Disclosure Log

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The FOI Disclosure Log lists information which has been released in response to FOI requests received since 1 May 2011. The Disclosure Log will be updated within 10 working days after access has been given to the applicant.

In accordance with the FOI Act and guidelines from the Australian Information Commissioner, some information may not be listed in the disclosure log, including:

  • Information exempt from release under FOI; and
  • Information about an individual or business released in response to an FOI request from that individual or business.

Where the Bureau routinely provides access to particular information in response to FOI requests, this will also be listed on the Disclosure Log in accordance with the Information Publication Scheme.

Where information on the Disclosure Log is not available for downloading, has been archived after 12 months, or is required in alternative formats please contact the FOI Coordinator. A charge may be imposed to cover the costs involved in copying or reproducing the information, and sending it to you.

FOI Disclosure Log

FOI Request Date released to applicant Summary of FOI request Description of information released Link to released information Comments
30/5954 23 Nov 2016 Incoming Government Brief
  • 2 documents released in part

Exempt material removed from the document (s47C) and s47E(d).

30/5941 20 May 2016 Esperance Bushfires 2015
  • 4 documents released in full

Names, contact details and other personal information removed with the consent of the applicant.

30/5938 15 May 2016 Coogee WA Wind Gusts August 2013
  • 3 documents released in full

Names, contact details and other personal information removed with the consent of the applicant.

30/5879 11 April 2016 APS Business Case
  • 1 document, released in part

Exempt material removed from the document (s34(3), s47C).

Consent of the applicant obtained to remove names and contact details and internal filepaths from the document.

30/5900 9 April 2016 Supercomputer Project Management Plan
  • 1 document released in part

Exempt material removed from the document (s34(3), s47E(d)).

Consent of the applicant obtained to remove the contact details of staff and third parties and internal filepaths from the document.

30/5933 7 April 2016 ICT Transformation Strategy
  • 1 document, released in full
30/5899 7 April 2016 Financial summary of all costs from funds allocated from the Munro review
  • 1 document, released in full
30/5906 24 March 2016 Table summary of the number of staff originally funded in the extreme weather centre and the actual number currently employed
  • 1 document, released in full
Document prepared from a database extract. Document includes an explanatory note.
30/5907 23 March 2016 A table summary of the number of staff sponsored by the Bureau of Meteorology for a Masters of Business Administration (MBA)
  • 1 document, released in full
Consent of the applicant obtained to remove the names of staff.
30/5901 9 February 2016 Internal emails between Bureau staff in 2015 mentioning specific weather presenters
  • 6 documents released in full
  • 6 document released in part
Exempt material removed from the documents under s47F. Irrelevant material removed under s22. Consent of applicant obtained to remove the names and contact details of Bureau staff and third parties (other than specified weather presenters) from the documents.
30/5878 11 January 2016 Supercomputer Business Case Documents
  • 4 documents released in part
Exempt material removed from the documents (s33(b); s47C; s47E(b)); consent of the applicant obtained to remove the names and contact details of staff and third parties from documents.
30/5881 23 December 2015 Approved Asset Program Board Investment Proposals Summary
  • 1 document released in part


30/5887 25 November 2015 File 45/32 Part 2, Observations General WA (inc UFO)
  • Entirety of the file

Consent of the applicant obtained to remove from documents information such as the names and contact details of staff and third parties.

30/5872 15 June 2015 Information Systems and Services Division Client Relationship Management Flowchart
  • 1 document released in full


30/5858 3 March 2015 Applications to IT Jobs
  • 1 document released in full

The information contained in this document has been prepared from a database extract.

30/5825 19 November 2014 Forecasting Performance & Accuracy WA/Vic 1 March to 11 August 2014
  • 1 document released in full
  • 5 documents released in part

Irrelevant information removed from 4 documents (s.22);

Exempt material removed from 1 document (s47E(d));
consent of the applicant obtained to remove the names and contact details of staff and third parties from documents.

30/5811 1 October 2014 Forecasting performance and accuracy in Qld/NSW/SA 1 February to 18 June 2014
  • 17 documents released in full
  • 23 documents released in part with irrelevant information removed

Irrelevant information removed from 23 documents (s.22); consent of the applicant obtained to remove the names and contact details of staff and third parties from documents.

30/5806 22 September 2014 Advice on climate change since 7 September 2013
  • 8 documents released in full
  • 13 documents released in part with irrelevant information removed

Irrelevant information removed from 13 documents (s.22); consent of the applicant obtained to remove the names of non-SES staff and direct contact details


06 August 2014

Melbourne Hailstorm 06 March 2010

  • 77 documents released in full
  • 8 documents released in part with irrelevant information removed.


Irrelevant information removed from 8 documents (s.22)

Consent of applicant obtained to remove names, contact details and other personal information about Bureau staff, and third parties.

30/5718 28 October 2013 Frontline forecasting capability
  • 9 Documents released in full
  • 4 Documents released in part

Irrelevant information removed from Documents 1, 8,9 & 10 (s.22)

Consent of applicant obtained to remove names, contact details and other personal information about Bureau staff, and direct contact details and signature of Parliamentary Secretary.

30/5710 19 July 2013 Targeted cyber intrusion attempts over the past 5 years.
  • 25 Documents released in part
  • 5 documents exempt in full

Names, contact details and other personal information about Bureau staff and third parties removed with consent of applicant.

