Kenneth Davidson

Kenneth Davidson

Kenneth Davidson has been writing for The Age on economics and public policy since 1974. He was winner of the Walkley award for best news story in 1977 and National Press Club/Ford Australia Award for Canberra Press Gallery Journalist of the Year in 1980. He remains a committed Keynesian and opponent of economic rationalism. In his spare time he is co-editor of Dissent magazine.

How Dan Andrews and Transurban are stuffing up Melbourne's inner west

Kenneth Davidson Don't be fooled: the Western Distributor tollway is all about private profit.

Can Melbourne be saved from the planners and pollies?

The proud and growing city of Melbourne.

Kenneth Davidson Our city's population is expected to double over the next 35 years, so how do we ensure it remains a great place to live?

Comments 98

Port lease deal steals from future generations

There have already been protests about the level of traffic to and from the Port of Melbourne. Tripling its size will further its health and environmental burden.

Kenneth Davidson Deals are being done that will affect the bay, neighbouring communities and road networks.

Comments 15

Why flogging the Port of Melbourne is Premier Dan Andrews' great folly

 A public policy mess: the Port of Melbourne.

Kenneth Davidson This city’s future as an international hub is in jeopardy.

Comments 6

Why Dowling proposal for new port should not be ignored

Premier Daniel Andrews: important promises abandoned.

Kenneth Davidson The proposal to lease out the current Port of Melbourne for 50 years to fund rail and road infrastructure in the east and south-east of Melbourne is the greatest fraud ever conducted on the people of...

Comments 117

Don't be fooled by Dan Andrews' port trickery

Kenneth Davidson Privatising the Port of Melbourne and using the money to finance the removal of level crossings is a modern version of the old pea and thimble trick.

Comments 6

Port of Melbourne privatisation: Costly deals clogging up Melbourne’s docks

Swanson Dock in the foreground and Webb Dock (background) make up The Port of Melbourne.

Kenneth Davidson The Andrews government is blocking a project at the Swanson Dock terminals that promises huge returns for a modest investment, to prioritise the privatisation of the Port of Melbourne.

Comments 2

Compromised Bill Shorten might not be Labor's best bet to beat Abbott

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten addressed the ALP National Conference on day three Melbourne on Sunday 26 July 2015. Photo: Andrew Meares

Kenneth Davidson Rather than beating up on the Abbott government's enemies, a more worthy royal commission target would by political funding.

Comments 5

The Trans-Pacific Partnership is bad for Australia

Kenneth Davidson The Productivity Commission appears to have tried to convince the government not to put Australia's head into a noose via the TPP.

Why Dan Andrews should close the Hazelwood Power Station

Kenneth Davidson Is Victorian Labor serious about cutting emissions?

Comments 18

Why Budget 2015 is an act of economic vandalism

John Maynard Keynes (centre).

Kenneth Davidson The paradox of thrift, in which individuals respond to uncertainty by increasing savings, is likely to compound the likelihood of recession.

Comments 48

It's never been cheaper, or more essential, for government to spend


Kenneth Davidson Self-serving myths about public debt should be exposed.

Comments 3

Now that the East West Link is gone, let's replace it with better transport projects for Melbourne

Trains not tolls

Kenneth Davidson Governments rarely have the opportunity to line up good policy with good politics. This happy conjunction is open to the Andrews government if it does two things.

Comments 62

Momentum for Public Private Partnerships grinds on despite dismal returns

The Wonthaggi desalination plant.

Kenneth Davidson Finance deals for infrastructure are fleecing the public, but Dan Andrews might be smart enough to see what going on.

Comments 1

East West Link: Is Victoria open for blackmail?

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews says Tony Abbott has a secret plan to cut wages.

Kenneth Davidson If Dan Andrews pays compensation, it will set a terrifying precedent.

Comments 66

Left out in the cold by a state reluctant to invest

Kenneth Davidson Homelessness is only the tip of the iceberg of the growing failure of governments – state, federal, Labor and Coalition – to meet the basic shelter needs of the bottom 40 per cent of...

Andrews needs to get a bigger bang for our bucks

Costly: The Wonthaggi desalination plant.

Kenneth Davidson The East West Link was a stinker from the start.

Comments 41

Victoria 2014: The state election that neither side deserves to win


Kenneth Davidson The desalination disaster is a blight on both Labor and the Liberals.

Comments 105

Debunking the myth of Gough Whitlam's economic incompetence

The Whitlam government can take some pride in its economic management.

Kenneth Davidson In reality there were two Whitlam governments, each of 18 months' duration.

Comments 16

Have we really dodged the East West Link bullet?

East West Link.

Kenneth Davidson It looks as if Melbourne has dodged the East West Link bullet. Almost.

Comments 20