Killing off authors the Australian way

The outlook for authors, their readers and Australian literary culture has never been more bleak.


Do what you love: a pipe dream for most of us

Simon Castles

Simon Castles   Stuff this modern-day slogan. Unglamorous, low-paid menial work is here to stay.

Comments 21

Could compassion be making a comeback?

Daniel Andrews' action should not amaze. It shouldn't be extraordinary, but it is.

Liam Byrne 11:46 AM   Daniel Andrews' offer to accept refugees due to be returned to Nauru has touched a nerve.

Comments 153

The real test of tax reform is still ahead

Peter Reith

It's a good idea to encourage a public discussion about increasing the GST but it's also good that it looks like the Turnbull government will dump a GST increase.

Comments 25

North Korea has pushed Seoul too far

Peter Hartcher dinkus

After North Korea tested a ballistic missile on the weekend, worried nations searched for new ways to respond to an old fear - the fear that the rogue nation will one day have a nuclear bomb and a missile capable of delivering it.

Comments 25

The threat of online porn to kids is real

Pornography is easily accessible to children online.

Susan McLean   No longer is it OK to say, "I don't understand tech". Parenting in the 21st century requires you to be able to parent on online.

Comments 9

Is Malcolm Turnbull insane? 

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has yet to make any hard choices.

Paul Sheehan   Some brutal things have been said about Malcolm Turnbull during his long career in public life but no-one has yet proposed that he is certifiably insane.

The curious case of Julian Assange

Julian Assange speaks via video link from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.

What’s so ‘arbitrary’ about this investigation of serious crimes?

Can privileged white men talk on equality?

Australian of the Year David Morrison: an appropriate champion for diversity and equality?

Absolutely: Men must be part of the solution that ends the violence and discrimination for which their gender is responsible.

Comments 20

PM's agility agenda mugged by realities

Square, dink, dinks, dinkus, head shot,federal politics, federal, Heath Aston

Heath Aston   The threat of a 'double-D' is supposed to instil fear in senators, but this was a hollow threat.

Fear and loathing in Melbourne

Police investigators pick over the wreckage of the car, which crashed 50 metres off the EJ Whitten Bridge in Melbourne ...

When irrational emotions are driven by fear and ignorance, somebody gets hurts.

Era of massive change? Not what it used to be

Peter Martin dinkus

Peter Martin   What would you rather give up: the internet, or airconditioning?

Comments 33

Virus and pranksters conquer a world divided

The Aedes Aegypti mosquito, responsible for the global spread of the Zika virus.

Daniel Flitton   Fears and threats are easily amplified across the globe and humanity needs to find a better way of co-operating, Daniel Flitton says.

Looking for a national leader

Illustration: Andrew Dyson

On the tax debate and asylum-seeker policy, we need better than what we've got.

Night owl or early bird, whatever works

Let's face it, some of us just are night owls.

Wendy Squires   Working hours should be flexible, accommodating the most productive hours of the individual.

Comments 2

Floating when life is in the balance

Eman al-Aqraa, 8, right, and her sister Fatima, 4, at a Syrian refugee camp in Lebanon.

Martin Flanagan   How do we balance awareness of what is happening in the world with the need to continue living in a positive manner?

Comments 2

What's left when the cussing is over?

Manu: a gift to the language.

Danny Katz   Is the shock factor gone when the cussing is over or is there nothing more to stay?

High stakes race will shape a generation

Hillary Clinton campaigns in New Hampshire on Tuesday.

Anne Summers   There is no doubt that Bernie Sanders' success has pushed Hillary Clinton further to the left.

Political hot potato chips away unity

Mark kenny

Mark Kenny   An unpopular policy could deal a blow to the goodwill that Malcolm Turnbull's government has so far enjoyed.

Punt Road needn't be your worst hightmare

Punt Road: bumper to bumper.

Elliot Fishman   Why widen a congested north-south artery when there's a better solution.

Comments 2

Why it is wrong to call Siri a bitch

Saying please and thank you to Siri represents a tiny attempt to future-proof our spirits for the day when the machines ...

Andrew Masterson   The thing about Siri is you can call her a bitch and she won't mind. You can switch out her voice, replace it with a bloke's, call him a bitch, too, and be greeted with same indifference.

Comments 5

Is Australia 'sleepwalking into a real mess?'

Former Prime Minister Paul Keating.

The Henry Review conducted under the previous government pointed to the potential gains of reducing the tax brackets from five to three, Dan Tehan says.

The thrills and spills of decluttering

Start small and move bigger tasks when decluttering.

There must be a word for it. The condition of not actually being a hoarder, but being obsessed with people who are.

Comments 73

GST hike is a solution in search of a problem

GST raises its head again.

Peter Martin   We need a clear goal if the attempt to change the tax system is to succeed.

Victoria should borrow more and build big

Work is well under way on the Melbourne Metro Rail project.

Josh Gordon   Forget the Federal Government, Victoria should go it alone on big projects

Comments 2

Geneva peace talks must have long-term goal

Smoke rises after three bombs exploded in Sayyda Zeinab, a predominantly Shiite Muslim suburb of the Syrian capital. The ...

Joseph Camilleri   One thing is clear: both global and regional powers have much to answer for in the tragedy that is Syria.


Nauru: How long can we lie to ourselves?

The history of asylum seeker policy in Australia will be remembered as a story of how successive governments legislated their lies to justify a world of make-believe borders and compliance. By WALEED ALY

Storm in a Y-front: it's time Ken got a Dad Bod

Whether it's 'hunkvertising' or perfect Ken, men are feeling anxious about their bodies too, writes DAN JUDE

Iowa sets scene for volatile presidential race

This year's race is only in its infancy and remains potentially very volatile as it heads into the New Hampshire primary on February 9. By ANDREW HAMMOND.

Asylum seekers on Nauru in a legal black hole

All this means that Australia's treatment of asylum seekers by way of offshore processing will now raise few legal questions. Instead, it will be governed by the politics of the day, writes GEORGE WILLIAMS.

Europe's backlash to a surging tide of refugees

Angela Merkel threw open Germany’s doors to refugees half a year ago in a moment of national exuberance. Germans went to the railway stations to welcome exhausted Syrians with flowers.

The 'truthful hyperbole' behind Trump

Donald Trump's approach is unideological. He is an egomaniacal businessman, not the great dictator, writes CHARLES MOORE.

Modern medicine clings to a cult of survival

We must acknowledge divergent views on assisted dying and start framing laws that will enable it, by IAN McPHEE

Why Abbott should go

... and a few other Liberal MPs such as Bronwyn Bishop and Philip Ruddock should stop being so selfish and move on, by AMANDA VANSTONE.

Australia Day: Pride and prejudice

Rather than draping ourselves in spurious displays of patriotism, Australia Day should be a time for honest reflection on who we are as a nation, writes HUGH MACKAY.