close ABS.Stat beta is continuing to be developed. Data will be updated as soon as possible following its 11:30am release on the ABS website

Data by theme
Region TypeLocal Government Areas (2011)
LGA 2011
Dwelling StructureTotal occupied private dwellingsSeparate houseSemi-detached, row or terrace house, townhouse etc. totalFlat, unit or apartment totalOther dwelling totalDwelling structure not stated
Tenure Type and Landlord Type
Hide subtree Total18 61514 4071 0563 0479114
 Owned outright5 4384 830233336390
 Owned with a mortgage(b)Information on item6 4055 90216033940
Hide subtree Rented Total6 0773 1985962 2274214
 Real estate agent3 7831 7124291 625107
 State or territory housing authority8275841323000
 Person not in same household(c)Information on item1 0666859927084
 Housing co-operative/community/church group14445415800
 Other landlord type(d)Information on item1701031426243
 Landlord type not stated876901800
 Other tenure type(e)Information on item14812322300
 Tenure type not stated5473544514260


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