathison is responsible for understanding and communicating the value that AOL brings to the multitude of audiences that visit their sites each day. Identifying the intersection between AOL and Moms, and the resulting value it brings to brands, is a key focus at AOL and one that Lisa knows well. After leading Media Strategy and Buying over the past 10 years for CPG and Retail accounts, Lisa has become an expert in detecting and creating meaningful opportunities for brands looking to connect with Moms on the web.

Vicki DraperVicki Draper is a senior manager in the Consumer Analytics & Research Group, executing primary consumer research to aid sales and product teams across AOL, including in-depth research on a variety of topics including women & moms, mobile, and sales verticals such as retail and CPG . Prior to AOL, Vicki was at Insight Research Group, conducting research for high profile media clients like Nickelodeon and Warner Brothers. Vicki holds a BS in Marketing & Hotel Management from Cornell University and an MBA from Columbia University.

AOL is a brand company, committed to continuously innovating, growing, and investing in brands and experiences that inform, entertain, and connect the world. The home of a world-class collection of premium brands, AOL creates original content that engages audiences on a local and global scale. We help marketers connect with these audiences through effective and engaging digital advertising solutions.

Get Smart - She's More than a Mom: Reaching Moms with meaningful content

Sponsored by AOL Inc.


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Get Smart - The New Channel Surfing: Consumer Shopping Behaviors & The Evolving Retail Landscape

Date: December 5, 2012
Time: 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

The retail landscape has undergone massive change at a rapid pace and continues to evolve. Join Retail Marketing Strategy and Consumer Research Managers from AOL to discuss today's shoppers and how their media consumption and shopping behaviors are driving many of the changes in the retail category. We'll highlight current market trends, recent AOL research, and what retail marketers will want to consider to ensure that they are adapting their strategy to these evolving trends.

Mike Grehan, Group Publishing Director, Interactive, SES, Search Engine Watch, ClickZ

Shawnaa Pate Bilotti, Manager, Marketing Strategy, AOL Inc.
Vicki Draper, Senior Manager, Consumer Analytics & Research Group, AOL Inc.
Sona Patel, Manager, Consumer Analytics & Research Group, AOL Inc.

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Mike GrehanMike Grehan is the Group Publishing Director at Incisive Media, for Interactive, SES, Search Engine Watch and ClickZ. Previously, he worked as a search marketing consultant with a number of international agencies, handling global clients such as SAP and Motorola. Recognized as a leading search marketing expert, Grehan came online in 1995 and is the author of numerous books and white papers on the subject. He is chair of the SES advisory board and in March 2012 was elected as President of SEMPO.

Shawnaa BilottiAs Marketing Strategy Manager at AOL, Shawnaa Bilotti develops B2B marketing strategies for AOL Advertising specializing in the Retail category. She previously worked as a Sales Development Manager working on custom programs for top Retail and CPG clients. Prior to AOL, Shawnaa held roles at Time Inc, OMD and Starcom working on integrated marketing campaigns across digital and print media for a variety of Fortune 100 clients and categories. Shawnaa holds BAs in Anthropology and Italian Language and Culture from the University of Tennessee and completed a post-graduate Integrated Marketing program at the University of Chicago.

Vicki DraperVicki Draper is a senior manager in the Consumer Analytics & Research Group, executing primary consumer research to aid sales and product teams across AOL, including in-depth research on a variety of topics including women & moms, mobile, and sales verticals such as retail and CPG . Prior to AOL, Vicki was at Insight Research Group, conducting research for high profile media clients like Nickelodeon and Warner Brothers. Vicki holds a BS in Marketing & Hotel Management from Cornell University and an MBA from Columbia University.

Sona PatelSona Patel is a manager in the Consumer Analytics & Research Group, where she oversees research to prove the value of advertising on AOL through a variety of resources including primary, syndicated, and custom research. Prior to AOL, Sona worked as an analyst at InsightExpress, conducting advertising effectiveness studies within the digital space. Sona has a BA in Economics and Political Science from the University of Chicago and an MBA from the University of Michigan.

