close ABS.Stat beta is continuing to be developed. Data will be updated as soon as possible following its 11:30am release on the ABS website

Data by theme
Region TypeLocal Government Areas (2011)
LGA 2011
Age of Dependent ChildrenTotal dependent childrenDependent children aged 0-4 yearsDependent children aged 5-9 yearsDependent children aged 10-12 yearsDependent children aged 13-14 yearsDependent children aged 15-17 yearsDependent children aged 18-20 yearsDependent children aged 21-24 years
Sort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descendingSort ascendingSort descending
Proficiency in Spoken English/Language of Female ParentProficiency in Spoken English/Language of Male Parent
Hide subtree TotalHide subtree Total7 7632 2302 0441 2278811 06524967
Speaks English only7 1602 0491 8751 1418141 00422255
Hide subtree Speaks other language total588178166836461279
Very well or well458140138714544200
Not well or not at all10430229131479
Proficiency in English not stated268636300
Language and proficiency in English not stated153333003
Speaks English onlyHide subtree Total7 1972 0501 8891 1548231 00422552
Speaks English only7 0712 0081 8501 13681099322252
Hide subtree Speaks other language total126423918131130
Very well or well117393618101130
Not well or not at all00000000
Proficiency in English not stated93303000
Language and proficiency in English not stated00000000
Hide subtree Speaks other language totalHide subtree Total5571741527358612415
Speaks English only894125541103
Hide subtree Speaks other language total459133127655150249
Very well or well341101102533533170
Not well or not at all10127229131479
Proficiency in English not stated175333300
Language and proficiency in English not stated90033003
Very well or wellHide subtree Total467150134644650176
Speaks English only853725541103
Hide subtree Speaks other language total373113109563939170
Very well or well33898102533533170
Not well or not at all3515734600
Proficiency in English not stated00000000
Language and proficiency in English not stated90033003
Not well or not at allHide subtree Total66121569879
Speaks English only00000000
Hide subtree Speaks other language total66121569879
Very well or well00000000
Not well or not at all66121569879
Proficiency in English not stated00000000
Language and proficiency in English not stated00000000
Proficiency in English not statedHide subtree Total2412333300
Speaks English only44000000
Hide subtree Speaks other language total208333300
Very well or well33000000
Not well or not at all00000000
Proficiency in English not stated175333300
Language and proficiency in English not stated00000000
Language and proficiency in English not statedHide subtree Total96300000
Speaks English only00000000
Hide subtree Speaks other language total33000000
Very well or well00000000
Not well or not at all33000000
Proficiency in English not stated00000000
Language and proficiency in English not stated63300000


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