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Logic says no to Valizadeh: it's not denying free speech, we don't want him here


Tim Wilson

Daryush Valizadeh's freedom of speech would not be violated if his request for an Australia visa was denied.

Daryush Valizadeh's freedom of speech would not be violated if his request for an Australia visa was denied. Photo: @_AMERICHAN_

Daryush "Roosh" Valizadeh's freedom of speech won't be suppressed if the Immigration Minister, Peter Dutton, denies him a visa. In the past few days there have been increasing calls on the federal government to block so-called "neo-masculinist" Valizadeh from entering Australia. 

Outraged politicians have called for him to be denied a visa. Online petitions have been set up to "let the NSW Police Force know that [people] are absolutely livid" about his visit.

Peter Dutton has already clarified he hasn't applied for a visa, and won't get one. The minister's office has said that "in the past people advocating violence against women have had their visa refused or cancelled". It has also made it clear that "people who advocate violence against women aren't welcome in Australia". In response to the furore, Valizadeh tweeted that "there's more media outrage against a male happy hour than when European women got molested and raped in Cologne. What an appalling sham".  In fact, the real sham is Valizadeh's representation of his own events as a "male happy hour". 

Valizadeh is a despicable and loathsome figure, but from a human rights perspective that should be irrelevant. We are rarely called to defend the rights of the popular. But by denying him a visa we are not violating his free speech.  

Freedom of speech is about whether the government can outlaw what you have to say.  There is nothing stopping individuals jumping on YouTube and broadcasting their vile message for Australians to see. You can already read a blog of Return of Kings' values and views online, though I wouldn't encourage it.

What is being restricted is freedom of movement. All countries have a right to decide who comes into their country, or not. In the Western liberal tradition, governments are expected to provide security for the people they are charged to protect, and to preserve a system of government that protects people's rights. That's why we have a visa process. 

We have simple tests such as security, health and identity assessments to keep Australians safe.  Under Section 501 of the Commonwealth Migration Act, the Immigration Minister can deny someone a visa to Australia if they fail a character test of wide scope. The test allows the minister to assess the threat posed by past or possible criminal behaviour and the likelihood that an applicant would disrupt community cohesion. 

The Immigration Minister has significant discretionary power. The breadth of the test does raise concerns that immigration law can be used to block people who might create political dilemmas for the incumbent government.

That is why attempts by some ethnic community leaders to stop the issuing of a visa to the Dutch politician, Geert Wilders, last year was such a bad idea. Wilders was in Australia to launch a new political party that would compete with the government for votes. It would be disgraceful if a representative of one political party used their discretionary power, without a serious and credible justification, to block a visa for someone seeking to promote an alternative political party. It is better that the exercise of such powers are based on objective assessment. For example, the denial last year of a visa to US rapper Chris Brown was based on his record of convictions for domestic violence. 

By comparison, it was debatable that US anti-abortion activist Troy Newman should have been denied a visa. But after he tried to subvert Australian law it became a relatively clear. People shouldn't be denied a visa to Australia simply because they have an unpopular idea. 

It's hard to think that Return of Kings is a misunderstood group. On their website they make it clear that they are only interested in "heterosexual, masculine men". It then goes on to state that "Women and homosexuals are strongly discouraged from commenting" on their blog. And that is only a very small sample of their world view.

The problem with Valizadeh is that he is building a movement built on the idea that women are subservient to men. That argument is then used to justify all manner of crimes against women in pursuit of prioritising men's interests, including rationalising violence.  

That notion is completely contrary to the Western liberal democratic principle of justice and equality before the law. So long as they don't urge or incite violence against others, any Australian can legally espouse the views of "neo-masculinity". But the question is: should we allow Valizadeh in the country to encourage it? Logic says no. 

Tim Wilson is Australia's Human Rights Commissioner. 


  • The most sensible article I've read in Fairfax all year. Breath of fresh air. Thanks Tim.