AOL is a brand company, committed to continuously innovating, growing, and investing in brands and experiences that inform, entertain, and connect the world. The home of a world-class collection of premium brands, AOL creates original content that engages audiences on a local and global scale. We help marketers connect with these audiences through effective and engaging digital advertising solutions.

Get Smart - The New Channel Surfing: Consumer Shopping Behaviors & The Evolving Retail Landscape

Sponsored by AOL Inc.


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Get Smart - Seven Shades of Mobile: The New Rules of Mobile Marketing

Date: November 27, 2012
Time: 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

A groundbreaking study from AOL delivers surprising insights into mobile behavior.

Mobile advertising has been hailed as the future of advertising - the holy grail of location-based personalized ad experiences. Then why is there such a divide between mobile consumer usage and mobile ad spend? Using pioneering research methods, AOL has uncovered several insights that run counter to the traditional view of how smartphones are used, unveiling an entirely new structure for how marketers should be thinking about mobile.

Vicki Draper, Senior Manager, Consumer Analytics & Research Group, AOL Inc.

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Digging deep into mobile user motivations, the research looked at not just "what" people are doing with their smartphones but "why." The results uncovered seven different "shades" or motivations of mobile. The biggest one? Me Time. Me Time accounts for almost half (46%) of all smartphone app and website motivation, averaging 864 minutes per month per user*. And more significantly for marketers, Me Time occurs at home. It's time to rethink your mobile strategy.


Vicki DraperVicki Draper is a senior manager in the Consumer Analytics & Research Group, executing primary consumer research to aid sales and product teams across AOL, including in-depth research on a variety of topics including women & moms, mobile, and sales verticals such as retail and CPG . Prior to AOL, Vicki was at Insight Research Group, conducting research for high profile media clients like Nickelodeon and Warner Brothers. Vicki holds a BS in Marketing & Hotel Management from Cornell University and an MBA from Columbia University.

AOL is a brand company, committed to continuously innovating, growing, and investing in brands and experiences that inform, entertain, and connect the world. The home of a world-class collection of premium brands, AOL creates original content that engages audiences on a local and global scale. We help marketers connect with these audiences through effective and engaging digital advertising solutions.

Get Smart - Seven Shades of Mobile: The New Rules of Mobile Marketing

Sponsored by AOL Inc.


View On Demand

Link Building 101 - What is it and why does it matter?

Date: November 1, 2012
Time: 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

At the end of this session the attendee will:

  • Be able to explain why inbound links are vital to SEO
  • Understand the important factors of a inbound link and what to look for
  • Know the basic principles of conducting an effective and link building campaign
  • Be able to intelligently discuss link building

Jon Ball, Co-Owner, Page One Power

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Page One Power is a SEO firm located in Boise Idaho. It is headed by two brothers, Jon and Zach Ball. Page One Power focuses on customized, white hat SEO. They work with a limited number of highly motivated clients who are focused on getting top search engine rankings.

"We're a small firm. We don't have departments and account managers so our clients work directly with the leadership of the company. Because of this our clients love working with us. Of course we get results too." Jon Ball, Page One Power.

Link Building 101 - What is it and why does it matter?

Sponsored by Page One Power.


View On Demand

Guaranteeing Holiday Sales for Online Retailers

Date: October 9, 2012
Time: 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT

Before you look up Holiday shopping season has arrived. Have you already done everything you can do, to be ready to convert those website visitors? How about for converting those potential buyers engaging with your social, search and/or email marketing efforts into customers? In this rapid-fire webinar, marketing optimization expert Bryan Eisenberg will offer you simple to execute recommendations. Invest a little time and you will be able to optimize tactics across search, social, email and your website to lift your conversion rates this holiday season.

Bryan Eisenberg, NYTimes Bestselling Author,

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Guaranteeing Holiday Sales for Online Retailers

Sponsored by Bronto.


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