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Data by theme
Region Type
ASGS 2011
Sort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descending
Family Composition and Social Marital StatusNumber of Dependent Children
Hide subtree TotalHide subtree Total2 434 0912 489 1572 687 150
One909 179958 5601 049 189
Two984 2221 011 5361 092 441
Three401 309387 523405 829
Four or more139 381131 538139 702
Hide subtree Couple family with children totalHide subtree Total1 904 1221 929 7952 086 267
One640 546667 684736 750
Two809 077830 538897 884
Three338 524324 442338 896
Four or more115 975107 131112 731
Married in a registered marriageHide subtree Total1 711 7821 689 4881 800 709
One554 812560 491611 212
Two740 990744 077793 177
Three312 170292 152300 626
Four or more103 81092 76895 697
Married in a de facto marriage(d)Information on itemHide subtree Total192 340240 307285 554
One85 734107 193125 539
Two68 08786 461104 704
Three26 35432 29038 278
Four or more12 16514 36317 033
One parent familyHide subtree Total529 969559 362600 888
One268 633290 876312 434
Two175 145180 998194 554
Three62 78563 08166 927
Four or more23 40624 40726 968


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