close ABS.Stat beta is continuing to be developed. Data will be updated as soon as possible following its 11:30am release on the ABS website

Data by theme
Region TypeLocal Government Areas (2011)
LGA 2011
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Selected Labour Force, Education and Migration Characteristics
Persons aged 15 years and over38 50918 32820 181
Hide subtree Labour force status(a)Information on item......
Hide subtree Total labour force23 81012 28011 530
Employed, worked full-time(b)Information on item13 7978 9104 887
Employed, worked part-time7 1971 9635 234
Employed, away from work(c)Information on item1 438687751
Unemployed, looking for work1 378720658
Not in the labour force12 8205 0827 738
% Unemployment(d)Information on item5.85.95.7
% Labour force participation(e)Information on item61.86757.1
% Employment to population(f)Information on item58.263.153.9
Hide subtree Non-school qualifications(a):......
Postgraduate Degree LevelInformation on item756394362
Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate LevelInformation on item697250447
Bachelor Degree LevelInformation on item4 0531 5792 474
Advanced Diploma and Diploma LevelInformation on item2 7721 0871 685
Certificate LevelInformation on item8 4965 3173 179
Hide subtree Migration:......
Lived at same address 1 year ago(g)Information on item37 40218 10319 299
Lived at different address 1 year ago(g)Information on item7 7053 5624 143
Lived at same address 5 years ago(h)Information on item24 20011 74112 459
Lived at different address 5 years ago(h)Information on item17 8908 4339 457


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