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Data by theme
Region Type
Proficiency in Spoken English/Language of Female ParentTotalSpeaks English onlySpeaks other language totalVery well or wellNot well or not at allProficiency in English not statedLanguage and proficiency in English not stated
Sort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descending
Age of Dependent ChildrenProficiency in Spoken English/Language of Male Parent
Hide subtree Total dependent childrenHide subtree Total3 755 6712 880 022869 610760 25599 8239 5336 044
Speaks English only2 838 7982 760 37677 57573 2999333 341848
Hide subtree Speaks other language total909 338118 393788 880684 21098 5246 1492 062
Very well or well761 103112 409647 069614 11132 1168451 624
Not well or not at all138 2852 395135 53669 13366 278126353
Proficiency in English not stated9 9413 5876 2739701275 17785
Language and proficiency in English not stated7 5351 2503 1562 742360513 128
Dependent children aged 0-4 yearsHide subtree Total1 091 738837 909252 102228 98120 0253 0971 727
Speaks English only823 962795 52028 14726 8532851 004295
Hide subtree Speaks other language total265 53941 966222 953201 22219 6572 072612
Very well or well230 08140 158189 409181 2147 937259513
Not well or not at all32 14573831 33219 62311 6723574
Proficiency in English not stated3 3181 0722 213389411 77828
Language and proficiency in English not stated2 2444211 0048978422813
Dependent children aged 5-9 yearsHide subtree Total984 862766 074217 234193 35121 0782 8061 552
Speaks English only755 990734 77720 98419 835233914232
Hide subtree Speaks other language total226 91630 967195 456172 81720 7631 881492
Very well or well193 98929 470164 109156 6567 235217412
Not well or not at all30 01251429 43415 91013 4992762
Proficiency in English not stated2 9179791 917248341 63519
Language and proficiency in English not stated1 9583297996968316834
Dependent children aged 10-12 yearsHide subtree Total570 104445 122124 066107 26215 2601 546913
Speaks English only439 406428 86010 4249 782143492129
Hide subtree Speaks other language total129 56316 068113 20197 09615 0541 051286
Very well or well107 50415 11292 18387 2744 779133213
Not well or not at all20 40437519 9679 69710 2571662
Proficiency in English not stated1 6535841 0531281890515
Language and proficiency in English not stated1 137188445381573503
Dependent children aged 13-14 yearsHide subtree Total370 530289 33780 64468 53911 0441 058546
Speaks English only285 954279 5146 3715 9249135770
Hide subtree Speaks other language total83 8919 71174 00862 40510 907695174
Very well or well68 2569 08359 04755 6393 31888127
Not well or not at all14 54424214 2666 6817 5731036
Proficiency in English not stated1 09338269383960011
Language and proficiency in English not stated679118258214473302
Dependent children aged 15-17 yearsHide subtree Total469 545364 721104 05787 36115 987706765
Speaks English only359 936352 3067 5307 01210941499
Hide subtree Speaks other language total108 77912 31496 18780 05415 834297278
Very well or well87 76111 59875 95971 2284 63794204
Not well or not at all20 35732119 9728 75911 1912471
Proficiency in English not stated66039525970111796
Language and proficiency in English not stated831109336289403386
Dependent children aged 18-20 yearsHide subtree Total187 937126 34461 22550 44710 564215366
Speaks English only123 984121 1032 8622 7124010523
Hide subtree Speaks other language total63 4785 18258 15047 54710 497103141
Very well or well49 8074 91644 78441 9412 80435105
Not well or not at all13 45114413 2725 5807 685935
Proficiency in English not stated22312397327615
Language and proficiency in English not stated47462212185240200
Dependent children aged 21-24 yearsHide subtree Total80 96050 51530 27824 3235 856104166
Speaks English only49 56948 3011 2601 17825589
Hide subtree Speaks other language total31 1792 19028 92523 0655 8084671
Very well or well23 7162 07921 59120 1661 4002247
Not well or not at all7 375647 2922 8824 4071017
Proficiency in English not stated824543150160
Language and proficiency in English not stated210261028322092


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