close ABS.Stat beta is continuing to be developed. Data will be updated as soon as possible following its 11:30am release on the ABS website

Data by theme
Region TypeLocal Government Areas (2011)
LGA 2011
Sort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descending
Registered Marital StatusAge
Hide subtree Registered Marital Status: Total15 to 193 5401 7431 7973 6431 7981 8453 5881 7591 829
20 to 243 1221 4981 6243 4931 6391 8543 5271 6691 858
25 to 292 7921 3761 4162 8941 4811 4133 1201 5311 589
30 to 343 0201 4911 5292 8981 4331 4652 9091 4461 463
35 to 393 0591 4641 5953 1371 5561 5813 0201 4611 559
40 to 443 4371 6821 7553 1901 5761 6143 1821 5671 615
45 to 493 1981 5671 6313 5001 6791 8213 1031 5001 603
50 to 542 8221 4351 3873 2071 6321 5753 3431 6151 728
55 to 592 1341 0851 0492 8291 4441 3852 9371 4391 498
60 to 641 7218468752 0411 0151 0262 6371 2921 345
65 to 691 4486567921 6387938451 895904991
70 to 741 4346507841 3305997311 625737888
75 to 791 1834727111 3105777331 292550742
80 to 848082665421 0053856201 116476640
85 years and over7402175238332316021 063322741
Overseas Visitors129537615070801145460
Total34 58716 50118 08637 09817 90819 19038 47118 32220 149
Registered Marital Status: Married(a)Information on item15 to 19..36..312..04
20 to 24..71147..55129..53137
25 to 29..426581..374506..391553
30 to 34..764894..690817..673777
35 to 39..8951 028..872926..851935
40 to 44..1 1231 165..952996..893943
45 to 49..1 0491 079..1 1031 158..914934
50 to 54..1 020945..1 0601 000..1 0531 051
55 to 59..793716..1 001894..900925
60 to 64..622553..746661..898817
65 to 69..492453..581479..636574
70 to 74..464373..426372..522459
75 to 79..324249..402298..398323
80 to 84..174115..247170..312191
85 years and over..11056..13370..177102
Overseas Visitors..2831..4042..2520
Total..8 3588 391..8 6858 530..8 6968 745
Registered Marital Status: Separated15 to 19..00..05..00
20 to 24..612..1414..310
25 to 29..2955..2330..1827
30 to 34..6981..4158..3751
35 to 39..74108..6980..3987
40 to 44..102146..96110..76100
45 to 49..111128..82138..72116
50 to 54..7976..96100..65104
55 to 59..5553..6157..7684
60 to 64..4331..4337..5368
65 to 69..2629..2317..3233
70 to 74..1219..2313..3224
75 to 79..1811..910..1317
80 to 84..47..40..109
85 years and over..00..76..103
Overseas Visitors..00..00..03
Registered Marital Status: Divorced15 to 19..33..40..00
20 to 24..35..33..33
25 to 29..1648..2129..1533
30 to 34..70106..6990..4358
35 to 39..106187..134164..81130
40 to 44..170236..154253..173212
45 to 49..196275..209305..178294
50 to 54..201234..263298..234346
55 to 59..143159..221260..259292
60 to 64..90116..130167..198270
65 to 69..7182..98115..136159
70 to 74..6550..6480..80114
75 to 79..2140..5439..4672
80 to 84..324..1733..4031
85 years and over..89..022..1226
Overseas Visitors..06..36..30
Total..1 1661 580..1 4441 864..1 5012 040
Registered Marital Status: Widowed15 to 19..33..03..30
20 to 24..03..03..33
25 to 29..33..33..00
30 to 34..08..35..34
35 to 39..59..310..54
40 to 44..1226..516..1019
45 to 49..1034..1430..525
50 to 54..1967..1658..854
55 to 59..2384..3597..2886
60 to 64..35140..30113..43118
65 to 69..31195..35197..47180
70 to 74..57307..50237..60257
75 to 79..80379..75355..62305
80 to 84..66367..97382..94392
85 years and over..89427..82470..112589
Overseas Visitors..05..38..03
Total..4332 057..4511 987..4832 039
Registered Marital Status: Never married15 to 19..1 7341 785..1 7911 825..1 7561 825
20 to 24..1 4181 457..1 5671 705..1 6071 705
25 to 29..902729..1 060845..1 107976
30 to 34..588440..630495..690573
35 to 39..384263..478401..485403
40 to 44..275182..369239..415341
45 to 49..201115..271190..331234
50 to 54..11665..197119..255173
55 to 59..7137..12677..176111
60 to 64..5635..6648..10072
65 to 69..3633..5637..5345
70 to 74..5235..3629..4334
75 to 79..2932..3731..3125
80 to 84..1929..2035..2017
85 years and over..1031..934..1121
Overseas Visitors..2534..2424..2634
Total..5 9165 302..6 7376 134..7 1066 589


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