The Age Editorials

February 9

Is elevated rail really the right way to go?

The state government's consultation on the so-called 'sky-train' must be genuine.

Comments 15

February 8

Debt should be used to fix transport system

The Age editorial

There are compelling, rational economic arguments for using public borrowing to fund investment upon which the future of Victoria's growing population depends.

Comments 103

February 7

Science cuts cruel the climate

The Age - Sunday - Editorial - Sunday Editorial

By his actions, not words, will Malcolm Turnbull be defined as Prime Minister of this nation, and Australia wants for a leader with courage of conviction.

February 6

Words are cheap when you shut down debate

Editorial The Age

The language Malcolm Turnbull deployed at the time of the leadership challenge now sounds hollow.

Comments 25

February 5

Tax debate is talking in circles

Editorial The Age

There is more to tax reform than just the GST consumption tax. A revision to income tax rates and, especially, tax thresholds is essential.

February 4

End offshore detention of refugees now

Editorial The Age

It is time for the government to declare an amnesty on asylum seekers and to rethink its wasteful, damaging and aimless policies.

Comments 31

February 3

Union corruption needs a strong watchdog

Editorial The Age

A regulator with teeth is required to tackle thuggish conduct in building union ranks.

February 2

Political donation regime open to abuse

Editorial The Age

The existing system is flawed, but all political parties are dragging their feet on reform.

February 1

Where is that tax paper, Mr Morrison?

Age Editorial dinkus.

Parliament gets back to business this week and we believe the Turnbull government needs to get on the front foot swiftly.

January 31

Justice should be Australia’s dream

The Age - Sunday - Editorial - Sunday Editorial

The disadvantage foisted on Indigenous Australians by ignorance or prejudice is holding the nation back. To do better, the voices of the Aboriginal community must be listened to, and heard.

January 30

Abbott risks looking like a bitter wrecker

Editorial The Age

Mr Turnbull and Mr Abbott and their colleagues rightly promote the Liberal Party as a broad church, but there is a difference between what Mr Abbott and those few others are doing and what constitutes a constructive contribution to policy debate.

Comments 70

January 29

Human rights losing to bad policies

Editorial The Age

Australians cannot afford to lose sight of the values that make us great people. Reports, such as the latest one by Human Rights Watch, provide a broader and much-needed perspective.

January 28

Bring on same-sex marriage bill now

Editorial The Age

Countless polls have shown that a clear majority of Australian voters – by a count of almost three to one – want the Marriage Act amended to allow same-sex marriage.

Comments 6

January 27

Be bold, be brave and bridge the gaps

Editorial The Age

For this to be a truly free nation, Australians must quit paying lip service to equality, and act it every day.

January 26

Honouring those who make Australia great

Age Editorial dinkus.

All the fine sentiments on Australia Day about the values of our nation would stand for nothing without the people who truly make this a great community.

Comments 1

January 25

Potent climate policies urgently needed

Editorial The Age

In this election year, The Age urges the major political parties to develop comprehensive, cogent and effective policies to reduce carbon emissions.

Comments 5

January 24

Fair play is best, sport

The Age - Sunday - Editorial - Sunday Editorial

Few modern professional sports have escaped the taint of cheating, whether in the hollow pursuit of victory at any cost, or perhaps more surprisingly, a deliberate loss.

January 23

Off-court controversy tarnishes tennis fest

Editorial The Age

It's been a bad week for Tennis Australia, with off-court drama overshadowing the on-court extravaganza that is the Australian Open.

January 22

VLocity’s trip failure is the latest woe

Editorial The Age

The investment in public transport, and transport networks generally, simply has not kept pace with what Victorians need now or in the future. The government is perpetually in catch-up mode.

January 21

The dopes who cheat need to be caught

Editorial The Age

Those who do not question what is in the bottle, or assure themselves about the contents, will ultimately deceive themselves. Doping must be eradicated so that fair competition is not undermined


Election should be about cutting inequality

Editorial The Age

Solving inequality is about politics as much as it is about economics. We support Malcolm Turnbull's optimism, and trust he can help generate changes that make it an even better time to be alive for an even bigger number of Australians.

Comments 74

January 19

Unravelling the lies about refugees

Editorial The Age

The reputations of 10 innocent and diligent people were trashed by testy bureaucrats who jumped at shadows.

January 18

Victoria's disgrace: no new schools

Editorial The Age

Rather than ducking behind tired excuses and finger-pointing, the state government needs to recognise the impending crisis in our education system and find innovative solutions.

Comments 1

January 17

Europe’s heart must be open to refugees

Editorial The Age

Europe is uneasy about the term "multiculturalism" but should recognise the continent, with its rich cultural diversity and history, is the very embodiment of this concept.

January 16

Violence and mayhem will not win

Editorial The Age

Routing murderous militants requires methodical and meticulous work, and Australia must support Indonesia through it all.

January 15

We deserve clarity about fire decisions

Editorial The Age

Victorians deserve to know the facts about the Wye River fire and the level of rigour that went into the assessment of fire-management strategies before it took off.

January 14

Police intercept put motorists at risk

Editorial The Age

Nothing about this action represents sound management or good policy. The actions warrant an independent investigation, not merely an internal one.

January 13

Negligence that beggars belief

Editorial The Age

Future generations will ask how a club could be so fundamentally negligent when it came to the one thing that mattered above all else: the health and welfare of the players in its charge.

January 12

An inexplicable failure by Parks Victoria

Editorial The Age

The revelation that toxic waste was washed into the Yarra raises serious questions for the organisation.

January 11

Stop playing and start planning for Victoria

Editorial The Age

Victoria's transport infrastructure requires a thorough, comprehensive plan that takes into account present and future needs.

Comments 3