close ABS.Stat beta is continuing to be developed. Data will be updated as soon as possible following its 11:30am release on the ABS website

Data by theme
Region TypeLocal Government Areas (2011)
LGA 2011
Social Marital StatusTotalMarried in a registered marriageMarried in a de facto marriage(b)Information on itemNot married
Hide subtree PersonsAll ages34 12815 9773 36014 791
15 - 193 1313993 029
20 - 242 9511646002 187
25 - 345 4262 1961 0592 171
35 - 445 6823 3776721 633
45 - 545 9343 6385171 779
55 - 645 0753 2702921 513
65 - 743 2092 0291011 079
75 - 842 0721 09917956
85 years and over6482013444
 MalesAll ages16 1677 8991 6496 619
15 - 191 5680291 539
20 - 241 408482581 102
25 - 342 6229605491 113
35 - 442 6981 610330758
45 - 542 7891 786249754
55 - 642 4691 655160654
65 - 741 4931 06660367
75 - 8490764511251
85 years and over213129381
 FemalesAll ages17 9618 0781 7118 172
15 - 191 5633701 490
20 - 241 5431163421 085
25 - 342 8041 2365101 058
35 - 442 9841 767342875
45 - 543 1451 8522681 025
55 - 642 6061 615132859
65 - 741 71696341712
75 - 841 1654546705
85 years and over435720363


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