Note Documents 3, 3A, 8, 9 and 23 were released to the applicant on 20 August 2013 following expiration of third party review rights.

30/5690 02 July 2013 Forecasting performance and accuracy in QLD, NSW and Victoria from November 2012 to January 2013
  • 6 Documents released in full
  • 3 Documents released in part
  • 1 Document released administratively outside of FOI

Names, contact details and other personal information about Bureau staff and third parties removed with consent of applicant.

Some released documents are drafts which may be incomplete and unreviewed, and could contain factual, analytical or typographical errors. Where such errors have been noticed, the documents have been annotated with the correct information.

30/5691 24 June 2013 Advice of impact of any funding changes for Bureau activities in NSW/VIC/WA/SA in terms of staffing or resourcing cuts.
  • 1 document released in full
  • 3 documents released in part
FOI 30-5691 Names, contact details and other personal information about Bureau staff and third parties removed with consent of applicant.
30/5693 23 May 2013
  1. Copies of BoM advice, briefings, analysis and reports regarding global warming (aka climate change) to: the Howard Government from 2005 to 2007; Penny Wong when Climate Change Minister from 2007 to 2010 and Greg Combet when Climate Change Minister from 2010 to present.
  2. Copies of internal BoM advice, briefs, reports and analysis to BoM Executives on global warming (aka climate change) from 2005 onwards.

Request excludes:

  • empirical observational data and output from computerised numerical models;
  • material already published and available to the public;
  • third party material.
  • 3 documents released in full
  • 1 document released with irrelevant information removed
  • 15 documents released with information exempt under s47F removed
FOI 30-5693 -
30/5676 07 Feb 2013
  1. Documents relating to South East Queensland storms 17 and 18 November 2012;
  2. Forecaster rosters for SEQ on 17 and 18 November 2012 ; and
  3. Documents relating to staff shortages and / or resource issues in Queensland branch of the Bureau of Meteorology since 1 Jan 2012.
  • 74 Documents released in full
  • 15 documents released in part
  • 1 document exempt in full
Direct contact details of staff and other parties removed with consent of applicant.
30/5684 31 Jan 2013 Briefings to Queensland State Disaster Management Group and Premier and Cabinet on 4 and 5 January 2011 2 documents released in full To the extent that copyright in some of this material is owned by a third party (APEC Climate Centre), you may need to seek their permission before you can reuse that material.
30/5666 29 Jan 2013 Use and future of Research Radar at Redbank Plains Queensland 14 Documents released in full; 4 documents released in part Direct contact details of staff and other parties removed with consent of applicant.
30/5670 27 Nov 2012 Correspondence with ComSuper regarding value of rent-free housing being counted towards superannuation salaries 2 documents released in full, 8 documents released in part. FOI 30-5670 -
30/5636 25 Sep 2012 Information about any shortfalls or failures in radar repairs and / or maintenance over past 2 years 5 documents released in part FOI 30-5636 -
30/5645 20 Sep 2012 Performance against standard for severe thunderstorm warnings Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia over past three years 1 document released in full and 24 documents released in part FOI 30-5645 -
30/5638 06 Sep 2012 Performance against standard for severe thunderstorm warnings for NSW for past three years. 14 documents released in part FOI 30-5638 -
30/5548 21 May 2012 Information about officially supported web browsers, blocked media platforms, social media policy and social media channels 3 documents released in part FOI 30-5548 -
30/5580 11 May 2012 Intellectual Property (IP) policy referring to individual Bureau employees acquiring personal IP 1 document released in part FOI 30-5580 -
30/5555 11 May 2012 Documents relating to the Hot Cities 2010 research 8 documents released in full FOI 30-5555 -
30/5568 10 May 2012 Request for copies of two papers written in or about 1991 on Heat islands and Global warming 2 documents released in full FOI 30-5568 -
30/5502 26 Apr 2012 Weather Data requested by AMSA Search and Rescue 01 Jun to 25 Nov 2011. Information as requested AMSA Data 2 -
30/5531 16 Apr 2012 Changes to policies/procedures re issuing of thunderstorm warnings in Queensland. 2 documents released with partial exemptions. Qld Thunderstorm -
30/5519 20 Feb 2012 Information about options for the achievement of the 2.5% efficiency dividend, including information on job losses, changes to services, facilities and functions. 9 documents released - 2 in full and 7 with partial exemptions. Efficiency Dividend -
30/5509 10 Feb 2012 Warnings and river height information for Slacks Creek, Scrubby Creek and Logan River. Information as requested. Slacks Creek Flooding -
30/5343 25 July 2011 Data and correspondence about the ACT State of the Environment Report 2007 in relation to Canberra Airport Correspondence regarding the form of a proposed paragraph that would be linked to the online version of the ACT State of the Environment 2007 Report. ACTSOTE2007.pdf -
30/5346 8 July 2011 Weather data requested by AMSA search and rescue centre between 1/01/2011 and 31/05/2011 Search and rescue products requested by AMSA during 01/01/2011 and 31/05/2011 AMSA Data -
30/5310 6 May 2011 Peer Review of National Institute of Water & Atmosphere Research Ltd (NIWA) "Seven Stations" Temperature Data Series. Letter from Bureau to NIWA dated 14 December 2010 NIWA Letter -