    Jase D
    Date and time
    February 02, 2016, 10:25PM
    • G'day Jase D.
      Tim Wilson - thank you.
      It would be laughable, if not so worrying - these inadequate and unfulfilled males.
      With little in their lives except the yoke of a poorly developed character – they seek out like kind, and console themselves with conspiracy theories.
      Invariably, they collect together under some kind of masculine sounding banner – like the ridiculous ‘Return of Kings’; how droll.
      Well, it’s going to take a lot more than that – to salve their narcissistic anger, which they blame on an unfair society!!
      They are droogs and misogynists - and can stay over there.

      Howe Synnott
      Date and time
      February 03, 2016, 6:40AM
    • However, not wanting him here - it's not the same as specifically banning Valizadeh.
      The principle of free speech applies to people we detest - providing it's not inciting hatred or violence.
      In my opinion, we can apply the (University of) Chicago rules - ‘Chicago principles’ - to this situation.
      In broad terms – it condemns the suppression of views no matter how "offensive, unwise, immoral, or wrong-headed" they may be.
      “It is for the individual members of the University community, not for the University as an institution, to make those judgments for themselves, and to act on those judgments not by seeking to suppress speech, but by openly and vigorously contesting the ideas that they oppose.”
      It doesn't mean we agree with his offensive views - by allowing him to voice them.

      Howe Synnott
      Date and time
      February 03, 2016, 7:18AM
    • Droog; now there's a word I haven't seen for many years. But the image of this character looking for some "pretty polly" is an apt description. We have to accept that sometimes there are "rights" that cannot be defended - no matter how they are dressed up.

      Gelert of Birrong
      Date and time
      February 03, 2016, 7:26AM
    • Anyone who advocates hate speech against women, Jews, homosexuals or for people practicing alternate religious faiths should either have their visa revoked or deported to their original country of origin.

      Date and time
      February 03, 2016, 8:05AM
    • The argument about whether to allow and ban someone entering our Country is as Howe highlights not a simple one. Inciting a criminal act or others to commit criminal acts is probably a valid test but you could argue that this fool saying a crime should be legal is not the same as advocating the committing of an offence.

      A simpler test may be , what if Bernie espoused the same tripe and then widely publicised his intent to visit the States to meet up with like minded individuals and "pick up" American women who understood their rightful place.

      Would the American's let me in?

      Either way a straw argument. This bloke is after publicity to sell books. He has no intention of visiting Australia. And his plan is working - we are giving him the desired publicity.

      Date and time
      February 03, 2016, 8:23AM
    • Droog is a Russian word meaning friend, although the usage has probably been taken from A Clockwork Orange.

      Date and time
      February 03, 2016, 9:20AM
    • Gee, I use "droogs" all the time - I thought I'd made it up, or borrowed it from somewhere like Gilbert & Sullivan.
      I use on a scale a lot lower than "drongos".

      Mary Mary
      Date and time
      February 03, 2016, 10:15AM
    • This is the position completely unworthy of a Human Rights Commissioner.
      Apparently, he, minister Dutton and few other selected ones are supreme holders of the Truth. They decide who is and who not. Is that not a step in the absolutism direction? Which is contrary to our sacred human rights?
      And another point: according to the press reports, this guy Valizadeh, as idiotic as his views are, is actually seeking a political change - via laws and the legal system. Now, if we ban him from this country for that, why are we then better than Saudi Arabia which jails people for trying to change their laws? Are we better just because we say so? And, says who? Peter Dutton and Tim Wilson?
      It is time to grow up as a nation and decide whether to be a joke of a political correctness or a mature nation with genuine pluralism ...

      Date and time
      February 03, 2016, 11:26AM
    • How is inciting rape, not inciting violence? Have we gone back to the good ol' days where rape wasn't considered anything to be taken too seriously??!! In my opinion he is well and truly encouraging violence against women, even if only by dog-whistling. On that basis he should be banned from entry. I know of young women who have already been scared by all this talk.

      Date and time
      February 03, 2016, 12:46PM

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